Chapter 300: Sacrifice for Love

Suisui curled up on the bed and groaned uneasily.

 This time, she had to experience the dream completely.

Just like the bride, she has finished her life.

 In the dream, she was like an invisible soul, always following her.

 She can even feel everything about her.

 One thing is different, Suisui seems not to feel the deep friendship.

The two people obviously love each other, but there is always a force in the dark that forces them into a dead end.

This time, they wore phoenix crowns and harems and worshiped on Duanqing Cliff.

 “Heaven and earth are witnesses.”

“The sun and the moon serve as a guide.” The two of them said to the sky in unison.

"I, Fu Liuxiao, swear here today that I am willing to marry Yan Suisui. I will never give it up in all my lifetimes. A piece of marriage certificate represents the heaven above, the sky above, and the earth below. It is a signal to all the saints. It is a metaphor for the three realms and all the world. Patriarch Tian has witnessed that heaven and earth serve as mirrors, and the sun and moon are of the same mind. If you betray a beautiful woman, you are bullying heaven. If you betray a beautiful woman, it is the will of heaven, and the sin of bullying heaven will be eliminated."

 After the man finished speaking, he looked deeply at the girl beside him.

The woman's wedding dress was like a fire. She bowed and said: "I, Yan Suisui, make an oath here today. I am willing to marry my brother Yuxiao, and we will never be separated for the rest of our lives."

The two of them looked at each other, their red clothes fluttering, and Tongsheng said: "If you break this oath, your soul will fly away, the three realms will not tolerate it, and there will never be an afterlife."

 The moment the oath was fulfilled, heaven and earth changed.

The bride began to vomit blood profusely, and she kept saying I have no regrets.

 The man's eyes flashed with struggle, and his eyes were full of pain.

 “I shouldn’t covet you.”

 But the woman held his hand tightly.

  The two stared deeply at each other. The wind on the cliff was strong and strong, but they were not afraid at all.

The storm was surging, but she looked at the sky with a smile: "I have no regrets."

After saying that, they tightly grasped the hand of the man beside them, and the two said loudly: "We will live and die together, and we will never lose each other."

 The two of them jumped forward.

Everything in front of me quickly moved forward, and the two people's determined figures were like a pair of loving butterflies.

  straight into the abyss.

 When he opened his eyes again, his eyes were filled with dazzling red.

Suisui felt like she was the bride, and she seemed to be separated from the bride, like an outsider looking at everything in front of her.

Two people died in love, but only the man died.

She seemed to know some magic. She stumbled up and tried to condense the groom's soul.

However, he found that the other party's soul was completely gone, with no trace of his soul left.

 Just because he paid homage to her, he ended up in a state of despair.

Suisui watched her go crazy.

Watching her holding the body and wailing and crying, watching her collapse, watching a powerful force pouring into her from heaven and earth.

Looking at her holding a magic sword, like crazy, she opened the door of **** with one sword.

 Trying to go to the underworld to find his soul.

Looking at her God blocking the way to kill the God, Buddha blocking the Buddha, the whole underworld fled in panic.

 The always majestic Emperor Fengdu looked at her in embarrassment.

 Watching her rummaging around in the underworld until she despaired...

Later, she imprisoned herself in the eighteenth floor of the underworld as a self-punishment. She was in a bad mood, and the sound of crying filled the eighteenth floor of the underworld all day long.

No one knows how long she stayed. Later, Suisui saw the Emperor of Heaven coming.

 At this moment, the Emperor of Heaven was solemn and majestic, not at all as amiable as Suisui remembered, nor at all as doting as he looked at her with a smile.

The Emperor of Heaven blocked all spiritual consciousness. The moment he entered, Sui Sui suddenly popped out of the bride's body.

The moment she turned back, she vaguely saw the bride's head full of white hair.

His white hair reaches waist length and is scattered all over his body, making him look quite embarrassed.

 She only held the sword and leaned against the wall blankly.

The group of evil spirits squatted in the corner and shivered, not daring to move.

 The Emperor of Heaven has been in for a long time.

 When he came out again, he was followed by the bride. She was still wearing the same **** wedding dress, and she was still the same person, but she was different.

She was once proud of everything, and she was determined to die for love.

 But at this moment, the sword in her hand became a broken sword.

Her eyes were crystal clear, and the once strong friendship was gone. She followed the Emperor step by step, like a doll that couldn't feel the outside world.

 Looking dull and lifeless.

 “Where is your groom?”

"Do you remember the groom? You have already married and paid a visit to the bridegroom, and you have agreed to live and die together!" Suisui shouted, but she couldn't hear anything.

 She seems to have forgotten something.

Suisui wanted to stop her: "Where is your groom? Have you forgotten the groom?" Suisui shouted.

 Watching her throw herself into the pool of reincarnation without hesitation.

"Ah!" Suisui woke up from her dream and sat up immediately.

 She felt lost in her heart, as if a little sad, and she wanted to catch something.

 But I feel empty in my heart, and I always feel like something is missing.

Recalling the tragedy in her dream, Suisui pursed her lips tightly.

 Small faces are rarely ugly.

She didn’t dare to think deeply about the bride in her dream and her involvement.

 The bride looks exactly like her.

 The groom is brother Jiuxiao.

With the chaotic words and her scattered memories, she seemed to understand that there was something wrong with her memory.

When Suisui came out, she saw Fu Jiuxiao helping Lin carry dishes.

He wears an apron around his waist and holds a bowl in one hand.

There is still a hint of firewood in him.

This is the emperor of the Fallen God Realm?

Suisui is not even sure whether he has recovered his memory.

 Chaos theory summoned his original intention?

 Why haven’t you attacked the God Realm yet?

 Is his original intention to be a cook?

"Your Majesty, how can you do such a thing?" Mrs. Lin was frightened and her mouth became dry, but she did not persuade him to go back.

"You go take care of Yan Lang. Yan Lang's incense is more important." Fu Jiuxiao looked at the three dishes and one soup on the table with a satisfied look on his face.

Lin couldn't persuade him, so he simply ignored him and went out to take care of the temple.

 If a man can cook, the competition will be reduced by half, and his skills have been fully utilized.

"Suisui, are you awake?" Fu Jiuxiao took a bowl of chicken soup and glanced at Suisui secretly.

Suisui looked at him blankly.

 “Are you still my brother Jiuxiao?”

 Fu Jiuxiao rubbed her soft hair, "Don't take what Chaos said last night to heart. I'm still me..." Fu Jiuxiao paused.

Fu Jiuxiao took a deep breath: "Suisui, it was Chaos who exchanged identities between you and Yan Jiaojiao, and it was him who taught Yan Jiaojiao the method of seizing luck. It was me who harmed Suisui because of my poor control."

"I have destroyed his cultivation and driven him into the endless abyss, Suisui, it's all me..." Fu Jiuxiao felt that she deserved to die.

 What he hates more is himself.

"The endless abyss makes it difficult for gods to come out. It is already the most severe punishment in the three realms. What's more, it has not yet cultivated. If it can come out alive, it only means that its life is not worthy of death."

"Besides, this matter is not entirely its fault." Suisui knew that the impetus of heaven must be indispensable.

There is one more thing Suisui didn’t say.

If the bride in the dream was really her, what Heaven did to Fu Jiuxiao for its own sake was even more excessive than what Chaos did.

 The way of heaven is for her.

 Chaos is Fu Jiuxiao.

“Chaos has an arrogant temperament and refuses to accept anything soft or hard. When I first conquered it, I beat it several times until it was on the verge of death, but it refused to give in. Let me tell you how sorry it was.”

 At this moment, Chaos crawled out of the endless abyss covered in blood.

Every inch of the bones on the body has been shattered by the strong wind. It refuses to eat soft and hard, and it is so arrogant...

 Simultaneously transformed into a cute and cute little chubby cat covered in snow-white body.

 Pets and other things are not impossible!

 (End of this chapter)

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