My Learning Has Mutated

Chapter 110: 【Monster Hunter】

Incorporate the Yan Mojian into the different-dimensional space.

The temperature in the air only rose a little.

The buff of spiritual power recovery continued. After more than ten seconds, the spiritual power group in Lu Li's body finally regained its radiance.

Lu Li hurriedly mobilized the remaining spiritual energy and gathered it towards his hands.

The warmth finally returned to his hands, and the ice and snow melted.

The frost on Lu Li's body had been washed away by the increasing rain, only the ice on his hands was completely frozen, and he almost lost consciousness.

When the ice on his hands melted completely, exposing large swathes of red-red skin from freezing, a burst of pain from frostbite also filled his hands.


When his fingers flexed and extended a little, Lu Li bared his teeth in pain.

"I didn't expect that even after drawing the sword and sheathing it so quickly, I was still frostbitten."

Lu Li endured the pain and continued to use his spiritual power to warm his hands.

"However, this at least shows that the method of forcibly using Yan Mojian with the speed of instant slash is feasible!"

When Lu Li used instant slash for the first time just now, the speed of swinging his sword was almost instantaneous, which made Lu Li see the possibility of pulling out the Yan Mo sword.

Therefore, when Lu Li performed instant slash for the second time, he did not use the short sword, but took the risk of forcibly using the Yan Mo sword.

And Yan Mojian did not disappoint Lu Li.

Its sharpness is far beyond Lu Li's imagination.

With just one sword, the black panther was cut in half!

I didn't even feel the slightest sense of frustration.

As if slashed into the air.

Draw out the sword, retract the sword.

Flowing clouds and flowing water.

But when Lu Li slashed the black panther with a short sword just now, Lu Li clearly felt a sense of frustration, and couldn't completely break its defense.

It can be seen how exaggerated the sharpness of this Yan Mo sword is.

It is not impossible to cut space.

Just with Lu Li's current strength, he couldn't use the true power of this sword at all.

Moreover, it will be backlashed by the extreme cold energy on this sword.

The speed at which the extreme cold spread was far from what Lu Li had expected.

Lu Li glanced at the situation in the cemetery.

I saw that all the rain on the ground within a radius of 300 to 400 meters was frozen, and hail could not help falling for several seconds in the sky.

In less than a second, the surroundings turned into ice and snow.

The speed of this terrifying spread, if it was his original body, I'm afraid he would freeze to death just after the beheading.

Lu Li did not doubt this at all.

If it weren't for the fact that he had Jianxin, he had a certain resistance to the extreme cold of Yan Mojian, once he drew the sword, he would surely die.

Even with Jianxin, Lu Li's hands were severely frostbitten when he drew his sword at this moment.

However, I have to say.

If this move is used well, it will be a big killer move for him!

The premise is that there are no friendly troops and innocent passersby around.

Otherwise, oneself will be frozen, let alone others.

Thinking about it, Lu Li's hands also regained some flexibility.

He stepped forward.

Come to the black panther's body.

Then he squatted down, found his demon crystal from the black panther's body, and held it in his hand.

Feeling the change of Yin Qi on this demon crystal, Lu Li's face gradually became a little surprised.

The black panther's demon crystal is somewhat different from the one that Lu Li obtained from the white-skinned monster before, and the black panther's demon crystal is lighter in color. Moreover, this demon crystal is not only pure Yin Qi, but mixed with spiritual power.

The two formed a delicate balance in this crystal.

And, it's weird.

The yin qi in this demon crystal will not escape naturally, and it even absorbs the yin qi around it from time to time.

Although the absorption speed is very slow, it does have the ability to absorb Yin Qi.

This situation is somewhat similar to the jade pendant that is hanging on Lu Li's chest.

"Is this the difference between beast-shaped monsters and human-shaped monsters?"

Lu Li murmured.

His understanding of Yaoyi is limited to what he has seen and heard in the past few days, so it is difficult to judge.

However, one thing that can be roughly guessed is that the beast-shaped monster and the human-shaped monster are likely to be hostile.

Because the human-shaped monster crystal will continue to emit yin energy.

And the beast-shaped monster crystal will continue to absorb Yin Qi.

Like two incompatible extremes.

This also explains why it appeared here and attacked the black-haired monster.


Lu Li also sent this demon crystal into the different dimension space.

Instead, he took out a bottle of Coke with a red cap from the other-dimensional space!

Life Potion!

Lu Li unscrewed the bottle cap directly, raised his head and drank half the bottle under the rain.

The buff also pops up.

Continue to restore physical fitness for five minutes.

Soon, Lu Li felt that all the frostbitten parts of his body began to feel itching to varying degrees.

In particular, the frostbite on both hands was extremely itchy.

Lu Li endured it for more than a minute before the itchiness finally subsided.

The color of frostbite also gradually faded a lot.

Feeling that it was almost over, Lu Li took another sip, and then put the potion into the different-dimensional space.

He turned his head and glanced at the monster with black hair on the ground beside him.

That Yaoyi was also affected by Lu Li's Yan Mojian at this time, and his whole body was covered with frost.

And the yin qi in his body was already very thin.

He looked unbelievably weak.

I'm afraid I won't be able to live long in this state.

However, Lu Li still did not dare to underestimate him.

After all, when he was in a dying state just now, his yin qi suddenly surged.

Although Lu Li knew that he had this change because he ate the red fruit.

And now, another red fruit is on him.


"Since it can become so strong after eating the red fruit, why didn't it eat it earlier? Instead, it was deliberately kept until now?"

"Could it be that there are any side effects after eating this red fruit?"

The answer is unknown.

Anyway, I have one in my hand, so I can only study it slowly in the future.

Thinking about it, Lu Li used the gravity technique to pick up the short sword on the ground.

in hand.

Then he carefully observed this black-haired monster.

After confirming that he was indeed in a coma, he stepped forward quickly, and without hesitation, stabbed his sword into that black-haired bewitching heart!


The dagger cut into the flesh by three points, with Lu Li's strength, he was not able to directly pierce him to the point of chilling his heart!

Lu Li hurriedly pulled it out, then his eyes narrowed, and with all his strength, he plunged down suddenly!

This sword pierces the heart directly!

Just as he pierced into the heart of the black-haired monster, the black-haired monster's body twitched violently!

Lu Li sensed the movement, and without saying a word, he abandoned his sword and stepped back suddenly!

Carefully observe the movement of the black-haired demon body.

Until the yin qi on the black-haired Yaoyi completely disappeared.

Life is gone.

Lu Li breathed a sigh of relief.

"Looks like it's really dead!"

Although this black-haired demon and his own well have not made river water for so long.

But now he undoubtedly won't live long.

Why don't you give him a ride.

Moreover, if he survives the hardship and survives, knowing that one of the red fruits is on his body, it is difficult to guarantee that he will not be hostile to himself.

It's better to give him a ride, a hundred.

Thinking about it, Lu Li stepped forward.

Vigilantly slit his stomach with a dagger.

From the opponent's stomach, he found a demon crystal that was as red as blood.

After taking out the demon crystal, Lu Li completely relaxed.

This demon crystal is the same as the one Lu Li obtained from the white-skinned monster for the first time.

It is pure yin qi, and it emits yin qi from time to time.

However, the black-haired Yaoyi crystal is obviously much more yin than the white-skinned monster.

Lu Li remembered that before the black-haired Yaoyi ate the red fruit, the yin qi on his body felt inferior to that of the white-skinned monster.

"Could it be that this red fruit also has the effect of enhancing one's strength?"

Moreover, it seems that the improvement brought by eating the red fruit is quite exaggerated.

It is equivalent to the strength of this black-haired monster from more than 900 points, and suddenly jumped to the level of black iron three-star to four-star.

Such an increase is not an exaggeration.


"Whoa, whoa, whoa—"

At this moment, a piercing siren sounded from outside the cemetery.

"Is the city guard here?"

Lu Li remembered the sound of the siren, and he was undoubtedly a member of the City Guard.

This cemetery is not far from the headquarters of the City Guard and the Spirit Alliance.

So if there is a big movement, it will naturally be noticed soon.

Besides, this black panther used the roar three times.

This kind of beast roar in the safe area will definitely attract people from the city guards.

Thinking about it, Lu Li quickly put the demon crystal into the different-dimensional space.

Picking up the umbrella on the ground, he quickly fled to the forest where there was no siren.

There was thunder in the sky.

The rain washed the earth.

Ten minutes later.

A group of city guards wearing raincoats hurriedly surveyed the scene in the cemetery.

At this time in the sky, a figure stepping on a mechanical flying sword broke through the rain curtain and came under the astonished eyes of the members of the city guard.

The flying sword landed.

The man in the uniform of the Lingmeng stepped down from the flying sword.

The man didn't have an umbrella, but the rain couldn't hit him, as if there was some kind of protective shield that helped him isolate the rain.

He looked at the black panther corpse that was cut into two parts on the ground.

The fist in his hand clenched suddenly, and the blue veins on his forehead bulged slightly.

"My monster eater! Who! Who did it?!"

The man gritted his teeth and roared.

A city guard squad leader came up, and he could see the uniform on the man in front of him, indicating that his identity was almost at the same level as the head of the Lingmeng branch, so he introduced himself: "Hello, I'm the fourth in Raoshui Town. Team Captain, I..."

"Who killed this monster eating beast?"

The man ignored the squad leader and turned his head to look at him, his eyes were cold, as if he was about to kill someone.

The team leader was stunned for a while, and quickly said: "No, I don't know, we are also investigating..."


The man threw a business card to the team leader, and said coldly, "As soon as you find out who it is, let me know immediately. The person who finds that person first will be rewarded with 100 spirit stones!"

"One, one hundred spirit stones?!"

The captain was very surprised.

One hundred spirit stones, that's at least 80 million Huaxia coins!

Eighty million is not a small amount of money for a bronze-level spiritual practitioner!

The squad leader was extremely surprised, and couldn't help but glance at the business card thrown by the man.

When he saw the name above, the squad leader couldn't help showing a shocked expression.

"Yang Ming, the demon hunter?!!"

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