My Learning Has Mutated

Chapter 1: 【Lu carp】

"Parallel universe?"

"What about going back to the age of 18 and restarting the counter-attack life?"

in the classroom.

Lu Li hid his phone under the desk, lowered his head, and looked at the information about the world on his phone.

The more he looked, the deeper his frown became.

Unexpectedly, I just went to eat a pig's foot meal while I was off work, and as a result, I was smashed by a flower pot that fell from the tenth floor and returned to my 18-year-old high school class.

Classroom, classmates, school uniforms.

On the blackboard full of chalk powder, "99 days countdown to the college entrance examination!"

Everything is exactly the same as the high school classroom when I was eighteen.

Lu Li originally thought that he was just reborn, and he was still thinking about how he would make a lot of money in this life. Or rely on the last three months, cover your head and study hard, try to get into a good university or something.

After all, the last time Lu Li took the college entrance examination was eight years ago. Whether he could be admitted to the university in his previous life in this life is still a matter of choice!

And just when Lu Li silently planned the future and was eager to try.

The fat classmate at the same table suddenly took out a copy of "History of Senior Three: Modern Times" and put it on the desk.

When Lu Li saw the content of modern history, he was immediately dumbfounded!

What aura recovery, the awakened, the prehistoric beast, the underground civilization, the underwater civilization, the city in the sky......

I don't know, I thought it was a set of superhero movies!

If it weren't for the fact that after pinching the big fat leg of the tablemate, the tablemate screamed in pain, he would not have believed that this was actually true!

Yes, this is not only a parallel world similar to the earth, but also the aura is revived!

One night thirty-two years ago, the spiritual energy recovered.

The earth was enlarged to thousands of times its original size overnight.

After countless city residents woke up, they found that their houses were surrounded by large tracts of virgin forest, the wires were torn off, and all electrical systems were scrapped.

After that, countless humans began to awaken their abilities, and mythical creatures recovered from the ground.

The first awakened humans are called the Awakened.

And, every three years, new Awakeners appear.

Until the ninth year of the recovery of spiritual energy, after the last batch of Awakened Awakened and absorbed by various forces, there has never been a new Awakened in the world.

Six years later, a special set of breathing methods was announced by the awakened ones.

This breathing method allows humans who cannot wake up to absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth through acquired, master supernatural powers, and strengthen themselves.

And these human beings who cultivate in the day after tomorrow are called spiritual practitioners.

Thirty-two years of world change, countless human beings have gained opportunities,

And with it, there are also infinite dangers!

As soon as I opened the mobile phone web page, a piece of news that scared people to death just by the title came into view:

"Terror! In the Xunzhou area, a three-meter giant wolf broke through the defense line and attacked humans, causing five deaths and twelve injuries!"

"Shocked! A mountain in Panzhou turned out to be a giant beast, and it slapped a small town! The story behind it is appalling!"

"Scandal! A black-iron cultivator went into trouble and wreaked havoc in the city! He was criticized afterwards, and the person involved is suspected to be the son of a corporate executive!"

"Crazy! Two silver-level spiritual practitioners in Yangcheng tore each other! The two of them were exploded because of their gaming equipment. In reality, they had an appointment with a real person, almost destroying half of the XC area!"

"Disaster! The Jeju Cheng Group's failure to develop a new source of spirituality caused a hundred-mile explosion, with more than 100,000 casualties!"

All of these exaggerated titles make a point.

This world is very dangerous!

Alien beasts are rampant, and the world is shuffled.

Even if ordinary humans who have not awakened are hiding in relatively safe cities, they may be affected by the battles of spiritual practitioners at any time.

It's like a fight between gods and mortals!

"To become a spiritual practitioner, you must become a spiritual practitioner!"

After learning about this world, the only thought that popped into Lu Li's mind was to become a spiritual practitioner!

Since you can't escape, join them.

"However, becoming a spiritual practitioner is not an easy task."

Although the special breathing method can be learned by all people, it is also very difficult for ordinary people to become spiritual practitioners.

The breathing methods that exist on the market are actually very basic and very elementary.

Only by being admitted to Lingwu University can you learn more advanced breathing techniques.

However, it is not easy to get admitted to Lingwu University.

Not only does the cultural class need to reach the pass line, but there is also a crucial prerequisite...  

That is the spiritual power index!

The spiritual power index is a scoring standard for spiritual practitioners.

Judging from some posts on the Internet, if you want to be admitted to Lingwu University, your spiritual power index needs to be above 200!

Lu Li has just been reborn, and he still doesn't know what the 200 spiritual power index is.

I don't know what my spiritual power index is.

"Let me travel to this world, at least give me the memories of this world?"

Lu Li couldn't help crying out in his heart.

"Old fish, stop playing with your phone, Teacher Chen is watching you."

At this time.

The fat boy at the same table reminded Lu Li in a low voice, and stabbed him with his elbow.

Lu Li's tablemate is Jiang Xu, a chubby boy.

Lu Li was at the same table for three years in high school, and he was also Lu Li's most iron buddy in his previous life.

Although it is a parallel universe, fortunately, the people around him are still the same as in the previous life, so they are not too unfamiliar.

Hearing Jiang Xu reminding himself, Lu Li couldn't help but ask: "By the way, Lao Jiang, do you know what my spiritual power index is?"

Hearing this, Jiang Xu was obviously stunned for a moment.

He didn't seem to expect that Lu Li would ask this question.

But he didn't think much about it. After confirming that the teacher on the podium was not looking here, he replied in a low voice, "You seem to be around 158 last month, I can't remember. Why? You don't even have your own spiritual power index. remembered?"

"I just want to confirm."

Naturally, Lu Li couldn't say that he didn't know anything when he just crossed over.

Fortunately, the people and things around him are still the same as they were back then, otherwise they would be really confused.

"Is the spiritual power index 158? It seems to be a little far behind..."

Lu Li murmured in his heart.

It is said on the Internet that the minimum threshold for Lingwu University is at least 200 spiritual power index.

Seeing that there are only 99 days left until the college entrance examination, do you still have a chance to reach the 200 spiritual power index before the college entrance examination?

If you can't get into Lingwu University, your hope of becoming a spiritual practitioner will be even slimmer.

Thinking about it, Lu Li opened the mobile phone web page and searched "Can I go to Lingwu University if my spiritual power index is less than 200?".

The results found are basically negative answers.

There are also various cram schools, rocket classes, and advertisements for selling drugs.

I checked for a long time.

There's never a single word around.


With money, you can buy medicines to enhance your physique; you can ask more powerful teachers to teach you; you can practice in an environment full of spiritual energy.

It can be said that having money means having various conveniences!

It is difficult for the poor to become spiritual practitioners.

It is difficult for a rich man not to become a spiritual practitioner!

But Lu Li's family was not a wealthy family. There is also a younger sister at home who has just entered high school. There are places to spend money everywhere. Where is there any spare money to go to cram schools and buy medicines to strengthen your body?

Thinking of this, Lu Li couldn't help but feel distressed.

Maybe, I should get some money now.

Although it is not rebirth, but think about it carefully, this is a parallel universe, and many things from previous lives may not exist in this world! Like a musical piece? Like a movie? Like literature? You can start from this aspect and find a way to get the first pot of gold!

"Old fish, stop playing with your phone."

At this time, Jiang Xu, who was at the same table next to him, reminded again in a low voice, "You dare to play with your mobile phone in Mr. Chen's class, you're going to die?"

Jiang Xu's voice just fell.


On the podium, Teacher Chen patted the textbook on the podium table and called out.

However, no one answered.

Teacher Chen couldn't help but glanced at Lu Li's side, and said again, "No. 24."

There was displeasure in his tone.

"I'm calling you."

Jiang Xu pinched Lu Li's thigh under the table.

Lu Li then remembered that when he was in his third year of high school, he was No. 24 in his class.

She couldn't help putting down her phone and stood up abruptly.


As soon as Lu Li stood up, the whole class turned their heads in unison, and their eyes fell on Lu Li.

There was still a play-watching smile in his mouth.

Lu Li was all too familiar with this scene.

In the classroom of the previous life, as long as I was called up by the teacher, there would have been smiling eyes looking at me, gloating over the misfortune.

"Your name is Lu Li, right?"

Teacher Chen glanced at the seating chart attached to the podium table and asked.

"Yes, Teacher Chen..."

Lu Li remembered that this female teacher was still as young and beautiful as in her previous life.

At the same time, it is very strict!

Teacher Chen said to Lu Li with a stern face, "Read the knowledge points I mentioned just now."

"Knowledge point..."

Lu Li's expression was slightly embarrassed.

After all, he didn't attend the class at all, how could he know which knowledge point?

Moreover, even if he listened to the class, he might not understand it! All the history he knows is from another parallel world!

Although Lu Li has not yet begun to understand the history of this world, judging from the few words on the Internet, he also knows that it is different from the earth.

"Cough cough!"

Just when Lu Li was distressed, Jiang Xu, who was at the same table beside him, suddenly pretended to cough.

Then he calmly used his chubby hand to point to the knowledge points he wrote down with a ballpoint pen on his book.

Lu Li immediately understood.

He lowered his head, looked at the words on the book at the same table, and read while reading:

"In the 15th year of the new calendar, after the awakened people disclosed the special breathing method, it has been improved and rewritten by experts for six months. It has finally evolved into a breathing method suitable for the cultivation of human beings."

"In the same year, the book "The Great Era of Reiki" written by Li Changfeng, the general of the Chinese state, was released. The book specifies the grade standard according to the concentration of spiritual energy and physical strength contained in each person's body."

"From low to high, it is divided into... mortals, black iron, bronze, silver, gold, diamonds, masters, legends, myths, etc., nine major classes."

"Among them, each class is subdivided into one to ten stars."

"The classification of spiritual power in the world today is based on the theory of General Li Changfeng."

"In the same year, General Li Changfeng also won the first New World Reiki Award for his book "The Age of Reiki" and related papers..."


Lu Li read all the above content intact.

Jiang Xu also stretched out his chubby hand and gave him a thumbs up under the table.

The tacit understanding is natural.

Obviously, this kind of rescue behavior is not the first time between the two.

Of course, Teacher Chen could see the little tricks of Jiang Xu and Lu Li, so even if Lu Li did read the knowledge points, she didn't mean to let Lu Li sit down.

He just said: "In the future class time, don't make small moves, and don't affect other students."

After speaking, he continued to open the textbook and continued to review the key points of knowledge for the students.

It wasn't until ten minutes later that Lu Li was allowed to sit down.

With Teacher Chen's name calling this time, Lu Li is also a lot more honest.

Start flipping through history textbooks.

For this new world, he needs to re-understand a lot of things.

Moreover, since he is determined to become a spiritual practitioner, Lingwu University is an inescapable point. Cultural classes also need to study hard!


Lu Li read books very quickly.

Perhaps it was the reason for the 158 spiritual power index. Lu Li felt that his mind was much brighter than when he was in high school in his previous life. Although it was not too memorable, his thinking was indeed much clearer.

In just one lesson, Lu Li read the entire book from beginning to end.

Combined with the fragment information he just checked on his mobile phone, Lu Li also had a general outline of the world in his heart.

Resurrection of spiritual energy, the expansion of the earth a thousand times, and countless human awakening abilities. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

But along with it, there are also countless unknown dangers.

The more he learned about these histories, the more Lu Li felt that the world was very dangerous!

At the same time, the more distressed.

"According to the book, even if a student does enter Lingwu University, he may not be able to become a true spiritual practitioner in the end!"

"If you can't become a true spiritual practitioner, you're actually just a mortal with more strength than ordinary people!"

Although spiritual practitioners are divided into nine classes.

But the "mortal" stage of the first class cannot be called a spiritual practitioner at all.

Only when one's own spiritual power index reaches 1,000 points and successfully condenses the spiritual power vortex in the body, and can really drive the spiritual power, can it be regarded as reaching the "black iron level" and become a real spiritual practitioner!

But it is very difficult to raise the spiritual power index to 1000 points!

Even though the university provides a lot of cultivation resources and advanced cultivation methods, not all students can successfully reach 1000 points of spiritual power before graduation.

"However, one thing is certain, if you don't get admitted to Lingwu University, you will be even less likely to become a true spiritual practitioner!"

Because most martial arts gyms in the society recruit people, the minimum requirement is also 1000 spiritual power index!

This is equivalent to locking up the promotion channels for ordinary people with mediocre qualifications who cannot be admitted to Lingwu University!

"It seems that you must find a way to improve your spiritual power index!"

Thinking about it, Lu Li finished reading the last page "History of Senior Three: Modern Times".

Just when Lu Li closed the whole book.

Lu Li's eyes suddenly flashed.

[Learning point +326! 】

A line of small semi-transparent characters appeared in front of Lu Li's eyes.

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