My Koi Sister is Three and a Half Years Old

Chapter 252: Stealing Lu Dongbin’s wife

Chapter 252: Stealing Lu Dongbin’s Wife

 The third day of the first lunar month.

The Yan family officially moved into the capital.

Yanchuan still had to take the general examination, so he worked hard to study hard after settling down. There was only one month left for the February general examination.

Suisui is the incarnation of a goddess and a princess. The Chengen Marquis Mansion has never recognized her to the outside world.

 This makes Lin very distressed.

"This is the way of the world. Respect your clothes first and then your people. Our Suisui family is not a poor thing that no one wants." During the time when Suisui was away from home, Mrs. Lin made many beautiful and exquisite clothes for Suisui. At this moment Wearing it looks like a little fairy child.

 The reincarnation name of the Holy Ancestor is Jingchen. Although he is not a monk, his name is very monkish.

At this moment, he also got a new piece of clothing, and it was Mrs. Lin who gave it to him.

"This child also has a hard life. He has no father or mother and has a rough life. Since he is destined to Suisui, it doesn't matter if we have multiple people in our house to feed him. We can afford to support him." Mrs. Lin was full of sympathy, Bi Yan's family Still miserable.

Suisui shook her head: "Mom, you must not sympathize with him."

 The entire Buddhist world is waiting for the return of the Holy Patriarch.

"My mother will visit from house to house later. Logically speaking, it would be better to visit after your brother has passed the exam. But Suisui is the princess, and as your parents, a small gift is nothing."

"Brother Ming has already sorted them out according to their grades early in the morning and asked the concierge to send them to him. But... I wonder if he will dislike his parents for living in a small family." Mrs. Lin was a little hesitant.

"Mom, don't worry, they don't dare to dislike it." Suisui rolled her eyes.

Those old guys thought they could be put on the stake, but in the end...

 He is not dead.

 They are all pretending to be dead now.

 Crying to Fu Jiuxiao all day long, wanting to resign and return to his hometown.

 Everyone saw her like a mouse seeing a cat.

 Lin felt much more relieved.

Sure enough, when the gifts were sent to each government, they were surprised and happy. At least they knew that Suisui would not liquidate them.

Looking at Lin's generous jadeite stones, you can even get a glimpse of the wealth in them.

Seeing that Suisui didn't care about it, each government returned an extremely valuable gift.

 Fu Jiuxiao was ruthless, and the people left in the court were all capable of doing practical things.

"Mom, you said that my second brother has fallen in love with a girl? Which girl?" Suisui's face was full of gossip.

Lin smiled and nodded her eyebrows, she was a clever little girl.

“Your eldest brother is not married yet, so your second brother can only wait for now.”

 Since ancient times, the younger brother can only marry after the elder brother marries a wife.

“Our business has spread far and wide, and there are many at the border. Your second brother often goes to take care of us.”

“Miss Su is also a businessman at home and manages the property there.”

  "Isn't this what happened." Lin paused.

“But Miss Su is three years older than your second brother. Mother is worried about this age..."

The chicken paw in Suisui's hand fell to the ground with a thud.

 “The Su Family of Imperial Shang?”

 Lin was delighted: "Have you heard of it too? Now, he is evenly matched with ours. He is just two or three years older."

Suisui opened her mouth in shock.

 Damn it, I’m going to make Lu Dongbin very angry this time.

"It doesn't matter your age, my second brother is stable. How did you meet Miss Su?" It must be extremely good-looking to have Lu Dongbin miss her for so many years.

Ms. Su looks like she has just reached the age of hairpins.

It’s just that Lu Dongbin, who is so jealous, can let his second brother meet her?

Besides, Miss Su was planning to intercept her eldest brother on his way to Beijing two months ago. "The Su family has never concealed this. They are extremely open-minded."

"Yes, she has a strong personality and belongs to the Kev family. I originally planned to find a scholar, but I was afraid that a scholar would not be able to hold her down." Mrs. Lin sighed, but Suisui somewhat understood.

  It must be that the scholar has no strength to restrain the chicken, and is afraid that he will not be able to resist her evil fate.

“Then she went to the border. There happened to be some business to take care of there, so she simply held a hydrangea tossing competition. She was surrounded by soldiers, who were full of killing power and righteousness.”

"Your second brother went on vacation. For the first time, the hydrangea fell straight between his hands."

“Your second brother said he doesn’t want to get married for the time being, so the Su family responded accordingly and threw it out again.”

"As a result, your second brother was sitting upstairs eating and drinking. The second time he threw it, there was a strong rush from below, and the hydrangea was kicked up again, and it fell directly into your brother's bowl."

“Miss Su didn’t say anything and silently threw it away for the third time.”

“After tossing the hydrangeas three times, it’s getting dark. Your second brother will go directly back to the guest room to take a bath and rest after dinner.”

"This time, the hydrangea went directly through the window and fell into his bathtub." Mrs. Lin couldn't help but smile a little. In the letter, she could even feel the helplessness of her second son.

"There are only three things to do. It was already dark at that time, so the Su family could only put this matter aside for the time being."

“Your second brother and Miss Su have known each other since then.”

 One is a pretty little fairy with talent and appearance, and her temper is straightforward and not coy, and the other is a young fourth-grade general. It is normal for the two of them to have a crush on each other.

Nowadays, the Yan family is becoming more and more prestigious. If you marry an ordinary family, you may show your timidity. The second brother is also high-status. If they don't have something in common, sooner or later something will happen.

If you marry a daughter of a high-ranking family, people will still look down on the Yan family and look down on the Yan family's poor legs.

 Speaking of which, the Su family is also worthy of Yan Jia.

 In this world, there is no one else but Suisui who can suppress Lao Lu.

 But this direction was really unexpected by Suisui.

Lü Dongbin’s intended daughter-in-law flew away.

  It flew into her pot.

 “What about the marriage between the second brother and Miss Su?”

Lin smiled cheerfully: "Your second brother is still guarding the border. He said that we will see if he can return to Beijing for a while to report on his duties. If he can come back, we will get engaged for the time being."

 “Where’s the eldest brother? Do you have a sister-in-law?”

This left Mrs. Lin helpless: "Your eldest brother probably read too many books and became stupid. He is already seventeen this year, and he should have married a wife long ago. He always said that he must get a good name in the exam to start a family."

“That’s all, now is the critical moment for the exam, so don’t disturb him.”

Mother and daughter talked in whispers all day and night.

Little Xingchen looked at her mother, then at her sister, and stood firmly by her side.

“He is indeed a heartless boy. He finally called me mother for the first time last night.”

"Such a little person, do you know that I want to leave the clearest first voice to you, sister?" Mrs. Lin was quite surprised.

Suisui laughed and rubbed her little sister's milky cheek with a satisfied look on her face.

 The fifth day of the first lunar month.

 At night.

Suisui secretly saw the whole family sleeping soundly, climbed out of bed slowly, and secretly went to Chengenhou Mansion.

Ever since she learned that her sister was killed, she has been cultivating a golden lotus. Now the golden lotus has mutated and turned into a nine-turn golden lotus. At this moment, with a destructive brilliance, she holds it in the palm of her hands.

Suddenly, she took out a wisp of blood from her heart, separated a wisp of her own breath, and slowly injected a wisp of light into the lotus.

She secretly returned to the Chengenhou Mansion. The Chengenhou Mansion was dark with only a few lights, and she and her grandchildren were sobbing quietly.

Suisui stood in the yard where her sister was killed.

 Called softly: "Sister...sister..."

 I saw a small figure appearing under the corridor.

 (End of this chapter)

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