My Koi Sister is Three and a Half Years Old

Chapter 49: The secret of the whole village

Chapter 49 The secret of the whole village

"How many pounds?"

“His family has three acres of land, but how much does it cost?”

 Everyone hurriedly urged.

Wang Xingfeng was covered in sweat from running and was panting heavily. He didn’t say anything for a long time, and the village chief jumped to his feet in a hurry.

“My field is so close to me, so it must weigh three thousand catties, right?” Suisui was poking at the ants with a small branch when she suddenly said firmly.

Wang Xingfeng was startled: "How do you know? Your rice has just been weighed, and the yield per mu is one thousand catties, one thousand catties! Uncle Han Sheng almost fainted, your three acres of land, three thousand catties!"

“Three thousand catties! One thousand catties per mu!” Everyone gasped in unison.

"I have lived for more than eighty years, and the highest yield I have ever seen is close to 600 kilograms. This was more than 20 years ago." Lao Li was so frightened that his face was trembling.

“My dear, the yield per mu has never been so high in the history of Vietnam, right?” Everyone’s voices were trembling as they spoke.

Suisui squatted down and played in the mud again.

 The yield per mu is nothing, those high-quality grains in her space...

The little girl raised her eyebrows but said nothing.

"What is this concept? The yield per mu is one thousand catties, so I said his rice ears were a bit heavy, but he didn't expect such a high yield." The village chief murmured in a low voice.

"Three thousand catties. If word of this gets out, I'm afraid the whole country will go crazy."

  "Not just in Dai Viet, I'm afraid the whole world will go crazy."

The village chief took a deep breath: "Everyone calm down first and listen to me."

The village chief raised his hand to suppress it, and everyone immediately lowered their voices. The mountains are high and the emperor is far away. In a remote border pass, the village chief is bigger than the emperor.

"Xingfeng, guard the area around the threshing floor and don't allow outsiders to approach." The village chief glanced at him, his eyes full of majesty.

Everyone was silent and waited for the village chief to speak.

The village chief scanned the area for a week and found that the people who came today were the people who were in charge of each family.

 Except for a few orphaned families and the Yan family's old house, most of them came. The villagers who were merged into Wangjia Village also came.

"No one should tell anyone about what happened in the threshing floor today. There is a war at the border and the court has done nothing. Our village's high output will only attract the plundering of interested people. I'm afraid the barbarians will not give up." Now there is food and grass on both sides. Insufficient, it has begun to violate border customs repeatedly.

"Wangjiacun is just an ordinary family. If the news spreads, can we still keep our food and ourselves?" The village chief said every word. All the men turned pale and their eyes were full of solemnity.

"The people who are here today are all the people who are in charge of the village. You know this and I know it, so don't spread it outside."

Then the village chief lowered his head and pursed his lips towards Suisui.

"Some things are good for everyone to know, but there is no need to say more." Suisui's extraordinaryness is also a secret that the whole village needs to protect.

 With Suisui, I have some confidence in these troubled times.

“Yan Hansheng, you have such a good life. It’s a pity that some people give this good life to others.” A man’s eyes lit up when he looked at Sui Sui.

It would be great if this was my daughter.

 “This girl is probably a very lucky person.”

"I still remember that when Yan Hansheng came back with his arms, there was something different, right?"

"The Yan family was very unlucky in those years. On the day I brought Suisui back, the sky above the old house was filled with red clouds, and a rainbow passed through the old house."

 “I saw it too.”

“It seems that since then, the third youngest member of the Yan family has become a scholar?”

 Everyone looked at each other, and the more they talked, the more they felt that there was something magical about this fat baby.

The village chief raised his hand and suppressed it, and everyone immediately fell silent. "As for the Yan family's food, I will talk to Yan Hansheng. See if we can change some food seeds for everyone. Before we have absolute strength, we must protect ourselves." Standing here today, the whole village People who can speak well can also pave the way for Suisui in the future.

 Everyone nodded solemnly.

“Suisui, I’ll make white rice for you when the grain is harvested.” The village chief touched her little head.

The little guy shook his head: "Change clothes, thick clothes. Skiing, it's snowing heavily..." Suisui gestured and spoke incoherently, but the village chief heard clearly.

 He heard Xixue in Suisui's mouth several times, and he even frowned slightly at this moment.

 Wangshan Prefecture has seen snow in previous years, but it rarely gets heavy snowfall.

At this moment, I heard Suisui chanting several times, and I felt a little uneasy.

 Heavy snow means that there is no food in the mountains, so that’s it. The barbarians must be even more short of food when it snows. Can they, who are at the border, really escape the barbarians' attacks?

"The weather has been abnormal in recent years, and the rice harvest this year is good. Why not... go to the town to change into some thick clothes and thick cotton-padded jackets? Autumn is coming soon, and you need to collect more firewood and prepare it. At least enough for not going out for half a year. need."

Everyone knows that Suisui is extraordinary, but they still have some doubts in their hearts.

If this comes true, her status in the future may never be shaken.

 The village chief immediately agreed.

Sui Sui opened her mouth several times, but she never made a mistake.

 “Reinforce the houses in the village when you have time.”

“We will count those who need to change into cotton-padded jackets. Each household in the village will have a prime man. Then we will take half of the archery team to **** them.” There is chaos outside and there are many refugees. Without a comprehensive method, no one dares to go out with food.

“Perhaps you can ask Juren Village.” Juren Village is very receptive to whatever decisions Wangjiacun makes.

The village chief nodded: "It's okay, more people will **** us, it will be safe."

“Each family will dry the grain and store it in the warehouse, and discuss how much and what they want to exchange at home. When each family is in their prime, the village will deliver it together.”

 This meeting lasted until evening.

Only a dozen or so eloquent household heads in the village were present, and the only woman?

   is the word Sui Sui.

Suisui returned home, and Yan Langyan pulled her over and asked, "What did the village chief talk about at the meeting?"

Suisui yawned and looked at him sleepily: "Exchange grain for cotton-padded jackets...rice?"

Mrs. Lin held Suisui's belly and held her in her arms: "Suisui wants to eat rice? I'll make you a pot of rice tomorrow." After speaking, she sighed, "I'm afraid I have to prepare things for the winter. I'll make a list later and write down everything I need. The food harvest is high this year, so I'll see if I can make some clothes for Suisui."

 It’s all thanks to Suisui.

Suisui grinned and said, "Buy it for sister Ah Yue, too." She pointed at Ah Yue and smiled.

“Wear new clothes and celebrate the New Year.” Ah Yue pursed her lips and smiled happily.

 After raising it for a while, Ah Yue became more and more beautiful.

 But the temperament of his gestures is also extremely puzzling.

Even though she lost her mind, her posture was still extremely upright, and her upbringing seemed to be engraved in her bones. Even though I was extremely hungry, I still ate calmly and generously.

“It’s not the New Year yet, Ah Yue.” Lin said with a helpless smile.

 “When you are a bride, wear new clothes...” Good guy, just remember to wear new clothes during the New Year and wear new clothes when getting married.

"I'm not married yet. When Ah Yue finds someone she likes, we can get married again." Mrs. Lin beamed with joy.

Ah Yue frowned and shook her head.

Ms. Lin didn’t know what she meant, so she immediately stopped asking.

He just sighed: "I don't know whose girl A Yue is. She is so well-educated. Shouldn't my parents be anxious?"

 (End of this chapter)

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