Chapter 420

Although Chen Mu’s actions were sudden, Miss Xia, who had long been guarded, put her arm on the man’s chest in time when she fell into the other’s arms.

With the support of their arms, the two kept a certain distance to avoid awkward close contact.

“Is this bastard so dishonest to get drunk?”

The woman scolded angrily.

But she obviously overestimated her own strength.

Originally wanted to stand up with his hands on the man’s chest, but Chen Mu unconsciously turned over and pressed her firmly under him.

The bodies of the two were firmly pressed together, and the two mountains collapsed in an instant.

Even the queen mother could feel the other’s heartbeat.

“You—you get me up!”

The man’s breath of alcohol made Miss Xia a little dizzy, and every part of her skin seemed to start to heat up.

She pushed the man over her angrily, her heartbeat speeding up like a drum.

Isn’t this bastard intentional?


Chen Mu didn’t make any transgressions, but buried his cheeks on the woman’s neck, his drunken voice filled with endless self-blame and sadness. “I should be able to save it. If I can come back sooner, those people will not die…and those children, they are innocent.”

Miss Xia, who was originally struggling, stopped listening to the man’s words, with complex emotions flowing in her eyes.

For some reason, she felt that Chen Mu at the moment was like a child.

A child who makes people feel a little distressed.

Seeing that the dark guard suddenly appeared and wanted to pull Chen Mu away, she hurriedly made a gesture to signal the other party to withdraw.

The dark guard looked at Chen Mu, who was pressing on the Queen Mother like a lover, with a weird expression and hesitating again and again. In the end, he didn’t dare to violate the Queen Mother’s order and could only hide himself.

But after the other party disappeared, the queen mother suddenly regretted it.

After all, a man is pressing on her body, and she can’t get rid of it, which is a bit outrageous.

If it was learned by those ministers, it wouldn’t be overwhelming.

But regretting it, Tsundere’s queen mother never summoned the dark guard again.

Listening to the man breathing evenly, he gradually fell asleep, the queen mother breathed a sigh of relief, and the anger faded little by little.

Forget it, this guy didn’t mean it.

The queen mother thought secretly.

It is obvious that the other party is accustomed to treating the woman around him as his wife.

From this point, we can also see that the relationship between Chen Mu and Xiao Yu’er is better than she expected, and it is no different from a real husband and wife.

This is difficult.

After all, there are still some plans to be implemented between her and Destiny Valley.

The heat exhaled from the man’s breath hit the woman’s delicate neck, steaming red like a begonia, and occasionally her lips touched the jade-like skin, causing the queen mother’s body to tremble slightly, and subconsciously bit her lips.

After quietly pushing and shoving a few times to no avail, he simply let the opponent press.

I don’t know why, not only did she have no rejection, she actually had some inexplicable obsessions.

“Maybe… I think Chen Mu is a real friend.”

Women can only think so.

Moreover, in her opinion, Chen Mu was not taking advantage of her at this moment, after all, the other party was already drunk and asleep.

Time goes slowly…

The two always maintained this posture.

After a long time, Chen Mu mumbled and fell asleep to the inside, and put his arms around the woman’s slender and flexible waist. This gave Miss Xia the freedom to move around.

The woman took a breath, but did not get up.She looked sideways at the handsome side face of the man who was sleeping, her soft eyes wafting with charming emotions.

“I knew it, I wouldn’t let you come to Dongzhou.”

The queen mother thought secretly.

I had parted with Chen Mu for more than two months, and I would think of this guy almost every day, and the book of stories had been read over and over several times.

Most of the reason for coming to Dongzhou now is to see Chen Mu.

Of course, in her opinion, this is not a love or infatuation, but a miss between friends.

She is not an emotional idiot like Bai Xianyu.

She is an emotional expert.

Thinking of this, the Queen Mother lifted her lips slightly, even if the man put her arm around her waist, she didn’t mind, and the jade hand stroked Chen Mu’s cheek and secretly said:

“Compared to the ruthless and cold-blooded emperor, you miss the people more than him. In the court, the ministers talked about loving the people like a son, but when the people died, they didn’t necessarily shed a tear.”

The woman sighed, thinking about the situation in Dongzhou this time in her mind.

The rebellion of Lord Yunzheng caused Dongzhou to fall into chaos. On the surface, the situation is quite serious, but it involves some secret internal affairs. It is estimated that there will be no cabinet members in the court at that time.

But after all, more than 20,000 people have died, and this account has to be carried by the queen mother.

Of course, she doesn’t mind backing up.

But she had to figure out how many secrets she didn’t know were hiding behind the chaos.

What hole cards the emperor did not show.

“I really underestimated you.”

The woman whispered, a pair of narrowed apricot eyes flickered with cold light.

When Chen Mu woke up, it was already around three in the morning, and the window was still dark.

The light inside the house was a bit dim and bright.

Chen Mu shook his head, sitting on the side of the bed and not fully awake, a jade hand held a tea cup and handed it over.

“Your drink is really low enough.”

Under the light, Miss Xia’s pink cheeks were as beautiful as usual, but her neck was slightly dyed with a light haze, and she fainted a little.

Chen Mu took the teacup and drank it, jokingly said: “You don’t have medicine in my wine, right?”

“Even if it’s down, it’s poison.”

Miss Xia cast a white glance.

Chen Mu smiled and rubbed his face vigorously: “A mistake, I knew I should get you drunk first, at least it can take advantage of it.”

“Even if you didn’t get me drunk, I would be—”

Miss Xia was busy stopping the conversation.

She subconsciously touched own lips, half depressed and half annoyed: “In the future, you will still drink less. If it is another woman, you may not be able to wake up alive now.”

“If I don’t want to get drunk, I won’t fall a thousand times.”

Chen Mu tidied his clothes and said with a smile. “It’s not convenient for a man and a widow to be alone in a room. I’ll leave first.”

“Ah, is this going away?”

The queen mother was stunned.

Knowing this, she might as well take a stick to knock this guy out and accompany her for a while.

Chen Mu said: “There are still many things, besides, the lady at home is still waiting for me, so you should rest early. It is really hard for you to take care of me for so long.”

After speaking, the man left the house.

The other party said goodbye so straightforwardly that made the woman a little dazed, and she subconsciously wanted to chase out, but after chasing to the door, she stopped again.

Anyway, it is also a dignified queen mother, what is it like to chase a man.

Listening to Chen Mu’s far away footsteps, the queen mother stomped her feet angrily and cursed secretly: “Unconscionable fellow!”

However, Chen Mu’s actions also show that he is indeed a gentleman.

According to some men’s pick-up routines in the book, it is absolutely impossible to leave in this case, and will not mention own wife, but continue to find excuses to stay, and some small ambiguous actions occur.

It seems that Chen Mu did not deliberately take advantage of her before.

Thinking of this, the Queen Mother was finally relieved.

Only after she was convinced that Chen Mu had no idea about her, the woman was inexplicably worried about gains and losses.

Why does Chen Mu have no idea about me?

The Aijia is so unattractive?

The more the Queen Mother thinks, the less it feels, the more she thinks, the more angry she is, it is difficult to sleep in bed, and her mind is full of doubts.

Or… try to seduce that guy proactively next time?

The woman had weird ideas.

It’s impossible to fall in love with that guy anyway, just as an experiment on his character, and when you click it, you won’t suffer.


Chen Mu returned to the small courtyard where Bai Xianyu lived before.

Turning into the hospital quietly, he found that the light in Bai Xianyu’s bedroom was still on, and at the same time he felt a breath.

The breath came from the next room, with colorful Luo sitting at the door.

The girl should be acting as a bodyguard.

“Hello, Xiao Luo.”

Chen Mu greeted Xiao Luo who was eating sugar cane.

The girl was expressionless, she didn’t even look at him.

Chen Mu smiled and opened the door to enter the main house.

Under the light, Bai Xianyu in a snow skirt leaned on the table and dozed off.

The woman holds her fragrant cheek in her hand, and her bathed hair is draped over her shoulders, like a creamy face set against the ink-colored hair, which is extremely attractive.


Seeing her husband’s return, Bai Xianyu’s eyes lit up and she quickly got up.

Chen Mu didn’t say anything. He strode over and hugged the woman horizontally and put it on the bed…

Bai Xianyu didn’t react until the skirt faded, and blushed to cover his own shirt, and said with a sigh: “Husband, you…you are so drunk, can’t you go to the bath first?”

“Have Yan Qing and the others arranged it?”

While taking off his own clothes, Chen Mu asked the woman’s long legs as tender as fat.

Seeing the other party, she didn’t even plan to take a bath. Baixianyu’s shell teeth bit her cherry lips and wanted to kick it, but he hesitated, and finally gave up.

After the shirt was forcibly taken off by the man, the woman sighed, gave up resistance, and said softly: “Meng Big sis and Xiao Xuan’er are in the opposite room. Xiao Xuan’er woke up once, and her concubine checked her. ‘S body, no-hmm…”

Bai Xianyu’s voice paused for a while, frowning and clutching the sheets tightly.

After a while, she continued: “Xiao Xuan’er has no problems with her body, and there is no devilish energy in her body. Don’t worry, husband.”

“That’s good.”

Chen Mu leaned down and pointed the tip of his nose to the tip of the woman’s, “Lady, let’s try to make a baby these few days.”

“No, concubine body—”

Before Bai Xianyu finished speaking, he was blocked by the man’s lips.

After a long time, she blushed and said, “Go back to Beijing first and marry Meng Big sis. If Qingluo is willing, we will marry her as well.”

Does Cheongna still need to be willing? I just threw myself over and posted it upside down.

Chen Mu smiled and said: “It’s okay. After we get married, Zhiyue and I will go to the Yin & Yang Zongyitang, settle her affairs, and then we also marry.”

“Cloud Big sis is gone.”

“What?”Chen Mu stopped his movements and frowned. “Zhiyue is gone?”

Bai Xianyu nodded her head, and moved her body down without missing a trace: “In the evening, she received a message from Yin & Yang Sect, and then left, saying that she would be back in a few days.”

Chen Mu was very surprised.

At present, Yun Zhiyue still has a mission in Tiandihui, and suddenly leaves, is there a situation in Tiandi?

As I was thinking, there was a sudden pain in my arm, but it was pinched by the lady.

Seeing the woman’s faintly resentful expression, Chen Mu smiled and leaned down again, and while continuing to play the applause game, he asked, “Is there any news from the Queen Mother?”

“Not yet.”

Bai Xianyu bit her lips and said slowly. “Although the situation in Dongzhou is not that bad at present, the Queen Mother will inevitably be attacked by the power of the court, and it is estimated that she is still in melancholy.”

Chen Mu smiled bitterly: “Presumably her old man is already very disappointed in me.”

“Disappointed? Not necessarily, you have solved another case anyhow.”

Bai Xianyu said.

Chen Mu lowered his head and held the woman’s earlobe, and Shao Qing said, “Now think about it, was the Queen Mother really only sending us here to solve the problem of the Heaven and Earth Society?”

Hongxia’s Bai Xianyu was startled and opened his eyes to look at her husband: “Husband, you mean… the queen mother knew that Dongzhou would be chaotic a long time ago?”

“Sooner or later Dongzhou will have chaos, it depends on the chaos.”

Chen Mu smiled. “I feel that the queen mother may have felt something, but I’m not sure, so I sent you and me here based on the situation of heaven and earth.

Of course, the Heaven and Earth Club does have problems. For example, we still don’t know what the general rudder master is doing, what his injuries are, whether he has got the “Things from Heaven” and so on. ”

Listening to her husband’s analysis, Bai Xianyu smiled bitterly: “Husband, don’t talk about it at this time, okay?”

Obviously the two are still doing business, but the man talks horribly about the messy case, which is also speechless.

Chen Mu was stunned, realizing that he really shouldn’t talk about other things at this time.

He kissed the woman’s face and smiled: “Since Vermillion Bird doesn’t want to talk about business, then the official will not talk about it, and take care of you.”

With that, he hugged the woman directly.

For a while, the house was full of carnival flavors of love.


In the dark secret room, gusts of murky wind lingered.

The woman stared at the intelligence in her hand, thoughtfully.

After leaving Chen Mu, the queen mother did not stay in the restaurant, but appeared in this extremely hidden dark room.

Faithful guards wearing masks guarded on both sides, and their strength was at the top.

“Open the door.”

The queen mother covered her nose with a handkerchief and motioned to the guard to open the door.

In a house beside the secret room, a mediocre-looking woman in ragged clothes was locked by chains.

The woman is in her forties, just an ordinary person.

But at this moment, she seemed to lose her mind, roaring and struggling towards everyone, like a female leopard going crazy.

If you look closely, you will find a line on the center of her eyebrows.

In addition, her eyes were red.

This was one of the mobs who had Gu in Dongzhou City before, but one unexpectedly survived here.

Looking at the woman who yelled at her, the queen mother wanted to step forward to observe carefully, but was stopped by the secret guard: “The queen mother, she is very dangerous!”

As she was talking, many black bubbles appeared on the woman’s arm.

Then in the next second, her body suddenly exploded.

Fortunately, the dark guards planted the barrier in time, so that the queen mother was not in danger.

The queen mother fixedly looked at the broken body, with no fear on her face, and asked a subordinate next to her: “How is it, did you find out what?”

The subordinate took out a record paper and handed it to her.

The Queen Mother took it and read it carefully, with complex colors floating in her eyes, and murmured: “How many secrets does the first emperor have? It is the world of the Ji surname after all, and I have long taken precautions against the Ai family.”

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