Chapter 481 The first meeting with Feiqiong!

The sharp halberd blade engulfed the icy cold light and waved down like death’s sickle, as if Chen Mu’s head would fall to the ground in the next second.

Under the induction of the aliens, the hairs on Chen Mu’s neck stood up.

He did not hide.

The Yin & Yang Dharma Seal wheel at the center of the eyebrows exudes a Yin & Yang black and white pattern on its own, blocking Fang Tianji’s attack.


The sound of surprise came from General Feiqiong’s abdomen.

A huge blade appeared in Chen Mu’s hand, and the sky was covered by the sword light towards General Feiqiong, giving people a cold suffocation.

The aggressive offensive suppressed General Feiqiong by three points.

“Knot shield!”

Feiqiong stomped her feet, and countless Spirit Power flew up all over the sky like ropes, forming a semi-arc shield around her.

The golden light radiated from her body, imprinted on the Spirit Power, extremely tough!

Feiqiong waved the Fang Tianji in his hand again, drawing a flaming moonwhite arc, as if pulling out the meaning of endless killing.

Under the strong impact, both of them took a few steps back.

Chen Mu squinted his dark pupils, looked at the headless general who had clearly left but suddenly appeared here, and said, “Didn’t you feel me from the beginning?”

“Cultivation Base is good, why haven’t I heard of you in Yin & Yang Sect.”

General Feiqiong expressed doubts.

She was confident to defeat Chen Mu, but the spells that the opponent had just demonstrated were not owned by an ordinary master.

This aroused her curiosity.

A person who is obviously not like the Yin & Yang sect, but displays the Yin & Yang family’s spells.

Obviously this young man has a background.

Chen Mu said, “You didn’t answer my question.”

General Feiqiong squeezed the Fang Tianji that contained a heavy Killing intent in his hand, but after thinking about it, he let it go: “I’m here to find something.”

Naturally, Chen Mu would not easily believe the other party’s words.

He did not say that he was the current Tianjun Yin & Yang, nor did he say that he was the chief arrester of the six gates of the court. He just glanced at the puppet puppets around him, and slowly said, “I know who you are?”


“You were the personal guard next to Concubine Xu Gui.”

“It seems you have heard everything.”


Chen Mu raised his chin slightly, and his handsome cheeks looked masculine in the light, “Actually, I’m very curious.”

“Curious about what?”

General Feiqiong’s armor faintly appeared a little light red light, like a dynamic picture circulating.

Even if she lost her head, she seemed to be staring at each other.

Every pore on the whole body seems to be able to act as an eye, which is very oppressive.

People always have a natural fear of mysterious things. When a headless person stands in front of him and speaks, no matter how high his psychological quality is, there will always be a kind of unspeakable pressure.

Chen Mu said, “Did you be beheaded outside the Meridian Gate?”

“Didn’t you see it now?”

General Feiqiong replied.

Chen Mu shook his head, the smile that appeared at the corner of his mouth looked a little stiff, and said, “Because I saw it, I have no doubts. You are a human being, you are not a demon, you have only one life after all.”

“Are you surprised to see me alive without my head?”


“That can only mean that you have too little knowledge.”

General Feiqiong took two steps forward, ignoring the slowly moving puppets around, and said indifferently. “Although people have only one life, as a cultivator, they have countless Magic Treasures that can survive.”

Chen Mu shrugged: “I still feel that I can live without my head. Any Magic Treasures and Cultivation Technique are useless. This is not the same as changing the soul. Your body is no longer enough to support your soul.”

“But mine does stand in front of you and speaks to you.”

“That’s why I wondered if you were beheaded.” Chen Mu’s eyes became extremely sharp. “Or what props did you use to disguise yourself as headless?”

In the Yunzhou case before, Zha Zhuxiang was also dressed as a headless general, but according to the turtle monster in the temple, Zha Zhuxiang used props to make herself look headless.

Since Cha Zhuxiang is fake, what about General Feiqiong?

Therefore, Chen Mu has reason to doubt the authenticity of the headless.

Hearing Chen Mu’s questioning, General Feiqiong laughed, even though her laughter was empty and emotional.

It looks strange in this room full of puppets.

General Feiqiong laughed for a long time before stopping, and the eyes of the puppets were staring at her at this time, as if they were staring at her mentally retarded.

And this also represents the mood Chen Mu wants to express at the moment.

“You are from the court, right.”

General Feiqiong asked back and changed the subject.

Chen Mu nodded: “Yes, I came to investigate the case of Tianjun’s death. It was a pleasant surprise to meet you.”

“Then are you the little emperor’s dog or the queen dowager’s pet?”

General Feiqiong sneered.

Chen Mu was stunned, and replied in another way: “Have you ever heard of the Angel Vermillion Bird? I’m the little white face on her bed, the kind that is particularly capable.”

Obviously, General Feiqiong did not expect the other party to be so ‘easy’.

After all, not everyone has the courage to admit a male pet.

But to be honest, she doesn’t know much about Vermillion Bird, only that she is a celebrity next to the Queen Mother.

Being able to climb onto her bed shows that this person has great abilities.

“In that case, you can also be regarded as a queen mother in disguise. Then you shouldn’t ask such stupid questions!”

General Feiqiong said coldly, putting Fang Tianji away.

Chen Mu frowned, then tilted his head to think for a while, the curiosity in his eyes did not diminish at all: “Even if you really use Magic Treasures to keep your own life, where is your head?”

To be honest, Chen Mu is really curious about this legendary female God of War.

The rumors heard along the way undoubtedly added all kinds of mysterious colors to her. Since there is a chance to meet, she must understand deeply.

Of course, this in-depth understanding is not really deep.

As long as the other party speaks, he can always get some clues, which will be extremely useful for investigating the case of Prince Tanuki.

“My head…”

General Feiqiong was silent for a while before speaking. “I do not know either.”

Although General Feiqiong behaved very naturally, Chen Mu’s instinct told him that the other party absolutely knew where her head was now hidden, but he just didn’t want to say.

Here comes the question. Second, is what Elder said true?

Did General Feiqiong ever make deals with others?

Emperor Xian is so shrewd, how could she let her leave alive? Isn’t this just raising tigers?

Chen Mu looked down at the big knife in his hand, lost in thought, and at the same time was thinking about the possibility of catching and defeating the opponent alive.

“what’s your name?”

General Feiqiong suddenly asked.

Without any hesitation, Chen Mu replied, “My name is Chen Mu.”

“Chen Mu…”

General Feiqiong read it in his belly for a while, then suddenly remembered something, and said with a smile: “No wonder it’s so familiar, it turned out to be Chen god-tier arrest.”

“God catches the award, and at most it is a handsome guy.”

Chen Muxiu said not wanting face.

“Since it was Chen Shen’s arrest, then I will ask a question. Who do you think was the mastermind in the Prince Limao case?”

General Feiqiong asked.

Just as Chen Mu was about to shake his head, he said in a wicked way: “It shouldn’t be the queen mother.”

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