Chapter 411 The dialogue between Meng Yanqing and the devil! (7,000 words)

The child ran very fast, and when Meng Yanqing chased a deserted courtyard, there was no other person.

The woman in the yard in front of her had never seen it during the day.

There is only a two-story loft inside.

The attic has not been repaired for a long time, and faint moss grows in the wet brick cracks, and the cold wind passes through the broken wooden window mullions, making a weird whimper.

“Little Xuan’er…”

Meng Yanqing whispered, sweating from the palm of her hand holding Fu Zhuan.

She is not sure if the child she saw just now is her own daughter, but as long as there is a glimmer of hope, she will keep track of it.

Unfortunately, the call was not answered.

The woman bit her pink lip, stepped into the courtyard, and gently opened the attic door.

Compared to the dark night, there is a carved stone lantern on the wall of the attic, with candles lit, the light is faint, as if it is just a firefly sheltering in a corner of a quiet room.

The layout of the room is very simple, there are only a few furniture items, but it is very clean.

And under the stone lantern, sits an old woman.

The old woman had silver-white hair, and her body seemed to be sewing clothes. Her face was normal, not as burnt as others, and the wrinkles in the corners of her eyes were kind.

Perhaps sensing something, the old woman turned her head to look at the door.

After seeing Meng Yanqing standing abruptly at the door, the old woman hurriedly picked up the stick beside her and retreated to the corner of the cabinet.

And this move made Meng Yanqing quite happy.

Prove that the other person is a human.

She quickly said: “Don’t be afraid of Big Sister, I am not a monster outside, I am a lost stranger.”

Hearing Meng Yanqing’s words, the old woman looked surprised and suspicious.

She ignited an oil lamp next to her and pushed forward. After seeing Meng Yanqing’s beautiful cheeks, the old woman frowned in surprise and said, “You… why did you run here?”

Meng Yanqing’s eye circles were red: “My daughter is gone, I just want to find her, and I don’t know why I am in this place.”

Seeing that the woman’s expression didn’t seem to be lying, the old woman hesitated for a while and said softly, “Then you go in and hide, it’s dangerous outside.”

“Thank you Big Sister.”

Meng Yanqing wiped her tears and entered the room.

The charcoal on one side was still burning wood, and the warmth in the house gave the woman who had just experienced fear some comfort.

“Big sister, you said you came to this village to find your daughter?”

The old woman brought a cup of hot tea and asked.

Meng Yanqing did not dare to tell the truth, nodded and said: “I went to visit relatives with my daughter, and when I passed by Wuchen Village, the little girl was too playful and couldn’t find her. So I came to look for her, but I don’t know why, this village …”

The old woman sighed, “I should say whether you are lucky or bad. But now that you are still alive, you are lucky. You have seen all the guys out there.”

Meng Yanqing held the tea cup in both hands, felt the heat from the cup noodles, and nodded gently.

Thinking back to what I saw before, my heart still shuddered.

“To put it hard, although I don’t understand how you got in, if your daughter really came to this place, I’m afraid… will be dead long ago.”The old woman said.

Meng Yanqing’s curled eyelashes trembled lightly, her eyes drooping without speaking.

Naturally, it is impossible for her to tell the old woman that her own daughter is a demon, but thinking about the dangers outside, she still worries in her heart.

Meng Yanqing raised her head and asked, “Big Sister, why are you…”

“I used to be from Wuchen Village.”

A wry smile was wiped from the corner of the old woman’s mouth, “After the fire burned down nine years ago, the old woman was lucky enough to escape, but she can only live with her grandson and my son here, and it is difficult to get out.”

“Why don’t those monsters attack you?” Meng Yanqing was curious.

The old woman smiled slightly: “This was the place where the Goddess Wuma lived…Forget it, I guess you don’t know who the Goddess Wuma is. Anyway, you are safe here. You will find a way to go after dawn tomorrow morning. Bar.”

Meng Yanqing had heard Chen Mu talk about the Goddess Witch before.

From the words of the husband, I probably knew that the goddess was a woman with a strong desire for control. I didn’t expect this house to be hers. It’s no wonder the monsters didn’t dare to approach.

But Meng Yanqing, who was worried about her daughter, didn’t want to leave like this. She asked softly: “Big Sister, haven’t you seen a little girl? Probably this tall and very young girl.”

Seeing Meng Yanqing’s gestures, the old woman shook her head: “No, if your daughter appears near here, maybe I will know. But as I said before, in this kind of place, your daughter is so small. , It’s not easy to live.”

Meng Yanqing’s eyes showed an unconcealable loss.

She looked at the kind old woman in front of her: “Are you going to stay here forever? There is always a way to get out.”

“Strange old lady I can go out.”

The old woman smiled bitterly and shook her head, continuing the needlework in her hand. “But my grandson and son don’t know why they can’t get out of this village. I think, what can I do if I go out, it’s better to stay here with the children.”

Feeling the sadness and helplessness of the old woman, Meng Yanqing thought of own daughter.

She and Xiao Xuan’er are so helpless.

Knowing that the chance of saving her daughter is very small, but she can’t bear to abandon such a daughter.

“Where are your grandson and son now?” Meng Yanqing asked curiously.

The old woman pointed to the stairs: “I just ate dinner, and now I am sleeping on it. Oh, yes, you haven’t eaten it yet, it just so happens that there are some leftovers here, I’ll heat it for you.”

“Need not……”

Just as Meng Yanqing was about to decline, the old woman had already walked out of the room and headed for the kitchen. The woman had to sit back in her chair.

Seeing the staggering old woman, Meng Yanqing felt anguish in her heart.

If you can find your daughter, maybe you should find a way to pick up the family, you can’t always hide here.

It’s hard to imagine how the old woman’s family spent the past nine years.

At this moment, a voice came from the stairs.

Meng Yanqing turned her head and looked around, but saw a small figure standing in the shadow of the stairs, a child.

Thinking of the old woman, it should be her grandson.

“Could it be this kid I saw just now?”

Meng Yanqing secretly thought.

She stood up and said softly: “Don’t be afraid, I am not a bad person. I want to know if you have seen a little girl who is a little taller than you.”

Seeing that the child was silent, she stepped forward and said: “I saw you outside just now, and—”The woman’s voice stopped abruptly.

Meng Yanqing, who walked to the bottom of the stairs, saw the child clearly.

She opened her red lips slightly, her body trembling.

The little boy has charcoal-like skin, especially that face, lined with weird and terrifying ditches. The most strange thing is that his tongue sticks out and is entangled in his neck…

“Chen Chen, why are you out? Go to bed early.”

At this moment, the old woman suddenly appeared behind her.

She walked up the stairs and stroked the head of the monster child, with a very gentle and kind tone: “Is it hungry? Grandma is heating up the leftovers. Would you like to have a bowl for you?”

The long tongue of the little monster wrapped around his neck slowly squirmed like a snake, making a creaking noise.

Meng Yanqing looked at this weird scene with a waxy face, slowly backing away.


As a result, he accidentally overturned the wooden stool and made a noise.

The old woman looked over, still with that friendly smile: “Big sister, this is my grandson, his name is Chenchen.”

Meng Yanqing’s beautiful and pale face squeezed an ugly smile: “I…I…I’m still looking for a daughter, so…I won’t bother your old man, I…let’s say goodbye.”

After speaking, the woman quickly walked towards the door.


A long tongue suddenly flew to close the door.

The child stood in front of the door like a ghost, barking at the frightened woman, his hands and feet lying on the ground like limbs.

The smile on the old woman’s face was still so brilliant, she slowly walked down the stairs, her voice faintly: “Big girl, your daughter must have been eaten by those monsters, old woman, I won’t lie to you. But you still have to be a mother. chance.

The old woman can’t live long, and no one will take care of my grandson and son. I think, if you marry my son, your family of three will have a good life here, okay? ”

Meng Yanqing slowly stepped back, squeezed the talisman seal in his hand, and said in a trembled voice: “Are you… a human or a monster?”

“Of course I am a human.”

The old woman walked towards her and smiled. “As long as you become their family, they won’t hurt you. Sister, you are so beautiful, it would be better for me to be a daughter-in-law.”

Seeing the crazy and twisted light burning in the old woman’s eyes, Meng Yanqing understood that the old woman was crazy.

While observing the position of the little monster at the door, she thought about the escape plan.

“Big girl, you came in this place, but it’s hard to get out.”

The old woman continued to induce Meng Yanqing. “You live here well. We will protect you. Once you go out, you will be torn to pieces by them and eaten by them.”

“I would rather die than stay with a lunatic like you!”

Meng Yanqing suddenly grabbed the teapot next to her and smashed it at the old woman, who was unprepared and staggered and screamed and fell to the ground.

As soon as the old woman got to the bottom, Meng Yanqing rushed to the door.

The little monster blocking the door sticked out his long black tongue, but before it was thrown away, all seven or eight talisman seals flew over.

Fearing to be inaccurate, Meng Yanqing simply threw out all the talisman seals in her hand, creating a ray of life for herself.

Although the little monster dodges quickly, there are still two seals sticking to his long tongue.

Suddenly, black smoke gasped.The little monster made a harsh howl of pain and rolled on the ground.

Taking advantage of this gap, Meng Yanqing hurriedly opened the door and rushed over, but as soon as he stepped out, he was hit back hard and knocked the back of his head on the table, causing pain.

When I looked up, I saw a hideous, burly man standing in front of the door, staring at her deeply.

The big man walked into the house and picked up the big axe by the door!

“Jiang’er, she is your wife, don’t kill her!”

The old woman ran up to stop the big man, her forehead that had been injured by Meng Yanqing just now was still bleeding, and her distorted expression was extremely permeating.

At this moment, the little monster slowly calmed down from its wailing.

Half of his tongue is gone, and the burnt flesh on his waist is also lost by half, and his breath is sluggish.

He roared angrily at Meng Yanqing, and rushed forward.

Seems to bite this woman into pieces!

As a result, before flying to the woman, he was swiped by his father with a giant axe, fainted on the ground, motionless.

“Chen Chen!”

The old woman was so scared that she hurried over to check her grandson.

The big man leaned down, grabbed Meng Yanqing’s hair, lifted her up like a doll, and placed it in front of his eyes.

It’s like a beast, looking at a sheep without resistance.

“Don’t kill her!”

The old woman was afraid that her son would kill Meng Yanqing on an impulse, and then left her grandson and ran back to comfort her: “Son, old woman, I am old, and I can’t take care of you for a few years. A daughter-in-law will take care of your old woman and I will die. Don’t worry, you must not kill her.”

The giant man was panting, there was no extra emotion in his scarlet eyes, only cold.

Meng Yanqing is like falling into an ice cave at this moment.

The desperate mood even concealed the sharp pain of being pulled by the other party’s hair.

She pleaded at the old woman: “Big Sister, please let me go. You are also a mother. My daughter is still outside. She really needs me…”

“Your daughter is dead.”

The old woman still tried to persuade Meng Yanqing. “Now you have a complete family, isn’t that good? You have a husband, you have children, and you and my mother-in-law. Our family is happy to be here. It is better than you are alone in the future.”

“Big Sister, I already have a husband, please let me go?”

Tears from Meng Yanqing’s thick eyelashes fell like pearls, staying on her cheeks, gleaming.

The old woman smiled and said, “It’s okay. There are many women out there. He will forget you. Only my son will take good care of you. If you are lucky, you can have a big fat kid.”

“Please… I really can’t marry your son, please Big Sister…”

Seeing the big man pulling at her skirt, Meng Yanqing was shocked and struggling desperately, “Get out! Get out of me!”

She held her feet hard, and furiously beat the monster man in front of her with both hands.


The annoyed man flicked his arm and threw Meng Yanqing out like a sandbag.

The woman hit the cabinet and fell heavily to the ground again, feeling like every inch of bone in her body was broken, painful, and bloodshot from the corners of her mouth.

The old woman stomped her feet and said, “Can’t you be a silly boy? She is your daughter-in-law.”

The big man ignored her, walked over and pulled Meng Yanqing’s hair up, and dragged it up the stairs, as if he was about to drag it back to his own room.

“let me go!”

The woman struggled desperately.

While struggling, I suddenly saw a talisman on the ground that had not been activated just now.

Enduring the pain of the scalp, she grabbed it in her hand, and at the moment she was dragged up the stairs, she used the railing beside her to pedal hard, and then pressed the talisman seal on the man’s body.


Fu Zhuan emitted green smoke, directly burning up.

The big man broke out a painful scream, and subconsciously let go of his hand holding Meng Yanqing’s hair.

Because of his huge size, he staggered back and turned over directly behind the railing, turning over the large cabinet next to him, and was directly pressed under the cabinet.

I didn’t know what was in the cabinet, it was so heavy that the big man couldn’t get up for a while.

“My son!”

The old woman screamed and hurriedly ran up to lift the cabinet.

Meng Yanqing, who had recovered her freedom, got up from the ground and ran out of the attic regardless of her injuries.

But it was already raining outside at this time.

The heavy rain fell like a milky way, and the sea poured down, hitting the earth frantically.

Thousands of thunder and lightning are shining in the sky, creating a scene of doomsday.

Meng Yanqing, who staggered away, accidentally slipped and fell to the ground, splashing mud on her original white and beautiful cheeks.

She tried to get up and continued to run forward.

At this moment, the old woman who was carrying the cabinet anxiously saw Meng Yanqing who was running away, her face that should have been kind suddenly became savage, and she shouted angrily:

“You bitch! Come and save my son! bitch!!”

“Get me back!”

“If you dare to leave, I will kill you!”

“You go! We will find your daughter! Peel her skin! Twitch her muscles! We will chop it up!!”


Listening to the old woman’s constant curses and threats, Meng Yanqing suddenly stopped.

She turned to look at the old woman who was trying to rescue her son from under the cabinet, but her beautiful eyes of fear and horror calmed down at this moment.

A bit of cold and firm color quietly filled the woman’s eyes, and it condensed into ice.

The rain has completely wetted her clothes, and the perfect and exquisite body of the woman is like a fairy in the rainy night.

She wiped the rain off her face and suddenly walked towards the old woman and them.

Seeing Meng Yanqing’s sudden return, the old woman was startled and grinned triumphantly: “Yes, you are a smart woman, you should know that only we can protect you! Come on! Come and help me carry the cabinet!”

However, the next second, she was stunned.

I saw Meng Yanqing picked up the big axe stained with dried blood on the ground and hacked it towards herself!

The old woman was frightened and raised her hand quickly.


With the screaming scream, half of the old woman’s arm flew out, and she fell backward with her whole body.

“You want me to be your daughter-in-law?”

Meng Yanqing raised the axe with both hands high, and then stared at the big man who was roaring and struggling under the cabinet and sneered. “Then I will send your son to The Underworld first!”

The woman slashed the giant axe fiercely.

The sharp blade slashed on the man’s face, but it did not slash, but the face was sunken.

The man did not die, he was still struggling and howling terribly.

“It’s okay, come again!”

Meng Yanqing stepped on the cabinet with one foot and continued to swing his great axe.

A mixture of roaring, screaming, screaming… the axe hit the man’s head again and again.

At this moment, the beautiful woman seemed to vent the grievances and anger that had been suppressed in her heart for a long time, and she completely evolved into a fierce female mob, and all her fears were suppressed by anger.

Finally, the man’s howling stopped.

His head had been chopped down to pieces, and as the trace of black paint remaining on his skin gradually disappeared, his whole body turned into coke.

“My son! My son!”

The old woman screamed and screamed at Meng Yanqing. “I will kill you! I will kill your daughter! I will make you pay!”

The hair dampened by the rain scattered on the beautiful woman’s forehead, covering a little bit of her eyes.


Meng Yanqing carried the axe towards the old woman, and the tip of the axe made a small trace on the ground.

She looked at the old woman who was constantly cursing, and sighed and said, “I know you love your own child and understand your heart as a mother. But… you really make me feel sick!”

After speaking, Meng Yanqing took the axe and chopped it down.

Half of the old woman’s head was cut off, and blood spurted out, splashing all over Meng Yanqing.

The woman didn’t realize it.

Looking at the old woman’s body slowly falling to the ground, she looked indifferent.

After a long time, just as Meng Yanqing was about to leave, his eyes suddenly caught sight of the little monster who was stunned by his father with an axe. It seemed to have a tendency to wake up, and his legs moved slowly.

“Almost forgot you little crap.”

Meng Yanqing walked over and looked condescendingly.

The little monster shook his head and woke up. After seeing the woman standing in front of him, he opened his mouth and let out a harsh and angry cry.


In the next second, his head was smashed into a cloud of fly ash by a giant axe!

The flame in his chest was still burning.

Countless emotions rolled up from the stomach, stuck in the heart of the beautiful woman, stuck in the throat, and it was difficult to express.

She raised her blood-stained cheeks and closed her eyes.

Quietly listening to the thunder and rain outside the door, quietly listening to the blood flowing in the old woman’s head, quietly listening to her own heartbeat…Cang Dang!

The axe in his hand fell to the ground.

But she grabbed the handle of the axe again, her jade hand held tightly, and the back of her hand stretched out.

Meng Yanqing dragged his axe, her white snow skirt stepped through the pool of blood, and came to the desolate courtyard ravaged by the torrential rain, allowing the cold rain to wash away the blood on her body.

Gradually, her face couldn’t tell whether it was rain or tears.

A shady cold wind blew, and the leaves made a rustling sound, as if they were crying sadly.

And at this moment, there was a burst of whispering sounds in the bushes and woods.

I saw a figure begin to appear.

They twisted their bodies and surrounded Meng Yanqing in a weird posture, as if they had found delicious food, and they made a sound of excitement.

Meng Yanqing took a deep breath and held the axe handle with both hands.

“Come on, I’m not afraid of you!”

The woman’s eyes were firm.

She is just a mortal.

But she is also a mother, a mother who can save everything for her daughter and face all fears!

But just when these monsters were about to approach, they suddenly became restless one by one.

Then they began to leave quickly, and soon disappeared.

Meng Yanqing had some doubts.

Suddenly, she seemed to feel instinctive and turned to look!

I don’t know when behind, there was a little girl standing, staring at her faintly, with a weird smile on her mouth: “It really surprised me.”

“Little Xuan’er!”

Looking at the familiar girl’s face, Meng Yanqing rubbed her eyes and couldn’t believe it for a while.

She threw down the axe, rushed to hug the girl in surprise, and cried as if she had been pierced in a stream of tears: “My mother found you, and my mother finally found you, Xiao Xuan’er, I’m sorry, yes. Mother is late, sorry…”

The woman kept blaming herself, holding the girl’s arm quite hard, as if to rub the girl into her own heart.

“Your daughter is dead.”

The woman’s thin lips moved slightly, and there was an indifferent voice.

Meng Yanqing’s body stiffened, but she didn’t seem to hear her, she still hugged the girl and told her thoughts and guilt.

She got up and grabbed the little girl’s cold hand: “Go, Xiao Xuan’er, mother will take you home.”

But the girl was like a stone sculpture, motionless.

Meng Yanqing wiped away the tears from her face and squatted down in front of the girl to squeeze out a gentle smile: “Xiao Xuan’er, mother made a lot of dishes that you like to eat, and bought a lot of rock candy Calabash. What do you want to eat in the future, mother Never stop you. Will you go with your mother?”

The beautiful woman continued to pull the girl, but she couldn’t pull the other half.

The picture seems to freeze at this moment.

Obviously, the mother and daughter are holding hands, but they seem to be separated in two worlds, unable to be together forever.

Meng Yanqing shrugged her fragrant shoulders, and tears kept falling into the rain. She hugged the girl’s petite body again, sobbing and begging:”Mother please, will you go with me? Mother is willing to do anything for you, as long as you can return to mother’s side…”

As she said, the woman burst into tears.

The girl gently wiped the tears on the beautiful woman’s face, and asked softly, “Why do people feel sad when someone dies? This will happen to everyone sooner or later.”

Judging from the girl’s tone and expression, she seems to want to know the answer to this question.

Meng Yanqing sobbed softly and replied, “Because people have feelings.”


It seemed difficult for the demon to understand these illusory things.

She looked at Meng Yanqing and said, “So are you and your daughter very close?”

The beautiful woman cried and did not respond, she just hugged the girl tightly.

“Back then, I thought family affection was the best feeling, but it wasn’t until my father and mother abandoned me one after another that I didn’t realize that in fact, people are the least emotional, including you.”

The demon stroked Meng Yanqing’s wet hair.

In the next second, the woman’s hair was dry, including the clothes on her body. Although the heavy rain was still pouring, it could not fall on the two of them.

“No, mother will never abandon you!”

Meng Yanqing shook her head and hugged the little girl, for fear that once she let go, the other party would disappear from her again.

The demon smiled, looked up at the thunderous sky, and said softly: “Why don’t you do that? I’ll give you a chance to see how deep your affection is for your daughter?”

“Opportunity… what opportunity?” Meng Yanqing couldn’t understand.

“Let’s make a deal.”

The demon held the beautiful woman’s cheeks in both hands, and the smile at the corners of his mouth cracked bit by bit, especially strange. “If the transaction is completed, then I will be with you forever and never break my promise.”

Meng Yanqing’s eyes lit up, and she quickly asked, “You said, what is the deal.”

The girl put her little hand on Meng Yanqing’s heart, a cloud of black mist slowly condensed out, and said lightly: “Have you heard?”

Meng Yanqing was stunned, staring at the girl’s familiar but unfamiliar eyes, and fell silent.

“I’ll give you the opportunity. It’s up to you whether you choose to be Bodhisattva or the devil in The Underworld.”

The demon said with a smile. “But I believe you will make the right choice. I saw the scene just now. It really surprised me. At least my mother is not a crap who just cries.”

“So, did you admit that I was your mother?” Meng Yanqing said softly.

The demon smiled faintly: “Of course, but you have to prove that you are qualified to be my mother.”

Meng Yanqing said: “If I agree, can you come back to me like Xiao Xuan’er?”

“Fool mother, I am Xiao Xuan’er.”

The demon whispered in his ears.

The next moment, her figure gradually faded.

“Little Xuan’er!”

Meng Yanqing was startled, and quickly reached out to catch, but didn’t catch anything. She could only watch the girl disappear before her eyes.

She slumped on the ground, as if the body of her soul had been taken away, desperate.


[Author’s words: This is the chapter today. I am too lazy to separate. It is almost seven thousand words. I thought that the plot of Wuchen Village could end today, but after looking at it, I guess it will take two days to end. In order to make the story more continuity, I will choose to update it in the form of a big chapter in the next two days, and the ending is still a reversal. 】

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