My Koi Sister is Three and a Half Years Old

Chapter 293: Eighteenth floor of the underworld

Chapter 293 The Eighteenth Floor of the Underworld

 “Eighteen levels of hell?” Suisui stopped immediately.

She touched the back of her head in embarrassment: "Is it the legendary eighteenth level of hell? The kind that is specially used to imprison the most vicious people, so that they will never be reincarnated and be punished here?"

Suisui’s eyes lit up.

 She has heard it countless times in the mortal world, but has never seen it before.

“I’ve already come to the underworld. If I don’t go to the eighteenth level of **** to have a look, wouldn’t my trip be in vain?”

“When the old ladies in our village go out to play, they have to carve a message on the bamboo to say they have visited this place. I also want to see it..."

Suisui grinned.

 Ever since she learned that her second brother had turned into a city spirit, she instantly returned to her true nature.

 The trace of sadness between his brows was gone.

  King Qin Guang glanced at Suisui and said a little implicitly: "Miss Suisui is absolutely right, the eighteenth level of **** is the most terrifying place in the three realms."

“The villains sent from all walks of life here are people who do all kinds of evil at every level.”

"Girl, please don't go to those places. Otherwise, it will stain your eyes. Most of those things are people who have slaughtered countless living beings. They have caused devastation and have no right to die." King Qin Guang said in a low voice.

Fengdu pressed his eyebrows. He would never allow Suisui to go to the eighteenth level of hell.

 Never allowed.

Last time she broke into the underworld with a divine sword in hand, and was imprisoned in the eighteenth level of **** by all the gods.


 I don’t want to think about the tragedy of that life again.

 He will never pamper her anymore and let her in anywhere.

“Fengfeng, what do you think?” Suisui took Fengfeng’s hand and shook it.

He raised his head and looked at Emperor Fengdu as if praying. Fengdu's eyes trembled and he lowered his eyes to look at her hand holding his.

"Fengfeng, you are the best person in the three realms. You are not at all naive like Yinyin, Fengfeng..." The little vibrato lengthened, and Emperor Fengdu's eyelashes trembled.

"Then... who is the best, Di Yin or me?" Emperor Fengdu took a breath and asked softly the question that had been hidden in his heart for several years.

Suisui’s eyes widened.

"Fengfeng, I don't allow you to question yourself. Of course it's you, Fengfeng. You are kind-hearted and will never reject Suisui...right? As for Yinyin, then you have to give him the second place."

 The Emperor Fengdu, who showed no emotion or anger, laughed for the first time.

Diyin, she said I ranked first.

If Di Yin knew about it, he would probably sneer at it.

 The mouth of Yan Suisui is a deceitful ghost.

Emperor Fengdu coughed lightly. No matter what she was thinking, he was happy.

"Then...I allow you to go and have a look." Emperor Fengdu glanced at the pale King Qin Guang, who could only shut his mouth worriedly.

He knew that whenever Suisui said a word of praise to him, Emperor Fengdu would bow his head.


 Have the same virtue as the Emperor of Heaven.

Looking at Yan Suisui, whose face was full of ignorance and innocence, King Qin Guang could only sigh.

 He led the two of them toward the northwest corner. The miasma here was so heavy that even the gods did not dare to go there alone.

 All your cultivation will come to naught here.

 Prevent evil spirits from escaping here.

King Qin Guang personally took out the seal of power, passed through the ghost miasma, and passed countless checkpoints along the way before arriving at a gate filled with strong Yin energy.

"To open the gate, you need the palm seals of the Ten Palaces of Yama. In addition, Emperor Fengdu can also open it." After King Qin Guang said this, Emperor Fengdu opened the gate of **** himself.

As soon as the door is opened, the Yin Qi rushes straight into the sky.

 Prince Qin Guang glanced at Suisui carefully, fearing that her yin energy would stir up some memories.

 After all, she was imprisoned personally in her seventh life.

 Once the door is closed, no one knows what happened.

 Who knows…

She just frowned, raised her little hand, and lightly slapped the tip of her nose.

 “Did they not take a shower in there?”

The King of Qin Guang who has been secretly observing her reaction? Aha? ?

Then he stammered: "These and this... are all here to be punished. Who will give them a bath?"

Suisui silently closed her sense of smell.

Emperor Fengdu chuckled, and couldn't help but raise his hand and wave it gently. A powerful spiritual energy passed through the place, and the air suddenly became fresh.

 King Qin Guang twitched the corner of his mouth expressionlessly.

The emperor who hated these evil spirits the most actually gave them a bath and gave them fresh air.

"This is the first level, the tongue-pulling hell, which governs the punishments for slander, lying and deceiving." King Qin Guang introduced Suisui one by one.

 Before stepping through the gate, you can hear the horrifying screams coming from here, as well as the force that keeps hitting the barrier.

"I don't know why there was a riot today. Fortunately, the emperor came out of seclusion, otherwise it would have been another fierce fight." Every riot requires the combined efforts of the ten palaces of Yama to suppress it.

The tongue-pulling ghosts who were being punished were now attacking the formation like crazy, trying to break through and escape.

 They have been imprisoned for tens of thousands of years, and as they continue to be punished, their spiritual power is actually increasing.

“Speaking of which, there is a riot every year today.”

  King Qin Guang sighed.

At this moment, the tongue-pulling ghost inside was yelling like crazy with his mouth open: "You can't stop me, you can't stop me. If you can do nothing to me, why lock me here for tens of thousands of years?"

 “Why can’t they be eliminated?” Suisui asked.

A trace of disgust appeared on King Qin Guang's eyebrows: "These things are all produced by the spiritual energy of heaven and earth. To be more careful, they are transformed into the violent energy of the three realms of gods, humans and demons. Gods will also have inner demons, and mortals will also have violent energy. Over time, Evil spirits will form. If they are eliminated, the body will disappear, but the spiritual energy will return to the three realms."

"Almost all great demons come from evil spirits. Some of them are gods, mortals, or demons who have made great mistakes in the three realms."

"Things that have been polluted will come back sooner or later. This is why they are confident."

  They are kept here for punishment day by day. They cannot be killed or released.

Suisui nodded. Seeing how arrogant the other party was, she couldn't help but get closer.

"Why should I be imprisoned? You were cultivated by spiritual energy, and I was also transformed by evil energy. Why should we be imprisoned?"

King Qin Guang's eyes flashed: "You have caused great harm to all human beings and caused death and injury everywhere. You have never been innocent!"

“Even if Old Man Fengdu is here, today I will also...” The group of tongue-pulling ghosts who had been imprisoned for tens of thousands of years were speaking harshly, but they were all startled at this moment.

They all looked at Yan Suisui in a daze.

Yan Suisui is only eight years old this year, but her face is five times the same as before, and she looks like a smaller version of her.

The tongue-pulling ghost opened his mouth, which was full of blood. His pupils shrank suddenly, and a wave of fear shot straight from the soles of his feet to Tianling Gaier.

  “Ahhh! She’s back! She’s been imprisoned again!!”

A shrill scream echoed through the eighteenth floor, and the seventeenth floor below were stunned. Who is back?

You should make it clear, who is back? !

 (End of this chapter)

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