My Koi Sister is Three and a Half Years Old

Chapter 260: you have a serious illness

Chapter 260 You are seriously ill

Lingxiao Hall is different from other temples.

 The fallen angels enshrined inside are different from the gods in the divine world.

The sun is completely blocked here, but there are countless lights in the hall, as bright as day, making people not feel the coldness.

Moreover, the entire Lingxiao Hall is painted with brightly colored murals.

“Emperor Ling Xiao really dotes on her, he loves her very much…”

"That's right. After all, he is the first believer in the world and the first to believe in him."

“I heard that Sheng Yuan believed in countless gods in the past and there were many temples, but Emperor Ling Xiao had no temple.”

"Look, there is indeed something on the mural. On a lonely rainy day, a small temple stood alone in the rain. Opposite the small temple was the tall and majestic hall of the gods. Everyone flocked to other gods, and only she went to Emperor Lingxiao's Temple. So pious... No wonder she loves the emperor and the emperor loves her forever. "

All living beings are moving towards the opposite side.

 She was the only one who came to me.

“There is also rain painted on the mural. People say that they first met on a rainy day. Every time it rained, she would cry with emotion. It was indeed true..."

 “Cultivation means exploding fireworks.”

 “Use divine blood to turn the sky into flowers.”

“The **** gave one of his eyes, his sense of taste, and…”

 “So romantic…”

“She was reluctant to let the gods stay in the world and tried to leave the gods. Later, the gods gave her half a lifetime to cultivate.”

Suisui As everyone moves forward, almost everything they have is recorded here.

 “What happened next? Did they get together later?”

“Our Emperor Ling Xiao is so powerful, they must be together. However, I heard that the outcome is only in the hands of the royal family. The girl that the gods liked at the beginning is from the royal family..."

"I heard that the remains of gods were recently dug up. How could gods perish? Do you think so?"

 When everyone said this, they suddenly fell silent.

 “However, I heard that the remains look exactly like the emperor.”

The silence became even more severe.

“The crystal coffin is in Shengjing, let’s take a look.” Someone said, and no one said anything, but Suisui understood that many people were moved.

If the gods they worship have really died, what is the meaning of their worship?

When Suisui and Fu Jiuxiao were about to leave the Lingxiao Hall, the blind man guarding the temple suddenly whispered to Suisui.

 “Little girl, would you like to tell your fortune?”

"Why did you come out, Temple Zhu? Didn't I say that you temple keepers can only tell one fortune in your life? Aren't you going to leave this fortune to someone who is destined to do it?"

“Little girl, go quickly, the temple guardians have received a bit of divine grace from Emperor Lingxiao. They can feel the divine grace and can only make one hexagram in their lifetime. This hexagram is very precious.”

“Last year, when the prince won the throne, someone came to ask whose family the throne would go to. A sword was placed on Miaozhu’s neck, and Miaozhu didn’t even bother to count it.”

Suisui was pushed directly by the crowd.

Miaozhu seemed to be stern on weekdays, but at this moment she seemed to be a little more kind. She handed Suisui a bamboo tube filled with signatures.

Suisui hugged the bamboo tube and shook it gently.

  A signature that had been suppressed was flying out at this moment.

He actually bumped into the altar table in front of the statue of Emperor Lingxiao.

 Knocked over the candles enshrined above.

 “Oh, put out the fire quickly.” Everyone hurriedly grabbed the bamboo sticks and handed them to the temple guardian. However, the kindness on the temple guardian’s face dropped and he became a little worried. “Marriage is determined by destiny, held together by a thread.”

 “When the knot is tied, the dream finally comes true.”

 “If you don’t know the true face of Mount Lu, you will always meet again when you go round and round…”

The temple guard suddenly stretched out his hand to grab Suisui and said in her ear almost word for word: "I will go to the poor green and fall to the yellow spring. I will not envy the mandarin ducks or the immortals. We will be together forever in the world to come." There were almost tears in his eyes.

 The words just finished.

Then she felt a pair of cold hands, pushing her open.

Taking advantage of the situation, she took away the signature in her hand, and then she heard the voice that had appeared in her memory: "What kind of marriage is held by a thin thread? I only envy mandarin ducks but not immortals. I see, destiny is pure fart . All fates are hooligans."

 The temple guard was at a loss for a moment.

 Why is that voice so similar to the Great Emperor?

 Did she wait too long and have auditory hallucinations?

Isn’t it the Emperor who asked us to wait here to remind his beloved to reunite as soon as possible?

 At this moment, the temple keeper was heartbroken.

 She heard the young and hearty voice continue: "Suisui, you can't trust these magicians. These magicians are all scammers, specially designed to deceive little girls like you."

“Why are you only envious of mandarin ducks but not immortals? Think about it. If you are a little goddess and like a mortal, wouldn’t it be a disgrace to the old man when he gets old?”

 “Smells like an old man, old and smelly.”

With a click, he broke the bamboo stick.

"What a crazy thing, you lied to a five-year-old child? You're talking about a thousand-mile marriage. I don't think you have good intentions. My Suisui doesn't like brats! Don't encourage my Suisui to have a mortal heart..." Fu Jiuxiao's eyes widened. , guard against death.

 Choke all roads.

"You..." The temple guard covered his heart, feeling numb all over.

"Wait, wait, let's put some incense for Emperor Lingxiao. You've already come, why don't you put on the incense before leaving? If you don't believe in marriage, you should at least put on the incense." The temple guard tried to pull the ear.

But Fu Jiuxiao blocked her tightly, and all the incense that Suisui held in her hand was pushed back by him.

"What kind of incense should be offered? Suisui will not offer incense to random gods. My Suisui is a true and darling child of heaven, so I will not offer it to the Lord of the Fallen God Realm. If it is against the law, the law of heaven will not tolerate it!" Fu Jiuxiao said The righteous words of the face.

The temple guard was shaking with anger: "Ahhhh!" He held his head and went crazy.

 Are you suffering from any serious illness when riding a horse?

 The temple guard is in bad shape, it’s him!

It's him!

The word that broke into her people, the breath of the soul, was him.

 But who can tell her why he looks like this?

 “You…in this life…” the temple guard only said one sentence and then swallowed it.

 “What’s your name??” The temple guard took a deep breath.

Fu Jiuxiao raised his head and said in a deep voice, "Fu Jiuxiao."

The temple guard was silent for a long time: "It's already nine..."

When Fu Jiuxiao left with Suisui, he could still hear the blind old lady mumbling desperately.

 “Lingxiao, Jiuxiao…it’s already nine.”

  “Why don’t you take it easy...”

 (End of this chapter)

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