Chapter 416 It’s Over, Consummation! (Eight thousand words)

Shock and fear are intertwined into a giant airtight web that envelops everyone in the dust-free village in the temple.

At this moment, the temple was deadly silent.

The villagers of the dust-free villages all stood on the spot like sculptures, staring blankly at the demon that appeared suddenly, their eyes filled with fear and confusion.

I don’t know who made a panic scream first, and then everyone ran towards the temple gate.

“Don’t run, they’re all old friends, don’t you remember the past?”

A touch of provocation appeared on the lips of the demon.

She raised her little white hand, and saw strands of black mist turning into iron locks, wrapping around the temple, sealing the area completely.

The faces of those who originally wanted to escape were full of despair, and they knelt on the ground begging for mercy.

The guards wanted to rush over and kill her, but before they even came in front of her, they were exploded into a cloud of blood.

The maiden stared blankly, her lips slightly pale.

Previously, he was determined and domineering. At this moment, only panic and horror were left, and he stepped back step by step.

She didn’t expect that she would be designed by Chen Mu.

I thought I was playing with the other person in the palm of my hand, but I never wanted to provoke a real mask.

At this time, the demon didn’t look at her directly.

She walked slowly to the stone statue of the goddess Wuma, looked up in a dazed manner, and a mockery appeared in the corner of her lips unconsciously:

“You want to protect them, it’s a pity… they eat you alive.

You always think that the nature of human beings is to be good, and you try to create a world of peace and no evil, and you send yourself to The Underworld.

Human nature is greedy, and human nature is also cowardly.

By now you should also understand that the ideals you pursue and follow are nothing more than spectacles. ”

The demon sighed and looked at Chen Mu: “Master Chen, one thing is actually wrong. The witch goddess is never a witch doctor, she is actually a snake demon. A fool trying to make people live peacefully with the demon.

When she rescued everyone in Wuchen Village, she hoped to resolve the prejudice and contradictions between humans and demons with kindness, but unfortunately… she completely failed.

Lost to human greed and ugliness, lost to reality. ”

Chen Mu looked at Xiao Xuan’er, who was transformed into a demon, in a complicated mood. He knew that there was a demon god in front of him, but he always thought that Xiao Xuan’er would come back.

“Actually…you are not only a demon, but also a resentful spirit of the witch goddess, right?”

Chen Mu looked at the little girl and asked calmly.

The demon raised his eyebrows and looked quite surprised. He smiled and asked, “How did you know?”

Obviously, she admitted that she was the resentful spirit of Goddess Witch.

Chen Mu said: “I looked at the murals and the records in the book, and probably inferred some reasons.

Wuchen Village will elect two witches every once in a while. And the other… was eaten alive by the villagers to prevent the curse of the goddess Wuma.

After the death of the goddess Wuma, her resentful spirit was unwilling to pass away, so she cursed the villagers.

Not only makes them infertile, unable to achieve immortality with a body, but also makes them suffer the burning punishment of the soul and turn them into stone statues. Those stone statues kneeling in the Great Hall are some of the people who were punished.

So in order to resist the curse, the villagers found a way.

They placed the wraith spirit of the witch goddess in a twelve-year-old girl, and then ate it alive.

In this way, they will not be punished by the burning of the soul, nor will they turn into a stone statue to kneel there and confess forever.

And as Zhen Zhen, you were the witch who was eaten at that time.

It’s just that the parents who adopted you couldn’t bear to see you being eaten by the villagers, so they locked you in the tomb. Unexpectedly, you turned out to be a demon. This caused the situation to get out of control, and eventually the doom of the dust-free village came. ”

“Pop! Papa! Papa…”

The demon clapped his little hand and exclaimed. “Master Chen deserves to be the Great Flame God Catcher, and indeed it is right to cooperate with you.”The witch girl on the side understood it at this moment.

It turned out that Meng Yanqing chose to hold the devil at the time, in order to secretly tell the other party Chen Mu’s plan, and this allowed the devil to cooperate in a play.

It’s ridiculous that I thought I had a chance to win, when Chen Mu was a tool man.

“So you are not Xiao Xuan’er?”

Meng Yanqing stared at her.

“Don’t you understand now? The devil is actually unconscious. It is just a mass of magic power. If anyone absorbs it, he will have powerful power.”

The little girl said slowly. “And I am the resentful spirit of the Goddess Witch, we merged with each other to become Xiao Xuan’er. When I was born, the memory was not unblocked, so I was just a little girl at that time. But now my memory is unblocked , Is no longer your daughter.”

The words of the little girl in front of him gave Meng Yanqing an unbelievable expression.

It would also be said that Xiao Xuan’er is a combination of the Witch Goddess Wraith and the Demon!

The woman was upset and didn’t know what to do.

But immediately, her eyes became firm: “I believe Xiao Xuan’er is still in your body. You promised me that you will let Xiao Xuan’er be with me.”

This is a mother’s instinct.

Whether it is a soul or a resentful spirit, it is absolutely impossible to create an independent and complete personality.

Xiao Xuan’er is just Xiao Xuan’er, she has never been a demon nor a goddess of Wuma!

“Don’t worry, I will keep the promise.”

The demon smiled.

She turned around, her icy eyes swept across the villagers who were kneeling on the ground begging for mercy, and then fixed herself on the shrine maiden.

The latter was pale, and accidentally fell to the ground when he staggered backwards.

“My Goddess… Back then, I… I didn’t mean to harm you, I… I was also persecuted by those villagers…”

The Miko trembles and pleads.

“Back then, I rescued you from a few bandits, accepted you as a disciple, taught you medical skills, and regarded you as a good sister.”

The devil looked at the witch indifferently and sneered. “But you avenged your grievances. In order to live forever, you secretly gave me medicine and tricked these ignorant villagers to torture me. In the end… you forced me to reveal the truth and ate me alive.

Ya ya ah ya ya, you were a young girl, but your heart was more vicious than a snake. Have you ever thought that one day you will fall into my hands? ”

The witch shuddered, her lips biting bloodshot.

She suddenly yelled: “You are not much better! You have made yourself an upright appearance of Bodhisattva, pretending to be pure and kind, but a demon is a demon! What kind of peace and happiness in the world is all because your brain is sick and wishful thinking!

What’s more, since you are so kind, why do you have resentful spirits after being killed by us? This does not mean that there is actually a devil hidden in your heart! You also have evil, you are no different from everyone! ”

Listening to the roar of the witch unwilling to vent, the demon thoughtfully.

She stood quietly, her eyes erratic.

At this moment, the witch Yaya suddenly took out a jade dagger from her arms and stabbed at the other party: “Die me!!”

The demon was silent again.

“Hypocrisy! Hypocrisy! All hypocrisy! You are all hypocritical!!” The girl shouted angrily, and pushed Meng Yanqing to the ground, her face slightly distorted.

Meng Yanqing just looked at her with only tenderness in her eyes.

Gradually, the girl calmed down.

She looked up at the dark sky, opened her mouth to say something, but only sighed.

“Do you know? My mother abandoned me back then, but I don’t actually hate her.”The’mother’ in Mo Ling’s mouth is the woman in the clean village who adopted her.

She lightly wiped the tears on Meng Yanqing’s face, and said with a smile: “She could have lived forever, but she gave up because she once, really loved my daughter and was willing to give up everything for me.”

Meng Yanqing said softly: “Zhen Zhen, I believe she has never given up on you, just like I never gave up Xiao Xuan’er.”

The demon smiled, his bleak expression a little more relieved.

“Like I said, the devil is just an unconscious magic power. And the goddess Wuma is just a resentful spirit. I am not Xiao Xuan’er, I am Zhen Zhen, a girl with resentment in her heart.”

Zhen Zhen buried the head in Meng Yanqing’s chest, and muttered to the listener’s gentle heartbeat. “Once, I also heard my mother’s heartbeat, like talking to me, so gentle, so gentle…”

Tears filled the eyes, and the girl’s face was stained with traces of past memories.

At this time, Meng Yanqing didn’t notice that a little bit of light began to appear in the sky, like small sparks in the sea, flickering, and beating tiny dots of light.

The surrounding black mist began to fade.

Those terrifying monsters gradually changed back to their normal state. There were young and old, male and female, and some monsters…

All the grievances and hostility in them were gone.

They looked at the mother and daughter embracing each other, a knowing smile appeared on everyone’s face, and then turned and left.

The turbulent blood returned to clean and clear, and turned into lake water.

A woman appeared in the distance.

It is the goddess of Witch.

She wore a skirt that was as white as snow, looking at the demon quietly, her eyes were indescribably gentle and moving.

The two of them just stared at each other, looking at each other.

“I am leaving……”

The girl looked up at the sky that was no longer dark, her fine fingers combed Meng Yanqing’s long hair lightly, and murmured. “Mother, your instinct is right, Xiao Xuan’er has been in this body, she is Xiao Xuan’er, she is just your daughter.”

As the girl’s voice fell, the magic energy in her body began to evaporate like steam.

There were fine cracks in her skin, as if an eggshell had been broken, little by little, it disappeared with the wind.

The blazing light made Meng Yanqing subconsciously cover his eyes.

When the light dimmed, Meng Yanqing found that the little girl in front of her had disappeared. She hurriedly looked around, thinking that she would lose the other person again.


Behind her rang the girl Nuo Nuo Tiantian’s voice.

Meng Yanqing was startled, and slowly turned around.

Xiao Xuan’er was wearing a light green skirt, like a cute elf standing among the fragrant green grass flowers, no different from the well-behaved little girl of the past.

“Little Xuan’er.”

The woman didn’t rush to hug her this time, but fell on her knees and sobbed silently.

She understands that own daughter is back.

It was not a demon, nor was it the resentful spirit of Goddess Witch, nor was it Zhen Zhen, but her real daughter Xiao Xuan’er.


The girl threw herself into Meng Yanqing’s arms.

The two hugged each other.

Not far away, Chen Mu and Bai Xianyu who rushed to watched this scene, and their faces showed emotion.

“Husband, hurry up and marry Meng Big sis after I go back this time.”

Bai Xianyu said softly.

Chen Mu turned his head and looked at her affectionately: “Miss, I am the only one in my heart, so… can you let me marry more.”


Author’s words: The Wuchen Village case is over, the next case, Yin & Yang case, push two Siming.

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