Chapter 414: The Mystery Revealed!

“Why doesn’t it work?”

Hearing the words of the second master, Bai Xianyu’s hope that had been ignited was immediately extinguished, and she couldn’t help but frowned.

The second master said quietly: “Back then, I put the devil into the Wuchen Village only for revenge. I never thought of hurting others outside the Wuchen Village, so I knew that there was a Magic Treasures in the’purification bottle’. .

It’s a pity that I’m still naive, thinking that using this Magic Treasures can regain the devil, I never thought that the effect would be limited.

In desperation, I could only use the purification bottle to make my best to transform the devil into a ‘fetal bead’, and try to put her back into Meng Yanqing’s body before the devil got out of control.

Because no matter what, Meng Yanqing is her’biological mother’.

Only Meng Yanqing can temporarily suppress the demon nature of the demon. As for what happens in the future, I can only find another way. ”

Bai Xianyu asked, “Have you found a way?”

The second master smiled bitterly and shook his head: “No, all these years I have exhausted all my energy to find a way to purify the devil, but unfortunately there is still no hope.”

Man Jiaye coldly said: “So you want to kill Xiao Xuan’er several times.”

The second master exhaled a long suffocation, and said lightly: “I want to kill her, because I know how terrible the devil will be once it returns. However, I didn’t do anything in the end. Killer is not an easy task.”

“There is another reason!”

Bai Xianyu stared at her with bright eyes. “The people in Wuchen Village haven’t completely died. You want to use Xiao Xuan’er to kill them again!”

The Second Master did not deny it, looking at the gloomy sky and said: “It is not easy to kill them all. Even the devil cannot enter the world of the third dimension unless–”

“Unless what?”

Seeing that the other party stopped talking, Bai Xianyu asked.

“Unless the magical power of the goddess Wuma can be used to get rid of the devil.” The second master said. “Unfortunately, I couldn’t get to the temple in the third-dimensional world, so I had no choice but to make this.”

“Then now we still have a chance to purify the demon?”

White Feather frowned.

The second master smiled slightly: “If you want to become a devil, you must first fall into the abyss. I have a hunch that day is about to dawn.”


In the early morning, the sky gradually showed light, the thick fog outside the house gradually dispersed, and the blue sky was painted with a layer of pink.

Chen Mu was neatly dressed, ready to set out to find the demon.

Looking at the girl who came out of the side room with a pair of dark circles under her eyes, Chen Mu smiled and said: “I would have let you sleep with us if I knew it, so I don’t have to worry about not sleeping well all night.”

Yaya pursed her pink lips aggrievedly: “You husband and wife live in the same house. What is it for me to follow.”

Seeing the haggard Meng Yanqing behind Chen Mu, Yaya stopped talking and then asked, “Where shall we go first?”

Chen Mu suppressed a smile on his face and put his arms around Meng Yanqing’s fragrant shoulders: “Just act according to our plan last night. Now Yanqing has a way to find the devil because the devil made a deal with her before.”

“Deal? What deal?”

Yaya is very curious.

Chen Mu didn’t conceal it either, and said lightly: “She wants Yan Qing to be in a demon with her.”

Yaya stretched Shui Ling’s apricot eyes: “Enchanted?”

Chen Mu nodded: “After all, Yan Qing is her’biological mother.’ If it is included in the demon, then the devil’s Cultivation Base will have a lot of Ascension, and perhaps it will be able to enter the third dimension world.”

“That’s how she wants to enter the third dimension world?” Yaya looked confused.

Chen Mu sighed: “Devil spirits are originally extremely cold-blooded monsters, otherwise how could they force you to hide in the third dimension world.”

“I do not understand.”

The girl looked a little lost.

Chen Mu patted her shoulder and said softly, “For today, there is only one way. Let Yanqing find her first and pretend to agree to the demon. Then, when the demon is unprepared, use the purification bottle to recover it. Then you will have to trouble you. Take us secretly from the dark road to the temple, and completely settled this grievance.”

Yaya glanced at Meng Yanqing, her white rabbit-like teeth bit her lips, nodding her head: “Don’t worry, we will succeed.”

“I hope so.” Chen Mu’s eyes couldn’t get rid of the sadness.

…The three of them simply ate some dry ingredients that Chen Mu took out from the storage space, and then left the cabin where they had stayed overnight.

After a full half an hour, they came to a depressed mountain forest.

The sparse branches and leaves screamed with the wind.

There is a weedy field on its right, uneven, and you can feel chills when walking inside.

“That’s it.”

Meng Yanqing placed her palm on own chest, sensing the breath left by the demon last night, and said softly.

“Here is a barren grave in a real dust-free village.”

Chen Mu looked around and said lightly. “After the death of the people in the former Wuchen Village, they were buried here.”

Yaya murmured, “My parents are included.”

Chen Mu pointed to a hillside not far away, and said to the sad girl: “Ya, you are from Wuchen Village. If the devil sees you, he will do it. You and I will go there and wait and hide. breath.”

“But isn’t Meng Big sis alone in danger?” The girl looked worried.

Chen Mu shook his head: “After all, Yan Qing is the biological mother of the devil, and there is no danger. If the devil sees us, it will be dangerous.”

“Well, I listen to you.” Yaya nodded.

Chen Mu took out a few magic charms and handed them to Meng Yanqing: “You must be careful when you call her in a while.”

“I will take care of own.”

Meng Yanqing reluctantly smiled, lowered her head and remained silent for a long time, and said softly. “Do you think we did the right thing?”

Chen Mu raised his hand and stroked the few green threads in front of the beautiful woman’s forehead: “There is no right or wrong in this world. People are their own. What we see is not necessarily darkness, nor is it necessarily clean.”

“I understand, it’s just…”

Crystal tears overflowed the corners of the woman’s eyes again, and Meng Yanqing’s jade-rooted fingers gripped the man’s clothes tightly, and finally slowly let go. “Go, I know what to do.”

Chen Mu hugged the woman into his arms, kissed the other’s forehead, turned around and took Yaya away.

After seeing the two of them hiding well, Meng Yanqing took a deep breath, came to a relatively flat terrain, put his hand on own chest, closed his eyes…

Time passed slowly like water.

Black clouds gradually appeared in the originally clear sky.

These clouds are constantly stacking up, as if a splash of ink is poured on the sky curtain, becoming dim.

Soon, wisps of black mist appeared on the open field.

In the mist, a petite figure emerged.

“Little Xuan’er…”

Looking at the face of her familiar daughter, Meng Yanqing felt sorrow again in her heart. She couldn’t help but want to rush to hug her, but was blocked by the black mist in front of her.

The demon looked at her blankly: “It seems that you have already considered it.”

Meng Yanqing wiped away the tear stains on her face. She didn’t know how to speak for a while, staring at the devil in a daze, “Does it matter what you promised your mother?”


The corners of the demon’s lips curled up. “As long as our transaction is completed, I will never leave you. No matter Xiao Xuan’er or Zhen Zhen, we are all your daughters anyway.”

“Okay, I promise you.”

Meng Yanqing showed a sad smile.

She slowly stretched out her arms, half begging and half sad: “Before the transaction, can you let your mother hug you again?”

The demon frowned and curled his lips and said: “It’s really hypocritical!”

Despite her disdain, the little girl waved away the thin black mist before her eyes and walked over.

Meng Yanqing hugged each other, tears could not stop falling again.

The memories of a family of three were lingering in my heart, with a knife-like pain in the warmth.


The demon asked coldly.

Seeing that the woman just cried and didn’t say anything, she hugged her a little bit tighter. The demon was very impatient and wanted to push her away.

But the next second, her face suddenly changed.

“you wanna die!!”

With a “bang”, Meng Yanqing, like a paper kite with a broken line, flew out and landed heavily on the ground, with blood overflowing from the corners of her mouth.

At this moment, the devil’s face was full of savage anger.

The gaze towards Meng Yanqing was full of murderous intent.

But when she wanted to step forward, she couldn’t move, and she saw a bottle covered with golden light hanging upside down above her head.

The purification bottle continuously gushes out golden light, trapping the demon in it, and the surrounding black mist gradually dissipates.

“You dare to hurt me! You lied to me again!!”

The demon was frightened and angry, and wailed in pain and anger. She stretched out her hands to leave, but was scorched back by the golden light.

The thick black mist turned into a sharp blade and dashed out, still being blocked.

“I’m sorry, Xiao Xuan’er, I’m sorry…”

Seeing the painful appearance of her “daughter”, Meng Yanqing’s body twitched as she sobbed, apologizing over and over again.

At this time, Chen Mu also rushed over, lifted Meng Yanqing up, and swung out the magic talisman to form a translucent barrier shield in front of him to prevent the demon from suddenly running away.

“You lied to me!”

The demon shrouded in golden light kept roaring.

The thick black clouds in the sky also seemed to begin to whirl and surging with the anger of the devil, the surrounding wind was violent, and the cold and sharp aura seemed to invisibly strangle a person’s throat.

Even the purification bottle suspended in the sky began to tremble slightly, as if it would burst in the next second.

However, no matter how hard the devil struggles, it will eventually calm down under the suppression of the powerful nemesis Magic Treasures.

Until the last ray of black mist was purified, the demon turned into a slap-sized baby at a speed visible to the naked eye, was sucked into the purification bottle, and sealed on its own.

Everything finally returned to calm.

Chen Mu grabbed the purification bottle in his hand, and an extremely piercing chill instantly hit his upper arm, rushing out of Spirit Power to disperse it.

“This purification bottle can only be temporarily controlled for a period of time, and we must go to the temple as soon as possible.”

Chen Mu posted a few magical charms and said.

Yaya ran over, looked at the faintly black bottle, and worried: “Will something happen to her?”

Chen Mu shook his head: “No, once purified, he will return to normal. Now I am afraid that the purification is unsuccessful, and we may all stay here to be her dinner.”

“Then let’s go to the temple quickly.” Ya Ya hurriedly said.

Chen Mu nodded and saw the blood on the corner of Meng Yanqing’s mouth. He didn’t care to heal the other party’s injuries, so he took out a Medicine Pill and handed it to her.

Then he hurried to the passage leading to the third dimension world with the two women.

Fortunately, when the three arrived, the connecting passage was not closed by the village chief of Wuchen Village, which made Chen Mu relieved.

It is estimated that the village head is still dealing with Grandpa Yaya.

Entering through the passage, Chen Mu returned to the third dimension world smoothly, smelling the fresh air and said with emotion: “Finally, there is no disgusting burning smell.”

“I don’t know how grandpa is doing now.”

Yaya looked sad.

Chen Mu patted the girl’s thin shoulders and comforted: “After the demon is purified, I will take you to rescue your grandpa.”


A smile appeared at the corner of Yaya’s mouth.

Chen Mu only let Yaya lead the way after scouting around and there was no danger.

Under the leadership of Yaya, they first walked through a mountain forest, and then found a very hidden hole in a crack in the rock.

The tunnel is quite narrow, and it feels like a hole made by some rodent beast.

The intestine is more tortuous than that.

The three of them wandered around for a long time before coming out of the boring secret road, and found that they had actually come to the small courtyard behind the temple.”Let’s go.”

Feeling that the purification bottle began to tremble again, Chen Mu forced the door open and entered the temple.

The temple was still deserted, no different from the one he had stolen in the middle of the night last time. Under the refracted light, the image of the goddess Wuma was slightly dim, and even more gloomy.

“There is divine power on the idol, just put the purification bottle on it.”

Chen Muhu looked at the stone statue with shining eyes.

“Let me come.” Yaya volunteered. “I’m from Wuchen Village, I might have unexpected gains when I go to release it.”

Chen Mu handed her the purification bottle in her hand: “Be careful.”

Ya ya lightly tap the head.

However, at this moment, the abnormal change protruded.

Huh huh!

Suddenly golden silk nets appeared on the walls of the windows and doors on all four sides of the temple, instantly as if combined into an indestructible cage.

“The old man knows you will come back.”

On the other side of the idol, a few Daoist shadows walked out, and the leader of Wuchen Village was at the forefront.

He looked at Chen Mu and smiled, “You gave me a big surprise.”

Immediately afterwards, a hidden door appeared in the temple.

Every family in Wuchen Village walked out of the secret door, holding an oil lamp in their hands, staring at Chen Mu and Meng Yanqing blankly.

The empty temple quickly filled with people.

The strange thing is that the oil lamp they were holding had only a wick, no oil.

Judging from the current situation, it is obvious that the villagers of these dust-free villages have been waiting here early.

Chen Mu looked around at the villagers around him, his eyes on the village chief: “So, you are not waiting for me, but for the demon fetus, right?”

“Yes, we knew you would bring her here.”

It was not the village chief who was speaking, but a hoarse old voice.

Behind the village chief, an old woman appeared impressively.

The old woman leaned on a cane, her face was covered with wrinkles of ditches, as if she had been burned by fire, her cloudy eyes were a bit sharp, staring straight at the purification bottle in Yaya’s hand.


Chen Mu raised his eyebrows slightly.

The old woman looked at Chen Mu and said, “Master Chen, if you want to leave, we will never stop you.”

“Just me?” Chen Mu smiled.

The old woman looked at Meng Yanqing: “She is the mother of the devil. It is an unexpected surprise that she can come, so she can’t go with you, only you can leave.”

“If I don’t leave, will I die here?” Chen Mu asked.

“should be.”

The old woman smiled and said, the wrinkles on her face bloomed with her smile.

Chen Mu’s expression did not appear to be flustered or angry. He patted the dust on his shoulders sideways, and said lightly: “Actually, I have a guess, no, it’s not a guess, it should be… facts.”

“Oh? What facts?” the old woman asked curiously.

Chen Mu stared directly at her, and said every word: “You are not a witch at all, at best, you are an old servant next to the witch.”

The expression on the old woman’s face changed when he said this.

For a long time, she squinted those deep old eyes and slowly said, “If I were not the witch of Wuchen Village, who would it be?”

Chen Mu sighed and said nothing.

At this time, a slender figure slowly walked towards the idol.

The villagers parted the road on their own, watching the girls sitting on the throne with great reverence, kneeling on the ground to salute:

“See Master Miko!”

The girl looked indifferent, looked down at the purification bottle in her arms, and then showed an extremely bright smile at Chen Mu: “Master Chen, thank you for the gift you gave Yaya, my deity… I like it very much.”

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