Chapter 483 Scum Chen Mu!

The man’s words were heard in the ears of Yun Zhiyue and Shao Siming, and they were obviously treated as jokes by them.

After all, Chen Mu likes to talk nonsense on weekdays.

Yun Zhiyue didn’t think about it either, her agile eyes overflowed with worry: “Husband, or you should leave Yin & Yang sect first to find rescuers. Didn’t the queen dowager say that you can send a barracks if necessary?”

“I’m really a heavenly monarch, I won’t lie to you.” Chen Mu looked helpless.

Yun Zhiyue gave a pretty white look: “Okay, you are Tianjun, okay, can you ask Master Tianjun to go outside to bring rescue soldiers?”

Seeing that the two women didn’t believe it, Chen Muchang sighed.


Originally planning to display the Yin & Yang Dharma Seal Wheel, he suddenly changed his mind, and he didn’t rush to prove it, and it was not too late to surprise them afterwards.

Chen Mu shook his head: “To be honest, I don’t want to follow the Queen Mother’s plan.”

After listening to General Feiqiong’s words, Chen Mu felt more and more necessary to add more hole cards to his fist.

The purpose of sending him by the queen mother is self-evident, that is, to gain some control of Yin & Yang sect, but now he is the god of Yin & Yang sect, so there is no need to make a wedding dress for the queen mother.

I want to hold the Queen Mother’s thigh, and I also want to control the Yin & Yang Sect.

I want to soak even more of the two commanders.

In short, don’t think of any benefits from me for nothing.

“Then do we have a better way?” Yun Zhiyue smiled bitterly.

Chen Mu rubbed his chin, and after thinking about it for a moment, he suddenly picked up the “Yin & Yang Tiangui Jue” on the table and said: “You can continue to help you restore the Cultivation Base. When your strength recovers, it will not be easy to join forces with the young man to defeat the Elder. ?”

“But time is too late.” Yun Zhiyue blushed.

Even if she cooperates well with Chen Mu three or four times a day, it will take at least half a month before she can hope for a successful cultivation.

“That’s it.”

Chen Mu hesitated for a while, pretending to be embarrassed and said: “I got a very magical secret technique in the gate of life and death, which can be used to practice the secret technique of Ascension with high efficiency. If it cooperates with it, Yin & Yang Heaven’s Que Secret Technique is the most. Cultivation can be successful in three days.”

“Three days?”

Yun Zhiyue rounded her apricot eyes. “impossible.”

The Shao Si Ming walked over, staring at Chen Mu with a clear and beautiful aim, his eyes gleaming.

It seems that this guy got a big chance at the gate of life and death.

Chen Mu nodded and said with a wry smile: “Although this secret technique is very powerful, if you really want to cooperate with “Yin & Yang Tianque Jue Cultivation”, you still need some specific conditions, that is… there is a good woman from Cultivation Base to cooperate. US.”

Yun Zhiyue was startled at first, and then she seemed to understand something, then she stepped up and kicked Chen Mu fiercely: “When we are fools? Who doesn’t understand your thoughts!”

Chen Mu felt wronged: “It’s all this time, do you think I need to make a joke?”

Yun Zhiyue, who knows a lot about men, was not fooled, she dragged the young man behind her and said dissatisfied: “I know your little bit of flowery intestines very well. Even if there is such a secret technique, you are not allowed to pay the attention of Xiao Zi’er. ,Understand?”

Chen Mu raised his hand helplessly: “Well, then I will think of other ways.”

However, at this moment, Shao Siming took the initiative to pick up the Cultivation Technique Manual on the table and handed it to Yun Zhiyue.

Yun Zhiyue was a little dazed, and quickly pulled the girl aside and whispered: “Are you stupid? He didn’t mean to let you enter Spirit Power for us, but… but to let you be like me. …Do that kind of thing.”

Shao Si nodded his head to show that he understood.

She is not as ignorant as Wucai Luo.

You know everything you need to know about men and women.

Since Chen Mu has a way to Ascension Yun Zhiyue’s Cultivation Base in a short time, it is nothing to sacrifice.

It’s better than just watching Elder control the Yin & Yang sect.

Yun Zhiyue opened her red lips slightly, touched the girl’s forehead subconsciously, and said speechlessly, “Do you know what chastity means to a woman? Do you know what it means to a girl?”

Feeling Yun Zhiyue’s real care, it was like Big Sis complaining to Little Sister, the immortal calm in Young Si Ming’s eyes gradually dissipated, and a soft smile appeared.

Even if she still wears the veil, she can perceive how beautiful the girl’s smile is at the moment.

“You’re really here.”

Chen Mu was dumbfounded in the face of the young man’s initiative to’dedication’.

In fact, he didn’t lie. There is indeed such a way of cultivation in the ancient books given by the ancestor, but it doesn’t matter if you cultivate or not.

After all, he now has the Yin & Yang Dharma Seal Wheel, and the effect is the same.

Chen Mu dryly smiled and said: “Actually, girl Zier, I just said casually, I myself have no interest in you, this method may not work, I…I…”

Chen Mu’s voice became stuttering.

Because he saw the girl lift up her white bare hand and untie her belt…

Although the dress is still attached to the delicate body, this action alone is enough to make a man excited about it.

No, what is going on with this girl?

Chen Mu frowned, feeling something was wrong, he couldn’t sacrifice to this level in order to save Yun Zhiyue.

Chen Mu coughed, ignoring Yun Zhiyue’s staring eyes, and said in a very serious tone: “Shao Si Ming, I’ll put it first. If something really happens to us, you have to be responsible to me.”

“Chen Mu!”

Yun Zhiyue was so annoyed that she wanted to give this man a hammer.

Chen Mu said, “I didn’t force her.”


Yun Zhiyue couldn’t tell what she was feeling at this time.

On the one hand, she didn’t want such a clean and innocent junior sister to be contaminated by a rogue Chen Mu. On the one hand, she didn’t want to have another good woman in her husband.

The woman’s five flavors are mixed, and a deep sense of powerlessness spread all over her body.

“I really don’t blame me.”

Chen Mu is not a Sage.

Since the girl took the initiative to dedicate her life, regardless of whether her heart is happy or not, if you sit still, then kill yourself as soon as possible.

Since the person is a womanizer, don’t be a hypocrite.

Chen Mu patted Yun Zhiyue’s fragrant shoulder and said, “Zhiyue, I promise that you will definitely restore your Cultivation Base to its peak state in three days. When the time comes, the three of us will kill the Quartet. This seat.”

Yun Zhiyue said with no good air: “If you really become a Tianjun, according to the rules, you can’t have a relationship with Si Ming.”


“This has always been the case since Yin & Yang’s school was founded.” Yun Zhiyue said with a small mouth.

Chen Mu smiled: “As long as I become a heavenly monarch, I will make any laws and regulations. I am the boss and I have the final say.”

Yun Zhiyue didn’t bother to argue with him.

Anyway, this guy is just talking about it. If he can bring down Elder this time, the position of Heavenly King is very likely to be the life of the young man.

Chen Mu estimated that he would not be in this position for eight lifetimes.

“Come on, what are you waiting for, let’s hurry up cultivation. Try to defeat the big Elder villain as soon as possible!”

Chen Mu couldn’t wait to take off his clothes.

Yun Zhiyue suddenly asked curiously: “You haven’t talked about what happened in the gate of life and death, what did you see?”

“Look at the hammer, it’s important to do business first.”

Chen Mu didn’t want to waste time telling stories at this time. If Sao Siming suddenly changed his mind, he would lose a lot.

He suppressed his excitement and came to the young man.

The other party stared at him unblinkingly, and the clean eyes were like a mirror lake, without any Impurities and unnecessary emotions.

Chen Mu didn’t dare to look at each other for a while.

He avoided his sight, picked up the girl in his waist and walked towards the bed…

Can it succeed?

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