Chapter 459 Both sides have great wise men!

In the room, the atmosphere is a bit solemn.

After sending away a few Yin & Yang Zong Elders, the trio of Bu Zang His Holiness sat at the table in silence, their expressions all stern.

The injury of the son is not serious.

Simply put some powder on the wound and it will form a scar, which will fall off on its own after a few days.

“What does the imperial court mean by using’things outside of the sky” to kill us. Is this intending to turn my face with my Tantric?”

The middle-aged fan monk hammered down the table heavily, his face was green.

If it weren’t for Shengzi to stop him, he would definitely teach the girl in black dress, especially at the time the other party was still eating sweet fruit with a provocative expression, and he didn’t even look at them directly.

None of the opponents he had experienced was so arrogant.

The King Bu Zang shook his head and said: “It is not necessarily the imperial court. The poor monk has never heard that the’things outside the heavens’ in the imperial tomb have been successfully controlled by the imperial court. Even if they are controlled, they should not appear here.”

“Not the court? Then why does that six-door girl stop us from pursuing the aliens?”

The middle-aged fan monk frowned puzzled.

The Lord Bu Zang recalled the previous battle with the girl, and slowly said: “The purpose of sending people from the imperial court is also to investigate whether the heavenly monarch is really Death, and intends to control the Yin & Yang sect. This is a well-known purpose for passers-by.

The poor monk guessed that the girl was probably thinking about snatching after seeing the “things out of heaven”, so she suddenly stopped us.

Wait and see, the imperial court will definitely send another person. ”

Shengzi nodded, agreeing with this point of view.

He gently covered the torn sleeves of the monk’s clothes, and said with a wry smile: “Although I expected that the Yin & Yang sect’s trip would not go smoothly, I didn’t expect it to be this kind of start. Sure enough, the legendary’Things from Heaven’ is very Great.”

The middle-aged fan monk lowered his voice and twisted his brows into the word “Chuan”: “Then this’thing outside the sky’ was released by the Yin & Yang sect?”

“It’s very likely.”

King Bo Zang nodded and began to analyze. “Now that it has been basically determined that Tianjun is the real Death, Yin & Yang Zong Qunlong without a leader will definitely fall into panic. At this time, it is necessary to prove to outsiders that he has a hole card.

Our arrogant arrival has already made Yin & Yang sect very dissatisfied. If we continue to be patient, our disciples will definitely lose their minds.

This is particularly deadly for a famous sect.

Therefore, the poor monk believed that the ‘things outside the heaven’ that came to attack the Son was deliberately released by the Yin & Yang sect.

One is to deliberately suppress our arrogance.

Secondly, it also warned the imperial court and other foreign forces that they have completely controlled the’things outside the heavens’ and will not be humiliated because of the death of the heavenly monarch. ”

After listening to the analysis by the King Bozang, the middle-aged fan monk was still very puzzled: “Then if they do this, will they not be afraid of being stared at by the greedy people on the’things out of heaven’?”

King Bo Zang smiled faintly: “At this point of view, there is no need to worry too much. Moreover, they have already controlled the’things outside the sky’, which means that they have enough confidence, what else do they need to be afraid of?”

“That’s true.”

The middle-aged fan monk took a breath and murmured: “What a powerful Yin & Yang sect, I really underestimate them.”

The holy son whispered a Buddha’s name, his clear eyes floated with a little inexplicably hot red light, and he whispered:

“A piece of’Things Outside the Heavens’ is so powerful, it is eye-opening. If you collect all the other’Things Outside the Heavens’, how powerful will it be?

Perhaps it will reach the real emptiness Buddha Realm.

This Yin & Yang sect is really surprising, there is even a way to control the’things outside the sky’. ”

The corner of His Holiness Bu Zang’s eyes moved, his hands clasped together:

“Holy Son, rest assured, this seat will conduct an investigation, and if there is a chance, we will definitely snatch the’things out of heaven’! Since Yin & Yang Zong offered such a’great gift’, my Tantric Sect can only laugh at it.”


At this time, in the hall of Yin & Yang’s sect, the big Elder was frowning.

Lan Xiaowan hadn’t calmed down from the battle, and said suspiciously: “I’m sure it’s something outside of heaven?”

“At that time, the King Bozang had recognized it, and he could not go wrong.”

An Elder said.

A person next to him said: “Looking at the situation at the time, perhaps the’things outside the heavens’ were brought by the court, otherwise why did the girl stop the Son of God from capturing the things outside the heavens?”

Four Elder picked up the wine, Calabash shook it, and sneered, “The imperial court would be so stupid to bring things out of the sky here? Besides, why do they want to assassinate the Son again, the reason?”

Everyone was speechless for a while.

Lan Xiaowan lowered her head and thought for a moment, her beautiful eyes suddenly stared at the big Elder: “Big Elder, will it be a thing from the outside world of our Yin & Yang sect?”

As soon as this was said, everyone looked different, and their expressions were quite interesting.

Except for Tianjun, no one knows the true location of the “Things Beyond Heaven”, such as the death of the Lord today, things beyond the Heavens suddenly appear, which is worth pondering.

Does the death of Tianjun have anything to do with ‘things outside the sky’?

The big Elder shook his head and said with a certain tone: “No, our Yin & Yang sect’s alien things are in the dark abyss. They are suppressed by the Yin & Yang sky formation, and it is impossible to escape.”

The big Elder at the moment is undoubtedly the most depressed.

In a panic last night, he ran to check the Yin & Yang Sect’s Extraordinary Objects without much thought. He didn’t know if this scene was seen by other interested people.

I hope it didn’t attract the attention of others.

After all, it took him a lot of effort to find the location of the Thing in Heaven.

This is the most important part of his plan.

Of course, he was as perplexed as everyone else, how could a ‘Outside of Heaven’ pop up in a good manner.

Where did this thing come from?

He had the same views as Si Elder, and he didn’t think it was brought by the girl from the court, and it didn’t make sense at all.

On the contrary, I felt that it was brought by the walker of Tantric Buddhism.

So the big Elder said his own guess: “The old man thinks… it was brought by those of the Saint Son.”

“But they are the victim.” Lan Xiaowan said.

Big Elder’s eyes were shining with wisdom, and he continued: “This time the Tantra suddenly came to ask for the life of Da Si is very strange. Obviously it has other purposes.

The old man kept wondering what they were going to do. It was not until the appearance of “Things Beyond Heaven” that the old man became confused. ”

He picked up the teacup and took a couple of sips, and said sarcastically: “Obviously they didn’t know where to get the’Things of Heaven’, but they couldn’t control them completely, so they came to Yin & Yang Sect to find other ways.

They must have done something secretly last night, which caused the ‘Things of Heaven’ to suddenly lose control and escape their control. These talents were arrested.

The reason why the King Bozang suddenly shouted out was because he deliberately wanted to separate the relationship and made me think that they were the victims.

Otherwise, how to explain that the aliens appeared on the night they came?

How to explain, they just watched the ‘Things Outside the Heaven’ leave? The six-door girls are indeed powerful, but they can’t stop the three of Shengzi. ”

After listening to Elder’s analysis, everyone suddenly realized.

It turned out to be so.

Sure enough, the big Elder became a big Elder for a reason, and his wisdom is better than others.

“What a treacherous monk!” The crowd scolded angrily.

“Now what?”

Lan Xiaowan asked.

Elder looked at the tea leaves floating in the cup, and the corner of his lips curled up with a sneer: “The escaped’Things from Heaven’ should still be in Sect. Call all the disciples to search.

On the side of the saint child, someone will definitely be sent to follow up, and people will stare at him secretly.

Now that Tantric Sect gave us such a meeting gift, my Yin & Yang Sect had to reluctantly accept it. ”

In the hall, everyone smiled brightly.

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