My Learning Has Mutated

Chapter 113: 【Competition (Part 1)】

Lu Li carried the sleeping bag behind his back and did not put it in a different dimension.

Because this sleeping bag will be taken out sooner or later, if it is changed directly, it will be difficult to explain.

However, when Lu Li just returned to class.

I found that the class was very quiet at this time, and there were only two girls reading quietly.

Lu Li was slightly surprised, because there were quite a lot of people in the class even at noon.

After all, the college entrance examination is approaching, and students are reluctant to miss any chance to review.

And today there are so few people.

At this time, a girl saw Lu Li walking in and couldn't help but wonder, "Student Lu Li, don't you go to the gym to watch them compete?"

"Wrestling in the gymnasium?"

Hearing this, Lu Li remembered what Jiang Xu told him yesterday.

That Wu Shichao has been challenging other students recently.

And this time, it was Ye Zhun who was the fifth in the school in the spiritual power index of the challenge!

"Yes, they all went to see it. By the way, Lu Li, do you know how to solve this problem? I solved it for a long time, and I feel that no matter how I solve it, it is wrong."

Seeing that Lu Li didn't watch the fun, the girl hurriedly brought her math problems to Lu Li to solve them.

Lu Li has been praised by various teachers in class these days.

The Xueba people set up firmly.

On weekdays, the students were embarrassed to ask Lu Li for advice, but now that there are few people in the classroom, the girl mustered up the courage to ask, with a little blush on her face.

Lu Li was originally handsome, but since his strength improved, his handsomeness became more and more obvious.

I can see that the hearts of the girls of the same age are chaotic.

"Let me see."

Lu Li didn't reject her request, after all, it was just a little effort for him.

Lu Li came to her seat and glanced at the topic she was talking about.

Discovery is not that complicated.

He helped her figure it out.

He received a look of admiration from the girl: "Wow! You are so amazing, classmate Lu Li, why didn't I think of such a solution?"

"There is a similar solution to this problem in the workbook. You can turn to page 36 of the workbook, the fourth major problem. The teacher also talked about that problem."

"That's amazing! Do you even remember what pages and questions?"

After the girl opened the book, she found that there were examples on it.

The solution is exactly the same as the question type.

Lu Li was a little embarrassed by the girls' praise.

The girl asked a few more questions. After Lu Li answered them one by one, he received a call from Jiang Xu.

Lu Li answered the phone.

Then I heard Jiang Xu's voice was a little noisy: "Hey, Lao Yu, where have you been? Come to the gym, the fight is about to start! The gym is full of people now, you won't be able to squeeze in if you don't come. "

"Is it such a big battle?"

Lu Li didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Apart from cultivating and studying, students usually have too few recreational activities?

I like watching the fun so much.

Lu Li also became interested, hung up the phone, put the sleeping bag on his desk, and quickly went downstairs.

When I came to the gym, it was really crowded.

Other sports venues were also full of students, so students who wanted to play badminton, volleyball and table tennis had nowhere to go, so they were forced to join the crowd of onlookers.

See you on the competition stage.

Standing there was a familiar figure, it was Wu Shichao who had not seen him for a long time.

After not seeing him for a long time, Wu Shichao's muscle lines became more and more obvious, and his size was obviously a circle larger than that of ordinary students of the same age.

His younger brother shouted for him under the stage, and he was quite proud on stage.

Afterwards, Lu Li saw a few students walking towards the exit, helping a student with a bruised nose and a swollen face.

These students, Lu Li, had also met in the Lingwu class.

"It's so miserable to be beaten like this."

"This person seems to be the top ten Wang Lin in our school, right?"

"Yeah, it was him who was beaten to the ground in less than 30 seconds. That Wu Shichao was too generous, right?"

"You look at the muscles on his body, are you kidding me?"

"He punched me on the body, I guess I can ascend to the sky on the spot."

The surrounding students exclaimed.

Expressing surprise at Wu Shichao's terrifying strength.

And Wu Shichao's true strength has also become a mystery. People only know that he has recently begun to challenge the most powerful students in the school, and he has never been defeated.

But not today.

Because among the people Wu Shichao is going to challenge today, there is also Ye Zhun!

Now, most of the students in the school don't know that Lu Li has become the "No. 1 in the school", and they regard Ye Zhun as the No. 4 in the school.

The gap between fourth and tenth is still very large, so they are all looking forward to the next battle!

Lu Li couldn't help but burrow into the crowd.

In the end, he found Jiang Xu and Chen Siyu and other classmates in the front row.

"Old fish, you can count."

While Jiang Xu was preparing to record a video with his mobile phone, he hammered Lu Li with his hand.

"Hasn't it started yet?"

Lu Li just asked.

I heard a sudden noise from the audience.

Then, in the crowd, a familiar face stepped onto the stage.

It was Ye Zhun.

Ye Zhun had already taken off his school uniform jacket and played with short sleeves. Although his muscles were not as exaggerated as Wu Shichao's, he was still fit.

As soon as he came to power, there was a burst of cheers.

"Ye Zhun! Ye Zhun! Ye Zhun!"

The students shouted his name.

These days, I have heard too much news about Wu Shichao's victory over other students.

The most important thing is that every time Wu Shichao wins, he will ridicule a few words arrogantly.

It caused the students to secretly hope that he would get a lesson from someone stronger. UU reading

However, for so many days, no one could beat him.

So, when Ye Zhun came to power, the audience was boiling.

As if all hope was pinned on him.

After all, the Big Three seldom show up, and it is impossible for them to end the game. Only the first person under the Big Three, Ye Zhun, will teach this ignorant Wu Shichao a lesson!

Ye Zhun looked at Wu Shichao with disdain on his face.

He had just observed Wu Shichao's fighting, and his skills were mediocre.

Several times that Wang Lin had the opportunity to knock him down, but Wang Lin did not seize the opportunity.

Ye Shizuo was different. He was more than a hundred points higher than that Wang Lin by his spiritual power index!

From 300 to 400, it is the first step of the mortal level, and the improvement is huge.

Completely incomparable.

However, Wu Shichao looked at Ye Zhun with no fear on his face, instead he was a little excited.

The corners of Wu Shichao's mouth curled up in a provocative manner, and he asked, "I heard that you are the first person under the Big Three, so you should be quite strong, right? How much is your spiritual power index?"

Ye Zhun also sneered and said, "Want to know? Come and try and you'll know."

"OK, alright!"

Wu Shichao laughed arrogantly.

Afterwards, their eyes turned cold at the same time.

Wu Shichao's younger brother acted as the referee. He read out the rules and said: "In this competition, whoever falls to the ground for more than ten seconds will lose; whoever is knocked off the stage first will lose. No props are allowed in the process, no... "

Before the younger brother finished reading, Wu Shichao pushed him away: "Okay, okay, the rules have been said just now, let's start quickly."

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