Chapter 485 Fight!

What is the meaning of life?

Many people have thought about this question, and there are also own answers, but these answers seem very vague after all.

Because no one thinks seriously but has tried it, and can’t think of a perfect answer.

Big Elder once gave a very nonsense answer in front of his Master.

He said: The meaning of life is to live.

This is indeed a nonsense, but because of this ‘nonsense’, he has become the most popular successor of Tianjun after passing many tests.

It’s a pity that I lost to Yun Xiao-his junior brother.

He complained about this, argued, reprimanded him in front of the Master, and rioted at Tianjun’s succession ceremony.

Until the words of the Master before his death, he woke him up.

“You are still alive, there is hope.”

Yes, as long as you are still alive… there is still hope to fight for it.

So he accepted the position of Big Elder with peace of mind, and tried his best to assist the younger brother, waiting for the day when he regained the position of the king.

However, it turns out that the Master’s vision is unique.

Yunxiao is indeed the best candidate for Tianjun.

Under his governance, Yin & Yang Zong gradually moved towards its former glory, and he also successfully cultivated’Heavenly Dao Yin & Yang’, becoming the second person to cultivate Yin & Yang Tianfu in Danhai after the ancestor master.的天君.

The two Simings he unearthed are indeed geniuses, and their talents are far better than those of their peers.

If this continues, even if there is no need to establish a good relationship with the court, the Yin & Yang sect will still be at its peak.

But at this critical moment, he died.

The death was too sudden.

No one believes that Tianjun will die, just as no one believes that God will fall.

But the real corpse in front of him threw the bloody reality in front of him, making people have to believe it.

As a big Elder, he was dumbfounded at first.

But after confirming the facts, his heart fell into ecstasy, thinking that this was an opportunity God gave him.

So he has to fight!

In the current Yin & Yang clan, there are very few people who can compete with him for the position of Heavenly Sovereign.

There are only three people, Da Si Ming, Shao Si Ming, and Erder.

Second, Elder has been huddled in his own yard all these years and can’t come out. It’s no different from a waste person.

He is the least threatening.

As for Da Si Ming, even if she was not the murderer of Tianjun, as long as she confessed, she would be convicted.

As a result, she has no qualifications to compete for the position of Tianjun.

The rest is the commander’s life, and it is also the most difficult one.

Originally, he planned to let own grandson hook up with the young man. Unfortunately, Zhou million yuan is too wasteful. He can’t even hold a hand for so long, so it is impossible to count on him.

Simply use the strongest means to imprison the other party, even if it is the last resort.

As long as he successfully controls the’Things Outside the Heaven’, no one can stop him, even if Yun Xiao is resurrected.

Illuminating beads exuding soft light shed light in the gloomy and shabby underground palace, reflecting the big Elder’s figure swaying and twisting slightly.

This is one of the forbidden areas of Yin & Yang Sect, the Dark Abyss.

This was once a test site built by the founder of the school.

Later, the emperor imposed the punishment of burning from the sky. In order to preserve some of the literature and writings of the Yin & Yang sect, the ancestors imprisoned this place and used it as a secret warehouse.

After that, this place was gradually abandoned and became a place where Outer Sect cultivator or disciple was imprisoned.

And the ‘Things Outside the Heaven’ are placed here.

The big Elder stood quietly in front of the Yin & Yang Tianluo formation, watching the alien things imprisoned in the formation.

A group of black objects squirming like ink, at the moment like a giant sticky insect, crawling slowly.

And above it, there are connected a strip of red blood vessels.

At the same time it is connected to his arm.

That’s right, these blood vessels were stripped from the people and Demonic Beasts. The Elder used the technique of ‘Mo Kang Tiangang’ to fuse them together, and then connect him with the ‘Things Outside the Heaven’.

In the heart of Big Elder, crawling a black spider.

If you look closely, you will find that this is not a spider, but a metal object similar to a spider, with six slender claws poking into his skin, just matching the heart.

This Magic Treasures was discovered by him accidentally nine years ago.

At that time, a fire broke out in Wuchen Village, and he happened to be working in Yunzhou. He was urged by curiosity to check it out.

So I was lucky to get this Magic Treasures.

After research, he successfully sensed information from Magic Treasures. And learned that someone once used it to control things outside the sky.

At first he remained suspicious, thinking it was fake.

You should know that apart from Guanshanyuan, no one can say without shame that they have a way to control the’things outside of the sky’.

But after some experiments, he fell into shock.

This Magic Treasures can indeed make ‘Things Out of Heaven’ obedient, and will drive ‘Things Out of Heaven’ to actively adhere to his body. Ascension, his Cultivation Base, fuse weapons.

That’s why the big Elder dare to use tough methods to deal with the big and the few.

“Almost… Almost…”

Feeling that the distance between himself and the “Things Beyond the Sky” is gradually decreasing, the excitement in Big Elder’s eyes can hardly be concealed.

As long as he has perfect control of the ‘Things Outside the Heaven’, he can sit on the throne of Heavenly Sovereign with confidence.

Although such anxious forcible integration will be risky, the current situation of the Yin & Yang sect does not allow him to wait and can only get it done as soon as possible.


Suddenly, Elder turned abruptly to look at the shadow of the underground palace, his eyes bursting with an icy light.

As the figure shook in the shadows, a monk dressed in monk clothes came out.

It was actually the King Bozang.

Big Elder squinted his eyes, especially surprised.

For the past two days, he has been staring at the Saint Child and his party, but he didn’t expect the other party to find here, and he deserves to be a tantric master.

“The guess is correct with the poor monk.”

Looking at the “Things Beyond the Sky” locked in the circle, King Bo Zang sighed and said with emotion. “The Yin & Yang Sect really opened the eyes of the poor monk, and there is really a way to control this thing.”

Karmapa Bozang thought he was very smart.

The previous sneak attack on the Son of God can now be confirmed, and it was done by the ‘thing outside the sky’ in front of him.

Judging from Elder’s behavior, it is true that the alien thing was out of control before.

“How did you find here.”

Elder is curious.

But in a blink of an eye, he was relieved again: “I understand, it is exactly what we thought.”

Elder believes that the other party must have a way to find ‘things out of heaven’.

The Lord Bozang was looking for something outside of the sky that night they had lost control, and he sensed it and happened to encounter it.

“Poor monks have their own solutions.”

The answer of King Bo Zang made Elder more convinced of his own guess.

He sneered and said: “Esoteric Buddhism is really impressive. After so many years of hiding in remote highlands, I have made a lot of big plans in secret. Are you planning to attack Zhongzhou?”

The Lord Bu Zang said the Buddha’s name and whispered softly: “Big Elder, the poor monk is not willing to be an enemy for you. As long as you hand over the’things outside of the sky’, my Tantric Buddhism can help you sit on the throne of the heavenly king.”

“Hmph, this’thing outside the sky’ is not yours.”

Elder said impatiently. “This is what our Yin & Yang clan has always had.”

King Bu Zang smiled slightly: “Whether “Things Beyond Heaven” belongs to your Yin & Yang sect or my Tantric sect, it is too early to draw a conclusion, isn’t it?”

Elder frowned: “Do you not understand human words? This is not yours!”

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