My Koi Sister is Three and a Half Years Old

Chapter 216: The courtier is autistic

Chapter 216 The courtier is autistic

 Fu Jiuxiao is autistic.

  Not even a day after I said those cruel words, I was twitching my **** and head and letting others jump on me.

 Fu Jiuxiao felt the trick of fate at this moment.

Suisui grinned and said happily: "Don't lower your head, your skirt will fall off." Then, she laughed like a goose.

  This bad breath was all released.

 Fu Jiuxiao was about to leave, Suisui immediately jumped down from the chair and grabbed the corner of his skirt, trying to act cute.

Who knew he was a bit strong...


A sound.

She tore off a large piece of Fu Jiuxiao's skirt as thin as a cicada's wings.

 The atmosphere was even more solidified than before.

 The two looked at each other, Suisui looked innocent? ? ? !

Suisui didn’t react until Fu Jiuxiao ran away with the tips of her ears red.

Suisui felt much happier after watching Fu Jiuxiao's impromptu performance.

Not long after, Fu Jiuxiao came back after changing her clothes, her face still smelly and black.

 He should know!

Wangshan Mansion has been poor for so many years, and suddenly it can produce such incredible grains. Who else but Xiaosui Sui can do it? ?

 Thinking that he had just said harsh words yesterday, and now he came to slap him in the face in person, Fu Jiuxiao wished he could dig a hole and bury himself in it.

“Don’t worry, I don’t remember the way you danced in women’s clothes just now.” Suisui looked sincere.

"You don't have to say anything." Fu Jiuxiao looked at the sky silently.

Suisui said honestly.

"I didn't mean to quarrel with you. On the day I entered Beijing, I met many sisters... They..." Suisui paused.

“They were dressed in silk and satin, and their hair was covered with red hairpins. They were obviously women in their prime, but they were **** like animals.”

“They cried and howled, begging for mercy and kowtowing, but no one paid any attention to them.”

That day, the whole city knelt on both sides of the streets to see the late emperor off to the funeral. The funeral procession went all the way from the palace to ten miles away.

Suisui followed far behind.

 Watching the burial of the late emperor, watching the sealing of the mausoleum, all the women were pushed into the imperial mausoleum.

Most of the women are still in their twenties and eighties. They are as beautiful as flowers, but still have a little childishness that doesn't understand human affairs.

They were all buried alive.

She later heard that some of the concubines were given poisonous wine and white silk in the palace, and only some of the concubines with children were left to take care of themselves in the palace.

 At the moment of burial, the resentment rising to the sky in the imperial mausoleum was extremely frightening.

If Suisui were an ordinary person, she would have turned a blind eye.

 But she is not, she is a woman and a goddess, and she is favored by the emperor.

Her words can change the tragic fate of women for thousands of years to come. How could Suisui pretend to be blind?

Fu Jiuxiao didn't say anything, and only patted her head gently.

 “Brother knows.”

Suisui was once thrown away like goods, and was exchanged for food by the old Wang family. It was just that women were too contemptuous and no one took women seriously.

  She has felt the same way, so she can be empathetic.

 There are many women in the world who have reached high positions, but no one has thought about improving their status.

  Go back to the palace on the second day.

 Fu Jiuxiao issued three imperial edicts in a row.

 First, after the death of the emperor, concubines with children can stay in the palace, while concubines without children can freely choose to leave the palace or go home. Cancel the burial of human beings.

 The second way allows women to reconcile and divorce, share the family property equally, and promotes remarriage.

 The third way is to allow the establishment of women's academies. If women are willing to enroll, their families cannot stop them.

As soon as these three imperial edicts came out, the whole capital was in an uproar.

"Your Majesty, it is a virtue for women not to have talent. How can they go to academies? Women are mostly literate, and the hen is very good. Your Majesty, have you forgotten?" In the court, an old minister was full of indignation.

Fu Jiuxiao sat high in the court hall and glanced at Mr. Zhou faintly. "Master Zhou, I remember that your legitimate daughter and eldest granddaughter were all enlightened at the age of three. Moreover, I haven't seen you marry a wife who can't read?" Master Zhou's breath was stagnant.

Fu Jiuxiao sneered. It was nothing more than a woman who would threaten the noble status of men after she became educated and sensible.

Fu Jiuxiao is a man, but he understands the mentality of men.

 It’s nothing more than hoping that women can exist dependent on them.

“Your Majesty, it is the blessing of future generations if a woman observes the festival for her late husband!” Mr. Wu was heartbroken.

Fu Jiuxiao's expression was calm: "What? Your descendants are not going to live up to expectations, and you need me to be alone for the rest of my life and earn a chastity memorial memorial?"

“My children and grandchildren are not living up to expectations, but I blame my mother for not being a widow.”

Mr. Wu was blocked and his face turned red. His mother got married at the age of sixteen.

 After giving birth to him at the age of eighteen, his father passed away.

  My mother has been widowed since he was eighteen years old. She raised him up. In order to support his education, her mother went to do laundry every day before dawn. In the middle of winter, her hands were swollen from soaking.

Her hands were twisted and unable to move freely.

  I have to do embroidery at night. My hands are swollen and it is difficult to even thread a needle. I have been doing embroidery for many years and my eyesight is not good.

 The year he was admitted to the second place, his mother was so happy that she burst into tears.

 Later, my mother was silent for a long time, and then she said that she was tired these years and wanted to get married.

That year, my mother was thirty-nine years old.

He still vaguely remembers his original words at that time: Mother, my son only got second place in the rankings and will have difficulty in the court in the future. The son has no help. If the mother can earn a chastity memorial tablet, it will be beneficial to her son's reputation in the future.

 He still remembers that day when the light in his mother's eyes went out.

 Since then, my mother has never mentioned this matter again. Until the chastity archway came back, my mother's smile could not reach her eyes.

“It’s a bad habit to honor women with chastity arches and burials.” Fu Jiuxiao couldn’t help showing her disgust.

"I didn't see any commendation at the Chastity Arch. I only saw the unfilial piety of future generations, tying up my mother's life for my own reputation. Sacrificing my mother's future to fulfill my own glory is really unfilial." Fu Jiuxiao glanced at it. Master Wu glanced at him, and Master Wu shrank his head and refused to say another word.

“Your Majesty, I have no objection to canceling the chastity arch.”

“As for women studying, I have no objection.” So what if I agree to women running academies?

Who is willing to do it for them? Then they must have books to read!

 No matter who is responsible for it, he will be ostracized by the courtiers and even all men.

“However, the burial of emperors’ concubines has been passed down for thousands of years and has been a rule since ancient times. This is the unparalleled honor of the family and their glory. This matter must not be abolished!”

 “It is their blessing to be buried with the emperor.”

 Most of the courtiers are staunch defenders of the royal family. The imperial power must not be violated in the slightest, and they will never give in.

Fu Jiuxiao raised his eyebrows.

Suisui is really a clever little girl. She calculated that the courtiers would firmly oppose this.

 After all, only this article involves the vital interests of the courtiers.

 Fu Jiuxiao coughed dryly, "In that case..."

“Master Xu, I heard that your family is not having many heirs. It seems that there is only a legitimate daughter in the family, right? Send her portrait to the palace and let me take a look.”

“Master Wang, I heard that your granddaughter is exactly like you, and you like her very much. Send her to the palace and let me see if she looks like her.”

“Mr. Lin, I heard that you have a younger sister. You raised her like a baby, Chenyuluoyan, a moonlight flower, and you raised her more carefully than your own daughter.”

"Mr. Xiao, I heard that you have a daughter in old age, and you have a beloved baby. She is only twelve years old this year, so I won't let you have her for the next few years." Fu Jiuxiao smiled and specifically asked them which child they loved the most.

People all have preferences.

 Specialize in poaching your sweethearts!

“As for me, I don’t plan to consummate the marriage in the next few years, but I want to stay with the late emperor for a few more years.”

"If something happens to me unfortunately in the future, I'll ask a few of my beloved concubines to bury me for me." Fu Jiuxiao stretched out his hand to point at the child who was most favored by the courtiers.

 The ministers took a breath and looked at him almost tremblingly.

 “Your Majesty, I have no objection.”

 “Your Majesty, I have no objection.”

 A crowd of thorns lowered their noble heads.

Damn it, Suisui is indeed a clever little guy.

Whoever disagrees will be allowed to enter the palace and be buried!

 (End of this chapter)

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