Chapter 423 Don’t provoke my sister-in-law!

In the end, Mo Hanshuang still agreed to Chen Mu’s request.

With such a top expert accompany them to the Valley of Fate, even if something unexpected happens at that time, there is at least a guarantee of safety.

After Mo Hanshuang left, Chen Mu took out the letterhead given by Master Xu Ruo and looked at it.

The content of the letter was beyond Chen Mu’s expectations.

Invited him to the total rudder!

You know that Chen Mu hasn’t promised to be a member of the Tiandihui, so if you take him to the rudder, will you not be afraid of being wiped out by the court?

“What’s wrong?”

Seeing her husband frowning, Bai Xianyu asked softly.

Chen Mu handed the letter to her and smiled: “This world really doesn’t treat me as an outsider, and even wants to invite me to the rudder. Does Chen Mu have the natural potential to be an anti-thief?”

Bai Xianyu took the letter, and after reading it, he was also puzzled: “What kind of abacus is they doing. Do you think you are a descendant of the young master of Longpan Mountain, so you think you already have a different heart in your heart.”

“Follow it, since they took the initiative to run out of the olive branch, I will go and see what bargaining chips Heaven and Earth will be able to use to impress me. By the way, see what the rumored rudder master has three heads and six arms.”

Chen Mu said with a smile. “If the bargaining chip given by the other party is enough to impress me, then I will take the lady and turn against the court together and do a big business.”

“Freeze said!”

Although she was accustomed to her husband’s open mouth, these words still shocked the woman. Xingmu hurriedly swept around her eyes, making sure that no one else heard him and then heaved a sigh of relief.

The woman stared at Chen Mu irritably.

“If this is heard by others, not only will your head be gone, we will all have to be implicated.”

She handed the letter back to Chen Mu, and whispered: “In the letter, Master Xu Ruo said that he will let you go to Nanfeng Ruo in three days, and she will come to pick you up. Others know. Especially now that the Queen Mother and Your Majesty are in Dongzhou, don’t make trouble under their noses.”

Seeing his wife’s serious admonition, Chen Mu nodded seriously, but he didn’t agree with it in his heart.

Now the Queen Mother already knows that he has become the master of Nanfeng Rudder, even if he will frequently come into contact with Heaven and Earth in the future, it can be said to be spying on intelligence.

In short, he can reasonably become a two-five boy.

After lunch, Chen Mu did not go to other places, but stayed at home to play with Xiao Xuan’er.

Looking at the careless appearance of the little girl Wu You, it is hard to imagine that this girl was a terrifying demon that everyone feared a few days ago.

To be honest, Chen Mu still feels a little regretful in his heart.

If you can retain the powerful Cultivation Base of the demon on the basis of today’s Xiao Xuan’er, then it will be cool, and there will be a master daughter around him in the future.

After all, Meng Yanqing is just an ordinary woman, and he can’t always protect herself.

If Xiao Xuan’er has the Demon Cultivation Base, he doesn’t need to worry about anything.

“Brother-in-law, I heard Big Sis say that you will marry me after returning to Beijing this time, is it true?” The lively Qingluo approached Chen Mu with a twisted look, her face flushed with joy.

Today, the girl wore the familiar turquoise dress, with a slender waist and a nice grip, she was indescribably cute and cute.

The exposed skin is like amber jade, as if moistened with water.

Chen Mu frowned: “Marry you? Who said that?”

Qingluo’s pretty face collapsed, and she hugged Chen Mu’s arm and shook it vigorously: “Brother-in-law…oh no, husband, you are such a cute little lady, don’t you want to post it upside down? If you change to another man, you’ll be burning high. It’s incense.”

Chen Muyu earnestly persuaded the girl:

“Qingluo, you want to warm up the bed for your brother-in-law. My brother-in-law is still very touched, but you have no breasts and ass. Brother-in-law is really nothing to be interested in. How about raising yourself for a few years? , Maybe there is some charm?”

Facing the man’s sincere words, the girl clenched her fists.

Ignoring the presence of other people in the yard, he directly grabbed Chen Mu’s hand and pressed it to the area under his neck, then placed it behind him, and said angrily:

“Just this is not breasts and ass? Even if it is not comparable to Big sis or Meng Big sis, it is much better than Su Qiaoer’s little girl, why are you obsessed with her? I think you just have opinions on me! If you don’t marry If you don’t marry, I won’t bother to marry you.”

The girl threw down Chen Mu’s arm and turned and left angrily.

Man Jiaye, who was on the couch on the other side, saw this scene and cast a contemptuous look at Chen Mu: “Scumbag, a hypocrite.”

Chen Mu rolled his eyes and said, “Did I do something wrong? I just want the girl to fully realize the flaws of own, so that she can understand why the previous seductions failed to attract me as a scumbag.”

“Hehe, you are obviously wanting to get caught.”

Man Jiaye raised his legs, resting his hands behind his head and said to Meng Yanqing who was pursing his lips and smiling. “I’m right, Xiao Yanqing, you know this man, such a beautiful sister-in-law, I’m afraid I’ve been greedy for a long time.”

It’s rare for Meng Yanqing, who is excited, to tease Chen Mu with him.

While holding back her smile, she nodded in agreement, her mouth lightly opened, and her soft voice was breathtaking:

“The husband is very powerful and knows how to deal with women.”

“I agree with that.”

Bai Xianyu joined the camp of taunting Chen Mu.

She sneered unceremoniously: “At the beginning, the concubine thought that the husband was very honest, but he was deceived. I am afraid that on the night when the concubine married the husband, the husband had already planned when to’eat’ me and Qingluo. NS.”

“Men are like this, as long as they get their prey, they will show their true colors.”

Man Jiaye made an expression that I could see through you.

Meng Yanqing blushed and bit her lip lightly: “The husband’s method of dealing with women is always very concealed, unknowingly…”

I was embarrassed to say the following words.

Bai Xianyu smiled and scolded: “This kind of person must have been a flower heart man in his life, and if this continues, sooner or later, it will be destroyed on the belly of a woman.”

At this time, Chen Mu was completely stunned.

what’s the situation?

Originally this was pretty good, everyone had a good time, why suddenly it turned into a criticism meeting?

Who did I provoke?

Sure enough, there are three women in one scene.

Seeing the three of them fighting endlessly, Chen Mu hurriedly said: “I’m hungry, go and eat something.” After speaking, he ran to the backyard dingy.

Entering the backyard, she was about to go back to her own room and rest for a while, but she caught a glimpse of Cheongna standing in the kitchen.

The girl’s thin shoulders trembled slightly and sobbed from time to time.

The aggrieved appearance is pitiful.

“It really made me cry.”

Chen Mu was stunned, looking at the girl’s lonely and sad figure, and suddenly felt self-blame and distressed, regretting the joke.

It seems that the girl just now was really looking forward to marrying him, but was ridiculed in the end.

Chen Mu lightly slapped his ear and walked towards Qingluo lightly, opening his arms and preparing to hug the girl in his arms.

When she came closer, she found that the girl was making pork rib soup.

Obviously it was for him.

Chen Mu was touched again in his heart.

What a nice sister-in-law, she is cute, she can warm the bed upside down, and she can cook delicious meals… Don’t be a fool.

She was boasting, but saw that the girl suddenly took out a paper bag from her arms.

After opening, there are pink shreds inside.

I could see that Cheong Luo hesitated, but bit her silver teeth, poured all the pork rib soup, and then took the spoon to stir.

This scene froze the expression on Chen Mu’s face, with black lines on his forehead.

There was a scene in his mind inexplicably:

A charming and lovely girl came to her with a delicious pork rib soup, and said sweetly with a very gentle voice and a bright smile: “Brother-in-law, drink soup.”

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