Chapter 431: Killing the whole family

 “When the little fish is born, you plot against her.”

"She was only three years old, and you exchanged her for a bride price."

 “You go to get the Nine-turn Golden Pill before you even have hair extensions. What should the Wen family think of her? Even the servants despise her!”

“The Wen family doesn’t owe you anything, and Xiaoyuer doesn’t owe you anything either!”

"She is also your bloodline and your closest relative's granddaughter. Do you regard her as a family member?" Mrs. Xu cried blood.

 The old lady sat at the top with a cold expression.

 “Old Qian woman, do you still have a heart? You will go to **** and you will not have a good death!”

“My fish, what should I do?” The Wen family is afraid that everyone in the family is in danger. Where is the little fish?

What should Wen Mingxuan think? What should the Wen family think?

What do Youran think?

 The old lady's face suddenly darkened.

“Drag this crazy woman down so that she won’t talk nonsense! Although the Wen family is related by marriage, our Jiang family has always been fair, so naturally we will destroy our relatives with justice.”

 The old lady calculated very clearly.

Wenling was abolished, and Dengxianmen no longer wanted to protect the Wen family.

That Nine-turn Golden Pill should be given to the world as early as possible before outsiders know about it.

 There must be no mistakes in soul testing.

“Killing relatives? The Jiang family is so greedy, why do they put money on their faces? It’s really ridiculous.”

"Jiang Mu, let Jiang Mu get out! He is a hypocritical villain and a hypocrite! Let him get out." Now, Mrs. Xu has no hope for the Jiang family.

 Originally, she was thinking that at least there would be someone to protect Xiao Yu'er from the Jiang family.

Even if the old lady doesn't like it, Xiao Yu'er is still the granddaughter of the Jiang family.

I never thought that the Jiang family would go crazy for Jiang Shicheng.

"Mu'er? Mu'er has to do business. He won't come to see you." The old lady sneered. The daughter of a merchant was not worthy of the Jiang family.

"Jiang Mu, you are a father in vain, Jiang Mu, you will be punished!" Mrs. Xu's eyes were filled with bloodshot eyes with hatred.

 Xu was dragged and locked up.

Baoyue felt heart palpitated after seeing it, so she could only sneak back to the backyard to look for Jiang Xiaoyu.

Countless guards came in front of the Wen family gate. They all looked solemn, and the leader was Jiang Mu.

Jiang Mu held the imperial edict in his hand, feeling quite as happy as a villain who had succeeded.

 He found a job in Beijing, did some business, and came to Wen's house to ransack the property.

  Everybody in the Wen family knelt in front of the door.

Everyone looked at Jiang Mu expressionlessly.

 Ha, is it the Jiang family?

  Qu Youran’s face was expressionless, and she stared blankly at the Jiang family.

It turned out to be the Jiang family who stabbed him.

Now, Jiang Mu is standing in front of him carrying the imperial edict to kill the nine tribes. Who doesn't hate him?

"Your Majesty, I have been wronged! I have done my best for the country and have never had a second thought. There has never been any corruption or bribery or embezzlement of military pay!"

The Wen family even used their own money to subsidize soldiers. How could they be corrupt?

 The old Mr. Wen has white hair and a face full of vicissitudes of life.

"Your Majesty, the Wen family members can die in battle, but they cannot die unjustly. This old minister refuses to accept it."

"I have six sons. Four of them died in battle. One son luckily entered the Immortal Sect, leaving only one son to guard the family. Now, do you want to take it away too?"

"Child of the Jiang family, I only knew that you were narrow-minded and petty, but I didn't expect you to be so cruel. You even killed your in-laws! Wen family, how can the Wen family be ashamed of you?" Mr. Wen could hardly stand on his knees.

"What kind of in-laws? The Jiang family doesn't deserve it!" Mrs. Wen lost her usual gentleness, and her eyes were filled with hatred.

“Jiang Mu, Mrs. Xu, I misjudged you! It was I who harmed the Wen family, and it was I who harmed our son. Mingxuan…”

“Mingxuan, it was my mother who harmed you!” Mrs. Wen held Wen Mingxuan, who was kneeling upright, and cried loudly.

 Before going out to receive the order, Mrs. Wen dismissed all the servants and servants of the Wen family.

 At least one life can be saved.

 But none of the Wen family members have left, and they vowed to stay with the Wen family to the death. Jiang Mu looked at the crowd with a sneer: "I, the Jiang family, come from a noble family, so naturally I will not get married to such arrogant people as you."

Wen Mingxuan knelt straight behind the old man.

The old man has always had a straight back and frightened his enemies on the battlefield, but he didn't want to end up being plotted by a villain.

Mr. Wen smiled bitterly and burst into tears.

 As if he suddenly looked old and his back was bent.

 He looked faintly in the direction of the palace, as if looking at the emperor on the dragon throne.

"Your Majesty, I have never been sorry to the country or the world. I am... unjust!" As soon as Mr. Wen's voice fell, he bumped into the knife at Jiang Mu's side.

 Blood splattered three feet.

Wen Mingxuan's body shook violently.


"Old man..." Everyone in the Wen family cried loudly, but the old man was covered in blood and only looked in the direction of the palace with his head tilted.

Jiang Mu’s heart skipped a beat.

The eyes of the commander of the imperial army trembled, his eyes were filled with sorrow, and he immediately said: "Master Jiang, please wait for a while, I want to go back to the palace."

 He wanted to express his love for the Wen family.

Jiang Mu's eyes flashed: "The decree to be executed has been made, how can we take it back?"

 “Wait until I come back!” The commander did not want to wait, so he got on his horse and immediately returned to the palace.

Everyone in the Wen family was in great grief, and they all pointed at Jiang Mu and cursed: "Jiang Mu is a despicable villain, you will die a good death!" Qu Youran regretted extremely, because he did not understand people well and ruined the Wen family.

Wen Ling was dressed in white, and his father's blood was splattered on the corners of his clothes. The young man closed his eyes and held his tongue tightly.

 It was his incompetence that brought disaster to the Wen family.

Jiang Mu looked at the soldiers behind him, raised the imperial edict in his hand, and had no choice but to step forward and put the shackles on the Wen family.

Wen Mingxuan hugged his grandfather and watched helplessly as the light in his grandfather's eyes went out.

 He looked at his grandfather blankly, his eyes empty.

 He was pushed and put in shackles, and the entire Wen family was paraded through the streets.

They were pushed all the way to Caishikou and beheaded.

 The people watching were all silent. Some secretly brought food and drinks to the Wen family children.

 “Mr. Wen…”

 With tears in his eyes.

 The Wen family is full of loyal people, and the people all understand it.

 The sun is getting brighter and it’s almost noon.

 Xu stumbled out of the house covered in blood, with a large piece of her scalp torn open.

"Madam, I can't find the young lady. Madam..." Bao Yue was sweating profusely.

 Where did the little lady go?

At this moment, Xiao Yu'er was wearing black clothes. His knees were bent after being kicked by someone, and he knelt in front of the prince with a stern look on his face.

"Does Wen Mingxuan know that you are like this now? A little fish that can't carry it on his shoulders or lift it in his hands, actually wants to rob the execution ground?" The prince's face was full of shock, and there was still some suppressed anger in his eyes.

“If I hadn’t stopped you today, I’m afraid you would have committed something wrong.”

 “Then Wen Mingxuan, are you so good? You don’t want to take your life?” The prince looked at her lowered head faintly.

She only has Wen Mingxuan in her eyes and never sees anyone else.

 It also means that you cannot see yourself.

 Xiao Yuer looked calm.

"The Wen family is innocent. How I feel about Wen Mingxuan is another matter. But the Wen family is full of loyalty, so they shouldn't die." She hated the fate of being bound by Wen Mingxuan, but she respected the Wen family very much.

 She can clearly distinguish between what is public and what is private.

 (End of this chapter)

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