My Koi Sister is Three and a Half Years Old

Chapter 237: Ceremony of Sacrifice to Heaven

Chapter 237 Sacrifice to Heaven Ceremony

 The Imperial Master's eyebrows sank slightly when he heard Yan Suisui's words.

Before he could say anything else, he was already outside the altar.

This is the Royal Sacrifice Garden, where some large-scale sacrifices are held.

The ground was densely packed with people from all over the place kneeling down, and everyone in the capital was already kneeling under the altar.

 Thanks to their geographical location, they can stand in the front row every year.

 Hundred civil and military officials have special positions. In previous years…

 They are in great spirits.

 This year...

 All of them had expressionless faces, part of their faces were scratched with nails, and part of them had their heads lowered and did not dare to raise them.

They all had dark circles under their eyes, and it looked like they had been up all night.

“Xiao Fubao is so proud. Knowing that she is going to host a big ceremony today, the courtiers were so excited that they didn’t sleep.” The people were shocked.

 The courtiers touched their faces and glanced secretly at the little girl standing next to the emperor.

woo woo woo woo…

He only took a sneak glance and then looked away in panic, not daring to let her drink anymore!

I just ask Your Majesty to keep a closer eye on her!

 Never let her drink alcohol!

Everyone was still glaring at Prince Jin and his wife!

Prince Jin had a serious face, and the long nail marks ran through his cheeks. It was obvious that he had applied a layer of powder, but it could not be covered up.

I heard that there was a fight in the Jin Palace last night.

 Yesterday, just because Yan Suisui drank a glass of wine, everything broke down.

 The couple who were in love immediately broke up with each other.

Suisui grinned at everyone, thinking he was extremely amiable.

 The ministers trembled violently.

 Seeing her helplessly, she followed the emperor to the high platform and stood beside him. No one dared to stop her.

Damn it, this little girl knows everyone’s secrets!

She usually smiles and says nothing, but after drinking too much, she vomits everything out.

Every time there is a sacrifice, Chengenhoufu has a unique honor. At this moment, he is standing on the innermost side of the altar.

 The old lady and Mrs. Li stood in front with a group of relatives.

 Looking quite proud.

Yan Yan was a courtier, standing among the civil and military officials.

 But many high-ranking officials around him were extremely polite to him. After all, this was his daughter's home court.

If the gods she summons are higher than the national master and can bring good luck to Dai Viet, in the future...

 The status of Chengenhou Mansion cannot be shaken within a hundred years.

Yan Jiaojiao was wearing an exquisite sacrificial robe, and her brows seemed to be a little more solemn. He folded his hands in front of him, glanced at Yan Suisui, and chuckled.

The national preceptor was wearing a sacrificial robe, and Yan Jiaojiao stood behind him.

 As soon as the Imperial Master came out, everyone stood up.

 Fu Jiuxiao and the Imperial Master stood in the center.

Fu Jiuxiao looked serious and shouted loudly.

“The Emperor of Dai Viet would like to sincerely appeal to the gods of the mountains and rivers. Now he leads thousands of living beings in Dai Viet to petition our gods. I hope that my gods will protect our territory of Dai Viet, protect the country and the people, and keep Dai Viet prosperous forever.”

"The emperor and heaven are above, and the humble king of men is always disrespectful to heaven and earth; he acts cautiously and is a careful person; he begs for food in the world, and his life is like an ant. Fortunately, the heaven and earth are in order, and the sun and moon are orderly. Rain falls from the sky, and grains grow from the earth; mountains and rivers have feelings, Produce all kinds of things. Fortunately, the gods are in their place, the country is eternal, the virtue of heaven is great, and the virtue of earth is strong."

"The vast country of Vietnam has been civilized for thousands of years; the vast China has fertile fields for thousands of miles; the people are industrious and the folk customs are simple. The people worship diligently, abide by their duties, and dare not have extravagant hopes. They only hope that the world will be peaceful and that there will be no chaos; they only hope that the weather will be smooth and the grain will be abundant. May the heaven and earth bring good fortune and prosperity forever; may the corrupt officials bring less harm to the country and the people! May the heaven and earth bless the people with peace!” The emperor held three long incense sticks respectfully above his head and chanted loudly. With memorial inscriptions.

 Tributes were placed on the incense table, and everyone solemnly listened to the emperor's memorial speech. Hearing the memorial service, many people sobbed softly.

 What they ask for and wish for are all what the people think in their hearts.

 The man knelt down on his knees and kowtowed sincerely to express his gratitude. Settle down and live in peace, inherit the virtues of our ancestors, and jointly create peace and usher in a prosperous age!

After the emperor finished reciting the words of sacrifice, a palace attendant brought a bowl of wine. The emperor cut his finger and dripped the blood into it.

 The emperor picked up the blood wine again and poured it towards the altar.

“Sacrifice blood to heaven, may God have mercy on the world, and pray for God’s favor.”

 “Kowtow and pray for the eternal existence of the Great Viet Nam.”

The Ministry of Rites sang loudly, and everyone followed the emperor and kowtowed to heaven.

 “Two kowtows, praying for peace and prosperity for the country and the people, good harvests, and good weather.”

 Everyone knelt deeply again.

 “Kowtow three times, pray for God’s blessing on all people, and respectfully invite the gods.”

 After the emperor's sacrifice, the emperor led the courtiers to dance the sacrificial dance.

After the sacrificial dance, the emperor and his courtiers retreated to one side. The Imperial Preceptor glanced at Yan Jiaojiao.

Yan Jiaojiao took a deep breath, with a slight smile on her lips, and walked towards the center of the altar.

There were countless believers down there, and they were already looking at her expectantly.

 “Please God, please God, please God…”

 “May the little goddess invite high-level gods to Dai Viet and bring good luck and well-being to Dai Viet.”

“Thank God for giving the goddess, we would like to believe in the goddess forever and set up a long memorial tablet for the goddess.” All the believers cheered with faint excitement.

Fu Jiuxiao glanced at it and frowned slightly.

Li clenched her palms slightly. She was silent all night after hearing Suisui's words yesterday, but she felt a little uneasy in her heart.

But now seeing all the people prostrate themselves, just to believe in her tenderness, Li gave up her uneasiness and was left only full of pride.

Yan Jiaojiao took a deep breath and made a gesture with her hands to pray to the gods.

“A woman of faith speaks sweetly, serves the gods above, and loves all people below. She receives generous gifts from heaven and petitions for the people.”

Yan Jiaojiao's voice was sharper than Suisui's, which was a bit unpleasant at the moment.

 But, no one is paying attention at the moment.

Everyone noticed that the sky was clear at this moment, white clouds were surging rapidly, and the breeze was gradually picking up...

 The voices under the altar became louder and louder.

 The bells hanging at the four corners began to tremble slightly.

 The welcoming flowers surrounding the altar slowly began to bloom...

 There is a strange fragrance in the air...

There was a faint stream of light on the horizon, leaking from the sky, which shocked people and made them get goosebumps.

Pinched Suisui's fat paw, Suisui asked angrily: "Do you know what gods they want to summon?"

 When summoning gods, you can plan in advance which **** to summon.

If the other party responds, the call to God is successful.

The emperor was startled: "In the past, the imperial advisor cast a wide net, and whoever was summoned could not be designated."

"But Yan Jiaojiao seems to be a little different. This year, she plans to summon two gods at once." This is why believers admire her so much.

 There has never been anyone who can appoint a god, and no one can call two gods to come.

 At this moment, asking God has reached the most critical stage.

"She, I heard that she wants to invite the **** of war from the divine world. He is a **** who is in charge of justice and punishment. He is a real high-ranking god."

"There is also a **** who is in charge of the changes of the four seasons. In the past, the spring **** invited by the national master was just a subordinate she was in charge of." He is also a high-level god.

Suisui looked startled when he heard these two gods.

 (End of this chapter)

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