Chapter 97 Breaking up

 In one night, the veil of hypocrisy in the old house was torn apart.

Yan Hansheng's eyes were red, he gritted his teeth, and stared at Yan Laoer fiercely.

"Second brother, say it! Say it!" Yan Hansheng rushed forward almost like crazy.

"Obviously that day when I went to Heifeng Village, you came to see me personally, and I went there for you! You also promised me that you would take good care of Guan Niang and the children for me!" Yan Hansheng's eyes were scarlet, this matter It has always been a thorn in his side.

 That day, he discovered that his second child was injured in the same spot, and he felt quite cold.

He didn't want to think the worst about his brother who was a compatriot, but now everything was pointing at him.

"You have grown up on my back since you were a child. Why have I ever wronged you and my third son? The first money I earned, I secretly bought you food."

“How have you ever been worthy of me?”

"I was originally spotted by a master in the town and was taken to learn a craft. You said you wanted to go, okay, I'll leave it to you."

“The third child said he wanted to take the imperial examination and his family is poor. OK, I will tighten my belt and provide for him!”

"You said you wanted to marry Xiao Chen, and Xiao Chen asked for a high bride price. I went into the mountains and narrowly escaped death. I stayed there for three days and three nights and finally came out with one leg lame!"

"Little Chen and Zhou have nothing to do with Yang Chun Shui. Guan Niang is doing everything. How can you be worthy of me!?" Yan Hansheng almost roared, with blue veins appearing on his face.

 The old house tore through these layers of fig leaf, which actually made him feel scared.

"Is it you? Is it you? Tell me!" Yan Hansheng roared and punched Yan Laoer on the head one after another.


 Yan Laoer's nose and mouth were bleeding and he fell to the ground without saying a word.

"Is it you? Did you do it? Did you and Wang Lezi go to my house to rob property and kill people while I was away from home? Is it you?!" Yan Hansheng roared loudly.

The villagers who were about to stop him were all startled.

  Yan Laoer? Bringing Wang Lezi...

 Go to your sister-in-law’s house to kill people and steal money? !

 Everyone had goosebumps all over their bodies.

The chill went straight up from the soles of my feet to the sky.

Yan Laoer remained silent as Yan Hansheng punched him in the head one after another.

"My family is unlucky. My family is unlucky. I'll forget it if you make me mad..." Mrs. Chen sat on the ground and rolled around crying. Her third child was gone, her life was gone, and she committed murder.

 Little Chen was shocked.

 She was lazy and greedy, but she had never thought of harming anyone. She looked like a stranger to the whole family at this moment.

", is there any misunderstanding? Brother, you are brothers from the same mother, and you raised them with your own hands!" Little Chen hurriedly stopped him.

Yan Hansheng was filled with hatred.

"The brother I raised? The brother I raised went to my house to steal money and kill myself while I was not at home. He almost killed his wife and children!" Yan Hansheng's throat was hoarse and he almost said every word through gritted teeth. exit.

"You said that my father is old and my third brother is weak. If you go out, you won't worry about your family."

"I went to Heifeng Village for you, but my pregnant wife and young children were at home. Why are you worried? You said it was a misunderstanding? Then let me ask you, did you see it with your own eyes that his hand was burned? That night, was he at home watching over you and protecting you?" Yan Hansheng's heart broke out, he had broken the hearts of his wife and children countless times for the sake of such a family.

 It even almost caused the death of his own family!

Little Chen was startled.

She may not have remembered anything else, but the day when the man burned his hand was very vivid in her memory.

 She was slapped. That day the man said he was going out on patrol, but he suddenly hurried home in the middle of the night, his face gloomy and his eyes full of anger.

 She was carrying a basin of hot water that had been cold for half an hour. Her mother-in-law was lying in bed recovering from illness shortly after being struck by lightning.

 She had to fetch water to wash her every two days.

 But that day, the man staggered while walking and bumped into the basin she was carrying hot water, as if he was blind.

  I slapped her right across the face.

 Burned his arm.

"Is there blood?" Suisui sat on the chair, her little feet swaying, as if she was watching a show.

If her father hadn't been too involved in the drama, she could have given him a round of applause.

The new year is approaching, and it’s really a big show.

Ms. Chen frowned and thought for a moment: "It happened, but not much." She had a clear memory. Her face was sore from being beaten, but she still hurriedly opened the man's sleeve and applied medicine to him.

 Yanchuan has been extremely indifferent since he entered the door today.

 The brows are full of disgust.

"Really? The burn only resulted in blisters, but no bleeding. But the thief who entered the door that day was obviously bitten off a piece of flesh." Yan Chuan's eyes were full of anger. These are the grandparents, the second uncle and the third uncle!

Brother Qing was also standing in the hall with a medicine box on his back: "You also said that after boiling the water and letting it cool for a while, it will at most cause blisters and not bleed."

"When you applied the medicine to her, was there any defect in the wound? On that day, Yan Ming bit off a piece of flesh for the thief." Mrs. Lin held her waist, her face turned pale.

 To this day, I can’t help but feel scared when I think of that night.

What is frightening is that the perpetrator is actually a relative.

 It is her close relative.

Little Chen pursed her lips and glanced at her husband, who was staggering up. His breathing was slightly rapid.

That day, my husband pricked all the blisters from the burns.

 But she could only see that there was a dimple in the wound, and a piece of flesh was missing.

 She thought she had permed it herself.

Little Chen couldn't help but take a step back.

Yan Laoer glanced at her, took a breath, and looked straight at Yan Hansheng: "Brother, this is the second time you've hit me for an outsider."

"Outsiders? This is your sister-in-law, these are your nephews and nieces, are these outsiders? These are my closest relatives, my blood!" Yan Han was so angry that he was shaking all over.

"We are like old scalpers working hard for the old house, but you are so heartless! You beast!" Yan Hansheng was almost disappointed to the extreme, and the old house scattered all his warmth.

Now, there is only overwhelming hatred.

"Brother, if you hadn't married Mr. Lin and raised Yan Suisui, why would you be related to our family? You can only go home if they die!"

"We are a family, they are all outsiders! The third brother is right, brother, you were deceived by them, and even abandoned your parents and left the Yan family. As long as they die, you will come back!"

"Brother, you received so many thanksgiving gifts and so much food from the nobles, why can't you give some to the old house? Obviously the old house has no food, but you are so cruel! They are the ones who led you astray! As long as they die, Brother, you will return to the right path! Brother, we are all brothers, why can’t you let us help us!”

 “Brother, you have become selfish!” It was obvious that the eldest brother’s previous income came from Laozhai.

 But now the eldest brother whom I despise the most is getting more and more prosperous with each passing day.

 Lao Zhai, on the other hand, couldn't even eat enough. How could he not hate him, how could he not be jealous!

Since the eldest brother has been a scalper all his life, he should work hard and pay for them all his life. Why should he be better off if he gets better!

 (End of this chapter)

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