My Koi Sister is Three and a Half Years Old

Chapter 185: The first plane of school

Chapter 185 The first plane of school

 Early on the second day.

The emperor's face was as cold as frost, and the princes and princes followed him to the court in fear.

 It is extremely cold in October.

 And the emperor…

He waited at the palace gate all night and acted as a watchdog. The farther back he went, the more ugly the emperor's face became.

 It’s over, it’s over, among those unlucky people in the court, I don’t know who can be His Majesty’s punching bag today!

  “Do I really dote on her too much?”

 “Doesn’t she know that the world is too high for her?” The emperor’s face was cold, and the prince’s heart thumped. It’s over. His Majesty is angry.

That girl is really too indulgent.

  His Majesty asked to stay overnight yesterday, but she turned a blind eye and made him wait in the cold wind all night!

"She really doesn't take this palace seriously..." Fu Jiuxiao looked gloomy and ugly.

Just as he was talking, a young palace man came in a hurry.

"Your Majesty, there was a maid at the gate of the palace who was carrying your Majesty's personal token to deliver a message. It was said that Miss Suisui wanted to eat the beggar's chicken cooked by your Majesty." The palace man was shaking all over and did not dare to raise his head.

 The prince gently holds his forehead, trying to die.

That girl is really seeking death.

Sure enough, the emperor sneered.

"What does she think of me? Do I have to do whatever she asks me to do? I am the emperor, the king of a country! She is too presumptuous!" Fu Jiuxiao took a deep breath.

 “What she eats depends on what I do!”

“I will make beggar’s chicken for her today, even if she doesn’t want to eat it, she has to eat it!” After saying that, Fu Jiuxiao strode away.

 The prince is confused!

Looking at His Majesty's back, you are full of cruel words. You are so tough just by opening your mouth!

At the same time, the prince was breaking out in a cold sweat. Fortunately, he didn't say a word just now.

 Otherwise, if he follows Your Majesty's instructions and accuses Miss Suisui, grass will grow on his grave today next year.

At this moment, Suisui was yawning, and his hairy head looked particularly cute.

 “What are you doing when it’s not even bright?”

"Bless you? I'm afraid I'll kill them." Suisui yawned and asked the guards to throw the nanny out of the door.

This move made the old lady very angry again.

 “Uneducated, uneducated! What a misfortune for my noble family!”

“Jiaojiao went to the Chinese Academy of Sciences before dawn, but she was still sleeping soundly in the mansion.”

"Old lady, where are you going? She hasn't gotten up yet to kowtow and acknowledge her relatives." Ms. Li shouted loudly.

The old Marquis waved his hand and hurried out: "No more, my junior uncle is going to return to Beijing soon, and as a junior, I should kowtow and salute. I have to wait at the city gate. I don't know where he is."

"Master only has one little junior sister. When she returns to Beijing, everyone in the family will kowtow to her and meet her." After the old prince gave the order, he hurried away.

 As for the little granddaughter who is coming home?

 He didn’t think much about it at all.

His three sons, including his legitimate grandchildren, have more than ten grandchildren.

  What does Yan Suisui mean?

Li's lips moved: "Then...should we still hold a banquet for Suisui?" Logically speaking, when a child who has been lost for many years returns home, a banquet must be held to introduce her forcefully to the circles in Beijing.

The old lady gave her a gouge look: "Don't you still think she is not impressive enough?"

“With her illiterate appearance, would it be embarrassing to take her out?”

Just thinking about the smiling words last night made the old lady’s heart ache.

Ms. Li frowned. Her children had always fought for her, but Yan Suisui couldn't do anything about it.

 “Then...send her to the Chinese Academy of Sciences?”

"Keguo Academy has always only accepted extremely smart children, and Suisui..." Jiaojiao was admitted to the school last year, and it was the dean who made an exception for her admission.

 The National Academy of Sciences is the highest residence in Dai Viet.

 Both schools for men and women are among the top universities in Dai Viet for scholars.

The old lady's eyes drooped: "With her delicate relationship, how difficult is it to send her sister in? Go in and let her see what it means to be a proud child of heaven."

“It’s not just a few bad guys who can run rampant in the capital.”

Of course, the people in the Chinese Academy of Sciences respect Jiaojiao very much, so if Suisui goes in, she is afraid that she will not be able to please her.

 But this is none of the old lady’s business.

"Although she is not lovable, she is still one of my family members. It's better to let her go to study in China, so as not to say that I have treated her badly." The old lady did not forget to put some money on her face.

Ms. Li was quite moved and thanked the old lady seriously.

"I contacted Dean Zhu last night, and she can enroll today. But she doesn't get up, so there's nothing we can do. When she wakes up, just send her there."

 The second day after returning home, he was sent directly to the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and he made no secret of his dislike for Yan Suisui.

 She was not even formally introduced. You can imagine how much rejection she would receive if she enrolled in school.

Li's heart was pounding. The rules of the Chinese Academy were strict, and Suisui was probably going to suffer a big loss today.

  It wasn’t until noon that Suisui got up slowly after eating and drinking.

 As soon as I woke up, I was faced with bad news.

 “Go to school?” Suisui’s eyes widened.

She ran back in a hurry because she didn’t want to go to class with her senior brother. Unexpectedly, she would have to go to school the next day after returning home! !


What a tragedy!

"You are still a country person, have not learned etiquette, and have never been enlightened. I am afraid that you will be looked down upon by others in the future. Today, you can enter the Guojiao Academy because of your connections with Jiaojiao. Don't lose Jiaojiao's face."

 Li always said that she treated both children equally, but she kept saying that Suisui should not be compared to Yan Jiaojiao.

“Your eldest brother has not come back from his trip, and your eldest sister has already married. It’s not too late to meet some relatives in the house in the evening.”

Ah Yue and Jiajia looked at each other. This family really did not welcome their master at all.

At noon, Suisui put his hands in his pockets and went out.

The two maids were not allowed to enter, and Yan Ming was worried: "They deliberately bullied Suisui. They knew that Suisui needed a rest after a long journey, so they allowed Suisui to go to school the next day. They must punish Suisui..."

  There is nothing you can do if you say you are worried, after all, maids and outsiders are not allowed to enter here.

Watching Suisui follow the little child at the door and go in.

 It’s true.

 Yan Ming’s guess was accurate.

 Today's master is a loyal supporter of Yan Jiaojiao, who was kind to him in the past.

When Suisui knocked on the door, she was not surprised to see a face full of boredom: "Look what time it is now? Stand outside the door and listen to the class!"

The little girl is neither humble nor arrogant: "I haven't reported today, so I'm not considered a student..."

The little girl could catch a glimpse of the classroom full of winking and taunting students.

Yan Jiaojiao has always been a double-dealer, but before Yan Suisui came back, she became a jealous and evil sister who tried to compete with her for favor.

Moreover, she is also a legendary disaster star.

 It is normal for her to be ostracized.

 “Master, she is still provoking you.” The students inside shouted loudly.


 “It’s shameless for you to want to compare with a delicate girl!”

 “If it weren’t for you, Jiaojiao girl wouldn’t be questioned, you scourge!”

The master immediately darkened his face: "Go out and don't disturb everyone's class. They are all flowers of Dai Viet and the future of Dai Viet. Who do you think you are? Get out and listen!" If the dean hadn't put her in his class, he wouldn't have done it at all. Don’t want to take it!

"We are Huaguduo, and you are a bedbug. A bedbug that specially troubles girl Jiaojiao." Because of her, Yan Jiaojiao received a lot of infamy and suspicion.

It was full of mockery, but the Master remained silent and pretended to be deaf.

But if Suisui replies, he will scold Suisui for being rude.

 Double standards, vivid interpretation.

Suisui turned around and stood outside the door.

The door closed with a clang.

In her ears, she could still hear ridicule, scolding her villagers to insult her, and even the school door would not let her enter!

Suisui raised her eyelids expressionlessly, flowers in Dai Viet?

 Oh, you are the flowers and I am the bedbug? !

Suisui turned around silently, not knowing where she went. A quarter of an hour later, the little girl came back holding a beehive bigger than her head.

There was also a bucket of smelly stuff in his hand.

“Since you are the flowers of Dai Viet, the bugs must fertilize you and pollinate you...”

Suisui climbed onto the windowsill.

  Polling a bucket of stinky stuff directly in, there was a piercing scream inside. Before everyone could recover, she sealed the window sill from the outside.

  Jumped down from the window sill neatly.

 Kick the big hive toward the center.

The buzzing sound suddenly came out densely.

Hold the door tightly again, hold the door tightly!

"Flowers, you must grow up well...Grow up quickly..." Suisui was holding the door outside, and the people in the room were screaming and cursing, but they were not as arrogant as before!


 Grandma will eat everything, but she won’t suffer any loss!

 The first game of school, challenge everyone!

 (End of this chapter)

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