My Koi Sister is Three and a Half Years Old

Chapter 242: Eviscerate the divine bones and return the divine blood

Chapter 242: Eviscerating the Divine Bones and Returning the Divine Blood


 “My…my child, died?”

Li's expression was frightened, as if all her strength had been drained away, and her whole body became sluggish and weak.

"Are you a fake? You are a fake!" Li's voice kept getting higher and sharper.

 He turned around and slapped Yan Jiaojiao on the face.

"Ah! You are so vicious that every year in February, on the anniversary of my daughter's death, you want to suppress the whole house with joy!" Mrs. Li cried out loudly and burst into tears.

Hateful eyes filled Yan Jiaojiao.

Yan Jiaojiao looked extremely calm from beginning to end.

This made Li even more chilling and unacceptable.

"Am I the only fool in the whole house? I am the only fool! My biological daughter was abandoned and killed by you, and you actually used this evil obstacle to replace my child! Look at the evil caused by me doting on this bitch. Son, Yan Yan, you are so cruel!" Ms. Li's voice was so sad that she was almost crying.

 Is Mrs. Li pitiful?


 But she is even more hateful.

Li took a step in Suisui's direction blankly, and Suisui stepped back, showing obvious resistance.

  Li was crying and laughing, almost as if she was going crazy.

"Where did you get the method of stealing luck?" Suisui looked at Yan Jiaojiao coldly.

"Since you don't tell me, I will open your memory and take a look at your past. But... you can't blame me for any sequelae of dementia." Yan Jiaojiao was caught by an invisible force and imprisoned in the air. among.

 A fierce force seemed to torture her to death, and Yan Jiaojiao howled in pain.

“Mother, mother, save me... Jiaojiao, although I was not born by you, I was raised by you.”

"Father...Grandma, save me. Ah!" Yan Jiaojiao's screams pierced the sky and stung people's ears.

The old lady's face tightened, but Yan Yan lowered his head and did not dare to step forward.

  Can only watch Suisui helplessly, pulling out all her memories.

 A ball of colorful light fell on Suisui's hand.

As soon as Suisui was thrown into the air, the light turned into memories of the past.

At that time, Yan Jiaojiao was probably not yet born, and she could vaguely hear a weak and sinister voice: "As long as I can replace Mrs. Li's child, my child can take her place and enjoy the glory and wealth, but what if she is found out?" What to do with fakes? "This is Yan Jiaojiao's biological mother.

"Qiang Qiang Qiang... don't worry, leave everything to me. Since you believe in me, I will definitely make your wish come true." Just listening to the voice, you can feel the coldness of the other party.

 Not long after, a glimmer of light appeared in that memory.

 Yan Jiaojiao was born.

"There are some differences among children born early..." Yan Jiaojiao's biological mother seemed a little hesitant.

Before he finished speaking, he saw the cold man.

The man has a silver mask on his face, and his whole body is shrouded in darkness. Just by looking at it, you can get a glimpse of the power of darkness within it.

 “It’s... someone from the Fallen Angel Realm.” The God of War frowned.

Three realms, divided into three realms of gods, humans and demons.

 But there is a boundary where no one cares.

 The world of fallen angels.

 Everyone inside is a fallen angel, a fallen god.

I saw the fallen angel grabbing something from the sky and stuffing it into Yan Jiaojiao's soul.

 “As a human being, you should achieve something in two lives.” That was Yan Jiaojiao’s memory from her previous life.

 The next memory flashed by quickly. The white and fat baby, Suisui's sister, was cut open from the hands and feet, and a trace of blood flowed out.

 The chubby baby girl is getting weaker and weaker.

Jiaojiao has changed a lot, and she doesn't look like a premature baby at all.

 In just three days, she completely absorbed the opponent's power.

Li's eyes shed tears of blood. When she saw this scene, she became even more unbearable.

 The people all gasped, what kind of evil is this?

  What the **** do they believe in using the method of exchanging blood to seize the opponent's power?

 Everyone is angry. "Fallen Angel Realm?" Suisui murmured in a low voice. Why has she never heard of it?

She has also lived in the God Realm, but she has never heard of it.

 Unless someone deliberately hid it from her?

 “To take refuge in the Fallen Angel? That means abandoning the Three Realms.” Suisui frowned slightly.

 “It is a crime for you to take away your sister’s luck, drain her blood, dig up her bones, and cause her to die miserably.”

“It is the second crime to change the fate of mortals without authorization.”

"You tried to rob me of my luck and caused heaven's punishment. Dai Viet was punished with three years of natural disasters. This is a third crime."

"Several crimes are punished at the same time. As a goddess, I am responsible for the righteous law of the three realms. Today, I will impose the death penalty on you. Do you know your mistake?" Suisui's brows were filled with righteousness and aura, and no one dared to look directly at her.

 “I will obey the decree of the goddess.”

 Everyone was crouching and whispering.

Jiaojiao, on the other hand, looked crazy: "Why? Why were you born noble? Why were you born at the top of the Nine Heavens? Why?"

 “You are just better at reincarnation than me, that’s all!”

Yan Jiaojiao’s eyes turned red with jealousy.

 The God of War glanced at her indifferently.

Suisui tilted her head and looked at her: "You asked me why?"

“Since you have already acquired the memory of your past life and are aware of countless natural and man-made disasters, have you ever changed anything for the people of Li? You have not.”

"Rebirth and preserving memories are your biggest opportunities. But you have never changed any tragedy, and have only sought benefits for yourself throughout your life." Suisui looked disdainful.

 Even if you become a goddess, you will still be cast down to earth.

 “If your mind is not right, use this method to rectify it.”

Sui Sui’s eyebrows were stern.

 “Strip away memories of past lives.”

Yan Jiaojiao's piercing scream echoed in her ears. Yan Jiaojiao relied on a new life and was full of pride. The two souls had long been inseparable from each other, and now her memory was stripped away from her life.

 It is no different from the pain that tarts the soul.

 The pain is so extreme that there is no way to avoid it.

 “Strip away all luck.”

", don't take away my luck, ah!" Yan Jiaojiao trembled in pain and tried to curl up, but she was restrained and couldn't move at all.

 “Return the blood of the gods.” Suisui’s eyebrows were solemn.

Yan Jiaojiao's face was filled with horror.

“It is a serious crime to take away divine bones and divine blood from a mortal body.”

Yan Jiaojiao fainted several times from the pain, only to be awakened by the next round of more intense pain.

 She was almost a **** person at this moment.

The old lady of Chengenhou Mansion was so frightened that she wet her pants.

The whole person sat on the ground blankly, not daring to plead for mercy or look at Yan Suisui for a second time.

Yan Jiaojiao was covered in blood. Countless blood exploded from her meridians, and the blood stains turned into starlight and scattered across the world.

 There is also a part that comes straight towards Suisui and returns to the original body.

 “Tick the sacred bones.” Suisui said calmly.

Yan Jiaojiao only had half a breath left at this moment.

 She took away her sister's demigod body, and now she naturally wants to give it back.

Yan Jiaojiao's screams made almost everyone feel chills in their hearts and their hairs stood on end.

 Eviscerating the sacred bones is the most horrific and painful punishment in the world.

none of them.

Furthermore, it will not let the victim die, but will maintain basic operation, making it impossible for people to die.

 Eighteen levels of **** are just childish in front of it.

Every Fallen Angel must have his divine bones removed and his blood washed away when he leaves the divine realm.

 (End of this chapter)

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