Chapter 432 Seven Calabash Demons!

“Calabash demon?”

Chen Mu didn’t expect that the first thing the other party confessed to him was to find someone in the life and death prison controlled by his wife.

Or some old man related to the seven Calabash demons?

But Chen Mu faintly felt as if he had heard this old man somewhere, but he couldn’t remember for a while.

The rudder master slowly said: “Have you heard of the Moonfall Goddess Lake in Pisces?”

Chen Mu-nong’s black silkworm frowned and thought for a while and said, “I’ve heard some rumors about it before, but there are rumors that the treasures of Pisces are related to the lake.”

Speaking of this, Chen Mu suddenly thought of one thing.

When investigating the case of Mr. Linghu in Beijing, I learned that the other party was the prince who was expelled from Pisces.

It is a pity that Mr. Linghu was trapped by love. Not only did he kill the two sisters, Yanyi and Xueyi, but the mission of his subordinates failed, but he also lost everything in the end.

Later, Chen Mu and Mr. Ruan talked about some topics about Pisces National Treasure, among which Mr. Ruan said–

[Heaven and Earth will most want to get the treasures of Pisces. 】

At that time, Chen Mu didn’t pay much attention to this sentence, but at the moment the chief rudder mentioned the Kingdom of Pisces in front of him, it had to make people think deeply.

Is it possible that the master of the rudder robbed the treasure, which is related to the national treasure of Pisces?

When Chen Mu was thinking about it, the chief rudder said:

“It is rumored that there were seven goddess peaks in Yaochi a hundred years ago, and seven fairies lived respectively. These seven fairies are all candidates for the future Holy Maiden in Yaochi.

Later, in order to test them, Tianmu Yaochi deliberately made a trial and asked them to pick a flower in the Moonlight Lake in Pisces.

If anyone can pick this flower, it will be the Holy Maiden of Jade Lake in the future. ”

“Flower? What flower?” Chen Mu asked curiously.

The rudder master shook his head: “The old man doesn’t know either.”

“What happened later? Who got this flower?” Chen Mu continued to ask. He is very interested in this story.

The rudder master slowly narrowed his eyes: “The seven Fairys, both of their looks and talents, are all first-class. They are inherently arrogant people. After learning about such trials, they went to the Moonfall of Pisces. Pick the mysterious flower from the lake.

Unexpectedly, this trip almost ruined the foundation of Yaochi’s sect for thousands of years, and it has declined since then, once becoming a third-rate sect, and it has only risen again in recent years.

When the seven of them were fighting for the mysterious flower at the bottom of the moonfall lake, they accidentally discovered a mysterious realm, and there was a peach garden inside.

Just when the seven of them picked the fairy peaches, a mysterious demon king suddenly appeared.

This demon king’s Cultivation Base is extremely strong. He uses spells to fix the seven fairies so that they cannot move, and then forcibly form a couple with them…”

Chen Mu’s face twitched slightly.

Good guy, this is more scumbag than him.

But to be honest, if I had this kind of strength, let alone seven fairies, seven hundred fairies would be able to snatch it over, and a hundred-man battle would be staged on the spot.

“And then? Is there a more detailed plot.”

Chen Mu’s eyes were fiery.

The rudder master’s right hand stroked the dragon-shaped sculpture on the armrest of the dragon chair, with a quiet tone:

“Yao Chi found that seven Fairy had been missing for a few days, so the Heavenly Mother took her own people to look for them at Yueluo Lake, but found nothing.

It was not until a year later that a native of Pisces said that he accidentally fell into the lake, broke into a palace somehow, and saw the seven Fairy, but they were all pregnant at that time.

Originally, the Demon King wanted to kill him, but one of Fairy secretly let him go, and told him the whole story, hoping to let him go to Yaochi and send someone to rescue them.

After learning of the situation, the angry Yaochi Tianmu took people to investigate, and finally found the entrance to the mysterious realm.

Unfortunately, before she could enter, the mysterious realm was attacked by Heavenly Tribulation.

Almost in a short moment, the mysterious realm completely disappeared at the bottom of Moonfall Lake. But the weird thing is that when they left, seven fetuses appeared on the lake.

These seven fetuses were wrapped in Calabash of different colors, protected by enchantments outside, and ordinary people could not capture them.

So people call these seven people Calabash demon. ”

Chen Mu couldn’t help but bared his teeth and said, “So the Demon King made seven Yaochi fairies pregnant, and the seven Fairy gave birth to seven Calabash demon? This sounds really… ridiculous.”

The rudder master smiled and said: “You just listen to it as a story, and don’t care about its true or false.”

Chen Mu was curious about the next development, and before he took the initiative to ask, the chief rudder spoke again:

“Originally, Tianmu Yaochi was planning to take away the seven Calabash demon babies, but she was swept away by a black wind halfway, and after chasing for a long time, she couldn’t get them back.

Since then, the whereabouts of the seven Calabash monsters have been completely unknown. until……”

The rudder master stared directly at Chen Mu and said: “Until 12 years ago, the town demon division found a monkey demon in a village in Bangla Mountain. The monkey demon has seven sons, and Calabash is on the center of his eyebrows. Imprint.

At that time, the Demon Division didn’t know the seven children, they arrested the monkey demon and sent it to Guanshanmeng and left.

Only later did they realize the value of the seven children, so they went to search again, but unfortunately the seven Calabash little children accidentally fell off the cliff while escaping and could not be found. ”

Hearing this, Chen Mu’s mind suddenly flashed a flash of light.

He remembered!

When he was in the capital, Tiebu Zhuang told him about it.

There was a famine in several villages in Bangla Mountain, and many people died of starvation. A monkey demon found food for the villagers to help the women, children and children in that village survive.

But in the end, I learned that the life-saving ‘food’ is actually the old, weak, and disabled people in another village.

Tie Bozhuang also discussed with him at that time whether this monkey demon was good or evil.

But no matter whether it was good or evil, the monkey demon was captured by the iron pile and they were sent to Guanshanyuan for purification.

Now listening to the story of the chief rudder, Chen Mu was deeply moved.

He somewhat believed that the demon king’s occupation of the seven fairies was real. Perhaps the story that sounds very ridiculous, the reality is even more ridiculous than it.

“About five years later, that is, seven years ago, there was news of seven more Calabash monsters.”

The main rudder’s eyes flashed slightly. “The court found out that they were adopted by an old farmer. So your wife, Vermillion Bird, asked someone to arrest them.

But unfortunately, she only managed to capture the old man. The seven Calabash monsters escaped again. Up to now, neither the court nor the civil forces have been able to find their whereabouts. ”

Chen Mu finally understood the purpose of the chief rudder at this moment.

He said lightly: “So you asked me to go to the Vermillion Bird prison to find that old man. Do you want to pry out the whereabouts of the seven Calabash monsters from him?”

“Yes.” The chief rudder did not deny it.

Chen Mu sneered, “You don’t want to think about how many people who enter the prison of life and death can get out alive? Besides, even my lady’s interrogation methods failed to pry open the old man’s mouth, let alone others. ”

“Your lady, Vermillion Bird, is indeed a female Rakshasa, but it does not mean that she can interrogate anyone in this world.”

The chief rudder laughed. “Some prisoners have to prescribe the right medicine.”

“Do you have a way?” Chen Mu frowned.

The main rudder’s arm gently lifted, and a white butterfly suddenly fluttered and landed on Chen Mu’s hand.

Upon closer inspection, it was made of paper folded.

“When you see the old man, give this paper butterfly to him, and he will give you the answer.”

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