Chapter 413 A natural leader

"Different road non-phase plan."

After Junhua left, Fu Jiuxiao only said one sentence.

He supported Suisui into the palace, with a sinister expression on his brows.

“Probably, I will never see Junhua again in this life.” Suisui sighed. During this period, she would occasionally think of memories, but not much.

How did she know that Junhua would come to visit her again?

 And every time he becomes humbler.


"Let's wake up Yan Yan. Let's have a reunion dinner as a family." Fu Jiuxiao no longer thought about Junhua.

 Wife and children are far more important than wealth.

 The little prince got off school early and came to the door to wait with his schoolbag on his back.

“The imperial dining room has recently developed a lot of food. I want to wait for my sister to wake up and eat it together.”

"Mother, is my sister...a little shorter than me?" The little prince paid attention to his sister all the time, and would pay attention to any abnormalities.

“Obviously, before, I was as tall as my sister.” The little prince gestured.

Unwilling to give up, he even climbed into bed and lay next to his sister to compare.

 Sure enough, he was slightly taller than his sister.

 Fu Jiuxiao touched his son's head.

 Squat down and explain to him carefully.

"My sister is covered in dust. If she falls asleep, she will always look like this."

“Only when the soul enters reincarnation, the pull between heaven and earth on her will slow down, and she can grow up well.”

 The little prince's eyes were red and tears fell down.

“Then can’t we grow up together?” The little prince sniffed.

Neither the emperor nor the empress spoke.

It’s more than just that we can’t grow up together.

If she does not enter reincarnation and undergo tribulations, she can only be trapped in dust forever and live at the age of four forever.

 In reincarnation, she can at least grow up.

"When she comes back from all the calamity, we will still have a future." Suisui comforted her softly, hugging her son and sighing softly.

 The three of them gathered their emotions before casting a spell to untie their daughter.

The moment the little girl opened her eyes, she couldn't help but raise her hands to cover her ears.

Seeing his family in front of him, he hurriedly said: "Father, the emperor, mother, empress, brother, I don't feel any pain anymore." His white face was smiling, but his brows were furrowed.

Suisui moved her eyes away slightly, she was afraid that she would cry.

Where doesn’t it hurt?

 She is the chosen new way of heaven, and the three realms are calling her all the time.

It's not just the noise, it's the instinct to tear her apart and return her to the three realms.

Fu Jiuxiao's fingertips trembled slightly, and he picked up his daughter's small body: "Daddy will take you to have a meal. Are you hungry after sleeping for so long?" The father, the queen, and the queen always felt raw, and Fu Jiuxiao was used to hearing her call her daddy.

 The younger daughter nodded with her eyes curled up.

Fu Jiuxiao never let her go down from the beginning to the end and held her the whole time.

He also invited the Yan family and Zhou Ling and his wife into the palace. They did not follow the rules and set up two tables to create a lively atmosphere.

Ms. Lin kept wiping away tears. Today's reunion was what she had dreamed of.


After this meal, we have to face the departure of Yanyan again.

"Mom, don't cry. It's time for Yanyan to worry about you." Suisui wiped her tears.

 “You have to take good care of yourself so that you can wait for Yanyan to come back.”

Ms. Lin quickly wiped away her tears.

I am deeply afraid that I will be hurt and my granddaughter will not be able to see me when she comes back.

Xiao Yanyan was carried to Yanchuan.

Yanchuan is the youngest chief assistant in history.

 He always looks elegant, but his ministers are extremely afraid of him.

At this moment, he was bringing water to Yanyan and peeling shrimps for Yanyan, his eyes full of heartache for his niece.

 Being unnoticed by others.

He asked softly: "Zai Zai, are you afraid?"

Xiao Yanyan sat on her uncle's lap, her little feet swaying. Nai Nai shouted: "Uncle..."

Even though Yan Chuan has been an official for many years, he still feels very distressed.

The little girl looked around, her eyes falling on her parents, and on the hands held by her mother and grandmother.

 In the past four years, everyone’s heart has been filled with despair.

Even the powerful uncle has a lifeless twilight in his eyes.

 Now, everyone is alive.

 “Uncle, you are not afraid of what you say.”

She actually never told her parents that she was not afraid.

The little girl’s eyes were bright and she looked at her uncle with a smile, “Uncle, everyone has their own responsibilities.”

 “Mother created the world to save the common people, and her responsibility has been fulfilled.”

 “Brother is the future of the human race.”

 “Father is here to protect mother.”

“Speech also has its own responsibilities and missions.” She knew her responsibilities from the beginning.

 She is making trouble in the Buddhist and divine worlds just because she wants to spend more time with her family.

 In the limited time, spend more time with her family.

"Silly girl, do you know what loneliness is? My uncle doesn't want you to bear such a mission." Yan Chuan's eyes were filled with tears.

Xiao Yanyan tilted her head and winked at him playfully.

 “Loneliness? Uncle, what do you think is loneliness?”

 “Is there any difference between standing in a bustling crowd or in a dark corner?”

"No matter how busy or lonely I am, my heart is still calm. For Yan Yan, it's the same." The little girl's words surprised Yan Chuan.

  He was so surprised that his eyes widened, causing the usually calm chief assistant to lose his cool.

 She is only four years old.

 Innately smart, always calm, and a natural leader.

 Look at the little prince eating next to him with a round belly. This is what a child should look like.

Yanchuan looked at her blankly, even for a while.

"It seems that your parents don't have to worry." This child is more amazing than they imagined.

"Come back early, uncle is waiting for you to come home. I will protect this home for you..." He looked at Xiao Huaizhi, and he would try his best to help him become a qualified emperor.

 Dinner meal, use the curfew at the palace gate.

 At night, everyone left with red eyes.

Knowing that she would be reincarnated in three days, Yan's family members came to the palace to accompany her every day.

  Time flies, and finally, it’s time for reincarnation.

Suisui cried to death several times, and Fu Jiuxiao endured the heartache and took her daughter to the underworld.

The underworld is always dark, shrouded in gloom, and filled with thick black miasma everywhere.

 The moment when the little girl enters the underworld.

 A strong golden light rose from her body.

Countless ghosts and countless evil spirits flew into ashes and were annihilated under the golden light.

 The aura of the new way of heaven is enough to make people fearful.

Yan Luo was in a hurry, and the shoes were running away.

“Why are you here in person? We haven’t welcomed you yet.”

As soon as she arrived, this terrifying aura spread quickly, making the ghosts in the eighteenth level of **** tremble with fear.

 Half an hour ago.

Eighteen levels of evil spirits are clamoring that Suisui Yuanshen is dead and the remaining soul is nothing to fear.

They also know that the heaven has collapsed, and now no one can stop them from escaping from the underworld, and they are shouting slogans to be free.

This terrible breath came.

 All evil spirits are stuck.

 Good news, Yan Suisui, who suppressed them, is dead, the remaining souls are not to be feared, and the way of heaven has collapsed.

  Bad news, the new Tiandao is Yan Suisui's daughter.

The crying was so loud that the little girl asked curiously: "Why is there crying?"

Tenth Hall Yama: "Oh, they are grateful that they have done too many evil things and are repenting."

 (End of this chapter)

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