My Koi Sister is Three and a Half Years Old

Chapter 405: Want to be her stepmother

Chapter 405 I want to be her stepmother

 From the first meeting, Suisui figured out the personalities of the two children.

 Three-year-old twins have similar faces but very different personalities.

 The elder brother has a stronger personality and always takes care of his younger sister, quite like an older brother.

 The younger sister loves to cry, is timid, and is more well-behaved.

“I don’t know how much anger I suffered in the God Realm, but I started crying before I even entered the door.” Suisui hugged the child and sighed.

Fu Jiuxiao’s eyelashes trembled, did she feel offended?

"How could they send you back?" Suisui actually felt vaguely.

 Sanjie seems not to want to get along too closely with his two children.

  When she had just regained consciousness and got rid of the sacrifice, people from the three realms came to pick up the child.

 There is no pause in the middle.

“Perhaps it’s because of conscience that we can’t bear to separate mother and son.” The little girl said to her mother seriously.

 She glanced at her mother secretly with her big eyes and looked away.

He glanced at his mother secretly, then looked away.

 Fu Jiuxiao had already told Suisui what happened. Although she couldn't remember the details, she probably knew it.

  She was quite surprised: "It turns out... they have also changed."

“I thought they took you over to teach you personally.”

 “After all…” Suisui shook her head.

“I was born with infinite strength, and even if I was re-conceived, I still had self-awareness, but something happened later.”

  She thought that the Three Realms would take away the two children and raise a real ruler.

 After all, the two children were born from the real mother’s womb.

 If you raise it from a young age, it will definitely not change.

 Over time, the child will be separated from his biological parents, and his whole heart will belong to the divine realm.

 But in this way, the two children are born with no choice.

 She has had this suspicion ever since Fu Jiuxiao told her about it.

 At this moment, I was a little surprised to see the two children coming back.

Fu Jiuxiao saw her swaying and hurriedly helped her sit down.

"You, don't worry about it. People will change. Besides, after such a big change, I think there should be some changes." Fu Jiuxiao said with a smile.

 But his eyebrows are a little cold.

 The God Realm wants to catch a whole family!

 When the First God created the world, they missed the First God.

Later, the crisis in the three realms was calculated, and the first **** was resurrected for selfish desires.

 Emotions arose during the upbringing process, and I hesitated to give up.

 The crisis was not resolved until Suisui voluntarily offered a sacrifice.

 They love Suisui and respect Suisui, are grateful to her, and feel ashamed of her.

 But now the Three Realms need a new way of heaven, even if they feel guilty, they still keep an eye on the two children.

All of this is too insignificant in front of the sentient beings in the three realms.

Fu Jiuxiao had no intention of telling Suisui. Suisui had not fully recovered yet and could not withstand the slightest trouble.

"I found a high mountain at the end of the sky that reaches to the top of the clouds. The mountain is rich in spiritual energy. I will take Suisui there to recuperate in a while. You, don't worry about the two children." Fu Jiuxiao touched Suisui. His head was lost and found, and no one understood his joy.

“That high mountain is extremely steep, and no one else can go up the mountain to disturb him.”

"When the time comes, leave a teleportation array at the Yan family. Ping An and the Yan family can visit you at any time. The spiritual energy there is rich, your soul will recover faster, and you can be out for longer." Fu Jiuxiao placed a kiss on her eyebrows. .

It has only been half an hour, and there is a hint of fatigue between her brows.

 The two children hugged their mother affectionately until Suisui's figure completely disappeared.

“Has mother returned to the clay figurine to recuperate?” Huaizhi asked cautiously.

Fu Jiuxiao nodded. Every day, he looked forward to this half hour.

"Have you had a hard time outside?" Fu Jiuxiao knelt down and looked at the two dolls.

"It's not hard, it's not hard. The Emperor of Heaven is even more miserable. The Buddhists are even more miserable, and the Taoist ancestors are also miserable. They can't bear to let us go. They started crying before we left." Huai Zhi waved his hands in a mature manner, shaking his head.

 Fu Jiuxiao's cheeks twitched and he glanced at Fu Zhiyan.

 “How did you live?” Fu Jiuxiao was a little curious.

Suisui is such a troublemaker, it’s hard for him not to suspect the two children!

"My sister worked hard and cooked for Nezha and Zhenren. Zhenzhen was so moved that he burst into tears. He fainted from crying." "My sister also helped the Buddhist world hold a Buddhist meeting, which made the entire Buddhist world suddenly enlightened and went down to earth to experience calamity."

 “My sister also helped the Emperor of Heaven make medicinal wine. The Emperor of Heaven was so moved that he gave the Nantianmen to my sister.”

Fu Jiuxiao looked at the two of them and sighed faintly: "You are really a great son for daddy." I'm afraid that the Three Realms can live in peace for a while.

 Fu Jiuxiao is an activist.

 Sent people directly to the Yundian Cultivation Palace.

 The court knew that Fu Jiuxiao was going to the palace to recuperate physically and mentally, and there were a lot of disputes in the court.

 The queen died for the Three Realms, but the country must not be without a king.

“Your Majesty, you have been away from Beijing for two years, and the people in the court are in panic. If you stay in the palace all year round, what should we, the people of Vietnam, do?”

 “How to calm the people’s minds?”

"What's more, now you only have two children. The heirs are few, so it's time to put on the agenda."

“Three years, Your Majesty, that’s enough.”

 “For the sake of Dai Viet, you must also cheer up.”

 The court did not know about his resurrection.

I also understand that the emperor and empress have a deep love, but three years is the limit.

 At that time, the emperor and the empress were deeply in love, and because the empress was a goddess, no one dared to mention the draft.

Now that the empress is dead, the thoughts of the girls in the capital are also resurrected.

  "Don't mention the matter of the draft any more. Suisui left me an heir, and I believe he is the best heir apparent."

"I am not discussing the palace matters with you, I am informing you." Fu Jiuxiao gave the ministers a cold look.

 The head of the civil servants is his brother-in-law.

 The head of the generals is the natal family of the brother-in-law and daughter-in-law.

 Everyone just couldn't bear to see Yan Jia relying on Sui Sui for his rise.

What's more, Suisui has been dead for three years and her influence is gradually weakening, so it is inevitable that she will have thoughts.

The matter was so serious that some people even asked the Queen Mother for help, asking her to be the heir of the Great Viet Nam.

   The Queen Mother had long since ignored her affairs and simply disappeared behind closed doors.

 Men can refuse,

 But what about the children?

 What about children who have lacked maternal love since childhood?

 Immediately, someone turned their attention to the names of the two children.

 Silently showing affection to the two children.

 Two children who were born without a mother must be longing for maternal love, right?

"Your Royal Highness, this is a gadget picked out for you by a folk girl. It cannot compare with the craftsmanship of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. But it is more ingenious and interesting. I hope Your Highness will not dislike it."

"This is a snack brought to you by a folk girl. You are young and easy to digest. I heard that little folk girls like it..." At the Queen Mother's birthday banquet, many girls were very concerned about the two highnesses.

 “Wow, I really like this toy.”

“Sister, the cakes are different from those in the palace.” The little prince looked like a fool, without any thought, and his eyes were shining as he ate.

The girls glanced at each other and saw the ambition in each other's eyes.

They all want to be the emperor's stepmother.

 The emperor’s stepmother is the empress of the world!

 No one can compare with the original queen, but the dead will not compete for favor.

 Among them, Miss Jiang, who presented cakes and toys, was the most popular with the young prince.

 Everyone was dismissed, leaving only Miss Jiang.

The Jiang family is a newcomer following the Yan family.

 Usually, there are some people who covet the influence of Yan Jia.

 The girls stamped their feet and left, their eyes somewhat dim.

Ms. Jiang sighed softly: "From now on, if you want to eat something or play something, just tell Yu Niang."

 “Yu Niang secretly brought her in from outside the palace.”

 Soon, Miss Jiang became familiar with the two children.

Everyone thought that the daughter of the Jiang family was going to become the emperor's stepmother.

 In a blink of an eye…

 (End of this chapter)

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