Chapter 94 A big surprise

 Zhou carried it up the mountain in the afternoon.

Everyone in the village helped to tidy up, but they were busy and not messy, and everything was tidied up quickly.

Only Yan Niuniu felt a little pitiful and kept looking for her mother in the house.

"Miss Fu rarely comes to Wangjia Village, so she will stay and have dinner before leaving." Yan Xiucai said calmly.

 It was as if what Fu Xiaoxiao had been angrily reprimanded had never happened.

Fu Xiaoxiao crossed his arms and looked at him with interest, and gave a low laugh.

Seeing that Xiao Suisui was looking forward to eating, he nodded.

   "Little heartless..." His eyes were all stretched out on his face, and he could hardly look away.

Fu Xiaoxiao coughed. It was probably because of the cool breeze last night.

Although Suisui is less than four years old, there is no great defense between men and women.

But he knows himself and is a serious man.

Every time after Suisui fell asleep, he would roll out the window and spend the night outside. It had been cold recently and he almost froze to death.

 “Am I not as good-looking as this?” Fu Xiaoxiao was dissatisfied.

How do you think you are better than this guy?

Suisui's eyes widened in shock.

 “How can you compare with Hoofui?” Suisui’s tone was full of surprise.

Fu Xiaoxiao snorted lightly and said proudly.

 “Assuming you are discerning, I...”

"The ham is so delicious, how can you compare with it? Your face is not as big as the ham..." Suisui looked disgusted, opened her mouth, and spit out another bone.

Fu Xiaoxiao was so angry that his fingers were trembling. How dare he say that he was not as good as Ti Pian? ? ? !

His majesty, the Crown Prince, is actually worse than a greasy hooves!

Fu Xiaoxiao rolled up his sleeves and was about to speak when he saw Mr. Chen walking straight over.

"Miss Fu, you are a distinguished guest, how can you hide in this corner? Come and take a seat, you have come from afar, we must not lose our etiquette." Old Chen's face had a bit of red light, and the calculation in his eyes could hardly be concealed .

Fu Xiaoxiao frowned slightly.

“You are the village chief, why don’t you take up the position?” Fu Xiaoxiao was worried that she would not be able to control Wangjia Village.

Suisui waved her hands, her mouth full of oil.

"Then I won't go. Only by sitting at the same table with the children can I eat good food." This is not a village presiding meeting. Why is she going to the top?

Isn’t it better to concentrate on cooking and eating?

 She is smart, she is not stupid.

Fu Xiaoxiao saw that she had not been wronged, so he followed Old Chen into the main room.

Fu Xiaoxiao turned around, the coldness in his eyes flashed past.

This old godly woman seems to be planning something. He won't be able to stay in Wangjia Village for long. He has to find out the matter to avoid causing trouble to the little girl!

 For some reason, the first time he saw Suisui, he always felt friendly.

 It feels like we have known each other for a long time, and the kindness is engraved in our bones.

 He thought that maybe this was the sister destined by God.

Fu Xiaoxiao paused.

 Actually, when he first saw the full-moon little Fu Bao from Chengenhou Mansion three years ago, he was very kind to her.

 But for some reason, I became extremely disgusted when I grew up.

It was obviously the same face, but he couldn't help feeling disgusted.

 The little blessed boy tried to be nice to him every time he met him, but he always said bad things to him, which also made his father extremely unhappy with him.

Now that I see Suisui, the kindness is back.

"Miss Fu, please come and take a seat. You are a noble person from the capital. How can you sit at the same table with a rough man?" Mrs. Chen arranged a table by herself and asked Mrs. Chen to accompany her. Mr. Chen, on the other hand, had shallow eyes and could only cook rice at the table, with grains of rice stuck to the corners of his mouth. This made Mr. Chen so angry that his teeth itched.

"You idiot who has never eaten good food, why don't you pour some wine for Miss Fu!" Mrs. Chen looked at Xiao Chen with a dark face.

Little Chen immediately put down her chopsticks with her head shrunk, and did not forget to take a photo of Yan Mancang who was eating.

A hint of impatience flashed across Fu Xiaoxiao's brows.

 Lao Chen picked up the wine glass and handed it to Fu Xiaoxiao.

Fu Xiaoxiao's jade-like hand picked up the wine glass, held it in his hand, narrowed his eyes and smiled softly, which made old Chen's heart skip a beat.

The men at the next table were eating and drinking, and she felt the third child's casual gaze, and immediately said: "Young lady, you dislike us country people?"

 Old Chen looked hurt.

Fu Xiaoxiao chuckled.

“That’s not the case, it’s just a family tradition in my family that if you drink alcohol outside, you must be accompanied by someone who tests the poison.”

There was a clang sound.

 Lao Chen's face turned pale, he couldn't hold the wine bottle in his hand steadily and spilled most of it, with panic in his eyes that couldn't be concealed.

Many villagers around looked over.

 “Huh?” Old Chen’s hands were trembling.

 Does a wealthy family have so many rules?

 In the dead of winter, old Chen's face was covered in cold sweat, and the lid on the wine pot kept shaking.

Fu Xiaoxiao looked at her coldly, seeing that her heart was about to collapse. Having seen enough of the other party's ugliness, he immediately picked up the glass and drank it all.

“You are joking, this is Suisui’s elder, how dare Xiaoxiao be so presumptuous.” Fu Xiaoxiao curled his lips and smiled, put down his wine glass and sat down.

 Lao Chen felt at ease after seeing her drink, but she still felt a little uneasy.

 He poured her another glass carefully.

 Fortunately, Miss Fu was raised in a boudoir and had no sense of guarding against others. She drank one glass after another and drank the whole pot of wine cleanly.

 “Can’t I drink?” Suisui’s head popped up from behind her at some point.

 Old Chen was so frightened that he almost jumped up.

 “You die...”

Before he finished speaking, he saw Fu Xiaoxiao's cold eyes and stopped talking in a hurry.

"Children can't drink it. If you drink it, they will turn into fools. Go to the banquet quickly. You won't have such a good chance next time." Mrs. Chen hurriedly pushed her out. At this moment, Fu Xiaoxiao narrowed her eyes slightly and pestered her with one hand. He held his chin, as if he was about to get drunk.

 Old Chen’s heart was beating wildly.

"Why don't you have a chance? You can still continue to eat after grandma is dead." Suisui stuck out her tongue, which made old Chen's brain so congested that he almost couldn't hold it in one breath.

"Eat, eat, eat, you know how to eat! I'll see if you can still laugh tomorrow!" When Old Chen saw her running away, he turned around and saw Fu Xiaoxiao's drunken appearance, and turned around immediately.

“Miss Fu is drunk, go to the backyard to rest.”

"Oh, Miss Fu drank too much... I'll help her go to the backyard to lie down for a while while everyone eats and drinks." Old Chen calmly took Fu Xiaoxiao away in front of everyone.

 While supporting Fu Xiaoxiao, he was still thinking about it.

This girl looks tall and thin, but she is quite heavy unexpectedly. The girl's flesh is soft, but her flesh is extraordinarily firm.

Fu Xiaoxiao’s bodyguard wanted to step forward, but Mrs. Chen immediately smiled and said.

“It’s freezing cold today. Let Miss Fu sober up. Let’s sit down and have a few drinks.”

The attendant glanced at Fu Xiaoxiao and immediately stepped back.

Old Chen's heart was pounding. It wasn't until she took her back to the backyard that Old Chen carefully helped her into the side room.

"This Ruanjin Powder costs a lot of money, and one cup will make you feel weak. If you drink this pot, even a cow will be knocked down."

"You, you are lucky to meet my third child. Just wait and enjoy this big surprise!" Old Chen rubbed it on her face, oh, it was quite smooth.

He turned around and locked the door, waiting for Yan Jingwen to arrive!

 (End of this chapter)

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