Chapter 214 A big fight

 After Jiajia was picked up.

Suisui was lying on the city wall, with her little head exposed, her feet propped up and looking at the motorcade that was getting further away.

 The little face is bitter.

“You persuaded her to leave so righteously just now, and now you’re crying again?” Fu Jiuxiao was very amused.

Suisui sniffed and said with red eyes: "If you like someone, you naturally want her to live a better life."

 “This is great love.”

Fu Jiuxiao was startled for a moment, then touched her head gently and sighed.

 “No wonder everyone loves you.” Although he is young, he sees it better than anyone else.

At this moment, the night is getting darker, and a light snowfall is coming.

Fu Jiuxiao was worried that she would catch cold, so he coaxed her down.

As soon as I came down, I heard someone from the palace coming to report: "Your Majesty, the Queen Mother invites Miss Suisui to come over." The **** who was sent was a very beautiful little **** with delicate features.

This is probably the Queen Mother's reciprocation.

Fu Jiuxiao's face suddenly darkened.

“Let the queen have a good rest in Changxin Palace and wait until the New Year’s Eve palace banquet before coming out.”

Oh, the Queen Mother has been imprisoned in disguise.

After the young **** left, Fu Jiuxiao said with a dark face: "Suisui, please don't bring the Queen Mother Hu here next time. The Queen Mother is a role model for women in the world, so this is unreasonable."

Moreover, when the new emperor first ascended the throne, the court was unstable.

If there is chaos in the harem, it will definitely cause turmoil in the court.

"What does it mean to set an example for a woman? But the Queen Mother is not happy."

“She has survived the late emperor, so she can live the life she wants.”

 The veins in Fu Jiuxiao's head were twitching and beating, and the late emperor was tortured to death. You really dare to say this.

"The late emperor is dead. She can choose how she wants to live her life. There is also a woman's example. Suisui doesn't like the example of a woman who lives a widowed life." This world advocates that after a man dies, the widow should live a life of integrity for him.

 At most, after death, give a chastity arch.

 But it limits the woman's life, and she spends her whole life in loneliness.

"Suisui, this is not something you and I can decide. It has been passed down for thousands of years, and it is too difficult to overturn it." All this is deeply rooted, and the first thing we have to face is the opposition of the court and the men of the world.

 Fu Jiuxiao took a deep breath.

He didn’t know why the two of them went from the Queen Mother looking for a love interest to the topic of whether a woman should remain a widow.

 And she is only five years old, how could she know this?

“Isn’t it too difficult not to do it? You are the emperor, the only one who can do it! If you don’t do it, who else can do it?”

Suisui crossed her arms with dissatisfaction in her eyes.

Jiajia’s life was tragic because her mother became pregnant before marriage.

 The Queen Mother had to be widowed at a young age, and there are still countless women who are widowed in Vietnam.

 It is a shameful thing for a widow to remarry.

 These are all shackles to women.

 The **** and injustice to women.

The prince's legs were trembling, and he huddled up. He only wished that he could not be blind and deaf.

Some people actually dared to quarrel with the emperor.

 The emperor was so angry that he was pacing back and forth, and the princes and princes were frightened.

   I had already knelt in the corner with all the palace people, not daring to say a word.

 So as not to harm the fish in the pond.

"Suisui..." Fu Jiuxiao couldn't help softening his voice when he saw that her little face was red with anger.

Suisui is in Xiushan County and requires women to attend school together to receive education. It can be seen that she is already dissatisfied with everything.

Suisui twisted her head: "Don't talk to me! Humph!"

The two little parrots on her shoulders suddenly flapped their little wings and cursed: "They are all stinky men."

 “Smelly man to stinky man…”

 “Complicit in evil, collaborating with others...”

 “Smelly stuff, stinky stuff, stinky stuff…”

 The two parrots are simply her mouth substitutes.    When she couldn't win the scolding, she immediately started to support her.

 The emperor was pointed at his nose by two birds and scolded.

Fu Jiuxiao's finger was pecked by a bird.

 The prince was shocked to see what he saw, and his whole body was trembling.

This girl from the Yan family is probably really spoiled and has no sense of propriety. Hey, she is still young after all.

 The prince could not help but feel sorry.

 Sure enough, the emperor became even more angry.

There was a gloomy look on his eyebrows: "I really indulge you too much!"

Suisui turned around and looked at him silently.

 The atmosphere was tense between one large and one small group.

Suisui pursed her lips, turned around and walked out of the palace with a dark face.

Fu Jiuxiao became angrier when he saw her looking like she was about to leave without saying a word.

 “Go away, go away! Don’t come back after you leave! I’m so indulgent of you!” Fu Jiuxiao flicked his sleeves and ran away from Suisui.

 “If I come back to you, I’ll be a bastard!”

“I will never bow my head this time!”

Suisui left the palace angrily: "Why should women be widowed? Why are men and women so unfair? You are the emperor, and if you don't do it, who else can do it?" Suisui grinned in anger.

 “Ignore it, ignore it.” The little guy pursed his lips and his eyes turned red as he walked.

"If you don't come back, you won't come back. Whoever comes back will be a puppy!" The little guy returned to Chengenhou Mansion with red eyes.

 When the old Marquis came, they were all locked up outside the Qishen Courtyard.

Suisui was so angry that she didn't even eat dinner and went to sleep.

 Early on the second day, I was indeed caught by the wind and cold.

Yesterday, I came home in the snow. I was angry and sweating all over my body. I now have a slight fever.

Jiajia was not around, so Ah Yue hurried back.

As soon as she finished feeding her the medicine, she heard someone reporting outside the door.

“Uncle Master, there is someone outside the door asking to see you. His name is Sheng Nan...he’s here to tell you the good news.”

Suisui sat up from the bed, Katsuo?

 “Let her in quickly.”

Sure enough, the tall, dark-skinned woman was Wu Shengnan.

"I have been asking for a long time before I found out that you have moved to the capital. Girl, you don't look like an ordinary person for the first time when I see you. It turns out that you are really the legitimate daughter of the Marquis who lives abroad." Wu Shengnan was surprised, but within the range.

 Such a girl is obviously not something that can be raised in a barren border area.

“I’m here to pay you back today. It’s the Chinese New Year, so I have to clear my account.”

"Why are you sick? Have you seen the doctor and taken medicine?" Wu Shengnan saw her aggrieved look, her face turned red, and she probably still had a fever.

"It's okay, the girl has already taken medicine." She was not cold, she was just angry at herself.

 At such a young age, I have such a strong temper.

Wu Shengnan was very happy, and he was a little plumper than last time.

“Thanks to the girl, we will make a lot of money this year.” Wu Shengnan took out a contract from his arms.

"This is what we agreed upon. You will get 80,000 taels of silver after dividing the money. The commitment of the three armies can be fulfilled at any time if you need it."

“There are still some land deeds here. The harvest in the past few years was not good, so most people used the land deeds and shops in exchange.”

 Twelve shops, three villages, and 180 acres of land.

A Yue is in charge of finances and will put everything away immediately.

   Suisui is unhappy and in a bad mood.

Wu Shengnan was very grateful to Yan Suisui.

Since we have these seeds that can produce thousands of kilograms per acre, the three armies no longer have to worry about going hungry.

 This year, the average yield per mu is 700 to 800 jins. Although it is not up to 1,000 jins, it is twice as much as in previous years.

“Seeing that the girl is in a bad mood, my master happens to be in the capital as well. Why don’t we ask him to dance a few songs for you to cheer you up and have fun?”

 “If he doesn’t dance well, let him dance again?”

Wu Shengnan forgot about the slap he received last year and blurted it out immediately.

 (End of this chapter)

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