Chapter 71 Barbecue

Mr. Wang did not respond for a long time.

The cigarette in his hand was extinguished at some point, and the village chief stared blankly at the sky.

“Whether it was a three-year drought or Heifeng Village, if it hadn’t been for her, Wangjia Village would have been reduced to a living hell.”

 The people outside are displaced and fleeing in all directions. During times of famine, even people can become food.

 But Wangjiacun is still peaceful and beautiful.

 There is little smoke, calm and peaceful.

“In the past, our village was a well-known poor place. They didn’t even want to get married to our village because they thought we were poor. But what about now?”

 The village chief had a smile on his face.

“Now, all the surrounding villages want to marry girls in. We can even let people choose, which I never dared to think about before.” In the past, people would ridicule us if we sold iron to ask for marriage, saying that we wanted nothing more.

"We all have a good life because of her support. She has become the village chief, so she has to protect the people in her name, right?" The village chief was very pleased with himself. He was so smart.

“You don’t know, when I went to the ancestral hall to express my condolences to my ancestors, all the ancestors were praising me in their dreams.” The village chief smiled so hard that he didn’t even notice.

 Praise him for holding the thickest thigh.

"Even though she is too young, she can't understand Xiaozhi even if she is given emotional and rational explanations. Being the village chief is the simplest and most straightforward way." The village chief sighed. He wanted to kidnap him morally, but he couldn't. The other party has no morals at all.

 How can you expect a three- or four-year-old child to have any morals?

 Not to wet her pants is the morality she should have at her age.

 But the village chief has an intuition that in her hands, Wangjia Village may reach unattainable heights.

 Perhaps, it will become the only refuge in this troubled time.

"If you ask her to be the village chief, will those people be convinced?" Mr. Wang asked with a frown, fearing that there would be a lot of resistance.

The village chief knocked his dry cigarette bag on the bluestone board: "The Yan family has her, and the yield per mu is thousands of catties. In order to buy grain seeds, I'm afraid there won't be too much opposition. Heifeng Village raided, and she was rescued. She also alerted the villagers. , this year's blizzard. Everything is an ironclad fact..." There was a hint of coldness in the village chief's eyebrows.

Wangjiacun is a typical remote village, and the village chief is the only one who speaks his mind.

The village chief even holds the power of life and death.

"If anyone is dissatisfied, then leave Wangjia Village." The village chief's brows were slightly cold. If the group of people in the Yan family's old house continued to behave, he would kick them out.

 Expelled from Wangjia Village, there will be a dead end.

“The men in the village, I have informed them.” Some women are jealous, and even if they are dissatisfied with the good fortune of the Yan family, they will not be able to change the world.

Mr. Wang nodded.

 October, the weather is getting colder and everything is dormant.

 Wu Shengnan left for a whole month before returning to Wangjiacun.

At this time, Suisui was setting up a small iron fence in the yard, with burnt charcoal underneath. Sparks were coming out, but there was no fire.

"You girl, you are young, but you know how to eat. I have lived for decades and have never seen this way of eating." Ms. Lin was nearly seven months pregnant, and her belly was already bulging. Now everything on the stove was... It’s Xiuxiu who is doing it.

Lin Qing had good medical skills and became the only doctor in the village.

The village chief heard that he had medical skills and happily set up two tables to welcome his arrival. This also increased Suisui's capital.

Lin Qing and his family have successfully established themselves in Wangjia Village.

 The old house is depressed but helpless. Who wants there to be only one veterinarian in the village?

As long as you are irreplaceable, no one can do anything to you.

Since Lin Qing stood firm, Xiu Xiu has become much calmer. During this period, she was deeply afraid of causing trouble to the Yan family. Although they were separated by a wall, she took care of almost all the chores of the Yan family.

It is indeed diligent and appropriate.

 The pheasant at home hatched a nest of eggs and produced twelve chicks. Mrs. Lin caught five and gave them to her grandmother, and kept seven.

It was difficult to catch insects in winter, so I took advantage of the cold weather and chopped up a pheasant to replenish my body.

Suisui asked for two legs and asked Lin to marinate them with aniseed.

He also used skewers to skewer a lot of shiitake mushrooms and vegetarian food.

 The rich family in the village killed a pig, and the Yan family bought ten pounds of meat and some stick bones.

 According to Suisui, after marinating, skewer them all with bamboo skewers. At this moment, the little guy is sweating profusely and is brushing a bowl of honey.

"Oh, honey is a precious commodity. Isn't it a pity to use it to brush meat and eat it? Besides, can it be delicious if it is sweet and salty?" Old Mrs. Lin asked with a smile, but there was no accusation in her eyes.

 On the contrary, it is full of pampering.

An An is like a follower, following Suisui wherever he goes.

The Lin family finally discovered that this guy only responded to Suisui.

 This made the Lin family dote on Suisui even more, almost getting everything she asked for.

"Great-grandmother, honey is so delicious..." Suisui's face showed two sweet spots.

When she was working as a spiritual guide, she would often see believers holding handfuls of mutton skewers, pork skewers and beef skewers in their hands, and giving them to her in a greedy manner.

Some unfilial believers, either because they were disrespectful to the gods or not sincere enough, ate it up in front of her.

 Finally, he kowtowed to her twice to show his sincerity.

 Go to **** with your head.

At that time, the other party asked for more children and more blessings, so she gave him eight sons in a row.

 After the eight sons married their wives, they all gave birth to grandchildren.

 Finally, the old lady came here every day begging for death, begging her to die early.

Hum, this is what you sincerely asked for.

 Yan Ling, she is vindictive and stingy!

She has been thinking about this kebab for many years.

This pig is not big and has been raised tender, while the pheasant is only a few months old and is at its most fat and tender.

At this moment, a layer of golden honey was brushed on it, and soon the air was filled with a rich aroma of meat. After the honey was brushed on, it became even more golden in color, and the oil exploded in the air, which was extremely tempting.

“Hey, it smells really good. Honey barbecue has a unique flavor...” The old lady was very surprised.

“Great-grandmother will try two more skewers later.”

Seeing that Suisui liked it, Mrs. Lin chopped the chicken into pieces, quickly marinated it and put it on Suisui skewers.

 “If it’s not enough, let’s kill him again.” His eyes fell on the chicken coop in the corner.

The pheasants were shivering.

"Suisui knows so much. I don't know what Mrs. Xie sent those spices for." Ms. Lin was a little embarrassed.

Suisui pursed her lips and snickered. She had taken them out of the space.

 After roasting, the flavor becomes more and more fragrant and overbearing.

Even An An was wandering around the yard anxiously.

The little white tiger Meow Meow meowed like a cat without any limits, looking cute and trying to coax him to eat some meat.

“Third brother, please send some to my little brother.” Suisui mixed twenty skewers of meat and vegetables and handed them to Yan Ming.

The group of friends who call her little ancestor all day long can only share a few mouthfuls.

Yanming opened the door and quickly sent it to Wang Xingfeng: "You divide it among yourself."

After saying that, he turned around and ran away, fearing that he would be too late to eat when he returned.

Ten pounds of meat, one chicken, don’t look too much at it, it’s sizzling and oily when you take a bite, it’s fresh and tender, and it’s especially good to make when you skewer it.

  It seems to have a different kind of charm. My belly is rounded, but I can't stop talking.

When Wu Shengnan opened the door and came in, he could smell the fragrance filling the courtyard.

  It covered up the smell of the plaster on her body.

Heart hurts.

After being hit with twenty military sticks, the injury was still not healed. When I turned around, I saw that the little guy had gained weight again.

  Ah, we have the same people but different fates.

 (End of this chapter)

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