Chapter 468

The watermelon in the girl’s arms is slightly bigger than her head.

If it were on weekdays, at this moment, she must have been holding the big watermelon and gnawing happily, her face full of watermelon juice, but now Wucai Luo looked melancholy.

The disappearance of Chen Mu made the girl very unhappy.

If the brother-in-law is lost, Big sis will never cook her food again after returning, so he must find the brother-in-law as soon as possible.

“The little monk has seen an adult.”

When the girl was walking, Shengzi appeared in front of her with a kind smile on her face.

To be honest, Shengzi originally didn’t want to say hello to the six-door official of the court. After all, there is little involvement between Tantric and the court.

Coupled with the fact that this girl prevented him from chasing’Things Beyond the Sky’, the two of them settled on Liangzi.

But out of curiosity about the girl herself, he decided to take the initiative to make friends.

So behind the advanced girls of Cultivation Base, there must be a powerful Master, and you may get some important information by exploring the bottom.

Looking at the bald monk in front of her, Wucai Luo looked wary.

Quietly hugged the watermelon tightly.

Although the brother-in-law cannot be found, the delicious food can’t be lost.

She picked this watermelon from the medicinal garden. It was much more important than her brother-in-law. Neither brother-in-law could compare to such a big watermelon.

The son put his hands together and said with a smile: “My lord, what happened last time was a misunderstanding. The little monk apologized for you on behalf of his subordinates. I don’t know the ‘things out of the sky’, did you find it?”

However, the girl still ignored him as she did last time, and left without looking straight.

The expression on Shengzi’s face was slightly stiff.

Even if the opponent is a member of the court, he can’t be so arrogant and arrogant.

At any rate, he is also a high-ranking tantric saint.

Looking at the silly and cute girl, Shengzi remembered the situation of eating at Yun Zhiyue’s place before, and an unnamed fire gushed out of his heart.

Subconsciously reached out to stop the girl.

This action looked like he was about to snatch the watermelon from the girl’s arms.

Wucai Luo’s expression changed, her eyes became cold, her left hand clasped the watermelon tightly, and her right fist slammed out.

The petite and delicate fists were wrapped in powerful killing intent, and the surrounding space seemed to be squeezed and cracked. Faintly, like a circle of ripples, countless Spiritual Qi is drawn from it, terrifying and vast.

This punch gives people the feeling, as if it can punch a hole in the sky!

Shengzi was stunned on the spot.

Isn’t that right, I stopped you for a while, and you did it directly?

And he could feel that the girl’s anger was even more fierce than before preventing them from pursuing the “Things Out of Heaven”.

In a hurry, Shengzi raised his palm.

The surging Spiritual Qi exploded, making a dull sound, and he also flew upside down two feet away.


Standing firmly, she was about to scold the girl for not talking about virtue, but saw the girl rushing again holding the big watermelon.

The power of the vastness is extremely surging, almost with a vigorous momentum, and the momentum is amazing.

boom! !

The roar shook the sky, the murderous layers collapsed, and a strong impact directly rumblingly spread in all directions, and the ground under the Saint Child’s feet also trembled.

When the dust and fog dissipated, the saint son’s monk’s clothes were tattered and gray-headed.

Although she wouldn’t be injured by Wucai Luo, she was indeed embarrassed under the opponent’s continuous crit attacks.

The main reason is that he still didn’t understand, how did he provoke the other party?

People who didn’t know thought that the girl was bullied by him.

“My lord, if you–”


The fist struck again.

In the face of the furious girl, Shengzi had no space to speak at all.

The fist slammed by the latter was like a roaring cannon popping out of the chamber, as fast as lightning, making a crackling sound out of thin air, and even the air was almost distorted.


There was a stinging pain on the cheeks of the son who had been slow for a while, but his cheeks were scratched with vigor.

Shengzi touched his cheek, his fingertips stained with blood.


Shengzi’s anger burned like a furnace.

He had already guessed that this girl was probably trying to find fault with him, and it was impossible to beat him for no reason.

It’s impossible that this girl mistakenly thought that I would grab him the watermelon to make a move.

This is never possible!

Obviously, this saint son didn’t understand that Chen Mu was almost beaten to death because he robbed the girl’s food.

The fight between the two attracted others.

Looking at the gray-headed Son and the girl with an angry face, everyone made up for themselves a shameless story of the Son bullying the girl.

Some people cast contemptuous glances.

Unexpectedly, the holy son, who looks very serious, is also a profligate hypocrite, and even people in the court dared to molest him.


The King Bozang and the middle-aged monk flew over.

The situation in front of him also made King Bo Zang very puzzled. He turned his head and asked, “Holy Son, what happened?”

Shengzi said lightly: “I don’t know, the little monk just wanted to ask something, but didn’t do anything. She attacked me suddenly.”

As soon as these words came out, the eyes of the people eating melons became even more contemptuous.

People can beat you when they are full?

You look mad at people’s little girls.

Several Elders of Yin & Yang sect were very happy to see Tantric sect and imperial court. Three Elder Lan Xiaowan mocked:

“If Master Shengzi is empty, my Yin & Yang sect can send a few girls to relieve our boredom. This adult is an official of the six gates of the imperial court. Even if you flirt, you have to look at the identity of the other person.”

The most angry is Elder’s grandson Zhou Wan.

He has secretly formed an alliance with Wucai Luo, and also regards Wucai Luo as the goddess of own pursuit.

Now that the goddess is being bullied, she is immediately annoyed.

Zhou Wan said coldly: “Master Saint, this is Yin & Yang sect, but it is not your tantric sect. Let you do anything wrong. This girl is a guest of our Yin & Yang sect. If you offend her, you are beating us Yin & The face of Sect Yang!”


The middle-aged fan monk said coldly. “How is the saint son like this? This little girl must have deliberately spilled dirty water.”

“Which woman would joke about own innocence?”

Lan Xiaowan raised her eyebrows.

The middle-aged fan monk wanted to defend, but the son raised his hand to stop him.

Glancing at the gazes of the people around him, Shengzi understood that what he said was useless, and put his hands together and said indifferently: “You are innocent and comfortable, and the little monk doesn’t need to explain anything.”

After speaking, he turned and left.

The middle-aged Fan Seng clenched his fists, stared at Wucai Luo bitterly, and followed him with King Bo Zang.

A farce came to an end.

After the fight, Wucailuo looked at the cracks on the watermelon with distress, and quickly wiped it with her small hand. The expression on her pretty face became even more angry and aggrieved.

This appearance made some audience members more certain, and Shengzi absolutely molested her just now.

“Girl, are you okay?” Zhou Wan stepped forward and said with concern.

Wucai Luo ignored him and left with the watermelon in her arms, like a poor girl who was wronged and planned to be alone.

Many men looked at it with pity.

He also spurned the Son of God even more.

“Damn, the smelly monk is looking for death!”

There was a sharp look in Zhou Wan’s eyes, and he waved his hand to invite a disciple to attach to the other’s ear and say a few words. The disciple’s expression seemed a little hesitant. Seeing Zhou Wan staring at him, he nodded and left.

Watching the disciple leave, Zhou Wan said bitterly: “What saint son, dare to bully my woman, you will pay the price!”


On the other side, Shengzi returned to the house.

He raised his hand to stop the attendant from trying to apply medicine to the wound on his cheek, and his eyes were shining.

“Holy Son, have you misunderstood something?”

Asked the King Bo Zang.

The son was silent for a moment and said lightly: “There is a reason why the court only sent a little girl. This girl has a very deep heart, and I must be very careful to guard her in the future.”

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