My Learning Has Mutated

Chapter 115: 【Competition (Part 2)】

"you come up!"

Wu Shichao's provocative tone immediately drew everyone's attention to Lu Li.

Most of the students didn't know Lu Li, so they were a little surprised at the moment.

But seeing Lu Li's appearance is quite handsome, although he is about 1.8 meters tall, but he is not that kind of particularly strong stature. Compared with Wu Shichao, he seems a little weak.

The students onlookers speculated:

"Did this boy offend Wu Shichao?"

"At first glance, it doesn't look like he can fight very well."

"But it would be too embarrassing to be named in public, if not."

"Shame, do you want to be ashamed or lose your life? Have you seen the fist as big as a sandbag?"

"Wait, that person... looks like Lu Li?"

Someone in the crowd quickly recognized Lu Li.

There were many students from the Lingwu class. After all, it was Ye Zhun who was challenged today. The fourth student in the Lingwu class, and the student with a high level of spiritual power that they had been in contact with most often, naturally came to watch.

In addition, these days, Wu Shichao was out and challenged the students of Lingwu class everywhere.

And every time, the students of the Lingwu class end in a fiasco.

Originally, when Ye Zhun faced the battle this time, they wanted to see how Ye Zhun could defeat this arrogant Wu Shichao.

As a result, Ye Zhun also lost!

Other students were even more afraid to go up.

And now, Lu Li appeared!

The students of Lingwu class all seemed to see hope!

In the crowd, Lai Jingxuan and others were also watching the battle.

When several people saw Wu Shichao provoking Lu Li in the audience, they couldn't help but be surprised.

"Jing Xuan, look! It's Lu Li!"

When the boys around Lai Jingxuan saw Lu Li, they couldn't help showing surprises on their faces!

Although they had some festivals with Lu Li before, but now, they all share the same hatred.

After all, Ye Zhun, one of the cards in the Lingwu class, was beaten down just now, and they were all very aggrieved.

There is an urgent need for someone to frustrate Wu Shichao's spirit.

So when they saw Lu Li appear, they were all looking forward to it.

Only Lai Jingxuan lowered his head, feeling complicated.

Especially after seeing the boys around him cheering for Lu Li's appearance, he became even more silent.

"What? Don't you dare to come up?"

On the stage, Wu Shichao saw that Lu Li had no intention of going up, so he couldn't help but provoke him.

"Old fish, forget it, ignore him."

Jiang Xu, who was beside him, couldn't help but persuade.

Although Lu Li had reached 702 points, Jiang Xu had never seen Lu Li in actual combat.

Moreover, Wu Shichao is not a good person. Like Lu Li, he was taken by Lingmeng, which means that Wu Shichao may also be like Lu Li, and his strength has greatly improved.

In the afternoon, Lu Li and the others were going to participate in the training activities organized by Lingmeng.

"Lu Li..."

Chen Siyu thought the same way, and looked at Lu Li with some worry.


However, he saw that Lu Li had indifference written all over his face at this time.

The reason why he suddenly stopped talking was because he was surprised.

Surprised by the changes in Wu Shichao's body.

Just now, after Wu Shichao defeated Ye Zhun, Lu Li clearly felt that the spiritual energy in Wu Shichao's body seemed to have increased a lot in an instant!

This surprised Lu Li.

When Wu Shichao and Ye Zhun were fighting just now, the spiritual power in his body would overflow unconsciously. Lu Li has the Wuji sword heart and can easily feel the change of spiritual power.

And now, Wu Shichao's aura of spiritual power has indeed become much stronger!

Lu Li thought of a possibility.

Awakened people's cultivation methods are different from ordinary people. They have their own special cultivation methods.

Minister White Glove gave an example of watching cartoons to increase spiritual power.

"Could it be that Wu Shichao's cultivation method is to fight with people?"

Lu Li guessed in his heart.

Because Minister White Glove also said that the special cultivation method of the awakened person is related to the awakened person.

And Wu Shichao liked to do things so much before his awakening, so his cultivation method is to fight with people, it seems not impossible.

In addition, Wu Shichao has been looking for a variety of students to date.

It is very likely that he is cultivating in the name of the competition!

Of course, this is just Lu Li's guess.

Thinking about it, Lu Li patted the shoulders of the two friends beside him, and said, "It's okay."

Then got up.

Under the amazement and anticipation of all the students, they stepped onto the competition stage.

The audience immediately focused on Lu Li.

When Wu Shichao saw that Lu Li actually came up, he was surprised, and the corner of his mouth couldn't help showing excitement.

"I didn't expect that you would dare to come up. It's very kind!"

Wu Shichao couldn't help sneering.

"It seems that you forgot who beat you up to find your teeth last time."

Facing Wu Shichao's aggressive smiling face, Lu Li just replied indifferently.

In a word, Wu Shichao's words changed slightly.

Wu Shichao still remembers the last time when he was careless and his teeth were loosened by the uppercut punched by Lu Li. Later, he tripped over and fell to the ground, losing a few teeth.

Toothache just thinking about it!

However, this time is different!

He sneered: "Last time you were just lucky. If the captain didn't ask me not to trouble you, guess how many teeth you have left now?"

Hearing this, Lu Li's face still did not fluctuate.

He looked at Wu Shichao's mouth full of yellow teeth mixed with a few white teeth that were obviously inconsistent in color, and couldn't help but chuckle: "It seems that the master who fills your teeth is good, and he has a new order today."

Hearing Lu Li's sarcastic words, Wu Shichao's smile froze slightly.

Anger began to appear in his eyes.

His voice became cold and he sneered: "It seems that you are very confident, and you dare to talk to me like this after seeing that Ye Zhun, the fourth student in the school, was beaten by me. There are four special students in our school, and the other two are I can't last a minute under my hands, I hope you can last a little longer and give me some 'surprise'!"

When talking about surprises, Wu Shichao paused deliberately, as if to emphasize something.

When Lu Li heard this, he just raised his eyebrows slightly.

The two special students Wu Shichao mentioned were undoubtedly the awakened ones.

The two Awakened Lu Li also knew a little. They seemed to be of the elemental system. Under the circumstance of the mortal level, they were naturally not the opponents of Wu Shichao of the power system.

"Uh, that..."

At this time, Wu Shichao's younger brother looked at the two people on the competition stage who were starting to be at war with each other, and he couldn't help but hesitantly said: "Then, I will read the rules of the competition now. Those who fall under the competition stage during the competition are considered losers... ."

"It's alright, alright, who doesn't know about breaking the rules. I say every day, my ears are getting calluses! Let's start right away!"

Wu Shichao said impatiently.

"Oh, well, well, then, this contest will start now!"

After the younger brother finished speaking, he immediately ran down.

The hearts of the students in the audience could not help but be raised.

Students who didn't know Lu Li were amazed at Lu Li's courage.

The students who knew Lu Li were expecting Lu Li to be able to compete for their Lingwu class.

On the other hand, Jiang Xu and Chen Siyu and other classmates were a little worried.

None of them knew what Wu Shichao's true strength had reached.

This competition is an unknown!

Just thinking about it.

Wu Shichao, who was on the stage, suddenly shouted loudly, and charged towards Lu Li with a fierce light in his eyes.

The thick fists rattled, and the posture seemed to be able to tear Lu Li to pieces with one punch.

"Sure enough, it's a little stronger than before."

Everyone raised their hearts to their throats, but Lu Li still didn't look flustered.

Instead, he carefully felt the spiritual power changes on Wu Shichao's body, and the black and white dao lines on his eyebrows were looming.

Then, Lu Li moved.

Lu Li did not dodge, but also raised a punch.

His eyes narrowed, and then he slammed out a punch, which slammed with Wu Shichao's hard punch.

The two punches, one big and one small, have great visual impact.

Then, I heard a muffled crack!

All the students heard the muffled sound.

They are all astonished!

Lu Li's hand was broken? !

This is the first possibility that everyone thinks of.

However, when everyone was thinking like this, they saw Wu Shichao's gradually excited smile condensed in an instant, and then he showed an extremely painful expression!

Wu Shichao only felt as if he was punched on the iron block.

The giant shock caused his phalanx to break!

The pain caused him to take a few steps backwards.

On the other hand, Lu Li took a slight step back during the collision!

Seeing this scene, all the students were immediately shocked! Surprised!

Lu Li actually fought against Wu Shichao and won?

Lu Li, whose body was significantly worse than Wu Shichao by one round, actually won a fight against Wu Shichao!

Even the students of the Lingwu class did not expect such a result!

Because Wu Shichao's big muscles are so visually striking, and the scene where he hit Ye Zhun with a series of punches just now is still vivid in his mind!

I never thought that Lu Li would actually be able to beat Wu Shichao in the competition of power!

Even Wu Shichao himself was shocked!

He used a lot of force in this punch!

The purpose was to smash Lu Li's indifferent and arrogant face with one punch!

In the end, he never imagined that Lu Li's power was far beyond his imagination!

"Didn't you say that the strength of the awakened person, as the strength increases, the body will also change significantly? Why, Lu Li is still a normal person's physique!"

Wu Shichao cried out in his heart.

He didn't want to believe the fact that Lu Li actually beat him in strength!

Lu Li didn't even join the Spirit Alliance.

He didn't go to the Spiritual Union to receive the training of the power-type awakeners, how on earth did he improve so fast! ?

Wu Shichao was in a moment of shock and doubt.

Seeing Lu Li's fingers on his left hand suddenly changed.

Then, Wu Shichao felt as if his feet were being pulled by some invisible force!

Under Wu Shichao's astonishment, his body involuntarily fell backwards.

Fortunately, Wu Shichao responded in a timely manner, only then did he stabilize his body.

However, just when Wu Shichao finally stabilized his figure.

Seeing that Lu Li had already taken a stride, he rushed in front of him!

The two looked at each other at close range.

Wu Shichao saw Lu Li's increasingly cold eyes!

When the students under the stage saw this scene, they were all shocked!

Lu Li's movements are so fast!

Almost at the moment when Wu Shichao was unstable, Lu Li had already deceived himself and came to Wu Shichao.

Then, he saw that Lu Li's right hand had already formed a fist.

Under the astonished gazes of everyone including Wu Lu Li's whole body's spiritual power suddenly dropped a little!

Immediately punched out!


This punch, with an unparalleled strong wind, slammed firmly into Wu Shichao's abdomen!

Wu Shichao only felt as if his abdomen had been hit by a cannonball, and his eyes suddenly bulged out.

Then, an unparalleled force struck, blasting his entire body out!

Wu Shichao's body suddenly smashed off the stage like a kite with no strings attached!


Among the students who were watching, Wu Shichao's body flew over, all of them screamed in surprise, and quickly avoided him.

Then he watched Wu Shichao's body smashed to the ground and slipped out for more than ten meters before he could barely stop!

Eyes rolled.

lose consciousness!

All of this happened almost in an instant.

It took almost ten seconds for the two of them to take action, to Wu Shichao being blasted off the stage!

Many people didn't even remember what happened just now, and they saw Wu Shichao fly upside down and fell unconscious on the ground.

The audience was shocked!


After a long time, there was an uproar that resounded throughout the stadium!

Even Lai Jingxuan, who had been silent in the audience for a long time, was shocked by his glasses.

He shouted loudly, "Fuck!"

Ye Zhun, who just got up from the ground, didn't even know what was going on, when he saw that Wu Shichao was already lying down under the stage, motionless.


Wu Shichao's younger brothers watched the boss get knocked out with a punch, and they were scared out of their noses!

Jiang Xu and Chen Siyu were even more shocked!

The exclamations of the audience continued for a long time!

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