My Koi Sister is Three and a Half Years Old

Chapter 403: Wife Killing Testimony

Chapter 403: Wife Killing Sermon

Holy Lord Yuyuan frowned deeply.

It was almost twisted into a twist.

"Is this written by Siming?" Holy Lord Yuyuan looked shocked.

The boy in green rubbed the back of his head naively: "That's not true. How could Mr. Si Mingxing write such a thing?"

"Your Majesty ordered me to go down to earth to find some books to pick out."

Holy Lord Yuyuan wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

 Dijun Junhua is a bit of a suicidal person.

“Childhood sweethearts, childhood sweethearts, the girl has been engaged to the brother next door since she was a child.”

“When he was ten years old, an incident happened and his whole family was wiped out. But he was not a grown-up yet and was playing outside with no intention of escaping.”

“In the fifteenth year of his marriage, the engagement contract changed, and the girl’s parents tried to regret the marriage after humiliating him.”

“But the woman insisted on getting married, and was eventually kicked out of the house by her parents. She left behind her wealth and status, and became a little beggar beside him.”

 “The young man worshiped the sect by mistake and became a closed disciple.”

“However, cultivation requires cutting off love. A young man can break love without any hesitation. In the end, at the wedding that the woman agreed to, he killed his wife to prove the truth.”

Holy Lord Yuyuan’s eyes widened.

"Killing your wife to prove the truth?" Holy Lord Yuyuan's voice was a little frightened.

“When the time comes, it’s better to stay out of it than to be deeply involved in it now.” In the horoscope, the young man never responded to the woman’s love at all.

Holy Lord Yuyuan takes a longer-term view.

Since we are childhood sweethearts, since we are together in life and death, since we are childhood sweethearts, the possibility of falling in love is extremely high!

If it were an ordinary life, I'm afraid I could still get through it smoothly.

 If you don’t experience hardships, you will become less affectionate.

Jun Hua moved his hand and took the scroll in his hand.

Yu Yuan didn't read the fate tree at the end, he was afraid that the ending was decided by Jun Hua himself.

Cut off love and successfully overcome the disaster.

"I will never be emotional." Emperor Junhua frowned slightly, then left the peach forest and returned to Wuwu Mountain.

Wuwang Mountain is the place of practice for Emperor Junhua.

Wuwang Mountain is cold and desolate everywhere you look.

 There is a faint cold color everywhere, without any breath of spring.

 The only feeling of spring.

It’s the young peach tree halfway up the mountain.

The peach tree is no more than the thickness of a thumb, but its branches are covered with heavy peach blossoms.

 The ground was covered with a light layer of pink, and the petals fell on Emperor Junhua's shoulders and on the ends of his hair, making him slightly dazed.

"Emperor, where did you find the peach tree seeds? Obviously, even the flat peaches couldn't survive back then, but this tree survived very well." The boy in green asked curiously.

 Dijun Junhua has been a **** for many years and has been suppressing the great calamity.

 As a result, Wuwu Mountain has been shrouded in the gloom all year round, and all spiritual plants cannot survive.

Only this tree has taken root.

Dijun Junhua lowered his eyes, this...

 It is the love root of that little Heavenly Dao.

Dijun Junhua did not explain, turned around and returned to the dormitory.

At this moment, the little twins are also carrying a big burden...

Standing outside Nantianmen.

"Go home, your father misses you..." "I heard that your mother is about to condense, don't you want to go home and have a look?" Di Yin turned his head and glanced at the many gods behind him.

Everyone looked at him eagerly and pleadingly.

 Seven days!

 The limit! Their limit is reached!

 Ask him to send the person back.

"Yanyan misses her parents, but she also misses her uncles..."

“The uncles are all in tears, are they reluctant to speak?” The little girl held on to the Nantian Gate and refused to leave.

"We agreed to stay a few more days. It's only seven days..."

The gods behind them hurriedly wiped away their tears, smiling and waving their hands: "Go back. Even though we miss you, we can't let you be separated from your mother's flesh and blood."

 “Go back quickly, don’t let your parents worry about it.” Di Yin pried off her fingers from the pillars of Nantianmen one by one.

 Unexpectedly, the girl's feet were pulled up again.

Di Yin had a severe headache and uprooted Nantianmen.

 No more, no more!

 No need for the gate!

"Since you can't bear to leave Nantianmen, take it back with you." Emperor Yin uprooted Nantianmen with the door together.

 Send it directly on your way home.

"Hmph, when the Fallen Angel Realm comes to find me, I will go to Ang..." Xiao Yanyan put her hands on her hips and threatened Di Yin fiercely.

Di Yin smiled dryly and said, "You haven't even gone out today, but the Fallen Angel Realm has closed all the gates."

You take Nezha's true body and mix it with lotus root powder, you take the Taoist ashes to steam steamed buns, you send all the Buddhists to the lower world, and you make the Yuyuan Saint Ancestor into medicinal wine.

  It has long been spread throughout the three realms.

The Fallen God Realm is not as good as Buddhism, how can it be troublesome for you?

 I am afraid that you will come to the door, even the boundary gate is closed.

Two children were packed up by the gods and sent back to the mortal world overnight. The two of them stood in front of the palace gate with huge burdens on their backs, looking confused.

 The angel who sent them to the lower world ran away with his legs up.

 For a long time…

Xiao Huaizhicai asked softly: "Sister, will they come to pick us up again?"

A glimmer of light flashed in Xiao Yanyan's cunning eyes.

Hooking his brother's hand, he skipped towards the palace gate.

 “Let’s go one will come to pick us up.”

"Brother is coming soon, let's go home..." The little girl shook her head with a smile on her brows.

"No one will take us away from our parents..." The little girl smiled so hard that she couldn't even see her teeth.

Daddy can’t stop it, and neither can mother.

 They cannot fight against the Three Realms.


 She can do it.

 She has seen her mother being forced to death, and she has seen her mother turn into little bits of starlight and become spiritual energy to nourish all things.

She has seen her father’s hatred, and she has also seen her father’s despair when his head turned gray in an instant.

I have also seen my grandmother’s suppressed crying late at night.

I have also seen my aunt being in a daze sometimes, and sometimes looking through herself as if she were looking at another person.

Mother is loving and kind.

 She is different from her mother.

 (End of this chapter)

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