Chapter 418: Meeting Girl Xia Again!

After coming out of the room, Yu Chou Chou and White Tiger walked silently on the bluestone floor, without speaking to each other.

Passing through the long corridor, Yu Chou Chou took the lead in breaking the silence:

“Although the rebellious prince Yunzheng was blocking the Dongzhou Rebellion this time, there are bound to be many people on the court side who will investigate, especially Yu Tietou and the Queen Mother. After all, Chen Mu is to blame. This shit-chucking stick.”

“Chen Mu is certainly a reason, but it is also our negligence.”

White Tiger said lightly. “From the very beginning, the girl named Zha Zhuxiang pretended to be General Feiqiong and caused a lot of troubles in Dongzhou and planted disasters.

Until Du Piwu’s death, Prince Yunzheng was naturally unable to sit still, and the princess was eager to refine Gu worms, Chen Mu could easily take this opportunity to overthrow them, and it was luck and their death. ”

Yu Chouchou nodded and said, “That said, but Chen Mu will not get rid of it for a day, and it will eventually become a serious problem.”

White Tiger slightly raised the corners of his lips: “Although your Majesty has given a secret order to agree to the assassination of Chen Mu, you and I understand that your Majesty still doesn’t want Chen Mu to die and wants to use him.”

Yu Chou Chou’s eyes moved and did not speak.

The White Tiger envoy continued: “Lord Yunzheng is just a pawn. This guy wants to establish a new dynasty in Dongzhou. He is to blame for his upper body. Is it true that I am a vegetarian?

Although it is a pity to die now, at least some experiments have been completed for us. The more than 20,000 people in Dongzhou who have died in vain are enough to prove that the path of Gu worms is not working, and the magical power of Wuma is just a joke in the end. ”

Yu Chouchou rubbed his cheeks and sighed: “I also overestimate the magical skills of Lord Yunzheng and Wuma, and then I have to re-plan.”

He turned his head to look at the White Tiger Envoy: “In short, Chen Mu, that kid should stare more. Don’t let him investigate your true identity at that time. If your identity is revealed, the Vermillion Bird Envoy will surely strip you alive.”

“You better take care of yourself first.”

White Tiger made coldly leave a sentence and walked towards the side yard.

Watching the short and thin body of the other party go away, Yu Chou Chou smiled, but there was a hint of coldness in his eyes.

Your Majesty trusts this White Tiger, but he doesn’t trust it.

Out of the other courtyard, Yu Chou Chou entered the carriage and just drove out of the small road to return to Dongzhou City, but saw Chen Mu rushing on horseback.

Yu Chouchou frowned, jumped out of the carriage and cupped hands and said, “Master Chen came to me on purpose?”

Unexpectedly, Chen Mu rushed over directly.


Unprepared, Yu Chouchou was kicked three meters away by Chen Mu, and he slammed his back heavily on the boulder behind him.

Although it is a cultivator, this kick is enough to make Yu Chou Chou choking.

“Cough cough cough…”

Yu Chouchou coughed a few times in pain, and looked up at Chen Mu with a cold face and said angrily: “Chen Mu, you are crazy!?”

Chen Mu picked up his shirt and asked coldly, “There are obviously some normal people in the pile of corpses. Why did you kill them all, even the babies!”

Yu Chou Chou stunned, throwing away his arm and said with no good air: “Under the circumstances at the time, how can the officer tell who is a normal person and a mob? The sword is not long-eyed, what can this officer do?”

“Shit! Even if a mob broke through the city gate at that time, it would never be possible for normal people to rush out.”

Chen Mu was furious.

Yu Chou Chou said solemnly: “You were not in the city at the time. Do you know what happened? The official led the people to remove more than 20,000 mobs with all their strength. Even if a few were mistakenly killed, what would count? The official rescued. This is enough for the tens of thousands of other people in Dongzhou! Your Lord Chen is compassionate and admirable, but sometimes you have to use your brain!!”

Seeing the hypocrisy of the other party, Chen Mu’s heart ignited raging anger, and the corpses of those innocent people were constantly intertwined in his mind, superimposing the angry emotions.

But he calmed down quickly.

Although Yu Chou Chou seemed to be the one who gave orders, he would not dare to do it without the above instructions.

After all, that is more than 20,000 people.


At this moment, a shrill voice sounded.Turning his head to look around, Chen Mu suddenly narrowed his pupils and was surprised.

The visitor turned out to be the eunuch Rong Gonggong next to the emperor.

When Grandpa Rong came to Chen Mu, he smiled and said: “Congratulations, Lord Chen, for breaking another case and smashing the conspiracy of Lord Yunzheng. Master Chen is indispensable. Your Majesty will reward you heavily when you return to Beijing. .”

Chen Mu looked at Ronggong, thoughtfully.

He retreated two steps, and saw a luxury carriage parked in front of the courtyard with a glimpse of his eyes. He seemed to understand something in his heart.

“I will continue to investigate!”

Chen Mu didn’t say any more, turned and left.

After watching Chen Mu leave, Yu Chou Chou rubbed his still painful lower abdomen and spit out a mouthful of blood: “Damn, this guy is quite arrogant.”

“Huh, can you not be arrogant? This time, Dongzhou and his party will definitely gain more trust from the Queen Mother.”

Ronggong sneered.

Yu Chouchou sneered, “How much trust can you gain if you fail to help the Queen Mother turn the situation? Will the Queen Mother really treat this guy as a treasure?”


Chen Mu returned to Dongzhou City, feeling depressed.

Seeing her husband’s ugly face, Bai Xianyu said worriedly: “What’s the matter?”

“The emperor may be here.”

Chen Mu said lightly.

Bai Xianyu was startled, and hurriedly asked, “Have you seen him with your own eyes? Shouldn’t it, at this time Dongzhou hasn’t settled down yet, why would he come?”

Chen Mu repeated what he saw, and said solemnly: “Although Yu Chouchou has the power, he dare not easily slaughter the mob. It now appears that it is most likely that the little emperor instructed him later.”

“But why did the emperor do this?” Bai Xianyu puzzled.

Chen Mu shook his head: “I don’t know, maybe I am desperate to add some political achievements. In any case, now that more than 20,000 mobs have died, this account has to be counted on the Queen Mother.”

Bai Xianyu understood what her husband meant.

Du Piwu, the former prefect of Dongzhou City, was an important official protected by the Queen Mother, but now Du Piwu cooperated with the rebellion of Lord Yunzheng, causing Dongzhou to fall into chaos, and the Queen Mother must carry it on his back.

The death of more than 20,000 people is also your responsibility, blame it for others.

It is foreseeable that there will be many officials in the court next to criticize the queen mother and one party, and even take the opportunity to uncover some old accounts.

The little emperor’s timely handling of the crisis will also be praised by the people and the court.

All in all, for now, the little emperor is indeed a winner.

“What will the Tiandihui side do? You are already involved in the sub-rudder rudder master now. If this matter is dug up by others, the queen mother will become even more passive, and you will be investigated at that time. What’s more… …You are still a descendant of Longpanshan.”

Bai Xianyu has deeper worries.

Chen Mu sighed, “I thought about it carefully. The reason why Tiandi Club gave me the position of rudder, apart from being a descendant of anti-thief, is to use my identity to cooperate with the Queen Mother.”


The woman blinked her eyelashes like a fan, not quite understanding the meaning of the other person’s words.

Chen Mu lightly patted her fragrant shoulders: “Let’s talk slowly later. I will take a good look at the current situation and analyze it later. You will arrange for Yan Qing and the others to stay and rest first.”

“how about you?”

“I’m going around the city alone to see what I can find.”

“Okay, be careful.”

Bai Xianyu quickly stood on tiptoe and kissed the man’s face while no one was seeing it, and whispered. “The concubine will take care of her husband tonight.”

After speaking, before the man could react, he blushed and turned and ran away.

Looking at the beautiful shadow of his beloved wife, Chen Mu’s heart is tender and fiery, and the previous depression has also faded a little.

After sending away Yun Zhiyue and Man Jiaye, Chen Mu wandered around Dongzhou City alone.

Although the city was baptized by mobs, it only damaged some ordinary houses and buildings. Most of the buildings were intact, and some streets and alleys were also intact.

In fact, thinking about it can understand.

These mobs were only controlled by Gu worms, instead of burning, killing and looting like some insurgent rebels.

“It stands to reason that it is very unlikely that Lord Yun Zheng would release Gu worms in that situation. Why did you choose this method of dying?”

Chen Mu squatted on the ground, looking puzzled at the crushed corpse of a flying insect.

Some things didn’t look much at the time, but if you taste them carefully afterwards, you will taste some different flavors.

The people behind this Dongzhou City are undoubtedly Yun Zheng Wang and his wife.

However, some of their late stage behaviors are hard to understand and always feel too radical.

While Chen Mu was investigating other situations, a familiar figure suddenly ran into his eyes, which surprised the man.

A woman stood in front of the restaurant in the distance.

The woman is dignified and decent, with a black crepe pleated palace dress lined with her slender waist and her graceful waist. She only feels infinitely coquettish and very coquettish.

There is also a skirt hanging on the waist, gently swaying with the wind.

But the most eye-catching thing is the woman’s arrogant mind, which is enough to hold the rivers, and it is dare not to cling to it.

Miss Xia?

Chen Mu rubbed his eyes, thinking that he had hallucinations, but after a closer look, it was indeed the other party.

“Why is she here?”

Chen Mu was puzzled.

But when I remembered that the other party had said that he was from Dongzhou before, I was relieved.

Chen Mu hesitated and walked over.

At this moment, the woman was standing in front of a restaurant, her face full of sadness and depression, even Chen Mu came to the side without knowing it.

“This restaurant shouldn’t be your property, right?”

Chen Mu asked aloud.

The woman was ‘frightened’, she was relieved when she saw Chen Mu, her condensed jade hand patted Proudly on her chest, wondering: “Why are you? Why are you here?”

“This should be more appropriate for me to ask.”

Chen Mu took out the six door tokens around his waist.

Miss Xia was stunned, then she shook her head and laughed, and gave a dignified salute: “In response to Master Chen, the concubine’s home is here. Why do you think the concubine is here?”

“But why didn’t I see you before? What’s more, it happened here before—”

“Riot, right.”

Miss Xia’s lips curled up bitterly. “The concubine came the day before, but has been unable to come in outside the city. Now that the city gate has been released, the concubine has the courage to come and see how the family’s property is going.”

Chen Mu stared straight into the woman’s eyes without speaking.

After a while, he suddenly opened his arms and smiled: “Don’t old friends give me a hug? Love tiger oil.”

“Don’t, men and women—”

Before she could finish her words, Miss Xia was embraced by the man.

The woman was stunned.

The strong breath on the man made her forget to push away, and she stood still so stiff, without even a trace of anger.Fortunately, Chen Mu just hugged him, and then let go of the opponent.

Despite wearing a delicate thin skin mask, a little peach blossom appeared on both cheeks of the woman, like a faint rouge that was dizzy, indescribably moving.

“How about, is there any loss in the family?”

Chen Mu asked.

Miss Xia glanced at each other in autumn and didn’t want to hug each other. The little white orchid finger hooked her hair around her ear: “It’s okay. At most, the business is affected. I don’t know if this Dongzhou City can still be used. Stay here.”


Chen Mu said. “Although the chaos in Dongzhou this time was great, it did not cause damage to the foundation. At that time, the court will definitely arrange for residents outside the city to move in and provide certain welfare policies. Sooner or later, it will be a matter of returning to the prosperity of the past.”

“That’s good, with your assurance from Master Chen, I won’t worry about it anymore.”

Miss Xia smiled sweetly.

Chen Mu pointed to the locked restaurant: “Aren’t you going to let me sit in? I’ll pay.”

“Okay, please, Master Chen.”

Miss Xia took out a bunch of keys from nowhere, then found one of them and unlocked the door, smiling at Chen Mu.

Chen Mu glanced over the key in the woman’s hand and stepped into the restaurant.

Perhaps it was a rush to leave. Some tables in the restaurant still had unfinished wine and dishes, and some chairs and chairs were overturned.

Miss Xia found a clean table and brought a jar of wine with her hand.

“The chef, Xiao Er, is not here, so let’s just drink some wine, and my boss will serve you and serve you.”

Miss Xia was joking between her eyebrows.

Then pour Chen Mu a drink.

Apart from the first emperor of the year, Chen Mu was the first one in the world to allow the Queen Mother to pour the wine in person.

Sitting on the stool, Chen Mu felt the deserted atmosphere and apologized: “Speaking of which, I should apologize to you. After all, I am an official and I have not been able to protect you people.”

“Can you represent the court with a small head catcher?”

The corner of Miss Xia’s lips smeared with mockery.

Seeing the real guilt in the man’s eyes, she swallowed the ridicule that she had wanted to blurt out again.

“It’s none of your business, I’ve heard about it all on the road, it’s all caused by the Queen Mother.”

Miss Xia said lightly.

Chen Mu shook his head: “The queen mother is just a mess, it could have been restored, but I don’t know why it happened. Two to three thousand people died, and it is difficult to tell who should fall on this account.”

“It’s a pity that there are only a few people who think so.”

Miss Xia picked up the wine bowl and drank it, laughing at herself. “At the beginning, many people in the court impeached Du Piwu and wanted to clean up the Dongzhou officials, but the queen mother insisted on going her own way and continued to reuse Du Piwu. This has led to today’s disaster.”

Chen Mu was surprised: “You know a lot about the affairs of the court.”

“Officials and businessmen are one unit. If you want to do a good business, you have to put a few ears in the officialdom.”

Miss Xia smiled.

Chen Mu nodded: “That’s true. By the way, how come you are alone.”

“Who said I was alone? The other guys went to see other stores. Don’t you think that I’m just such a restaurant.”

Miss Xia said lightly.

She raised the wine jar and continued to pour a glass. She looked up in annoyed mood and drank it: “You said this Dongzhou…Is there any need to stay.”

The crystal clear and mellow liquor followed the corners of the woman’s mouth, was caught by the tall breast, and slid down a graceful arc.

Chen Mu said with emotion: “This wine is really fragrant, I really want to taste it.”

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