My Koi Sister is Three and a Half Years Old

Chapter 233: A toast to Sui Sui

Chapter 233 A toast to Sui Sui

Suisui felt guilty.

The superiors pointed at her to persuade the other party to go back, but now it’s better...

The other party has remembered her bewitchment back then!

You don’t memorize so many Buddhist scriptures, why do you remember me? ?

The young man glanced at her from time to time, and then whispered, "I'm not a slut, I really... think you look familiar."

Suisui looked at the sky: "You don't need to be familiar with me."

 The gods will chop me alive.

Suisui sighed deeply, it’s okay if she didn’t meet him, but if she really did, how could she let him wander in the world.

“I am short of a book boy, how about you come and be my book boy?”

Ah Yue glanced at Suisui. Suisui was not someone who would keep people around casually.

 But looking at Suisui's expression, it seems to be somewhat related, but I don't know why.

The young man glanced at the chamberlain behind her: "Do I need to commit suicide to be your book boy? I...actually have to get a wife." After saying that, he stretched out his hand to cover his crotch.

"No need. You're not old, so it won't be a problem if you live in the palace for the time being." Ah Yue rolled her eyes at him.

Although he is twelve years old, his body looks much shorter than his peers, probably because he has been hungry all year round.

 When the Yan family comes to Beijing next year, Suisui will be able to leave the palace.

The young man was very happy and said that as long as you provide food and shelter, he doesn't need any money.

  But Ah Yue was never one to treat servants harshly, so she directly gave him a high amount.

 The same amount of silver as a group of attendants.

"Girl, it's time to go back. The palace banquet is about to begin... Don't miss the time." Ah Yue looked at the sky and told Suisui.

 This year is the new emperor's first palace banquet, and it is extremely grand.

When Suisui entered the palace, he happened to see the carriages of the courtiers parked outside the palace gate and entered the palace one by one.

 The carriage of the Marquis of Chengen was also seen among them.

"Ming'er is the summoner of the gods, and all the ministers are holding the Cheng'enhou Mansion. After all, Xiao Funu has been verified by the national master personally. Ming'er is her home court." Ah Yue said in a low voice.

The young man changed into a green shirt and now stood neatly behind Suisui.

Suisui curled her lips, I want to see what you can summon tomorrow.

Everyone entered the palace unimpeded. Everyone at the palace gate asked in a low voice: "Whose carriage was that just now? The carriage is not allowed to enter the palace, but it went in directly." Moreover, there was such a dignified person waiting at the palace gate. Just jump over them and go in.

The guard at the palace gate said calmly: "Your Majesty's little ancestor."

All the ladies were startled when they heard this.

“She is the daughter of the Marquis of Cheng’en from the countryside who has severed all ties with her. His Majesty is so indulgent that he even sits on the throne when he goes to court. The Royal Study even created a special play area for her.”

Everyone was stunned when they heard this.

  "Is the Cheng'enhou Mansion stupid? After finally getting into the arms of the new emperor, they actually kicked the child out."

The lady who spoke shook her head: "They are said to be twins, but it seems that the Marquis of Cheng'en only recognizes little Fu Bao."

 Having returned to Beijing for half a year, her daughter, who had been living abroad, found her home but did not introduce it to anyone else. This shows the central idea.

 Everyone looked at each other and shut their mouths.

 Not long after, the palace door opened wide.

 All the ladies got off the carriage and walked into the palace gate step by step with the legitimate sons and daughters of the mansion.

 After taking their seats, everyone exchanged greetings.

Yan Jiaojiao was flanked by many ladies from famous families who came to visit her. Most of these people had been blessed by her and were extremely enthusiastic when they saw her.

Mr. Shen kept a dark face the whole time, and no one dared to step forward to get into trouble.

“I’m going to summon the gods tomorrow. I wonder what kind of gods little Fubao can summon. It’s really exciting...” One of the ladies said with a kind smile.

“Vietnam is really lucky to be blessed by the treasure of fortune.” Everyone complimented one after another.

Shen Aoxue came to hold Yan Jiaojiao's hand with a smile: "Jiaojiao, you weren't bullied by her, were you? I heard that she made you sick as soon as she returned to Beijing."

“I don’t know what happened to the Queen Mother’s aunt, but now she is also praising her.” A trace of jealousy flashed in Shen Aoxue’s eyes.

 She was originally jealous that Yan Suisui, a village girl, actually became brothers and sisters with Mr. Lu.

 Now, Yan Suisui has a very good relationship with the new emperor, and his status is not lower than hers, which makes her feel even more uncomfortable.

“Sister Aoxue, I heard that you went to Xiushan to seek Mr. Lu’s apprenticeship? Mr. Lu really has no vision, so he refused to accept a talented girl like Sister Aoxue and accepted Suisui. Alas..."

 Shen Aoxue felt a little more happy.

"Aoxue has no luck." Just as he was talking, the old **** shouted loudly from outside the main hall door.

 “The emperor has arrived…”

 “The Queen Mother has arrived…”

 Everyone stood up one after another: "Long live the emperor, long live the emperor."

 “May the Queen Mother be blessed with good fortune and good health…”

 Everyone knelt down.

The emperor was wearing a dragon robe, holding a delicate little girl in his hand. Two gorgeous birds stood on the girl's shoulders, as beautiful as a painting.

When everyone looked up, they saw her standing side by side with the emperor.

 The ministers' eyelids twitched.

Then he saw the emperor carrying her to the top of the throne.

 The ministers then winked at General Xie.

General Xie's face darkened: "Your Majesty, just a moment..." The ministers felt a little happy, as expected, they still had to rely on General Xie.

Before these words of praise could be uttered, General Xie took out a tiger-skin coat from nowhere and spread it on the dragon chair.

 “Warm.” General Xie nodded with satisfaction.

 All the ministers looked at him angrily, but General Xie's expression did not change.

Mr. Lu, Zhou Chongguang just dotes on her. How did you change your gender in just one night? ?

The old lady of Chengenhou Mansion saw Yan Suisui sitting on the dragon chair, her eyelids trembled, and she held Yan Jiaojiao's hand with a little more strength.

 This is the hope of the Hou Mansion.


The moment Yan Jiaojiao saw Yan Suisui, she could barely hold back the malicious look in her eyes.

The old **** first read a long list of New Year's greetings, and then Fu Jiuxiao said calmly: "Everyone, please don't be formal at the New Year's Eve palace banquet. Just feel free."

 Not long after, there were singing and dancing in the venue.

Singing and dancing bring peace, talking and laughing.

From time to time, an old minister would come up to toast the emperor, and he would burst into tears as he talked.

  King Jin sat quietly on one side.

 Since Fu Jiuxiao ascended the throne, King Jin has been quiet a lot. But Fu Jiuxiao understood that his followers never gave up.

 Fu Wujiang sat under King Jin, thought for a while, picked up a glass of wine and stood up.

Step forward and stand in the center, toasting Fu Jiuxiao respectfully.

 The young man is very handsome and looks more like a wise king than his father.

It is said that many staff members in the Jin Palace came here for Fu Wujiang.

 Voluntarily teach him and assist him.

“Your Majesty, this glass of wine is for you, the Mingjun of Dayue. To your Majesty…”

Fu Jiuxiao looked at the young man who was as clear as a green bamboo in front of him, picked up the wine glass and drank it all in one gulp.

Immediately, Fu Wujiang picked up the wine glass again.

“This cup is a tribute to our benefactor in Dai Viet. Princess Suisui, who brought thousands of kilograms of grain per acre to Dai Viet, fed a hundred thousand troops, and fed tens of thousands of people.”

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the audience was shocked.

 Fu Jiuxiao took out a thousand kilograms of grain per acre and directly secured the throne.

It also caused a heavy setback to Jin Wang's party members.

 I have never known where the new emperor got the grain, but now...

Everyone knew the truth and looked at the little dumpling in shock.

Chengen Houfu broke his chopsticks.

If this was given to Jiaojiao, how many more followers would Jiaojiao gain? This white-eyed wolf!

Suisui took a sip of saliva. I definitely didn’t want to drink fruit wine...



 Absolutely not!

Fu Jiuxiao suddenly shuddered, as if something ominous was about to happen.

 (End of this chapter)

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