My Koi Sister is Three and a Half Years Old

Chapter 231: Holy Ancestor of Buddhism

Chapter 231 The Holy Ancestor of the Buddhist World

 General Xie is indeed a flatterer.

They all say that he is the iron-fisted general who hates evil the most and has the most disgusting eyes in the court.

 The person who has the worst bottom line in favoring Yan Suisui is him.

“You can put this tiger skin jacket under the dragon chair. The dragon chair is hard and cool..."

"Here, I brought a small stove, and I will ask the prince to light it for you when I go to court. If you want to eat roasted chestnuts, just put a few in. If they are cold, your stomach will hurt."

“Roasted sweet potatoes and roasted glutinous rice cakes are both excellent.”

“The Jinluan Palace is very cold in winter. If you want to drink hot milk tea, you can put it on it to keep it warm.”

"Are you upset in the palace? If you are upset, come and stay at Xie's house. The main courtyard will be reserved for you." General Xie muttered to herself while picking up some vegetables for her to eat.

General Xie's eyes were red. He was a general who stood tall and proud. The one he loved and owed the most in his heart was the female family members of his family.

 The eldest daughter was abducted by her enemies in revenge and her life and death were unknown for four years.

His life and death outside were unknown, and his wife was hunted down with her belly full, almost killing one of her three.

If he returns home and has no more wives, I'm afraid he will have to follow her in his life.

General Xie’s eyes were red. The Xie family was happy thanks to a small benefactor.

 What happened to him doing a small favor for a small benefactor?

 What's wrong with the courtiers?

  Hit whoever beeps again next time.

"Wanyue, now that you have finally reunited with your parents, how about you live in the mansion? You are the legitimate daughter that the Xie family has worked so hard to find. No one dares to make irresponsible remarks when your mother is here." Mrs. Xie said deeply. Afraid that her daughter would care, she said lovingly.

Ah Yue pursed her lips and gave a big salute to Mrs. Xie.

"Mom, Ah Yue's life was saved by the Yan family. Ah Yue promised the Yan family to take good care of Suisui for the Yan family. When the Yan family goes to Beijing, it won't be too late for Ah Yue to go home." Ah Yue's eyebrows were smiling. , in fact, if she hadn't met the Yan family, she might have hanged herself long ago.

 Can’t survive now at all.

"Besides, Ah Yue is not aggrieved by Suisui's side." Even the empress can only be her little maid.

A Yue is very lucky to meet Suisui.


Suisui is probably no worse than her sister.


 The House of Marquis Chengen made a mistake.

 Mistaken fish eyes for pearls.

 After all, she was truly favored by Suisui.

At the time Suisui was only three years old, she was able to save her children.

 After the meal, Mrs. Xie held the twins in her arms and asked them to kowtow.

"It's time to kowtow. You saved them twice. You also saved my Ah Yue, and you also saved our entire Xie family." Mrs. Xie coaxed the two ignorant children to kowtow. Speaking of which, those two children were extremely close to her.

 It was probably because of Suisui that they were both born smoothly.

Suisui touched their heads and said, "Their calamity has passed. They will be safe and healthy for the rest of their lives, and they can live ninety-nine years."

 Mrs. Xie became even more happy.

This heart is truly settled.

The people from the mansion sent Suisui to the door, and General Xie said in a deep voice: "Don't worry, my little benefactor, Xie will not hesitate to give up wherever Xie is needed."

No one knows, it only took one day.

General Xie, who hates evil and hates evil, became her biggest supporter.

Mrs. Xie held Ah Yue and refused to let go. Ah Yue smiled and comforted her: "Mom, there is a New Year's Eve palace banquet in the evening, and my daughter will also attend it. Mom can come earlier..."

 Mrs. Xie finally smiled a little.

 After leaving Xie Mansion, Suisui went to Suiman Pavilion.

  In a few months, Yan Ming has become a head taller than her, and his height is gradually increasing.

"Our jewelry has been sold to several neighboring countries and we have made a lot of money. My parents and I discussed it and, in order to give back to the people, we built smooth roads all over Xiushan. They will be put into use next year. ” ˆ ˆ “Now the whole town wants to build a monument for you.”

“By the way, hot pot restaurants and milk tea shops are also open in Dai Viet.”

“A zoo has opened in Wangshan Prefecture, and the business is booming. I thought about it, how about we open one in every prefecture in Dai Viet?”

"That thing is quite profitable. I don't know if rich people have any abuse problems. Every time they go out of the zoo, they cry like ghosts and wolves. But they come back for the second and third time, and the reputation of the zoo is still spreading. The wider the place. Wherever one opens, everyone flocks to it.”

"Wangshan has boosted the economy this year, and it will definitely not be at the bottom next year. Mr. Li will probably be promoted to an official when he returns to Beijing to report on his work..." Yan Ming smiled.

 Her third brother is really a talent.

Suisui squinted her eyes, had an idea, opened her eyes, and glanced at her third brother secretly.

I saw that the third brother's upside down appeared faintly a looming look.

 Pixiu, the mythical beast!

Suisui's eyelids twitched. Damn it, the master of making money is the incarnation of a mythical beast.

 No wonder her third brother was obsessed with money.

 Throughout the ages, all businessmen like to buy Pixiu houses to seek wealth.

Who would have thought that Pixiu would personally come down to make money?

“My parents are going to Beijing soon, and I bought a house in the north of the city. I’ll have a place to stay after three in and three out.” The little God of Wealth grinned, his mouth open, and his teeth were leaking.

Ah Yue immediately said: "Girl, let's not eat sweets. You see, the third young master has already lost his teeth."

 Speaking, he immediately took away the sweet persimmons in Suisui's hand.

Persimmons in this season are extremely sweet, so sweet that your teeth hurt.

 After it softens, take a gentle breath and the soft and sweet liquid flows directly into your mouth.

Suisui was twitching with distress, and when Ah Yue wasn't paying attention, she secretly pinched a money bag hidden in her waist.

 The soft, thin skin will break when touched, so Sui Sui is extremely careful.

He said that he would go to school during the day and come back in the evening to do the accounting. His property, such as Sui Man Pavilion, Sui Man City, Sui Man Yuan, etc., were all calculated clearly.

 This meeting simply reported the number to Suisui, so that Suisui knew how much money he had.

“Probably, next year the richest man in Dai Viet will have to be replaced by someone else.” Brother Yan Ming said calmly. It only took him one year to rub the other party’s century-old foundation on the ground.

Suisui took a breath. She originally planned to invite her brother to the palace for a banquet, but Mingming had no interest in it.

It's better to lie on the banknotes and count the money.

When Suisui came out of Suiman Pavilion, it was already getting dark.

 A group of guards gathered around her to go out and prepare to return to the palace.

Ke Suisui hadn’t walked a few steps when suddenly...

 The complexion changed drastically.

"There's a thief! There's a thief stealing my money bag!" Suisui stamped her feet and shouted. The guards moved very quickly and trampled the young man holding the money bag under their feet.

"You're talking nonsense, you're farting! This is my money bag, I'm wronged, I'm wronged!" The boy, who looked about thirteen or fourteen years old, grabbed the money bag and shouted, "I'm wronged."

Many people gathered around and watched.

"You are bullying others, this is my money bag, and you are wronging me. Can rich people do whatever they want?" The young man with red lips and white teeth was so well-behaved that many people began to sympathize with him at this moment.

Ah Yue was so angry that her face turned livid.

Suisui looked at him and was startled.

The whole body is filled with Buddha light, and the Buddha energy reaches the sky.

“Really? Why don’t you let go and take a look?”

The young man couldn't help but be startled when he saw her joking look.

Suddenly, I could only feel the moist, sweet aroma infiltrating from the money bag.

 (End of this chapter)

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