Chapter 409 Missing Memory

 “Why did the adults come into the palace again?”

It's raining.

  Taohong Taolu stood under the eaves holding an umbrella, while the two young highnesses watched quietly.

 Chaos coughed lightly.

"Just now...His Majesty was in the royal study room, and it was this group of adults who were admonishing him, asking him to re-establish a queen and open a harem."

 “They also recommended many girls.”

 “They all made excuses one after another in an attempt to force His Majesty.”

 Everyone thought that after the queen died, they could finally push their own girls into the palace.

who knows…

As soon as I walked out of the imperial study room, I heard that His Highness had skinned Miss Jiang and walked around the city. All the girls in the mansion were frightened and fainted.

 “I’ll be here, I guess I’m coming back to get the discount.”

 There was a smile in Chaos eyes.

I secretly looked at the little princess under the corridor. The little princess looked most like her.

"We won't have another stepmother, right?" The little prince pulled his sister's clothes, feeling a little worried.

 “No way.” Xiao Yanyan touched his head.

“Let’s go, mother is still waiting for us to have snacks.”

 The two children ran away holding hands.

Before entering the house, she heard her mother ask her father: "Are those ministers putting pressure on you again?" Suisui held her chin in her hands, lying on the table and looking at the emperor in bright yellow.

Even after she became a mother, she still had a girlish look about her that never faded away.

 Her eyebrows are still clean and pure.

 Speaking of which, she is not that old at all.

"How could it be? They are sensible. They all handed over the coupons at first, but then they regretted it after remembering your good deeds." Fu Jiuxiao coaxed seriously.

As for the matter of his daughter’s skin removal, he didn’t even mention it.

Suisui smiled and rolled her eyes.

"I've calculated that there will be a calamity for Yan Yan... This calamity seems to have been born, and I'm afraid that it will happen after I get the hairpin. I calculated day and night, but I couldn't calculate the slightest clue..." Suisui's eyes showed a trace of sadness.

“I am smart and sensible, but I am afraid that I will suffer a big loss. I really don’t trust you.” And when it comes to things like calamity, the more others interfere, the more difficult it will be to survive the calamity.

Although she can't recall the past memories, she can't help but protect the children who are connected by blood.

“No wonder you’ve been looking ugly these days. I’ll think of a way to deal with your words. Take good care of yourself…”

"We agreed to go see Yan's family? How can you make them feel at ease like this?" Fu Jiuxiao supported her and took out the clothes she liked, which were exactly the same as before.

 Fu Jiuxiao never told the Yan family about Suisui's current situation.

 He was afraid that Yan Jia would be worried.

Now that Suisui can barely transform for an hour, she can go to the Yan family to make the Yan family feel at ease.

 There is also the Zhou family.

Ping An is pregnant, which just makes her happy.

Ping An has been depressed for the past three years, and Zhou Ling is too worried to think about food and drinks.

 The two young highnesses pushed open the door and threw themselves into their mother's arms.


"Mother..." The two guys are sometimes mother-in-law and sometimes mother-in-law, but they are not as naughty as usual.

Fu Jiuxiao is a little bit a little bit amused.

 But more than anything, my eyes are still burning.

This scene was his dream day and night.

 After a while of fussing, he got on the carriage and left the palace to go to Yan's house.

 The carriage is surrounded by runes, giving it a somewhat primitive beauty.

But it can isolate all detection from the outside world, and it can also isolate the attraction of Suisui's soul from the three realms.

 She is not yet completely free from oppression and cannot withstand a little turmoil.

 Leave the long and solemn street in front of the palace gate.

The smoke from the fireworks gradually became stronger.

 “Tanghulu…delicious candied haws…”

 “Mutton soup, mutton soup…”

 “Grilled skewers, grilled skewers…Kebabs that are charred on the outside and tender on the inside…” the voice of a vendor came from outside.

Suisui sat upright, glanced at the curtain, and pursed her lips secretly.

I caught a glimpse of two children again, and the light in their eyes dimmed a little.   Trying to move your eyes away from the smoke of fireworks outside the curtain.

There was a creak.

 The carriage suddenly stopped.

 “Wait a moment, I’ll be back as soon as I go.” It only took a blink of an eye.

The majestic emperor carried candied haws on his shoulders, a large handful of skewers in his right hand, and delicious pastries and mutton soup in his right hand.

 The aura of the emperor was instantly covered by the smoke of fireworks.

Suisui’s eyes lit up.

“Hey, daddy bought you some snacks.”

Each child received a skewer. The two young highnesses tilted their heads and looked at the large handfuls of skewers and candied haws.

“You’ll get angry if you eat too many kebabs, and your tooth will hurt if you eat too many candied haws.” Fu Jiuxiao said seriously.

 When the two children began to eat with a hum, Fu Jiuxiao handed them to Suisui.

Suisui blushed: "I...I'm already a mother..." The people surrounding the candied haws were all children.

"What's wrong with becoming a mother? Now that you're a grandmother, that's my Suisui too. In my eyes, you're still the little girl you were back then." No one understood Fu Jiuxiao's secret joy at finding her.

  During this period of time, he had never dared to get too close to Suisui.

Suisui has memory loss and is afraid that her impulse will scare her.

 He can only stay with her and let her get used to his existence little by little.

"I will wait for you to slowly think of me. If you don't remember me and don't care, I will wait for you to fall in love with me again." Fu Jiuxiao said in a low voice.

 It doesn’t matter if you don’t fall in love.

As long as she lives.

 Fu Jiuxiao's eyes flashed with a hint of darkness.

 Compared with constantly making sacrifices and constantly going to death, as long as she lives, it will be fine.

Suisui hugged the candied haws and her eyes paused.

“Are there bees on the candied haws?” She asked suddenly as some fragments flashed through her mind.

Fu Jiuxiao's fingertips trembled, inexplicably remembering the time he gave Suisui candied haws.

 The windows were left open at night, attracting honey.

 Stung her all over her face.

 “Put it next to my clay figurine, and be sure to remember to close the window at night.” Suisui said.

 Fu Jiuxiao's heart was trembling, Suisui's memory...

 There is some recovery.

Fu Jiuxiao held back tears: "Okay."

 The carriage headed all the way towards the Yan family.

As soon as the carriage stopped, a man walked out of Yan's house, got on the carriage and left.

 The prince said something.

“Dad, this is Mr. Jiang. Why did Mr. Jiang come to the Yan family..."

The porter was holding a food box in his hand: "Master Jiang brings steamed buns every year. No one in our house likes steamed buns." The porter muttered.

Suisui sniffed and said, "Fresh bamboo shoots and meat buns." Her eyes brightened slightly.

Fu Jiuxiao helped her get out of the carriage. Suisui covered her face with a veil so that no outsiders could notice her.

"Bring the buns." He had often been in and out of Jiang's house over the years. When the concierge saw His Majesty, he hurriedly knelt down.

Suisui entered the house, lifted the veil and took a secret bite.

 “Oh, it’s the taste I like.” He took small bites like a little hamster.

"I seem to have tasted this before." Suisui shook her head, feeling somewhat familiar.

Fu Jiuxiao lowered her eyes slightly. There was a large bamboo forest in Xiushan County, and the village loved making fresh bamboo shoot buns.

Suisui was given to Mr. Jiang who was abducted back then.

 “Why hasn’t Mr. Jiang got married?” I just heard on the way that Mr. Jiang sent Jiang Yuniang to Zhuangzi in the countryside, and he probably won’t come back to Beijing again.

The two elders of the Jiang family made a big fuss and were sent directly to the temple to cultivate their body and mind.

The two elders of the Jiang family were so angry that they cursed loudly.

 The little prince took his sister's hand and asked the emperor.

"Because...when I was young, I met someone who was amazing in my life." Fu Jiuxiao looked at Suisui's profile and whispered.

 Just like him.

 (End of this chapter)

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