My Learning Has Mutated

Chapter 121: 【The Magical Use of Jade Pendant】

"Don't you two feel nothing?"

Seeing that Lu Li and Jiang Xiaogu seemed to be doing nothing, Jiang Xu couldn't help trembling as he asked.

Lu Li felt the situation in his body and said, "I feel a little bit, but not too strong."

Jiang Xiaogu also nodded and said, "If you go closer to the river, you might feel a little bit."

The two of them sang together, and Jiang Xu almost vomited blood.

Think about it, the strength of the two is simply incomparable to them.

They really should go to a deeper place to cultivate.

Thinking about it, Jiang Xu suggested, "Then why don't you go to the river to practice? It's not necessary to get together to practice, it's too inefficient."

"Furthermore, this is not the most suitable place for me and the squad leader to practice. Lingmeng only gives us five anti-cold pills, so we should practice at least two to three hours each time, and then eat one anti-cold pill each time. Every three hours, eat the anti-cold pill, rest for an hour, and practice again, so that you can practice without wasting the rest time.”

Jiang Xu's analysis was straightforward.

However, this statement was quickly denied by Jiang Xiaogu.

"Brother Jiang Xu is half right, but the most suitable training time should be two hours, and then take a rest for an hour after eating the anti-cold pill in the middle."

Jiang Xiaogu analyzed: "In this way, it takes fifteen hours to cultivate and rest, and for the rest of the time, go back to the room for a deep rest. It is necessary to combine work and rest. Otherwise, excessive cultivation will eventually lead to The result is not as good as regular practice.”

"I see."

When the three heard the words, they couldn't help but nodded.

In terms of cultivation, Jiang Xiaogu's theory is obviously more reliable.

Her strength can improve so fast, she spends much more time on cultivation every day than them, and she can see farther.

Jiang Xu represents the general psychology among ordinary students.

After all, this kind of cultivation in the Holy Land of cultivation does not come every time.

Most of the students were thinking that they would try their best to cultivate as many points as possible during these seven days.

Who would want to waste 8-9 hours a day on deep rest?

However, the fact is that high-intensity practice was fine for the first two days, but as the time of high-intensity practice became longer, the body became more and more unbearable.

It's not a long-term solution after all.

After all, this practice lasted for seven days.

"Thank you Xiaogu. After you said that, I felt that I was too stupid when I was cultivating on Lingshan."

Chen Siyu sighed a little.

Hearing this, Jiang Xiaogu shook his head and said with a smile, "No. It's different. We only have two or three days on Lingshan. In theory, this kind of short-term cultivation is the most suitable for high-intensity cultivation. The language is actually very clever."

Being praised by Jiang Xiaogu, Chen Siyu couldn't help blushing and said, "No... I just listened to what other students said at the time. Now I understand why!"

Jiang Xu also said: "That means, we can practice normally for a few days, and then start high-intensity training in the last two or three days?"

Jiang Xiaogu nodded and said, "Theoretically, this is possible."

"I see!"

Jiang Xu and Chen Siyu were enlightened by Jiang Xiaogu's advice.

Then continue to ask Jiang Xiaogu for more insights on cultivation.

The three of them communicated with each other, while Lu Li listened silently and did not speak.

Because at this time, he has secretly used his spiritual power to link the Tongyou Jade Pendant.

Enter a state of vision.

As the world in front of him darkened, the street scene in front of Lu Li's eyes was filled with purple mist.

The purple air in the air is quite strong.

Any place is several times denser than what Lu Li saw by the river before!

Looking to the other side of the river, the purple yin was so thick that it blocked the view, and I couldn't see far away, only purple.

Moreover, Lu Li noticed that every student present in the cultivation state absorbs the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, and the purple yin energy is also absorbed by them at the same time.

Moreover, these purple qi will also accumulate in the human body.

"This purple yin qi is really different from the red yin qi."

Lu Li murmured in his heart.

Although the red yin qi can also be absorbed by breathing, it will only feel cold when absorbed, and it will dissipate quickly and will not accumulate in the human body.

And this purple yin qi will accumulate in the human body, and it will accumulate more and more.

"In this way, if it is not dissipated in time, it is easy to cause damage to the internal organs."

Lu Li thought.

This is probably the reason why the Spirit Alliance and the City Guard will block off this area.

I am afraid that these purple yin qi will spread out and harm others.

Most of the surrounding residents practice the breathing method.

The principle of breathing is actually to absorb the energy that pervades the universe.

Heaven and earth spiritual qi is energy, and yin qi is also a kind of energy.

Therefore, once you practice the breathing method, you will unknowingly take in this purple yin qi.

If it is ingested by adults, it is fine. Adults have strong physical resistance. If you seek medical treatment in time, there is still help.

If it is absorbed by a child, it will easily lead to a lifetime of disease and affect future cultivation.

In severe cases, they die on the spot, or become vegetative.

With such a dangerous Yin Qi, the Spirit Alliance and the City Guard would naturally not sit idly by.

"There should be some kind of rune that inhibits the spread of Yin Qi on the wall of this huge steel building."

However, there is no such thing as an impermeable force in the world.

A small part of the yin qi still spread to the street outside.

Therefore, the Lingmeng and the City Guard continued to expand the blockade in the name of spiritual power fluctuations.


Lu Li looked at Jiang Xu and Chen Siyu.

It was found that the purple yin qi accumulated in the two people's bodies began to be dispelled little by little under the action of the anti-cold pill at this time.

The performance of the two also gradually improved.

Although the concentration of purple yin qi accumulated in the two people's bodies is similar to the yin qi concentration in the outside air.

However, due to the low strength of the two, they naturally couldn't compare with Lu Li and Jiang Xiaogu.

Lu Li also glanced at Jiang Xiaogu's internal body.

It was found that the purple yin qi accumulated in Jiang Xiaogu's body was several times stronger than Jiang Xu and the others!

After all, the strength of Lu Li and Jiang Xiaogu is there. The stronger the strength, the faster the cultivation speed and the more Yin Qi accumulated.

Lu Li also glanced at the yin qi accumulated in his body, and found that the yin qi in his body was not less than Jiang Xiaogu at all, but more than twice that of Jiang Xiaogu!

However, Lu Li didn't feel much discomfort.

This is probably related to the sword heart in Lu Li's body.

The effect of the sword heart made Lu Li naturally have a strong resistance to the energy of yin qi.

Thinking about it, Lu Li began to try to use the jade pendant to absorb the purple yin deposited in his body with the mentality of giving it a try.


With no effort, he mobilized the Yin Qi in his body!

The deposited Yin Qi was mobilized from Lu Li's body, extracted from the lower abdomen, merged into the jade pendant, and then transformed into pure spiritual power, which flowed into Lu Li's body through Lu Li's nose and mouth.


This process lasted for a minute, and the purple Yin Qi in Lu Li's body obviously faded by half!

There was still a little bit of cold feeling at first, but now it has disappeared.


Lu Li couldn't help but be surprised.

Tongyou jade pendant can absorb these yin qi, which is equivalent to that Lu Li doesn't need a cold-proof pill at all.

Others will not dare to go to places too close to the river to practice because of the presence of purple yin.

But Lu Li was completely different.

With the Tongyou jade pendant, he can use the breathing technique anywhere at will!

Lu Li suddenly felt that the vicinity of the ruins at the bottom of the river was too suitable for his cultivation.

"Unfortunately, I can only stay here for seven days."

Thinking about it, Lu Li couldn't help shaking his head.

"Lu Li, let's go."

At this moment, Jiang Xiaogu's voice sounded from the side.

Jiang Xiaogu patted Lu Li on the shoulder.

Only then did Lu Li cut off the link with the Tongyou Jade Pendant, turned to look at Jiang Xiaogu, and asked, "What's wrong?"

Seeing Lu Li's slightly dazed appearance, Jiang Xiaogu only felt inexplicably stupid.

He couldn't help but poked his forehead with his finger and said with a smile, "What are you thinking, you are always in a daze. Let's go, let's go to the river and try to practice."


Hearing this, Lu Li couldn't help looking at Jiang Xu and Chen Siyu, and said, "What about you?"

Chen Siyu said, "I feel much better. Jiang Xu and I are going to try to practice in Building 1."

"Yeah, why are you in a daze? Didn't you listen to what we said?"

Jiang Xu also asked.

Hearing this, Lu Li couldn't help but shyly said: "I was thinking about something just now, then you should pay attention to safety when you are cultivating there, and try to practice in some places where you can see the staff of the Spirit Alliance and the City Guard."

Chen Siyu also nodded and said, "Well, you too."

Jiang Xu said, "Then we will gather together tomorrow morning to report the situation? At eight o'clock, let's have breakfast together."


So said.

The four were split into two teams.

Lu Li and Jiang Xiaogu went to the direction of the river.

On the way to the river, Jiang Xiaogu couldn't help but be curious, and asked Lu Li, "What were you thinking about just now?

"I'm thinking about cultivation."

"Cultivation? Did you encounter any problems? Tell me about it."

"Uh, no, I've figured it out."

"Alright then... Anyway, if you have any discomfort, you must tell me in time, don't be too arrogant."

Jiang Xiaogu thought that Lu Li was not feeling well after absorbing the spiritual energy here, so he couldn't help but feel a little concerned.

"Don't worry, I'm fine."

Feeling Jiang Xiaogu's concern, Lu Li felt a little warm in his heart.

When the two walked, they involuntarily approached each other.


Come to the river.

The concentration of spiritual energy between heaven and earth has indeed risen by another level.

And the closer you get to the bridge, the stronger the aura.

And Yin Qi is almost as strong as Spirit Qi.

There are already many students cultivating by this river. Among them, Lu Li also saw Ye Ming, Ye Zhun, Chen Xu and others from the same school here.

Seeing this, Lu Li and Jiang Xiaogu found an empty pavilion by the river.

Put down the futon and sit cross-legged.

Before entering the cultivation state, Lu Li first linked the secluded jade pendant, entered the state of spiritual vision, and looked towards the middle of the river.

As a result, only a vast purple mist could be seen, blocking the line of sight.

The purple yin was too thick and too strong to see the purple air mass in the center.

Lu Li had to disconnect the link to the jade pendant, but he was able to go further.

There are many big lights on the river, you can see the content of the river.

See the center of the Raoshui River Bridge, UU reading www. passed an elevator and went straight down.

On the water, there is a huge platform.

In the middle of the platform is a hollow circle with a diameter of more than 100 meters. Below the circle is the gurgling river, and on the edge of the circle are many instruments.

"There should be the location of the purple air mass."

Lu Li also noticed a person standing beside the circle.

Although it was very far apart, Lu Li recognized at a glance that the man was the Minister of White Gloves.

Don't know what he's doing there.

Intuition told Lu Li that the circle


(ps: Four chapters have been updated today. After a rough calculation, it adds up to 13400 words! Quite a lot, everyone else has a chapter of 2000 words! This is equivalent to six chapters of others! _(:з)∠ )_. In short, in the future, at least two chapters will be drawn every day, and more will be added occasionally. Finally, ask for a subscription, ask for a monthly pass, ask for a recommended ticket! )

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