My Koi Sister is Three and a Half Years Old

Chapter 83: She is the hope of the whole town

Chapter 83 She is the hope of the whole town

"Whether it's enough or not is your business, whether to sell or not is our business. Why, you want to buy and sell by force again? You guys in Lijiatun are really the same as each other!" Yan Chuan chuckled coldly, and everyone in Lijiatun suddenly fell silent at this.

 A person with a criminal record makes people think too much about anything they say.

 “Okay, give me grain with one hand and cotton with the other.”

 The two parties settled the matter on the spot.

Nowadays, brown rice is the mainstream of barter exchange. Only wealthy people can afford it, like polished rice.

Wangjiacun bought a lot of milled rice this time, and it was also because of the high grain yield and good quality that they got a big advantage.

"One thousand, two hundred pieces of cotton-padded clothes, eight pounds each. Five hundred quilts, fifteen pounds each. There are also five hundred sets of neck scarves and gloves, a total of seventeen thousand six hundred pounds." Yanchuan didn't use pen and paper. The number was reported directly to the other party.

Everyone in Lijiatun looked at each other. Although they were unwilling to do so, they had to nod.

In just three months, the other party made nearly three times the price difference.

He weighed 17,600 kilograms with a dark face, and everyone's eyes turned green when they saw the carts of grain.

This is the food that can be earned by changing hands.

 After everyone in Lijiatun left, the villagers in Wangjia Village became overjoyed.

"Oh, after selling food, I got a bunch of cotton-padded clothes for free to save my life, and I actually earned back the food with the remaining few items." Everyone was so happy that they couldn't help but laugh. Old Chen stood in the crowd and was so angry that he was so angry. trembling.

"Oh, Auntie, don't be too frugal. The weather is unusual this year and don't freeze to death. Bring five kilograms of grain and I'll change it into cotton clothes for you." Someone said immediately when they saw Old Chen wearing old cotton clothes that were not warm.

 Lao Chen rolled his eyes and cursed loudly: "Those who have no conscience can make a whole village make money!"

The kind-hearted villager suddenly turned blue with anger, turned around and left.

 Frozen to death and knocked down.

 You have such a big face, you still want me to give it to you for free? Sell ​​it to an outsider for eight pounds a piece, but charge you five pounds and still curse you.

If it weren’t for the fact that you have some relationship with the village chief, who would want to talk to you?

The villagers looked at each other, guessing that Old Chen had not made any money, and felt unhappy.

"Bah, my family didn't collect food during the locust plague, so I just enjoyed the harvest and suffered a loss. When I sold the food, I thought we were taking advantage of the money, and when I bought cotton clothes, I accused us of being unreasonable. Now are we unlucky? Are we suffering a loss? Are we seeking death?" Liu Auntie spat.

 “Fortunately, our small village chief is capable. Let’s go around and share the food.”

 There are nearly 300 households in the village. Among them, the Linshui Village and the refugees have no surplus food, and some of them have not been sold.

 Part of the food exchanged was given to the village by the whole village.

 Belongs to the whole village, but is under the control of the village chief alone. There are about 7,000 in this part.

Yanchuan put it away for Suisui.

There were about 180 households selling grain, and each family got back 60 to 70 kilograms.

“I’ve earned my capital back, and I also picked up a few free cotton-padded clothes and quilts. Village chief, if you have such a good thing next time, be sure to inform us!” Everyone was as happy as if they were celebrating the New Year.

 Sixty or seventy pounds. With less activity in winter, the whole family can sustain it for two months.

Every household in the village has also bought a batch of wooden boxes filled with green vegetables. These days are becoming more and more promising.

"Lijiatun is selling grain in a big way today, but I'm afraid they don't have any good intentions. This snow disaster may cause the refugees to take risks." Yan Chuan folded his arms and frowned.

"There are now three hundred guards in the village and twenty-four archers. If the refugees attack the village, I'm afraid there will be some trouble." Xu Ziyi looked into the distance. He went out to investigate after the blizzard.

I almost don’t want to recall what I saw along the way. All you can see are bones.

"Although the village is practicing every day, I'm afraid the villagers won't be able to kill the upper-class people. If they are soft-hearted, the other party will probably take Wangjiacun." They are all civilians, and they can kill Heifeng Village.

 But they are all common people who have been harmed by natural disasters, and the villagers may not have the courage.

“Fortunately, our village did not flee from famine. If we had gone to flee from famine everywhere, we would have frozen to death on the road.” Yanchuan sighed. Fleeing from famine was no less than risking death.

Suisui squatted in front of the grain warehouse, his fists clenched into his face, and the flesh on his face was squeezed into a ball.

“Brother, how much food is there in the village?” the little girl asked softly.

“Seven thousand jins of brown rice have been recovered today, and there are still 1,300 jins left in the village. A total of 8,300 jins. They are all used to pay for expenses such as the **** team.”

Yanchuan looked at Suisui.

Suisui looked at the horizon and remembered the original text in the book.

On the second day of February one year later, the barbarians invaded heavily because of a snowstorm and lack of food.

 The barbarians even reached Xiushan Town.

The entire Wangshan Mansion was littered with corpses. The prince guarded the border and retreated continuously due to lack of food.

Xiushan Town, the poorest town, was also the most severely affected place and had no power to resist when the barbarians came.

The barbarian army attacked directly at the gate of Xiushan Town. The magistrate of Xiushan Town immediately abandoned the city and fled, leaving all the people behind.

 The entire Xiushan Town was reduced to a purgatory.

Suisui’s eyes narrowed.

“Brother, how far is it from the town?” Suisui continued to ask, her milky voice was quite cute.

Seeing how cute she was, Xu Ziyi couldn't help but said: "We are twenty miles away from Xiushan Town, and it takes two or three hours to walk." The little village chief is so cute.

“How long does it take to ski to town?” The little girl stood up with a serious look on her face.

This made the two of them laugh. It was quite cute for the little guy to pretend to be an adult.

Xu Ziyi made some calculations in his mind: "Usually, it takes an hour to ride a bullock cart. If the uneven spots on the road are cleaned up, you can reach the county seat in about half an hour. If you are more skilled, you can get there in about one stick of incense."

Suisui’s eyes lit up.

“Brother, will you support me in whatever I do?” Suisui raised her head and looked at her brother with eyes full of stars.

Yanchuan chuckled: "Of course."

Yan Jia’s efforts are just for you.

"I want to provide disaster relief. I will take out two hundred kilograms of grain every day, support five pots, and cook some porridge for them to eat." Xiao Suisui's eyes flashed slightly, as if she wanted to provide disaster relief just because of her temporary kindness.

 But Yanchuan's eyelids twitched slightly.

His family, Suisui, has the clearest sense of right and wrong and never shows any excess sympathy. But at this moment, she is actually willing to risk the dissatisfaction of the entire village to provide disaster relief?

I always feel that she is playing a big game!

"Normally, one kilogram of rice can make ten bowls of porridge. In this disaster year, it is no problem to make fifteen bowls. Daily disaster relief is about 2,500 bowls. About... only the town can do this. But when there are more people, it is easy to cause trouble... "Yan Chuan's eyes flashed slightly.

“It’s better to add another twenty kilograms of rice and choose honest and strong men to maintain public order. One kilogram of rice per person per day.”

 Moreover, the beneficiaries of disaster relief are the vast number of refugees. If someone makes trouble, the refugees will spontaneously support them.

 Only twenty people are needed to maintain it.

 But why did my sister suddenly come to provide relief?

 She is not some living Bodhisattva who is overflowing with the heart of the Holy Mother!

 (End of this chapter)

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