My Koi Sister is Three and a Half Years Old

Chapter 235: collective resignation

Chapter 235 Collective Resignation

This palace banquet…

 It can be said to be unprecedented and unprecedented.

It is said that no historian dared to record in detail that night.

I only know that I only have a milk dumpling, drank a glass of fruit wine, and massacred everyone at the New Year's Eve palace banquet.

I only know that all the courtiers left the palace with their faces covered and crying.

 It is rumored that the Jin prince and his wife, Qin Se and Ming, even got into a fight.

New Year's Eve.

Fu Jiuxiao looked at the letter that was like snowflakes, and the veins on Fu Jiuxiao's brain almost popped out.

Hundred civil and military officials, hundreds of resignation letters, Fu Jiuxiao wanted to cry but had no tears.

 He now knew where Yan Suisui's ominous feeling came from before drinking.

 This is the beginning of his hard life.

 Fu Jiuxiao rubbed his forehead: "Where is the little princess?"

The prince was trembling all over and looked at His Majesty carefully: "Making tea...making His Majesty's favorite sacred tree tea." There is a sacred tree in the north that only produces two taels of tea a year.

 The palace kept only half a catty of tea for two or three years.

The late emperor was reluctant to drink it twice a year.

Fu Jiuxiao felt a little better: "You still know that you have done something wrong, so why don't you make tea to apologize?" Fu Jiuxiao had a straight face, and her brows softened slightly as she heard her making tea.

 The prince made a grimace and took two steps back to maintain a safe distance.

“She said it smelled so good that she poured herself into the tub to take a bath.”

 Fu Jiuxiao? ? !

"What have I done wrong? I must be punished like this..." Fu Jiuxiao's back looked bleak.

 “Where is that idiot Fu Wujiang?”

The prince whispered: "The whole capital knows that he stole my wife's clothes. They all know that he washed his pants in the morning and escaped from the capital overnight."

 Fu Jiuxiao is almost autistic.

“Mr. Lin drank too much and peed on the wall, Mr. Wang peeped at the widow taking a bath, Mr. Chen abandoned his first wife in the countryside and married another after high school. Mr. Su, Mr. Fang, Mr. He, and Mr. Yan Yan, the Marquis of Chengen, raised their wives.”

“Master Zhu was a licker when he was young.”

“Master Zhang was born in a poor family. He married a rich wife and lived a hard life. Later, when he reached a high position, he married another wife from a high family and suppressed his wife. He is a heartless man.”

“Master Feng ran away with someone when he was young, but he couldn’t survive and came back to beg for nothing.”

“Mr. Jiang likes masculine styles, and he and his wife have a wonderful relationship, and her wife has been deceived for many years.” This man was beaten half to death by his wife on the spot.

“Master Xie seems to be an iron-blooded general, but he is actually a strict wife. His wife has to reflect on her mistakes even if she coughs.”

“Master Wu and Master Shen, each has a cuckold.”

Fu Jiuxiao felt suffocated just thinking about that scene.

She looked drunk and talked to the courtiers. Every time she pulled an adult, the last adult would leave in tears.

 The King of Jin was revealed to have an illegitimate son, who was only half a year younger than his eldest son Fu Wujiang.

It was revealed that Princess Jin had another sweetheart. Prince Jin was a stand-in, and the couple fought on the spot.

 At Chengenhou Mansion, she glanced faintly at the people in Chengenhou Mansion.

"It is not a pity to die when a dove occupies a magpie's nest." Li's face changed drastically on the spot and he called nonsense.

 But as he walked away, he kept looking back at the little princess, already looking flustered.

 It seems that the seeds of doubt have been sown.

 On New Year's Eve, all the dignitaries in Beijing were fighting.

Fu Jiuxiao resigned the officials with questionable character, dismissed the others with harmless resignations, and even offered a few words of comfort.

 It reads: The courtiers are all embarrassed, except you.

The ministers became more and more eager to cry without tears.

 For Suisui, he was burping from wine and sleeping happily in the emperor's palace, leaving the emperor to clean up the mess.

Before going to sleep, I seemed to hear a burst of Sanskrit sounds.

The little girl had a rare moment of clarity. She opened her eyes drowsily and saw the little virgin under the Guanyin Seat appearing in the palace.

 “Excuse me, Goddess, is there any news about the Holy Ancestor?” She had drunk too much just now and was thinking about the Holy Ancestor’s incarnation, and accidentally leaked a trace of her divine power.

Suisui tried her best to keep her eyes wide open. Through the little girl, her eyes fell on the spirited young man outside the hall who was dancing to the disco after drinking too much. Fortunately, the Holy Ancestor was isolated from the detection of the upper world when he descended to earth.

"Uh... not yet." She looked at the energetic young man and shook her head solemnly.

 The little girl seemed a little disappointed.

Then the little girl smiled and said: "The Holy Ancestor was born into Buddhism, and he must be studying Buddhism in the mountains and forests now."

Suisui’s face froze?


 Study Buddhism?

Her eyes fell on the sharp young man, who was shaking his head like a swaying kelp with a group of dancers.

 "Probably...right." Suisui didn't have much confidence.

The little girl couldn't help but shudder when she saw that she smelled of alcohol. She didn't dare to ask any more questions, so she said Happy New Year and was happy.

Died long ago.

 The goddess drank wine in the mortal world.

I really sympathize with the mortal emperor.

Turning around, he reported this matter to the God Realm, which was filled with admiration.

Suisui breathed out, her whole body was filled with the aroma of wine, mixed with the aroma of tea, and the little girl fell asleep.

 Fell down on the dragon bed and fell into a deep sleep.

 Asleep, Suisui smacked her mouth, as if she was in a dream.

 In the dream, she looked like a girl of seventeen or eighteen years old, smart, charming, and innocent.

 But she is strange.

She can't smell the fragrance of flowers, can't eat delicious food, can't see the beautiful scenery, can't hear everything wonderful...

 It was as if the world had deprived her of everything.

She knelt quietly on the futon, with her eyebrows closed, and she knelt devoutly in front of a black statue of the **** and prayed from her heart.

God stood high on the top of the clouds, and heard countless voices in his ears, all of which passed by him mercilessly.

Only when I heard her voice, I was startled for a moment, as if I heard her prayer.

 God appeared in front of her.

 She is an ordinary mortal, her eyes are clear and bright, but she cannot see. She is as clean as a piece of white paper, the purest gem in the world.

 She has no five senses, but she has a delicate and clear heart, and God can't help but stop by her side.

 “Do you want to see the light again?”

 The girl shook her head slightly and replied to him in her heart: "Although I can't see the light, I have everything about the light."

 The **** was slightly stunned.

Time passed quickly in the dream, and Suisui watched the girl and the gods spend countless spring, summer, autumn and winter.

The **** also carved small statues of the two of them. A pair of small wooden carvings cuddled tightly together.

 Until, later…

 The **** secretly dug out one of his left eyes and gave the eye to the girl.

Suisui looked at them, her heart suddenly felt sharp, and she suddenly opened her eyes.

Suisui woke up from her dream sweating profusely. Her left eye also stung badly. It was dry and uncomfortable inside, as if someone had really given away one of her eyes.

"Girl? What's wrong, girl? Are you having a nightmare?" Ah Yue had been waiting outside, and now she hurried in wearing a coat.

Suisui is now the princess, but she still likes to call her Miss Suisui.

Suisui blinked her eyes hard, her throat a little hoarse.

 “Nothing happened. Maybe I didn’t sleep well last night…”

Ah Yue was helpless and hurriedly poured her a glass of hot water: "I probably drank too much yesterday. I must not drink alcohol in the future..." Ah Yue looked frightened.

Last night, on New Year's Eve, His Majesty went from house to house to ask the courtiers not to resign. He was busy all night.

 On the first day of the Lunar New Year, God must be summoned, and the court and the people should witness it together, so there must be no mistakes.

“Today we are going to summon God, why don’t girls get up early?”

Suisui touched her eyes and found that her left eye was very hot, which was really strange.

 She was born a goddess, how could she have these inexplicable memories.

 (End of this chapter)

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