Chapter 446

After Lan Xiaowan left, Chen Mu came to the place where the other party was standing just now, and revisited the strange painting.

The strange behavior of the other party just now makes people think about it.

Chen Mu had inferred countless unsightly and extremely exciting scripts in his mind.

This also caused some friction between him and Shao Siming.

This little friction knows everything.

Fortunately, Shao Si ordered the girl to be indifferent and indifferent. If it were changed to another woman, I’m afraid Hedong Lion Roar would have added a clubbing long ago.

“Who gave this painting to Tianjun, do you know?”

Chen Mu asked.

The young man who watched the painting together shook his head.

“From what Aunt Lan said just now, it can be inferred that Tianjun once liked a woman, and this painting was given to Tianjun by that woman, and it has been kept until now.”

Chen Mu curled his lips and became accustomed to this kind of bloody love story.

Unexpectedly, dignified Tianjun also had such a bad and vulgar past.

Seeing that the young master looked at the painting on the wall destinedly, Chen Mu was puzzled: “What’s so good about this painting? I use my toes to paint better than it.”

The girl didn’t bother to pay attention to him, her eyes were extremely serious.

After a long time, she suddenly raised her delicate jade arm, forming strange seals.

When you look closely, the trajectory of the swinging arms when the Shao Si commanding seals is in a one-to-one correspondence with the lines in the painting. I don’t know whether it is an illusion or not, the lines in the painting also began to twist and turn.

Rows of gorgeous leaves spread around the girl’s slender legs, turning into ribbons in a trance…

But when the last Dharma seal was formed, nothing unusual happened.

Shao Si Ming frowned and thought hard.

Chen Mu didn’t dare to bother standing by.

He just admired the beautiful girl with such a blue temperament so quietly, the more he watched, the more he liked it.

Shao Siming once again followed the trajectory of the lines in the painting to start cultivation, but this time only halfway through the practice, a mysterious and powerful surging force surged out of the wall painting.

Shao Si Ming snorted and retreated a few steps.

The girl’s frowning eyebrows were very painful, and the veil was also stained with blood.

Chen Mu was taken aback, and hurriedly stepped forward to support her: “Are you okay.”

The young man stared at the painting on the wall closely, a sense of loss appeared in his eyes, shook his head, and walked to the side to heal his body sadly.

After all, Cultivation Base is not enough.

Chen Mu thought inwardly.

He hesitated for a while, took out a small book and planned to copy the lines in the painting, ready to use it for Zhiyue to practice.

What is strange is that he can imitate it, but he still draws dissimilar paintings.

The lines in the painting seem to be constantly changing.

After tossing for a long time, Chen Mu couldn’t copy successfully, and Chen Mu couldn’t help sighing, but had no choice but to give up.

If it weren’t for the fact that the young man was here, he really wanted to tear it off and take it home.

Less than a cup of tea, the young man had finished recuperating.

She glanced at the painting on the wall, looked at Chen Mu again with her smart and beautiful eyes, asking if this place still needs to be investigated?

Chen Mu shook his head: “There is nothing to investigate for the time being, let’s go back first.”

Shao Si Ming nodded.

The two followed the dark road back to the front of the Yaoyuan Waterfall.

Chen Mu did not rush back, but deliberately surveyed around Yaoyuan Waterfall, trying to find some useful clues.

Don’t say, luck is really on his side this time.

When Chen Mu reached the end of his investigation, he accidentally found a slightly outdated sachet in the Medicinal herbs pile of the magical fetal medicine “Sweet Wo”.

The sachet is extremely exquisite in workmanship and contains precious Spiritual herbs.

The exterior embroidery is a small seven-petal golden flower.

It was exactly the same as the golden flower that Shao Si Ming gave him.

Ordinary disciples have no money or ability to wear this thing, so it must have been left by a distinguished person from the Yin & Yang clan.

Is it Aunt Lan?

It’s unlikely, after all, the other party’s move just now was very weird.

So besides Shao Siming and Yun Zhiyue in the Yin & Yang clan, are there other noble women?

“Have you seen it?”

Chen Mu shook the sachet in front of Shao Si Ming.

Shao Siming shook his head.

Chen Mu sighed and murmured: “You are really useless. Or else, you can sort out a list of all the Elder disciples of Yin & Yang sect. This should be possible.”

The young man hesitated for a moment, and lightly tapped the jade head.

“Try to be more detailed.”

Chen Mu patted the girl’s round shoulders like a knife, and couldn’t help but tease. “I will give you a lollipop.”

Back in the house, Chen Mu lay unceremoniously on the bed in the young man’s boudoir, ready to sleep.

I spent most of the night with Zhiyue last night, and went to investigate the case during the day, without rest at all.

What’s more, I have to help Zhiyue cultivate tonight, and I must cultivate my spirit.

“are not you going to rest?”

Chen Mu patted the free position of the bed. “You are so thin, this space is enough, it will not be crowded, rest assured to sleep.”

Shao Siming pointed to his belly.

Chen Mu was startled, and then said with a smile: “Just get something to eat, wait until I wake up.”

Shao Siming tilted her little head, and the other party’s perfunctory attitude made her a little dissatisfied.

Chen Mu helplessly said: “Let the cook get some vegetables, tofu, etc., try to be light. It is estimated that your daily diet is like this. If you eat meat, it will cause trouble.”

After speaking, Chen Mu turned to sleep.

Shao Si Ming blinked, his soft eyelashes were like feather reeds tilting in the wind, staring at Chen Mu’s back for a while, then turned and left.

In fact, she seldom eats on weekdays, and most of them use Pishidan to solve the problem of hunger.

When Chen Mu woke up, the table was full of food.

There are not only green vegetables and tofu, but also some meat dishes, such as duck blood and chicken, which are very rich.

Chen Mu washed his face and sat at the dining table exclaimed: “Your Yin & Yang sect’s food is very good.”

Shao Si Ming handed him chopsticks.

Chen Mu saw that there were no dishes and chopsticks in front of her, and frowned, “Have you eaten?”

The girl took out a bishi pill and took it.

It’s like being full.

“Heh, it’s really non-human fireworks.”

Chen Mu rolled his eyes and made a mocking sentence. He was about to pick up vegetables when he realized something. He approached the girl and smelled it. He suddenly looked strange: “You made this table of food?”

Shao Si Ming did not say a word.

Chen Mu was stunned.

Looking at the delicious food, I couldn’t help but hold out my thumb: “Awesome, my little girl, whoever will marry you in the future will burn the incense for eight lifetimes, and the ancestral grave will be smoked.”

The young man raised his eyebrows, as if he had some opinions on the word ‘little girl’.

“Not bad, it looks like a top chef.”

Chen Mu sighed with emotion. “Not only is Cultivation Base’s unpredictable strength, but also beautiful, it also cooks good dishes, and so-called top-quality ladies are nothing more than that.”

There was a little joy in the corner of Shao Si Ming’s eyes.

This finally made her feel a little more humane.

It can be seen that the girl still has a special liking for cooking. After being praised and recognized, she is indeed very happy.

“Taste what it tastes like.”

Chen Mu swallowed a few slobbers, and couldn’t wait to pick up a piece of beautiful tofu and stuff it into his mouth.

After just chewing twice, the smile on the man’s face gradually disappeared.


The man spent a lot of energy before swallowing.

He picked up the teacup at an extremely fast speed and suffocated it with one mouthful. He closed his eyes and brewed for a while before he let out a long sigh of relief.

The lumped eyebrows gradually loosened.

Chen Mu looked at the young man with complicated eyes, and once again extended his thumb to the opponent, and praised:

“It’s amazing, it’s really fried. You can make a meal that looks delicious and exquisite as a delicacy in the sky, but it tastes so unpalatable. You are the only one in the world.

I take back what I said before, who married you… eight lifetimes of blood mold. ”

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