My Koi Sister is Three and a Half Years Old

Chapter 264: The broom star is not as unlucky as him

Chapter 264 He is not as unlucky as the broom star

 “Harm, you don’t know.”

“Every country and every royal family has historians who record the words and deeds of the emperor, as well as all the actions taken during his reign.”

"Princess Shengyuan, she is the only princess in the world who has been recorded. Everything she owns is completely recorded in a side hall to store everything she owns."

"She is so strange. Her birth was like the heaven and earth boiling to welcome her."

 “The whole country is paying attention to her birth.”

"The day she was born was extremely grand. It is said that all the gods in heaven and earth loomed in the sky and showed their figures."

"But there is such a person. But when she was born, she..." Jiajia paused.

 “She’s weird.”

“Such a person who is favored by God should be very smart. But she is really stupid to the extreme. But there is no less partiality in the world.”

"By the way, the queen had a dream on the day she gave birth. She dreamed that countless gods in the sky looked at her and asked her to enshrine Princess Shengyuan's horoscope in the imperial temple and accept the worship of the world."

“She never cried or made trouble when she was young, just like a silly beauty. She didn’t learn to speak until she was ten years old.”

Jiajia pondered for a moment: "Actually, I checked the ancient books later and connected the two. Probably, she only learned to speak after being worshiped by the world for ten years."

"There was a saying to describe her at that time. She was like a puppet with no sorrow, no joy and no heart. She had only form and no spirit."

"When she was about fifteen years old, she gradually learned basic writing, her temperament gradually became more cheerful, and she could occasionally say a few words, but still no one could enter her heart. She still empty person. Except for knowing You can talk when you eat, but it’s still empty.”

“Even, she is still desolate. The biggest change was meeting Emperor Lingxiao. She even opened a separate booklet and wrote a diary to scold him.”

“Later, everyone discovered that when she got along with Emperor Lingxiao, she was more like an ordinary girl with emotions.”

“Later, she ascended without hesitation.”

 The outside world thought that the emperor and Princess Sheng Yuan were living together in the divine world.

Who knows, one of these two is a fallen angel and the other is a righteous god.

"You said that after Sheng Yuan ascended, his figure was erratic and so transparent that he could hardly see clearly?" Fu Jiuxiao suddenly looked at Jiajia, and Jiajia was startled by his gaze.


“She was neither sad nor happy when she was born, neither cried nor fussed. She was worshiped by the world for ten years before she learned to speak and walk?” Fu Jiuxiao asked again.

Jiajia nodded.

 Fu Jiuxiao sighed deeply.

"She is not a puppet. She is gathering souls. But according to what you said, when she came down, she didn't even have a soul? When she ascended, she didn't even have a soul?" Fu Jiuxiao couldn't hide the shock in her eyes.

 Really just a shell.

The God Realm sent her down, and she only gathered one soul in her life?

 It cost so much to gather one of the three souls and seven souls?

Even before this, countless efforts were made to get her to enter reincarnation.

You must know that without the three souls and seven souls, no one can enter reincarnation.

 It took countless efforts to find a breath that allowed her to become Sheng Yuan and restore her soul.

No wonder he would rather fight with the emperor of the Fallen Angels Realm than to protect her.

"Who is she? Who is she? How can she make the God Realm spend so much effort?" Fu Jiuxiao couldn't hide her shock.

With the efforts of the three realms, only one soul can be raised.

Dijun Lingxiao did not lose unjustly.

 The straight man is tempted.

 But the other party has no heart at all.

"If she only has one soul, then that makes sense. God has clearly given her everything she has, but he has left her stupid and stupid, doing everything in a lukewarm way. Come to think of it, only an incomplete soul can explain it. "Oh..." Jiajia suddenly slapped her head.

"If we say that she can only reincarnate in the human world to gather her soul, wouldn't it mean that after she ascended, she immediately entered the second reincarnation?"

 “Going down with Emperor Lingxiao again?!”

Jiajia’s eyes flashed with gossip.

“Oh, he’s so unlucky, he’s not going to happen to him again, right?” Jiajia smiled like a thief, looking like she was just watching the fun and not taking it too seriously.

"Look, three souls and seven souls, the first soul encountered them. Maybe they will encounter each other later. Oh, if they really meet, won't they have to fall into her hands whether they come back or not? Hahahaha... "Jiajia laughed like a pig.

“Will the Fallen Angel Realm go crazy?” Jiajia became more and more excited as she thought about it.

Fu Jiuxiao glanced at her: "What nonsense are you talking about? Then why is he the Fallen Angel Emperor? Go back and be a broomstick."

"In every calamity, I have encountered someone who gathered three souls and seven souls. My brain is not working well, and my luck is not working well. This is the reincarnation of the disaster star... How can I be so unlucky that the Fallen Angel Realm doesn't know how to operate?" Fu Jiuxiao gets a headache when she thinks about Emperor Lingxiao's love affair.

“The one digging wild vegetables is not as miserable as him...” Suisui also commented.

Just as he was about to say something more, he heard the palace man outside whispering: "Your Majesty, the saint has arrived at the underground palace, you should go there."

At this moment, civil and military officials were kneeling on both sides of the road, and the people were also kneeling on the ground.

The underground palace is extremely large, but the walls are very strong and difficult to dig. Only a way can be made.

The courtiers saw Yan Suisui and did not dare to say anything. They were still waiting for her to coax the empress to stay for a few years.

"Please come in, there is a layer of reinforcement on top to prevent collapse." He led everyone into the mausoleum.

 The mausoleum is as bright as day, surrounded by luminous pearls.

“Princess Shengyuan was afraid of the dark, so he went to the East China Sea to grab a lot of night-glow pearls for her to use in lighting lamps.”

Even the mausoleum was built according to Princess Shengyuan’s preferences.

 Once entering the underground palace.

Fu Jiuxiao's figure shook violently, as if someone had hit him **** the brain.

"What's wrong? Brother Jiuxiao, you hate Ling Xiao, a love brain. Why don't you wait outside the underground palace?" Suisui looked at him with concern.

 Fu Jiuxiao stood up with strength: "Brother Jiuxiao is with you."

 The further inside, the heavier Fu Jiuxiao's heart became.

 He is a little uneasy.

 Gradually, the front becomes more and more open.

 A group of women in white dresses were already sitting cross-legged around the crystal coffin, forming a circle.

 The saint's face was filled with sadness. Sure enough, she was their god.

The huge crystal coffin, exuding a luxurious and mysterious atmosphere, is placed quietly in the middle.

 Vaguely, you can see a man in black clothes lying in the center.

 Male face.

  It is exactly the same as Fu Jiuxiao.

Fu Jiuxiao’s face turned dark.

 (End of this chapter)

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