My Koi Sister is Three and a Half Years Old

Chapter 73: Suisui little genius

Chapter 73 Suisui Little Genius

 The tenth day of October.

 The blizzard is coming as expected.

Those who heard Yan Suisui say these words were startled when they looked at the heavy snow in the sky.

“That day, did Girl Yan say that on the tenth day of October, a snowstorm was coming?” The man stood by the window, his face full of fear.

 His eldest son also went to sell grain that day. At this moment, the eldest son looked at the blizzard in the sky and couldn't help but nod.

“On the tenth day of October, the village chief also heard it.”

"She... actually got her right." The man was shocked.

The same scene was played out in countless families. The head of the family, who had been selling grain that day, looked extremely solemn at this moment.

There is also a sense of fear in my heart.

"No wonder the village chief asked us to collect more firewood... If it really snows, there will be countless deaths and injuries." Even the houses outside the village are extremely solid, and the village chief has inspected each house one by one.

 “From now on, please show more respect to Yan Jia.” Many men have told their family members.

 Some people responded solemnly, some raised their eyebrows disdainfully, and it was both.

 The old house of the Yan family.

“Mom, look at her, she didn’t even cook when she got up early in the morning, she didn’t wash her clothes, and she still wants me to boil hot water for her!” Ms. Zhou complained as she stood in the main room holding Niu Niu in her arms.

Her father is a scholar, and her husband is also a scholar. He has never done any work in serving others in his life.

 There used to be a eldest sister-in-law, but now there is a second sister-in-law, so it’s never her turn.

 She is a girl from a scholar's family, how could she do such a rough job?

"I'm so lazy. You're such a loser. You don't have any children when you get married, and you don't do anything. Why, did you marry a Bodhisattva like you?"

"The third child of my family is really unlucky for the eighth time in his life. He married a loser like you. He treats a loser as his treasure. Why, you are not happy to do something? Do you want me to take care of you?" Old Chen sat down. Swearing loudly in bed.

Little Chen's face couldn't hide the pride in her eyes, her mother finally saw her.

She gave birth to a son and a daughter to Lao Yan’s family. Could it be that she was not as good as Zhou, who was industrious and indifferent to grains?

 Zhou's face turned red, ashamed and angry.

 Let her serve a bunch of mud-legged people?

 Zhou's eyes turned red.

 She has no intention of doing such a menial job!

Just as the third child was going out wearing a green shirt, Mrs. Zhou looked at him with red eyes and an aggrieved look.

 Lao San was holding two books in his hands, and his whole body was filled with the elegance of a scholar.

During this period, Laosan always stayed at home and took care of himself extremely cleanly.

Even pulled off some new clothes.

 The raised one is also fairer and more handsome.

"Madam, my mother has worked hard for the family for many years, so you should work harder and fulfill your filial piety for me. Niuniu can already walk, so you can let her go. I still have to prepare for the provincial examination. Why are you so ignorant?" Yan Xiucai frowned slightly. , a flash of displeasure flashed in his eyes.

 Zhou was startled.

Watching Yan Laosan walk away.

 Her feeling was correct, her husband had changed.

 Zhou felt a little uneasy, as her husband seemed to have become much colder to her in the past two months. He used to be extremely affectionate to her and protected her from doing housework.

 If there is a good piece of material, he will keep it for himself and his children.

 But now…

The piece of brand-new material was worn on his body. When there was no food at home, he spent ten kilograms of food to hire an embroiderer to sew it.

 Her husband suddenly paid attention to his own appearance, found fault with himself, and was dissatisfied with himself. Mrs. Zhou was very uneasy. Mrs. Zhou put down Niuniu and took care of the family like her former sister-in-law.

In the past, she always looked down on Mr. Lin, but now she hopes that Mr. Lin will come back and continue to work hard as an old scalper.

Thinking of Mrs. Lin's current appearance, Ms. Zhou bit her lip jealously.

In the past, the villagers liked to compare her with the Lin family. She relied on her husband to be a scholar and learned from the Lin family. Now, I don’t want Mrs. Lin to become younger and more beautiful as she lives longer. On the contrary, I...

"Those who are careless will not even have a son." Old Chen rolled his eyes disdainfully.

Little Chen lay beside her and beat her legs: "Mom, do you think your niece is fine?"

 Lao Chen raised his foot and kicked her out.


"Who are you, if not..." Old Chen stopped hastily, his eyes were wandering, and he curled his lips.

None of these three daughters-in-law can take a liking to her.

Yan Zhuzhu hid in the corner, secretly eating the candy with her fingers, and the fingers she sucked in her mouth turned white.

"The scumbag is here to steal sweets again, take care of your seed. None of them make me worry!" Mrs. Chen scolded angrily, and Mrs. Chen immediately left the door with Yan Zhuzhu.

“It’s really strange that my mother is willing to let the third daughter-in-law do things? Didn’t she love the third daughter-in-law the most in the past?”

Little Chen muttered with a suspicious look on his face.

Yan Zhuzhu's eyes lit up, she clapped her hands and sang a song: "Wear new clothes, recognize the bride, everyone laughs happily." Upon hearing this, Mrs. Chen slapped her on the forehead.

"Why do you recognize the bride? I'm going to become my old wife and starve you two idiots to death." After saying that, he walked away angrily.

Yan Zhuzhu stuck out her tongue, took out a handful of candies from her pocket, and happily went to find Yan Mancang.

Yan Suisui doesn't care about everything in the old house.

Yan Hansheng braved the heavy snow and came back with one foot deep and one foot shallow. His shoulders were covered with snow.

"When will this snow stop? It's not convenient to patrol." It's so white in front of us that it's difficult to walk. It would take a lot of manpower and material resources to clear a way out.

 The area of ​​a village is not small.

Besides, the heavy snow keeps coming and there is no use in clearing it out.

"Erlang owes it to Suisui this time. Fortunately, Suisui was smart and asked someone to build a roof on the watchtower in advance and spread it with thick straw. The village chief sent them charcoal fire to keep them warm while on duty. "Twelve archers, in groups of six, work in shifts day and night.

Even so, Yan Lang stood in the watchtower all day and suffered from frostbite on his feet.

No matter how powerful he is, he is still only fourteen years old. Lin often sheds tears of distress at night.

 Apply several layers of the skin care ointment Mrs. Xie sent me.

"Then just slide and walk. Step on the board and you'll be gone..." Suisui said with a smile. It was freezing cold outside, but charcoal was burning inside. Suisui was wearing a brand new cotton coat, and Ah Yue had embroidered flowers for her.

  Two sweet potatoes were stewed in the brazier, and they tasted sweet.

 “What kind of board?” Yan Hansheng became excited as he listened.

“Snowboard, snowboard.” Suisui picked up a charcoal pencil from the fire and drew a few strokes.

Yan Hansheng’s eyes were so bright and burning.

"This thing is good, this thing is good. The terrain in the village is flat, and you can go fast or slow. Everyone in the village can learn it." Yan Hansheng even thought that the villagers had to learn martial arts for an hour every day. If he really encountered Someone is attacking the city, isn't this snowboard a surprise victory?

 Sliding quickly in the snow, this is simply a snow magic weapon!

"Good stuff, good stuff, Suisui, you are such a little genius!" After Yan Hansheng entered the room, he didn't even sit down on the stool. He raised his buttocks and went out facing the blizzard.

Suisui's face turned red and she waved her hands modestly, but her face was full of expectation.

  Hazard, the little gods also need to be praised!

PS: Shengsheng will work hard to update it three times. Can you please give this book a rating? The rating is too low, I'm sad...please, please everyone...

 (End of this chapter)

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