Chapter 262 The Love of Gods

 The courtiers were already stunned.

The born emperor they were so proud of actually knelt in front of that little girl!

 The empress is their pride.

 Even the girl was ignorant, with an innocent look on her face, not yet enlightened.

"Nonsense, the empress is a born emperor, how can she kneel down and worship like an ordinary person? She can't bear your gift!" All the veterans were shocked and horrified. This is Quan Shengyuan's pride.

"She can't bear it? Who can bear it? Is that what Lao Shizi calls a saint? She is just a servant of a god, how can she be worthy of my gift?!" Jiajia glanced at the courtier with a sharp look on her eyebrows.

"Without the master, Jiajia would not be where she is today! She is Jiajia's savior." Jiajia always stands behind Suisui and abides by her duty as a maid.

  The usual serious face was now standing behind Suisui with a smile on his face.

 It’s still a pleasure to be a maid.

“But you are the emperor of Shengyuan, you represent Shengyuan!”

Jiajia waved her hand: "It's a big deal and I won't do it. I didn't even want to do it..."

Ministers? ? ?

"The master said, I will be the emperor, and she will let me be the maid. I want to be the maid..." Jiajia looked at Suisui longingly.

Sister Ah Yue acts properly and arranges things in an orderly manner. She can't compare to Ah ah ah.

 All the courtiers were shaken.

 You came back to be the emperor, just to compete for the position of the eldest maid? ? ?

At this moment, I saw that they were unsmiling and serious. They looked like the empress who owed her a million taels of silver and had not paid back. They looked at Suisui with fawning faces.

“Can I come back? Can you sleep without Jiajia rubbing your back?”

 “You must not be used to others taking care of you.”

“I have copied the recipe from the Shengyuan Royal Family and will cook it for you later.”

“Being an emperor is really boring. I wake up earlier than a chicken and go to bed later than a dog. It’s not interesting to serve you tea and water...” Jiajia complained while accompanying Suisui into the palace.

 The courtiers looked at each other and said, “Damn it, the empress doesn’t want to do this anymore.”

At this time, they did not dare to attack Yan Suisui anymore, and all of them followed behind obediently, determined to coax Yan Suisui to leave the empress behind.

The empress has stayed in Shengyuan for half a year, and they know her character very well.

 “I have never seen the empress smile so brightly...”

The courtier murmured, and his cheeks hurt just thinking about it. The empress had to endure all the humiliation and become the emperor, but she just wanted to go back to being a maid? ? ?


 Do you still compete for jobs?

 The common people who had spoken rudely to Yan Suisui just now turned pale: "She is really...the empress's master."

 Everyone was stunned.

“Master, are you here for the remains of the gods? Huh, Jiajia will take you to see them. Only when the saint and the old witch are here can we open the coffin together.”

"Speaking of which, the power of Shengyuan is divided into two halves. One half is in the royal family, and the other half is in the saintess clan."

“The Saint was an attendant who served Emperor Lingxiao back then. The royal family is the bloodline of the person who was the emperor’s favorite. It’s not a direct line, she is a princess, and it was her brother who was the emperor at the time.”

  But speaking of it, they all represent their respective political powers.

 “Are they married?”

Suisui is very curious.

Jiajia glanced at Suisui with a strange expression: "I have a book here that has been passed down from the first generation. Only every emperor can read it. Do you want to read it?"

Jiajia spoke very quietly.

 It will be passed down to each emperor before his death.

 But Suisui is her master, the one who saves her life, hers is equal to Suisui's.

“There may be a big misunderstanding here.” Jiajia looked strange.

 The love between gods and mortals has been passed down for hundreds of years and is a couple recognized by the whole people.

Jiajia looked at it and said, "Holy shit."

The truth is simply...horrible.

Suisui was not interested at first, but now her curiosity was aroused.

"I'll have someone fetch the booklet. The coffin will be opened in about half an hour, so I'll have time to read it." Jiajia immediately ordered someone to go back secretly to get it.

Fu Jiuxiao was incognito as the emperor, and Jiajia didn't even give him a look.

 She even suspected that the other party wanted to take away her job.

 After all, Fu Jiuxiao was too considerate of Suisui.

"What's so good about the remains of a licking dog? Some people are handsome in appearance, but ugly on the inside. I'm talking about Emperor Ling Xiao... God admires a woman..." Fu Jiuxiao rolled his eyes and looked at the fact that the whole country came down to pay homage to Ling Xiao. , very dissatisfied.

I don’t know why, but hearing the name Ling Xiao makes me want to explode.

I feel like a hedgehog, just want to explode.

 “Don’t you want to see it?”

Suisui raised the book in her hand.

Fu Jiuxiao muttered: "What's good to see is just his dog-licking behavior." But his head came up.

 The first sentence made his eyes go dark.

 This is the diary of Princess Sheng Yuan.

 Even, Sheng Yuan was directly named after her from then on.

"That's not right. Didn't Emperor Lingxiao say that Princess Shengyuan was a disabled person at the beginning? How could she still write a diary?" Fu Jiuxiao was a little skeptical, always feeling that this diary would subvert his imagination.

 I don’t know why, but I feel hairy all over my body.

 Have shares…

 An ominous premonition.

‘February 15th, the sun is shining brightly, suitable for an outing. ’

 ‘I just happened to be out of the palace to play and attend a prayer meeting. ’

  ‘There are many gods that people believe in, and they all hope that the gods will protect the dynasty and bring good weather. Sheng Yuan should also go and pray. ’

 ‘Sneakly leave the palace incognito, ah, there are so many believers in the temple. ’

 It can be seen from this that Princess Shengyuan is a very lively person.

It is clear that in the documents recorded by the gods, she is extremely dull.

 ‘Unhappy, it started raining heavily before entering the temple. However, the temple was so crowded that Yuanyuan had nowhere to stay...'

 ‘I’m so smart. ’

Opposite the temple, there is a wild temple that is not very popular. It looks shabby, but it can shelter from the rain. There was also a pitiful, dusty statue of the **** inside. ’

  ‘Great, I can go in and take shelter from the rain. ’

 ‘Fortunately there is a wild **** who is not good at incense. ’

 ‘I had only been sitting on the futon for a quarter of an hour when suddenly... I saw a figure floating out of the dusty statue of the god. Looks exactly like the statue! I was stunned and didn't dare to move for a while. Did he want to **** my essence? Is he a monster? It looks like you want to covet my energy...'

 Gradually, the diary seemed a little frightened.

'How to do how to do? He thinks I am his only believer in the world? He looked so fierce. I said no, I was here to take shelter from the rain. Would he kill me? ’

"Is he seriously ill? I didn't say anything, but he actually looked at me with pity, dug out his own eyes, and asked me if I wanted it?'

 ‘Ah ah ah ah, mother, what kind of madness is this? Picking your eyes whenever you disagree. ’

  ‘I’m so scared, I hate rainy days, I never want to take shelter from the rain again! ’

Fu Jiuxiao looked at the booklet blankly.

“Is this the true first encounter in the legend where the **** and his only believer fell in love?”

 Surprisingly, the two versions are completely different!

 (End of this chapter)

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