Chapter 370 Reunion General!

The floating clouds, light and even as silk, fluttered gently in the sky like a few strips of white silk.

The sky is still clear at this time.

The daisy mountains lay across the horizon, surrounded by clouds and mist, and when they reached the boundary of the dust-free village, they seemed to be covered with layers of mist and light smoke.

Man Jiaye stretched his waist, and his slender waist outlines an amazingly flexible curve. He looked at the sparse old village houses in the distance, and gently pressed his pink lips: “Clean-free village… I really don’t know why it was like this. A name is now completely obscured by dust.”

“I didn’t pay attention when I first came, but now I look down from a high place and realize that the village is like a human figure.”

Chen Mu said in a surprised tone.

Bai Xianyu stared at it.

Sure enough, looking carefully from the edge of the ruins, the entire village vaguely resembled a huge human figure, with heads and limbs.

“Like a woman…”

An inspiration flashed in Bai Xianyu’s mind, “Could it be the goddess of Wuma?”

Hearing what his wife said, Chen Mu also felt alike, and murmured: “The goddess Wuma was the first totem deity enshrined in Wuchen Village. Later, for some reason, she should be enshrined as a water god.

But through the temples we found, we can see that every time the villagers of Wuchen Village sacrifice, they will worship the goddess Wuma. ”

Man Jiaye is not interested in such legends of gods and gods.

She jumped down like a little girl with her hands on her back, kicked off half of the stone under her feet, and sneered: “What kind of witch goddess is to coax people.”

The three enter the abandoned village.

I don’t know if it was an illusion, Chen Mu felt a faint smell of charred in the air, as if there had been a big fire here not long ago.

Nine years ago, Wuchen Village was engulfed by a fire.

But after so long, naturally there shouldn’t be any leftovers of burnt aura.

“Where to investigate first?” Man Jiaye asked, tilting his head.

Chen Mu was about to think, but Bai Xianyu raised his jade finger and said to a ruined courtyard on the far right:

“I have asked my subordinates to investigate this village carefully, and there are some household registration materials in Wuchen Village in the government office’s case library. That house should be where the little girl once lived.”

The little girl in Bai Xianyu’s mouth was naturally the mysterious little girl they had seen in the mysterious tomb, who looked exactly like Xiao Xuan’er.

In other words, that is the predecessor of Xiao Xuan’er.

Twenty-one years ago, a family named Yu had a baby girl named Qingqing.

Eight years later, strange things began to happen in the village.

Some cattle and sheep died suddenly, all skinned and headless.

Also in that year, Qingqing’s father ran away from home and never came back, leaving her mother and daughter dependent on each other.

After that, Qingqing was locked in the tomb by his mother and lived a dark life.

But soon her mother also abandoned her and left.

In the end, Qingqing was discovered by the villagers and brought to the temple to be enshrined, but he did not expect that the demons in Qingqing erupted and started killing…

It wasn’t until the whole village was engulfed by the fire that everything was over.

There are many secrets hidden in this, and the truth can only be revealed step by step.

“Let’s take a look.” Chen Mu took the lead in walking.

When they came to the deserted courtyard, the three obviously felt a stronger chill pervading here.

It’s not simply cold, it’s more like countless fine needles dipped in ice beads to pierce the human body, penetrate the skin into the flesh and blood… and even the soul can feel the tremor.


Man Jiaye converged his playful mood, and the beautiful mixed-race face showed a solemn color, “Here is a very strong spirit of resentment. The spirit of resentment I felt when I was performing missions in the sea of ​​purgatory. The anger is scary enough, I didn’t expect the resentment here to be even stronger.”

Chen Mu looked around and said softly, “I didn’t have any grievances when I came last time. It seems that the devil has been here.”

After all, it was my former home, and the departure of his father and mother somewhat condensed resentment.

“There is blood there!”

Bai Xianyu suddenly pointed to the remaining wall next to him.

Chen Mu turned his head and saw that there were blood stains in the crevices of a few stones. After squatting down and observing closely, he found that the blood stains had dried up.

He removed the surrounding stones, but it was the corpse of a hare.

The body is highly decomposed.

However, as they dig deeper, the three of them were shocked and discovered that there were still many animal corpses buried underneath. In total, there were more than 20 animals, including wild wolves and apes, all of which were highly decomposed.

After placing the carcasses of these animals aside, the three of them saw a white jade disk buried in the ground.

The disc is not big, with strange patterns like crescents.

But at first glance, it looked like a strange expression with a grimace and a smile.

“Should be using some magic technique to use the blood and corpses of these beasts.” Bai Xianyu analyzed.

Chen Mu’s face was somber as ink.

He still couldn’t understand why the people in Wuchen Village were already dead, why the demon still came here.

What is her purpose?

The sky gradually became a little gloomy, thick black clouds dyed the blue sky into a dim gray, and even the wind gradually became stronger.

After searching the surroundings to no avail, Chen Mu and the three came to a dry well.

Last time Bai Xianyu entered this dry well before meeting Chen Mu and the others.

“Try your luck again.”

Without saying anything, Chen Mu jumped directly into the dry well, and the two women jumped into the well together.

The dark passage of the black hole looked extremely cold under the illumination of the bead. Chen Mu carefully stroked the lines on the wall with his fingers, felt the thorny cold conveyed by his fingertips, and then walked deeper.

“So scared.”

Man Jiaye, who is eccentric in nature, started a moth again.

He hugged Bai Xianyu’s arm, and pitifully nudged Own Xuedi: “Sister Xiaoyu, can you let me hug you? Please comfort.”

“Go aside.”

Bai Xianyu pushed her away angry.

However, when Manjiaye interrupted like this, the already tense atmosphere was a bit more soothing, and his nerves were no longer deliberately tense.

Chen Mu took the initiative to raise his arm and said to Man Jiaye: “I have warmth to lend you.”

But before Man Jiaye reacted, the next second Bai Xianyu Qulian stepped forward and took her husband’s arm, not giving other women a chance to approach her husband.

Chen Mu smiled when he saw it and moved on.

Man Jiaye pursed his ruddy lips and mumbled a few words, followed behind silently, and from time to time he waved his pink fist toward Chen Mu’s air.

Not long after, the three came to a mural.

Unlike the murals that Yun Zhiyue and Su Qiaoer had seen before, the murals in front of them are more vivid in color.

Simply wipe off the dust, and you can see that there are villagers in the mural.

They knelt on the ground and worshipped the goddess Wuma, everyone with a fanatical expression on their faces, as if they could feel the power of the spiritual pillar.

However, on their foreheads, the appearance of Gu worms appeared.

“Gu worm…”

Chen Mu murmured. “These people are controlled by Gu worms, so they worship the witch goddess. It’s amazing to be able to control so much.”

“Da da da……”

When the three of them were watching fascinated, a strange knocking sound suddenly sounded in the secret tunnel, which was like footsteps and the sound of wooden roots knocking on the wall.

Bai Xianyu drew out her long whip and naturally protected him in front of Chen Mu.

Man Jiaye picked up the double knives with a vigilant expression.

Gradually, the figure in the secret path became clear.

The man came in a pair of armor, covered in blood, holding a painted halberd as if he was a soldier who had just come to fight on the battlefield.

Strangely, she has no head on her shoulders.

It was the headless general!

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