Chapter 171 Chapter 171 Debt Collection Ghost Suisui

“I think it’s not Po Wen who stole the child, but your Marquis who abandoned the child, right?”

“When the child was brought here, he was dying and his hair was wet. His stomach was growling fiercely and he hadn’t been fed for several days!”

 Lin still feels distressed when thinking of that scene.

 The child's hands and feet were cold, as if he had been fished out of water.

The child's eyes were watery, and she couldn't bear to let him go because of his pitiful appearance.

Mama Liu's face changed slightly. Lin's casual guess turned out to be the secret of the Hou Mansion.

At first Mrs. Li was reluctant to abandon her child, so she planned to let her fend for herself.

 She was not fed milk, but she did not die for three days.

 The old lady wanted to drown, but she snatched her back.

 Finally, he decided to send her to the poorest border area, where she would never see her again in her life.

 Li has maternal love, but not much.

 Her maternal love was doubled for Yan Jiaojiao.

"What kind of mistress of yours is a coward! She can't even protect the children she gave birth to, she's worse than a beast!"

"I raise a chicken that can cluck twice when it lays an egg, but she is better..." Mrs. Lin was full of fire and cursed directly.

Mama Liu's face was ashen, how happy she was to be scolded like this by a country woman.

“Can peasant women like you, who dig in the soil, understand the overwhelming wealth of the Marquis Mansion?”

 “The money you can’t make in your lifetime can be eaten by the Marquis’s family in one meal.”

"What? You still want to force her to suffer here? She is a sister from the same mother, but she grew up doting on her. Her father loves her, her mother loves her, and the whole family loves her. Do you think you are leaving her here? , Is it good for her? Is it fair to her?" Grandma Liu smiled sarcastically.

 From the day she was born, she suffered unfair treatment.

 In the future, the gap between two biological sisters will only become wider and wider.

Ms. Lin bit her lower lip tightly, her body shaking with anger.

 How could she not know?

 Following myself, Suisui is just a country girl.

 Even the position of princess was earned by herself.

 But her sister, who has the same mother as her, is held in the palm of her hand like a pearl.

 She doesn’t even need to work hard, as long as she is willing, someone will be sent to her.

 Lin's heart felt like a knife piercing her heart.

She now understands why her sons are always eager to prove themselves.

 They want to be Suisui's backing.

"Take your money and get out! If Suisui is willing to leave, come back!" Ms. Lin wiped her tears with red eyes. She couldn't protect Suisui like this.

 Her abilities are becoming more and more powerful.

 One day, her light cannot be concealed.

If she doesn't get out, it will not be good for Suisui's future.

Mama Liu pinched her handkerchief and pressed her nose. It's okay, this place is not as big as the young lady's wing.

As soon as he went out, he saw a white jade-like girl standing outside the door.

He was looking at her coldly.

 “This is...”

Suisui walked right past her, as if he had never seen her.

"Mother, Suisui is back... Is my sister good today?" Grandma Liu's face darkened, remembering what the old lady said about suppressing the vulgar habits she had developed in the countryside, and she also planned to give her a cold shoulder.

 Just right, it also suppressed her temper.

 Lest you have to go back home and compete with Jiaojiao for favor in the future.

 Let her understand from the beginning that she is different from Miss Jiaojiao.

Ms. Lin hurriedly wiped her tears. She didn’t know how much Suisui had heard, and she was filled with annoyance.

If Suisui really wanted to return to the capital, she would not want Suisui to conflict with him. "Be good, just keep staring at the door. I guess I'm waiting for you to come back." It's May now, and Little Star has been around for more than four months.

This child seems to be very aloof.

He usually had no interest in teasing her. He only glanced at her lazily and even yawned uninterestedly.

Only when he saw Suisui, his smile narrowed into a slit.

 Lin simply didn’t see it.

“When she grows up, she will definitely be your little follower.” Mrs. Lin felt slightly relieved when she saw Aunt Liu leaving.

Looking at Suisui with a look of reluctance.

Suisui lay affectionately in the cradle and kissed her sister **** the cheek: "Sister Xiangxiang...Sister has made a lot of money. Whatever you want in the future, I will buy it for you." If you want the stars in the sky, my sister will hang on you. On the neck.

 From now on, don’t be fooled by the male protagonist Fu Wujiang.

Ms. Lin followed Suisui with concern.

 " you...miss your biological mother?"

"Do you want to meet your parents?" Mrs. Lin pinched the corner of her clothes nervously. Suisui was adopted. This was a fact known to the whole village.

Lin never hid anything from Suisui.

 “They...maybe much richer than us.” Perhaps, even power is beyond their imagination.

 There was no joy at all on Suisui's face.

 “What kind of parents are they? They don’t deserve it.”

 “Suisui only has one mother.”

"Even if Suisui goes back, she won't go back to recognize them." She goes back to collect debts!

 She is not the type to take advantage of others.

 In heaven, all the gods and Buddhas could not make her suffer at all. It is not her style to suffer such a huge loss in the mortal world!

Lin was happy, but worried.

Her Suisui is only four and a half years old.

"You have always been timid, weak and helpless. How can I feel relieved, mother?" Ms. Lin's face was full of worry.

Suisui hugged Lin's waist and said, "I can go find Senior Brother's disciples. Senior Brother has several disciples in the capital, and they have to call me Junior Uncle."

“Li Shen’s time has come, and he has also received a transfer order. He will return to the capital next month.”

Ms. Lin sighed. No one was worried about her child leaving home except herself.

"If you really want to go back, I will go back with you." Lin made up her mind.

"Mom, Suisui isn't leaving yet. In addition, in two months, my brother will take the college entrance examination, after which he will be a scholar. There will be a provincial examination next year, and my brother is very talented. After the provincial examination, he will be able to take the imperial examination in the capital. "

“Humph, my brother will be Suisui’s supporter in the future. Mom, you have to keep an eye on him.”

Suisui couldn't bear Lin's running around. Even if he came, he would go to Beijing with his eldest brother.

"You really like your brother." Lin was extremely helpless.

 “That’s what my senior brother praised me personally.” It’s useless for others to praise you, but the talent that even Wenquxingjun praises is the real thing!

“Besides, Suisui found a backstage for him. Brother, it’s easy to pass the exam...” Suisui smiled proudly.

Lin was shocked.

“You also found a backer? Where did you find a backer? Suisui, we can’t do anything illegal.”

"Is that person...reliable?" Mrs. Lin hurriedly turned around and closed the door, and asked Suisui cautiously.

Suisui waved her hand: "Don't worry, your mouth is very reliable. It has never made any mistakes..."

 “Is he an official? Is he in charge of things?” Ms. Lin was worried.

Suisui thought for a while: "It's a pretty big official."

Lin's brows were already furrowed: "So, what's the other person's name? Do you want the family to help take care of it?"

Suisui said seriously: "No need to do anything, her name is Guanyin Bodhisattva!"

 Lin? ? ? ? !

 I believe in your evil deeds!

 (End of this chapter)

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