My Koi Sister is Three and a Half Years Old

Chapter 79: Stealing luck and being counterattacked

Chapter 79: Stealing Luck and Being Backlashed

This night, the whole of Dai Viet stayed awake all night.

 Probably, Yan Suisui was the only one who slept soundly.

Suisui, who is far away in the barren land, doesn’t know either.

The beloved blessing of the Marquis of Cheng'en Mansion was also invited into the palace to pray for the people tonight.

Everyone watched with envy as she was carried into the palace, and many people sighed.

“Hey, when Mrs. Hou was pregnant, the purple air came from the east and the sky was filled with rays of rays. The old master of Huguo Temple even came to kowtow in person.”

“I didn’t expect that the Hou Mansion, which was in such a state of decline, could turn around with the help of a little girl.”

"How many people in this capital can compare with Cheng'enhou Mansion? They all rely on the light of that girl."

 In the evening, everyone watched the doors of the Marquis Chengen's Mansion open and the noble girl being invited into the palace.

Very envious.

“In the Marquis of Chengen’s Mansion, the most blessed person is the one with the highest number of blessings, and the legitimate sons have to step aside. Now the entire Marquis’ Mansion is built through her light.”

“Now the National Master of Huguo Temple invites her to stay at Huguo Temple for a short time every year. This shows that he loves her very much.”

Everyone is getting more and more uncomfortable.

At that time, Mrs. Hou was pregnant, the Hou family was in decline, and it was difficult to move around in the capital.

Huguo Temple is a royal temple. Ordinary officials have to fawn on the Imperial Master when they meet him. But he never pays attention to the people in the court.

 But it was his first day in Beijing.

 Do not enter the palace to meet the saint.

Following Xiaguang's guidance, we arrived at the gate of Chengenhou Mansion. It is certain that someone with great luck will be born in Chengenhou Mansion.

It is said that she has great merits and is protected by heaven.

"If she comes to this world, she will protect the prosperity of Dai Viet and protect its century-old foundation. If she suffers unfair treatment, God will also bring disaster." Everyone still felt numb when thinking of that scene.

The Imperial Preceptor refused to enter the palace and kowtowed at the gate of the Marquis Chengen's Mansion.

He kowtowed so hard that his head was bleeding, and the emperor did not dare to get up even when people came to invite him.

 Finally, everyone asked Mrs. Hou to go out, and then they pulled the imperial master up.

 The moment the Imperial Master got up, he saw Mrs. Hou's belly and made two more noises. The knock on his forehead made him bleed. It must be a greeting gift for the other party.

"Tsk, the royal family and the Huguo Temple believe it. Obviously there was a severe drought for three years after she was born. Now there is a locust plague and a blizzard. Maybe she brought it." The man who spoke was a grain purchaser. Shang, since three years of severe drought, he has been reduced to begging for food on the bridge.

 “You’re crazy! You can say such things!” The person next to him hurriedly covered his mouth.

Last time Xiao Fu Bao failed to pray for rain, there were some rumors in the capital, and finally the emperor severely punished a group of people.

 The man curled his lips. It was obvious that she had been restless in the past few years since she was born.

Is it possible that the one with great luck was treated unfairly?

But she was obviously so beloved in the capital, how could she be wronged as soon as she was born? Who are you fooling?

"Don't talk nonsense. Although the prayer for rain failed, she was the one who woke up the eldest princess from a coma for no reason last month. She is indeed extraordinary." Everyone only envied the good fortune of the Marquis Cheng'en Mansion, but they didn't know how much they had accumulated. De, I met such a good girl to repay my kindness.

"Speaking of the eldest princess, we have to talk about the number one scholar. Our number one scholar didn't know what kind of bad luck he had. The day after the eldest princess regained consciousness, he was reprimanded and demoted to Wangshan Mansion, the poorest and most remote place by His Majesty. Bar?"

“I don’t know what happened to the number one scholar, but he has been having bad luck these days. Tsk tsk…” Everyone sighed, but no one connected the eldest princess’s sobriety with the number one scholar’s ​​bad luck.

 The man begging for food under the overpass frowned.

 He used to beg for food at the gate of Zhuangyuan Mansion.

 I remember that on the day when that person was admitted to the top exam, he seemed to have taken his birth date and asked for blessings from the little fortune teller. Why are you so unlucky all of a sudden?

 Obviously I went there to seek luck, but it seemed like I had been sucked into it.

 The man shook his head, feeling that he was overthinking it. If she really attracts luck, then many dignitaries in the capital have asked her to bless her, so she will be very unlucky.

 Maybe it’s because the number one scholar himself has poor luck.

 That night, everyone was eagerly waiting for blessings to be offered to heaven.

In the past four years, I have received countless blessings and sacrifices to heaven, and I have been favored by the imperial master. She has a group of extremely fanatical fans in the capital, and they won't tolerate a single bad word from anyone.

“We Fubao have to ask for help for the people again…”

“The blessing treasure is the lucky star given to us by God in Dai Viet.”

"It is our blessing to become believers of Fu Bao. With Fu Bao worshiping the sky, the blizzard will definitely stop..." Everyone was full of piety and knelt at the gate of the palace in piety.

Every time Yan Jiaojiao goes out, she behaves like this crazy.

 Yan Jiaojiao enjoyed it and enjoyed it extremely.

“We must be better to Fu Bao. The National Preceptor said that if we are unfair to Fu Bao, God will punish us.” They believed these words very much.

At this moment, Yan Jiaojiao stood on the altar, her eyelids trembling wildly.

She holds the birth dates of countless people in her hands. When someone asks for something, she can absorb the luck from others and use it for her.

But every time Dai Viet prays for blessings, only her sister from the same mother can sustain this good fortune.

 This time, she will get luck from her good sister again!

 But tonight, she always felt uneasy.

Before going to the altar, the uneasiness reached its peak.

She was surrounded by everyone at the moment, and everyone in the Chengenhou Mansion stood proudly in the front. Her grandmother and mother were praised by everyone.

"Uncle Emperor, Jiaojiao has always given blessings to others in the past few years. I had a dream last night. I dreamed of a white-haired old man touching Jiaojiao's head and saying that God gave Jiaojiao great luck because he wanted Jiaojiao to do so. Jiaojiao said with joy. Jiaojiao will take a rest after finishing this sacrifice. "

"I'm afraid that the gods will feel sorry for Jiaojiao and become angry." Yan Jiaojiao seemed to be aware of this and said to the emperor.

If she really fails today, she will have a way out.

It's just the gossip outside, I'm afraid they will attack her again.

Those mean-mouthed people!

I don’t know what her good sister from the same mother has done. She has not received any luck in the past six months.

The emperor was watched by the civil and military officials, and he only touched Yan Jiaojiao's head slightly: "I don't blame you, it's Dai Viet that made you work hard." He knew what the imperial master said, and of course he didn't complain at all.

He was afraid that God was distressed by Xiaofu Bao and punished Da Yue, then he was going to stink for thousands of years.

Yan Jiaojiao was relieved.

Yan Jiaojiao was trembling when all the emperors knelt down with her to offer sacrifices to heaven.

That feeling of being watched came again.

She seemed to be locked by the sky, unable to move, and the awe-inspiring force tightly imprisoned her.

Unstoppable trembling all over the body

 Sure enough…

Fires from the sky fell from all directions and hit the altar directly.

There was even a ball of fire coming straight towards her face.

Yan Jiaojiao's expression changed dramatically.

“Ah!” Yan Jiaojiao screamed.

 The whole palace was in chaos.

Everyone kowtows to apologize, everyone flees in all directions, and everyone is frightened.

Before Yan Jiaojiao fell into coma, she gritted her teeth with hatred, you bitch! !

I will definitely crush you to ashes, and I will definitely take away everything that belongs to you!

 (End of this chapter)

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