My Koi Sister is Three and a Half Years Old

Chapter 240: This is the power of gods

Chapter 240 This is the power of gods

 Yan Jiaojiao is a war **** who is groveling and trying his best to please.

At this moment, he fell down on the altar in embarrassment.

The handsome God of War in the God Realm is still a little confused.

The God-killing Sword that had killed all the gods and demons was stuck on the altar, flashing with a faint divine light. Under Yan Suisui's gaze, he couldn't help but extinguish the light, hoping that the other party could not see him.

Suisui was tied to the torture rack and glanced at the audience lightly.

Yan Jiaojiao's proud neck seemed to be strangled by someone.

 A face flushed red, with a hint of cyan.

"God...the **** has descended to earth, the **** has descended to earth directly." The national preceptor was stunned by this scene.

  Summoning a trace of spirit is already the ultimate.

 But at this moment, the God of War descended to earth.

Green God, dressed in colorful colorful clothes full of vitality, also stood on the altar.

"The gods have descended to earth, the gods have descended to earth!" The people were almost crazy. No one heard that sentence just now. They only knew that the little lucky girl said one sentence, and the source of the gods came down.

All civil and military officials were moved to tears.

How lucky you are to be able to see gods descending to earth in your lifetime?

Everyone knelt on the ground and kowtowed respectfully.

 But God, something seems wrong.

"God of War, this is the disaster star of Great Violence. I hope the God of War can kill it himself..." Yan Jiaojiao's heart beat fiercely, and she felt that everything seemed to exceed her expectations.

The two gods, both of whom were quite famous in the divine world, jumped straight over Yan Jiaojiao and walked towards the torture rack.


In front of everyone's attention, the two gods saluted the little Milkman on the stake.

 “Jingyuan has seen the goddess...”

 “Qing Ning has seen the goddess…”

  The whole audience was shocked.

The legendary high-level **** made a great salute to the little disaster star who was **** by a mortal.

"Goddess? Impossible! Nonsense! How could she be a goddess? Jiaojiao is the goddess who is destined to be destined and loved by God!" Li was the first one who couldn't accept it.

“Gods, Jiaojiao can bless people, predict natural disasters, and…”

As soon as Jingyuan War God raised his hand, Li found herself speechless.

The God of War glanced at Yan Jiaojiao. Yan Jiaojiao tensed her cheeks and suppressed the panic in her heart.

"Jiaojiao never thinks that she is a goddess. Jiaojiao has great power, and she only hopes to use this ability to benefit the people." She saw her hands clasping together, and a gentle wind rushed towards her.

That power surprised Jingyuan God of War.

 Looking at Suisui again, the strength of the two of them comes from the same lineage?

Countless skylarks in the sky came towards the altar, birds and animals sang together, and the sky was filled with red clouds.

"Gods, birds and beasts are closest to the power of gods. Why isn't Jiaojiao a goddess? She is the goddess in everyone's hearts." The old lady said tremblingly, her hands already clenched tightly under her sleeves.

Suisui laughed softly.

Her dismissive laugh could be heard by all.

“You’ve just learned a little bit, and then you’re embarrassed by it? I’ll show you the true power of the gods.” Suisui grinned happily.

 The two gods trembled, feeling fearful of being dominated by her.

  Can't help but sympathize with the counterfeit opposite.

"You said that when I was raised in the yard after I was born, the koi kept jumping out of the water and then died in the pond?"

 “Then you know? I am loved by God. If a koi leaps over the dragon gate, it can transform into a dragon.”

 “They are exhausting themselves to death.”

 “You stupid thing, the koi is just jumping over the dragon gate.”

“When I first came into the world, I couldn’t control my aura, so you thought I was a monster?” Suisui burst out laughing, with a hint of disappointment flowing between her brows.

As the people below watched, they saw her fingertips moving slightly and calling out: "The wind is coming..."

 The fierce cold wind rolled up the blizzard and danced all over the sky.

 “The rain is coming…”

A sudden heavy rain headed towards all the people below, avoiding herself alone.

Fu Jiuxiao was soaked in water.

“What kind of magic are a few birds? In front of me, they are not even enough to carry a plate.” Suisui glanced at Qingshen, whose face was as white as jade and was a little red.    She is the one carrying the dishes.

 The gatekeeper is Jingyuan.

 What a sin, she just sensed that someone was summoning the gods, and the breath was familiar, so she separated a ray of soul.

Who knows, I saw Shura Field.

  Qingshen's heart was already screaming like a groundhog.

Suddenly, a mysterious Sanskrit sound appeared from the horizon.

There are bursts of fairy sounds, and countless rays of light fall from the entire sky...

Pieces of beautiful petals fell to the ground and turned into aura and spread out. Everyone only heard a clear cry in the distance...

 Suddenly, the cry came from far away and became closer.

 There was a huge reflection above their heads, and everyone looked up...

Then I saw the colorful tail feathers with divine light passing in front of my eyes...

 “It’s a phoenix!”

 “It’s the mythical beast Phoenix...” The voices of the people were almost hoarse.

This is a real mythical beast in ancient mythology, and now it actually appears.

The phoenix has a proud look on its face, and its gorgeous and mysterious wings circle and fall, bringing with it countless dazzling lights.

 I saw it falling straight on the altar.

 One kick…

 Kick Yan Jiaojiao off the altar.

 Then he lowered his noble head towards the **** the stake.

 Looking like surrendering to her.

The countless mortal birds that had just cheered for Yan Jiaojiao were already too frightened to flap their wings, as if they were half dead.

Yan Jiaojiao fell from the altar and wanted to use her spiritual energy to catch her, but unexpectedly, her whole body's spiritual energy was frozen and she couldn't move her head forward at all.

Before he could turn his head, he heard a harsh exclamation.

 “She is standing on the head of the phoenix…”

Mortals were almost stunned.

The phoenix, the divine bird with the highest status, was actually stepped on her head.

 The phoenix held her up in mid-air.

 The gentle wind blew her hair.

 She looked at Yan Jiaojiao condescendingly.

  A group of people in Chengenhou Mansion had been stunned for a long time, and were so shocked by all this that they could not recover.

 Honsui Sui is the goddess!

   Honsui Sui is the real goddess!

Yan Jiaojiao's little things are not enough in front of her.

 She waved her hand, and the gods of war, Qing Shen, prostrated themselves at her feet.

  She nodded, and Phoenix was willing to serve as a foil.

Yan Jiaojiao can compare with two birds.

Ms. Li's eyes were about to pop out, her whole body was trembling slightly, and her eyes were fixed on Yan Suisui.

 Hundred civil and military officials are like mourning for their heirs, it’s over, it’s over, they are dead.

 Everyone was shocked by this magnificent scene.

 “No, I am the goddess! I am!”

Yan Jiaojiao stood up staggeringly, as if she was going crazy.

I saw her hands quickly forming a secret, which was actually a magic technique that Suisui had never seen before.

"What's going on? My hair has turned white, why has my skin suddenly become older? Help, help..."

“Mom, please help me, I’m in so much pain, my body is about to explode...”

 In the past, everyone who had been blessed by Yan Jiaojiao was in trouble.

 (End of this chapter)

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