My Learning Has Mutated

Chapter 108: 【Draw your sword! (superior)】

One hit succeeded!

Without saying a word, Lu Li immediately used the gravity technique.

Trigger the red fruit on the ground.

Take it into your hands.

As soon as I got the fruit, I immediately felt a cold touch, and the yin qi continued to radiate from it.

Unlike the yin qi emanating from the demon crystal, the yin qi emanating from this fruit is almost constant, and can assimilate the surrounding heaven and earth aura.

This is something that the yin qi emanating from the demon crystal cannot do.

This is like the spiritual energy of heaven and earth and pure spiritual energy.

One can be integrated into all things in nature.

Once one is spilled, it will quickly disappear.

The yin qi of the demon crystal and the yin qi of the fruit gave Lu Li this feeling.

As for the inside of this red fruit, whether it is the same as the demon crystal, it can be absorbed directly with the jade pendant, but Lu Li has not tested it yet.

The current situation is not the time to do this kind of test.

Thinking about it, Lu Li's eyes could not help staring at the distance where the black panther fell!

The power of space was activated, and the red fruit was immediately collected into the different-dimensional space.

Instead, he took out a bottle of coke with a blue cap and held it in his hand.

Aether Potion!

Lu Li directly unscrewed the blue bottle cap and drank the whole bottle.

The buff icon suddenly appeared in front of me:

[Spiritual power recovery (minimal amount): Slowly restore spiritual power, increase spiritual power by 20%, and the effect lasts 09:59! 】

As soon as the buff came out, the spiritual power in the body that had been consumed a lot because of the instant slash just started to recover slowly.

At this time, Lu Li also began to slowly back away.

Lu Li could feel that the black panther's aura had not disappeared!

The instant slash just now, although it slashed the black panther firmly, it didn't kill it.

It's just re-damaging it.

Although this sword made it dissipate a lot of yin energy.

But the skinny camel was bigger than a horse, and the yin qi emanating from it was still much stronger than the white-skinned monster that Lu Li had seen before!

The blow just now didn't kill it, and it would be quite difficult to cut it after that!

All Lu Li can think of now is to leave here.

Then anonymously notify the people of Lingmeng to deal with it.

Anyway, when you get a fruit, you have already earned it with blood, so you don't need to be greedy for anything.

Lu Li thought about it like this, but saw the black panther who just fell in the rain and fog ahead, and now he got up again.

A pair of leopard pupils, glowing red in the rain and fog, looked directly at Lu Li.

Following that, there were bursts of resentful growls.

It stepped on the cat's footsteps and moved slowly, but its eyes kept falling on Lu Li.

Obviously, it has completely hated Lu Li.

In this situation, Lu Li just wants to leave, so I'm afraid it will be difficult!

Thinking about it, Lu Li couldn't help but glance at the black panther's wound.

However, he saw that a lot of yin gas was bubbling out from the wound.

Although its wound looked **** and shocking, it actually only cut through its flesh and did not hurt its internal organs.

The wound, which had been bleeding all the time, slowly began to stop because of the yin qi.

Lu Li could only watch the black panther surround him in the rain.

It's looking.

Look for the red fruit on Lu Li's body. At this time, it can't feel the existence of that fruit.

Although he didn't know where Lu Li hid the fruit, it obviously didn't intend to let Lu Li go.

It always kept a distance from Lu Li and walked around Lu Li.

As if staring at his prey, analyzing Lu Li, waiting for Lu Li to reveal his flaws.

As soon as Lu Li stepped back, the black panther also took a few steps forward.

One person and one beast fell into a stalemate for a while.

However, this impasse did not last long.

Soon, one person and one beast sensed the strange movement of the black hair, and they all attracted their attention.


In the distance, the black-haired monster was struggling to get up from the ground.

And at this moment, he was holding a bright red fruit in his hand!

Just now, when Lu Li and the black panther were facing each other in the distance, he secretly supported himself with the **** hand that had been bitten, and crawled towards the red fruit a few meters away. And successfully got this red fruit.

Aware of the black-haired bewitching movement, the black panther turned his head three times in one step, staring carefully at the black-haired bewitching movement.

It was hesitant.

Until it saw Hei Mao Yaoyi suddenly lifted the red fruit, hesitantly put it into his mouth.

It just couldn't stand up at all.


With a loud roar, he rushed towards Hei Mao Yaoyi.

And when the black-haired monster saw the black panther rushing towards him, he no longer hesitated.

Resolutely put the red fruit into his mouth.

Then, the black-haired Yaoyi suddenly showed an extremely painful expression.


Seeing this, the black panther seemed extremely apprehensive.

The body caused a sudden explosion, opened his **** mouth, and let out a huge roar! Just like when he yelled at Lu Li!

That roar, with unparalleled might, penetrated the rainwater and headed straight for the black-haired monster.

The black-haired and demonic left arm was originally bitten by the black panther until only flesh and blood were left. At this time, it was hit by the mighty chain of this huge roar. The whole person also flew out!

Like a kite with no strings, it flew away in the rain.

The bones of the whole body were also cracked and broken in this roar!

Lu Li could hear the crisp and terrifying sound of bones breaking from a distance, and he felt horrified!

This beast's roar, if you don't have the protective jade pendant from Jiang Xiaogu, I am afraid that just hearing the beast's roar will completely lose your ability to fight, and you can only wait to die, right?

That black-haired demon was played by the black panther for a long time, and he was covered in injuries.

Now that he is firmly under the power of the black panther's roar, even if he doesn't die, he may lose the ability to move.

Thinking of this, Lu Li didn't sit still at his feet, he pulled his legs and ran towards the gate of the cemetery!

If you don't run at this time, when will UU Reading wait?

However, Lu Li hadn't run out a few dozen meters.

He suddenly sensed that the yin qi on the black-haired Yaoyi behind him, the yin qi that was so weak that it almost disappeared, has grown strangely at this moment!

And it's growing like crazy!

Feeling the sudden increase in Yin Qi, Lu Li couldn't help but look back suddenly.


Seeing that Hei Mao Yaoyi had been thrown into the air at this time, he was howling in incomparable pain, as if there was something in his body that was about to explode!

Yin Qi is skyrocketing wildly!

In the end, his body fell to the ground, smashing a pool of blood!

At this time, the black panther flew up without hesitation.

As if it wanted to stop something on Hei Mao Yaoyi, it frantically bit the Hei Mao Yaoyi's throat.

Rip off pieces of flesh and blood!

Black blood surges!

That scene was extremely frightening!

Rao is Lu Li, and even looking at it, his stomach is churning.

However, even though the black panther had already achieved such a level, Lu Li could still feel that the yin qi in the black-haired monster was still growing uncontrollably!

"Is it because you ate that fruit?"

It was the first time that Lu Li saw such a scene, and he couldn't help but be very surprised!

Then, he saw that the blood and flesh of the black-haired Yaoyi's broken hands suddenly surged strangely.

And it's getting stronger!

As if something was about to grow!


A sound of flesh and blood growing violently! The black-haired Yaoyi's broken hands, at this moment, actually grew back!

Kong Wu's powerful hands stretched out suddenly and grabbed the black panther's throat in one fell swoop!

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