Chapter 465 Chen Mu is dead?

Since it’s all here, you have to flicker, or else I’m sorry for the dozens of lives lost.

This is Chen Mu’s current thinking.

So he said that he was the new Tianjun, not wanting face.

The phantom old man in front of him is obviously just a remnant of Divine Sense, and his IQ is estimated to be greatly discounted. It shouldn’t be difficult to fool him.

Even if the flicker is unsuccessful, what can be done?

However, when he heard Chen Mu’s response, the old man from the shadow frowned and asked faintly: “Why didn’t the old man detect the traces of Yin & Yang ** on your body.”


What is Yin & Yang**?

Chen Mu didn’t change his face and said: “Enlighten the ancestor, the situation is special. The Master has passed away without giving the disciple Yin & Yang**. The disciple enters the gate of life and death this time, hoping that the ancestor can bestow it on his disciple Yin & Yang** .”

Chen Mu’s subtext is very clear: I don’t have one, you have to give it to me.

That’s it. Not wanting face.

The imaginary old man slowly held up a jade medal in his hand, as if turning over a page of life and death.

After seeing the death message of the last Tianjun, the old man was silent for a long time, watching Chen Mu: “Although you can enter the gate of life and death, you can also unlock the Yin & Yang lock, but there is luck in the end, even if this luck is only extremely lucky. one.”

Chen Mu smiled bitterly: “The disciple understands Master Patriarch’s concerns, but there should be few people in the world making fun of own life.”

The old man nodded slightly: “Yes, but someone will take risks after all. Now that you can’t verify your identity, the old man will ask you a few questions. As a heavenly monarch, you are absolutely aware of these questions. If you answer correctly, you will explain it. You are the next heavenly monarch.”

At this point, Chen Mu had already roughly understood the IQ and ability of the phantom old man.

To put it bluntly, this is a ‘smart robot’.

After waiting for the new Tianjun to take office, some special benefits will be given. As for what the benefits are, Chen Mu doesn’t know, but he believes that they definitely exist.

Therefore, to be able to flicker, one must flicker.

Chen Mu cupped hands and said: “Please ask Master, disciples will not let Master down.”

The old man nodded and slowly said: “The first question, there is a sentence in the third good image in the Jiuyan Tianshu, the husband is in the sky, and the person on the earth is visible. What is the next sentence? ”

Boy, is this an exam?

Chen Mu murmured secretly, and shook his head honestly after indulging in a moment: “I forgot.”

The old man in the shadow was expressionless: “The Nine-Yan Heavenly Book is the first secret book compulsory before becoming the Heavenly Monarch, so… you are not a new Tianjun, but you are lucky enough to enter the gate of life and death.”

He waved and said lightly: “Your Excellency, please go back.”

Come back!

With a bitter smile on his face, Chen Mu asked sincerely, “Before I leave, the disciple wants to know, what is the next sentence? Even if I leave, I hope that I will not regret it.”

The phantom old man was not careful, and after hesitating a little, he opened his mouth and said: “Looking at the mountains and the water, you can push the depths.”

“So that’s it, okay, I wrote it down.”

Chen Mu read it silently several times, and after waiting for about two minutes, he took out a knife and stroked it unceremoniously on his neck.

Grand Master: “???”

Time goes back to five minutes ago.

“The first question, there is a sentence in the third auspicious image in the Jiuyan Tianshu. The husband is in the sky, and the one who is on the earth is visible. What is the next sentence?”

The imaginary old man looked at Chen Mu with his eyes scrutinized.

Chen Mu shook his head and replied without hesitation: “Looking at the mountains and the water, you can push the depths.”

The old man nodded, and continued to ask: “The second question, there is a sentence in the Hanxuan Sutra, in the eyebrows of the insect scorch mosquito, and the big Peng who smiles in the sky…what is the last sentence?”

“do not know!”

“You are not the new successor…”

“Then can you tell the disciple, what’s the next sentence? Even if the disciple leaves, he won’t regret it.”

“An inch of crucian carp swims in the water of cattle trails, and it is not expensive for the huge scales of the sea.”

“OK, I will write it down again.”

Chen Mu took a deep breath, lifted the knife to cut his own throat, and instantly burped.

Grand Master: “???”

“In the eyebrows of the insect burnt mosquitoes, and the big Peng who smiles in the sky…what is the last sentence?”

“An inch of crucian carp swims in the water of cattle trails, and it is not expensive for the huge scales of the sea.”

“Yes.” Grandpa Master nodded, stroked his beard, and asked again: “The room of the husband’s best friend is burned in the air…”

“do not know!”

“This is from the Han Yi Sutra…”

“Then bother Patriarch tells the disciple what is the next sentence?”


“Thank old Tie for telling me.” Chen Mu arched his cupped hands and said with a knife. “Disciples go too!”

The blood splattered out, and the ancestor looked dumbfounded.

So after the ninth rebirth:

“Qingyang goes to heaven, turbid yin returns to the earth… how to solve it.”

“It is the movement of the heaven and the earth, and the gods are the outline, so it can grow and collect, and it will come back and forth.”

“The clear sun goes to the sky, the turbid yin returns to the earth, it is the movement of the old world… the next sentence is”

“The gods are the discipline, so they can grow and collect.”


In the face of Chen Mu who responded fluently, the gaze of the old man in the shadow changed, and he became extremely admired from the indifference before.

Two of the questions were deliberately difficult to be honest, but the other party was able to answer them.

It is enough to show that this son’s academic attainments in Yin & Yang are not low.

The old man said in a deep voice: “Your answers are correct, indicating that you are indeed the new Tianjun scheduled by the Yin & Yang sect, but the old man does not understand a little, your aptitude is very ordinary, why did the first Tianjun accept you as a disciple? ”

Chen Mu thought for a while, and replied modestly: “Perhaps because the disciple is very handsome.”

Grand Master: “…”

He looked at Chen Mujun’s face, and his mouth showed a small smile: “From today onwards, you are the new king of my Yin & Yang sect. The old man bestows you Yin & Yang** and teaches you Yin. & Yang Tongtian Jue…”

As he spoke, he slowly stretched out his dry hand.

Chen Mu’s body floated involuntarily, and black and white air currents swirled around his body, forming a Yin & Yang diagram.

Chen Mu felt that his own consciousness seemed to be pulled out, and there were runes in his mind.

His body was also covered with talismanic seals, shining golden.

Time passed slowly by one minute and one second,

Inside the book pavilion, the young man was still waiting quietly, but the sky gradually darkened.

It has been three hours since Chen Mu entered the gate of life and death, and the other party hasn’t shown signs yet, and he doesn’t know whether it is life or death.

But judging from the current signs, the situation is clearly not optimistic.

However, Shao Siming believed that Chen Mu would perform miracles, because he always gave people surprises.

“It’s out of play.”

The old monk wandered in a chair and sighed. “If the gate of life and death is so easy to enter, it won’t be called the gate of life and death. Girl, you better prepare the coffin, don’t hold any hope, he can’t—”


The old monk was knocked out and hit the wall heavily.

Looking at the girl’s cold and frosty eyes, the old monk who was about to scream and scream quickly shut his mouth and shrank away timidly.

This girl is worse than that kid.

Shao Si Ming stopped paying attention to him, beautiful eyes staring at the gate of life and death, waiting quietly.

Until night fell completely, Chen Mu still did not come out of the gate of life and death.

The girl’s expectant eyes were gradually replaced by dimness, a pair of jade hands clenched into fists, her nails pierced into her palms, she still didn’t feel pain, she felt a little bit more regretful in her heart.

Regret for letting Chen Mu break into the gate of life and death, regret not stopping him.

It’s too late to say anything now.

Several times the girl wanted to enter the gate of life and death, but remembering Chen Mu’s instructions, she could only continue to wait.

When the moonlight shone from the gap in the window, the girl closed her eyes as if accepting her fate.


Chen Mu failed.

Her heart is extremely bitter, this is a sad emotion that has never been felt before. After stopping for a long time, the young man turned and left the book pavilion without paying attention to Dugu Shenyou.

She was going to see Yun Zhiyue and tell him Chen Mu had entered the gate of life and death.

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