My Koi Sister is Three and a Half Years Old

Chapter 54: The prince was demoted to Wangshan

Chapter 54 The prince was demoted to Wangshan

 After the locust plague, food became more expensive than money.

There are very few people who can still sell grain.

The other party also offered a very realistic price.

Yanchuan pursed his lips, always remembering what Suisui said about the heavy snowfall this year.

"What if we exchange things for things? In our village, we want to exchange for some winter things. I wonder if there is any place to exchange them outside?" If they are really in the army, then they must have a lot of cotton-padded jackets.

 The man raised his eyebrows. This young man had asked the right person.

 The merchants outside are running around and dying, and you can't find them anywhere.

"There aren't any outside, but our Fu's Trading Company naturally has them. Nowadays, there is a drought, food is expensive, and winter supplies are still at ordinary prices." Manager Fu still has this confidence, and the most common items in the army are old cotton-padded jackets that have been retired.

 The army needs light and warm jackets, but ordinary people don’t need such high demand.

Those are all discarded items from the army. If they could be directly exchanged for food, it would be a real windfall.

 The joy on his face became more and more obvious.

"A brand-new coat usually costs about two yuan. We got it from the army, and it's still about 50% new. If you need it, I'll give it to you at half the price."

Yanchuan's eyes lit up. The 50% new ones in the army were as warm as the ordinary cotton-padded jackets outside.

 Normally, there is no way to get these things.

He looked at the village chief and said, "Let's change."

 “We weighed it out, and here it is 3,200 jins.”

“The amount of polished rice here is eight thousand six hundred kilograms.”

The village chief of Juren Village paused, looked at Wangjia Village and said: "You... all want to change your coats? It's not like you can't wear last year's coats. Let's just have some light snow here, so it won't freeze to death. It's better to hold on to the money." Safe in hand.”

Village Chief Wang glanced at her and stepped forward to take Suisui out: "Suisui, how much do you want to change?"

The village chief of Juren Village was so angry that he blew his beard and stared.

"For you to ask a four-year-old girl about such an important matter... it's child's play!" Village Chief Liu was so angry that his eyes rounded.

 But everyone in Wangjia Village was very calm. The village chief hugged Suisui in his arms and even went to the ancestral hall.

 “Exchange the coats, all for cotton.” Suisui said crisply.

The manager Fu was also surprised. Wangjiacun could produce eight thousand kilograms of polished rice, so he must not have to worry about eating it. How could such a big village listen to a child?

Yanchuan immediately turned his head: "Replace them all!"

"You all listen to her? You are all crazy!" Village Chief Liu was so shocked that his eyes almost popped out.

The people who came today are all the backbone of the village, and the village chief has vaguely revealed his plans.

 Everyone looked calm.

 She is about to become the village chief, so what’s the point of selling grain?

Manager Fu smiled from ear to ear: "Eight thousand six hundred kilograms of polished rice, two kilograms can be exchanged for an old winter coat. It can be exchanged for four thousand three hundred pieces."

"If you want to prepare things for the winter, I can give you some quilts. They are all replaced in the camp."

“I’ll give you a thousand quilts and two thousand cotton coats. I’ll also give you some hand and neck protection and socks.” Manager Fu waved his hand.

Yan Chuan only had a thought and knew that he had taken advantage of this matter.

   I thanked you with a smile.

"Are you...are you serious? With so much food, just exchange it for some old coats? This..." Village Chief Liu was a little uneasy, with some sweat on his forehead. But following Wangjiacun this year, they did avoid several disasters.

His position in the village is now extremely stable.

 But he was afraid of being scolded by the village if he really had to replace all the winter items. He immediately said, "Let's exchange half of it."

“I’ll give you three kilograms of rice in exchange for a winter coat.” Three thousand kilograms of rice can only be exchanged for one thousand pieces.

 Finally, hesitantly, he changed into 300 pieces of winter clothes and 100 thick quilts.

 The smile on Manager Fu's face became deeper and deeper. These scattered items added up to 10,000 kilograms of grain. It can last for several days.

"Go and prepare some food for the villagers. It will take some time to transport our winter clothes. If you still want to exchange food in the future, you can contact me directly. Or you can find someone to say hello, and I will take someone to transport it. You will have less trouble," Manager Fu said with a smile.

Village Chief Wang’s eyes flashed and he immediately responded.

These people walked steadily and were all in the army, so they were naturally safer than them.

Manager Fu glanced at the baby. She was only a few years old, and the whole village seemed to be protecting her.

This girl is really capable of taking charge?

 Guanshi Fu was slightly frightened.

"You guys are quite sophisticated in weapons..." Manager Fu became more and more curious about this village. These people have calluses on their tiger's mouths, which shows that they have learned some boxing and kicking skills.

The village chief smiled and said: "In these troubled times, you can't go out without some weapons. They were just picked up by the gangsters when they invaded the village last time." There are still more than a hundred weapons in the village. Now that we have a lot of money, we will soon It's time to choose someone again.

 Half an hour later, several bullock carts were even more packed than before.

 Fortunately, they are all cotton wool, not heavy, and safer than food.

"If you need it, you must contact Fu's Trading Company." The man's face became more sincere. He had received this food in the past six months.

Mixed with whole grains, it can only last three to five days at most, hey.

Yanchuan was walking at the end. Suisui suddenly pulled her brother and stopped in front of Manager Fu.

"If you are short of food, as long as the price is high enough, you can come to Wangjiacun to find me. I can make the decision." After the little girl finished speaking, she ran away.


 Sounds a little familiar.

 After everyone had gone away, Manager Fu suddenly slapped his head.

Isn’t that the village that destroyed Heifeng Village some time ago and also took away the master’s weapons and food in one pot? ! !

 So it turns out that the master was lost in the hands of this four-year-old baby?

 Manager Fu was stunned.

The villagers had a smooth return trip, and they were full of food, which was coveted by everyone.

 But on this hot day, with a cart full of cotton-padded jackets, the refugees refused to even look at it.

Yanchuan searched around the town for more than half an hour, but couldn't buy any snacks. It was Suisui who took a handful of candy from the space and said it was from Manager Fu, so Yanchuan took it back to make Ah Yue happy.

As everyone went into the city, their hearts became heavier and heavier.

 “It’s more difficult outside than we imagined.” What to do if there are internal and external troubles.

"I just made inquiries and it was said that His Highness the Crown Prince returned to the capital some time ago to ask for food. His Majesty was so angry that he demoted His Highness the Crown Prince directly to the most barren Wangshan Mansion. In the past, he only guarded the border and could return to the capital at any time. Now..." Yan Chuan Sighing, the prince has been guarding the border, but the capital does not allocate food and the army is short of food. I am afraid that there will be a tough battle to be fought next.

 The people in the border areas have a sense of belonging to the prince, and naturally hope that the prince will succeed him.

The eldest prince, Nalaoshizi, is currently circling the court, not caring about the life and death of the people.

 When they came out to provide disaster relief, they only set up the porridge shed for two days before returning home.

The village chief looked back at Xiushan Town. There were dead bones of starvation everywhere on both sides of the road, and his eyes were full of heaviness.

 At the entrance of the village, it was separated from Juren Village.

 (End of this chapter)

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